971 research outputs found

    La flexion nominale en -is, -in

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    El desarrollo de las terminaciones de la segunda declinación -ios y -ion a -is, -in a partir del siglo III a.C., documentado a partir de una fecha más temprana y de modo más frecuente en Egipto, debe ser puesto en relación probablementente, entre otros factores secundarios, con el paso del acento musical al acento de intensidad.Peer reviewe

    Prevalence and factors associated with SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity in the Spanish HIV Research Network Cohort

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    "Artículo escrito por un elevado número de autores, solo se referencian el que aparece en primer lugar, el nombre del grupo de colaboración, si le hubiere, y los autores pertenecientes a la UAM"Objectives: We aimed to assess the prevalence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and factors associated with seropositivity and asymptomatic coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) among people with HIV (PWH). Methods: This was a cross-sectional study carried out within the cohort of the Spanish HIV Research Network. Participants were consecutive PWH with plasma collected from 1st April to 30th September 2020. We determined SARS-CoV-2 antibodies (Abs) in plasma. Illness severity (NIH criteria) was assessed by a review of medical records and, if needed, participant interviews. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to identify predictors of seropositivity among the following variables: sex, age, country of birth, education level, comorbidities (hypertension, chronic heart disease, diabetes mellitus, non-AIDS-related cancer, chronic kidney disease, cirrhosis), route of HIV acquisition, prior AIDS, CD4+ cell count, HIV viral load, nucleoside/nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitor (N [t]RTI) backbone, type of third antiretroviral drug, and month of sample collection. Results: Of 1076 PWH (88.0% males, median age 43 years, 97.7% on antiretroviral therapy, median CD4+ 688 cells/mm3, 91.4% undetectable HIV viral load), SARS-CoV-2 Abs were detected in 91 PWH, a seroprevalence of 8.5% (95%CI 6.9–10.3%). Forty-five infections (45.0%) were asymptomatic. Variables independently associated with SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity were birth in Latin American countries versus Spain (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 2.30, 95%CI 1.41–3.76, p 0.001), and therapy with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate plus emtricitabine (TDF/FTC) versus tenofovir alafenamide (TAF)/FTC as the N(t)RTI backbone (aOR 0.49, 95%CI 0.26–0.94, p 0.031). Conclusions: Many SARS-CoV-2 infections among PWH were asymptomatic, and birth in Latin American countries increased the risk of SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity. Our analysis, adjusted by comorbidities and other variables, suggests that TDF/FTC may prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection among PWH.This work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCII) (grant number COV20/00108) and the Spanish AIDS Research Network (RD16/0025), which is included in the Spanish I þ D þ I Plan and is co-funded by ISCIII-Subdirección General de Evaluacion and European Funding for Regional Development (FEDER)

    Term structure estimation, liquidity-induced heteroskedasticity and the price of liquidity risk

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    Desde la publicación del trabajo de Vasicek y Fong (1982) se ha generalizado el ajuste de la estructura temporal de tipos de interés asumiendo que los rendimientos son homocedásticos. En este trabajo se muestra que dicha hipótesis no se mantiene cuando los activos presentan diferencias en liquidez, incluso cuando se trata de bonos del mismo emisor. Un bajo volumen negociado implica una mayor volatilidad. Además, la existencia de discontinuidades en la negociación del precio de los bonos producirá mayor volatilidad en aquellos que se encuentren más próximos a vencimiento. Para mostrar estos efectos, se ha trabajado con bonos del Estado español desde 1988 hasta 2010, considerando más de 700 títulos y 5.000 días observados. Con estos datos se han estimado los errores fuera de la muestra para cada día y título observados. La varianza de estos errores está negativamente correlacionada con la rotación y la duración de cada título, mientras que la media del error está directamente correlacionada con la varianza estimada. Por todo ello, en este trabajo se propone un modelo modificado de Svensson (1994) para estimar la curva de tipos de interés añadiendo un término por liquidez y estimando los parámetros por mínimos cuadrados ponderados, teniendo en cuenta la heterocedasticidad inducida por liquidezSince the seminal paper of Vasicek and Fong (1982), the term structures of interest rates have been fitted assuming that yields are cross-sectionally homoskedastic. We show that this assumption does not hold when there are differences in liquidity, even for bonds of the same issuer. Lower turnover implies higher volatility. In addition, a minimum tick size for bond price negotiation will produce higher volatility for bonds approaching their maturity dates. To show these effects, we use data for Spanish sovereign bonds from 1988 to 2010, covering more than 700 bonds and 5000 trading days. We estimate the out-ofsample error for each bond and day. The variance of these errors is found to be negatively correlated with each bond’s turnover and duration, while the mean of the errors is found to be directly correlated with the estimated variance. As a result, we propose a modified Svensson (1994) yield curve model to fit the term structure, adding a liquidity term and estimating parameters by weighted least-squared errors to take into account the liquidity induced heteroskedasticit

    Metric results analysis of point cloud and direct measure in building heritage. Sanctuary of “La Montaña” in Cáceres

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    El objetivo del presente artículo consiste en realizar un estudio comparativo entre dos procedimientos utilizados en el levantamiento de un edificio: método directo sin instrumentación y escaneado láser que proporciona nubes de puntos de gran densidad. Se pretende analizar el grado de exactitud de los resultados y los recursos y medios técnicos precisos para llevar a cabo cada una de las tecnologías. La metodología consistirá en comparar dos trabajos relativos al mismo edificio. Por un lado, se cuenta con unos planos de planta y sección de un proyecto orientado a la rehabilitación del edificio. Por otra parte, se utiliza un escaneado con tecnología láser, del que se tomará una selección de puntos precisa para obtener la infor¬mación necesaria para poder realizar los planos de planta y sección, equivalentes a los anteriores. El resultado consistirá en tener una información del grado de exactitud de cada método, valorando el esfuerzo técnico que requiere cada uno de ellos.This article makes a comparative study of two types of methods used in building construction. On one hand, the creation of drawings uses direct method, basically by measuring and sketching without instruments and, on the other hand, the creation of these plans by modern laser scanning. The aim is to analyze the accuracy of final results and to consider the technical and other resources needed to carry out each method. Two different works, concerning the same building are compared. More specifically works consist of plan views and section views from a project executed and a scanning with laser technology performed of some parts of the same building. From there we will take out the appropriate cross-section slices to get the information needed to make plan and section views. The outcome will be to get information on the level of accuracy and to assess the technical effort required in each case.peerReviewe

    Auge de China. Perspectiva para una trampa de Tucídides con Estados Unidos

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    [ES]Esta investigación pretende analizar si la política de la era de Mao Zedong tiene continuidad en la actualidad, y si de alguna manera está contribuyendo a desembocar en una Trampa de Tucídides con Occidente en general, y con Estados Unidos de manera muy particular. Se trata, por tanto, de analizar si China está siendo plenamente consciente de las implicaciones de sus decisiones por un lado, y de si Occidente está interpretando adecuadamente una política de Estado que busca la unificación territorial y la armonía social del gigante asiático, por otro

    Thermogravimetric Study of the Decomposition of Printed Circuit Boards from Mobile Phones

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    Paper submitted to the 19th International Symposium on Analytical & Applied Pyrolysis, Linz, Austria, 21-25 May 2012.Printed circuit boards (PCB) are particularly problematic to recycle because of the heterogeneous mix of organic material, metals, and glass fibre. More specifically, the presence of Fe and Cu can catalyze the debromination/hydrogenation reaction, accelerating the formation of chlorinated and brominated dioxins and furans.Ministry of Education and Science (Spain): CTQ2008-05520; Valencian Community Government (Spain): PROMETEO/2009/043/FEDER and ACOMP2011/224

    Effect of Temperature, Atmosphere and Metals on the Thermal Degradation of Printed Circuit Boards

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    The permanent expansion of the market of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) and the shorter innovation cycles, lead to a faster replacement of these appliances, making EEE a fast-growing source of waste (WEEE). As stated in Directive 2012/19/EU1 on waste electrical and electronic equipment, the content of hazardous components in EEE is a major concern during the waste management phase, and recycling of WEEE is not currently undertaken to a sufficient extent, resulting in a loss of valuable resources.Support for this work was provided by: Ministry of Education and Science (Spain) (CTQ2008-05520 project); Valencian Community Government (Spain) (PROMETEO/2009/043/FEDER project)

    Pirólisis y combustión de residuos electrónicos

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    Resumen de la comunicación presentada en el I Congreso de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Química de la Universidad de Alicante, 13-14 abril 2010.Los costes de producción cada vez menores y el aumento de la disponibilidad de equipos electrónicos de todo tipo, incluyendo teléfonos móviles, equipos de audio y vídeo y ordenadores personales, así como sus accesorios, unido a los avances en tecnología que hacen que estos productos queden rápidamente obsoletos, supone un problema de creciente importancia. A este respecto, la Directiva 2002/96/CE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de 27 de enero de 2003 sobre residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos (RAEE) regula la gestión y eliminación de estos residuos por separado, promoviendo su reutilización, reciclado y recuperación.Las ayudas para la realización de este trabajo proceden de los proyectos CTQ2008-05520 de Ministerio de Educación, Prometeo/2009/043 y ACOM2009/135 de la Generalitat Valenciana

    Kinetics of pyrolysis and combustion of pine needles and cones

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    A wide kinetic study has been carried out under different conditions in TG and TG–MS for each material, at different operating conditions. Runs were carried out at three different atmospheres: N2, N2:O2 4:1 and N2:O2 9:1. In addition to the dynamic runs carried out at constant heating rate, other runs were performed in an isothermal regime (constant heating rate until the set temperature is reached and then the set temperature is maintained constant). In addition, a study of the thermal decomposition for both materials was also carried out in a dynamic run using TG–MS in order to observe the evolution of the major compounds and to discuss the information that could be obtained. From the overall analysis of the data, schemes of reactions and kinetic values were calculated by integration of the differential equations and minimizing the squared differences between the experimental and calculated values. It is important to emphasise that the same set of parameters is proposed for the runs for each material, and depends on neither the heating rate in dynamic runs nor whether the run is carried out in a dynamic or isothermal mode.Support for this work was provided by Spanish MEC, research project CTQ2005-05262