13 research outputs found

    Satellite Estimates of the Direct Radiative Forcing of Biomass Burning Aerosols Over South America and Africa

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    Atmospheric aerosol particles, both natural and anthropogenic are important to the earth's radiative balance. Therefore it is important to provide adequate validation information on the spatial, temporal and radiative properties of aerosols. This will enable us to predict realistic global estimates of aerosol radiative effects more confidently. The current study utilizes 66 AVHRR LAC (Local Area Coverage) and coincident Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) images to characterize the fires, smoke and radiative forcings of biomass burning aerosols over four major ecosystems of South America

    Consistent Measurement and Physical Character of the DSD: Disdrometer to Satellite

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    Objective: Validate GPM (Global Precipitation Measurement) Drop Size Distribution Retrievals: Drop size distributions (DSD) are critical to GPM DPR (Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar)-based rainfall retrievals; NASA GPM Science Requirements stipulate that the GPM Core observatory radar estimation of D (sub m) (mean diameter) shall be within plus or minus 0.5 millimeters of GV (Ground Validation); GV translates disdrometer measurements to polarimetric radar-based DSD and precipitation type retrievals (e.g., convective vs. stratiform (C/S)) for coincident match-up to GPM core overpasses; How well do we meet the requirement across product versions, rain types (e.g., C/S partitioning), and rain rates (heavy, light) and is behavior physically and internally consistent

    VISAGE Visualization for Integrated Satellite, Airborne and Ground-Based Data Exploration

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    The primary goal of the VISAGE project is to facilitate more efficient Earth Science investigations via a tool that can provide visualization and analytic capabilities for diverse coincident datasets. This proof-of-concept project will be centered around the GPM Ground Validation program, which provides a valuable source of intensive, coincident observations of atmospheric phenomena. The data are from a wide variety of ground-based, airborne and satellite instruments, with a wide diversity in spatial and temporal scales, variables, and formats, which makes these data difficult to use together. VISAGE will focus on "golden cases" where most ground instruments were in operation and multiple research aircraft sampled a significant weather event, ideally while the GPM Core Observatory passed overhead. The resulting tools will support physical process studies as well as satellite and model validation

    VISAGE - A Visualization and Exploration Framework for Environmental Data

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    Diverse airborne and ground-based environmental observations are important technologies for disaster assessment and response, as well as for the validation of environmental satellite observations and atmospheric models which can improve forecasts. The VISAGE (Visualization for Integrated Satellite, Airborne and Ground-based data Exploration) project is working to provide three-dimensional visualization and basic analytics capabilities for such datasets in an interactive user interface. The use of cloud-native, server less technologies for analysis optimized data storage will position VISAGE for integration with other technologies into a Data Analytic Center Framework

    The GPM Validation Network and Evaluation of Satellite-Based Retrievals of the Rain Drop Size Distribution

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    A unique capability of the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission is its ability to better estimate the raindrop size distribution (DSD) on a global scale. To validate the GPM DSD retrievals, a network of more than 100 ground-based polarimetric radars from across the globe are utilized within the broader context of the GPM Validation Network (VN) processing architecture. The GPM VN ensures quality controlled dual-polarimetric radar moments for use in providing reference estimates of the DSD. The VN DSD estimates are carefully geometrically matched with the GPM core satellite measurements for evaluation of the GPM algorithms. We use the GPM VN to compare the DSD retrievals from the GPM’s Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) and combined DPR–GPM Microwave Imager (GMI) Level-2 algorithms. Results suggested that the Version 06A GPM core satellite algorithms provide estimates of the mass-weighted mean diameter (Dm) that are biased 0.2 mm too large when considered across all precipitation types. In convective precipitation, the algorithms tend to overestimate Dm by 0.5–0.6 mm, leading the DPR algorithm to underestimate the normalized DSD intercept parameter (Nw) by a factor of two, and introduce a significant bias to the DPR retrievals of rainfall rate for DSDs with large Dm. The GPM Combined algorithm performs better than the DPR algorithm in convection but provides a severely limited range of Nw estimates, highlighting the need to broaden its a priori database in convective precipitation

    Overview, Update and Science of the GPM Validation Network Radar Database

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    A critical component of the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Mission validation strategy involves use of dual-polarimetric (DP) ground-based radar (GR) products. Both operational and research DP radars across the U.S. and several international locations are used with coincident GPM dual-frequency precipitation radar (DPR) data in a significant expansion of the original TRMM-based validation network architecture (VN; Schwaller and Morris, 2011, J.Tech.). The VN radar databases consist of millions of geometrically matched DPR and GR precipitation volumes. Not only does it serve as a tool for validation of satellite-based precipitation retrieval algorithms and GR calibration but also a valuable resource for precipitation science and for complimenting future convective precipitation-related satellite missions