293 research outputs found

    Пам'яті Миколи Чумаченка

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    14 жовтня на 87-ому році життя відійшов у вічність видатний учений-економіст, доктор економічних наук, академік Національної академії наук України, заслужений діяч науки і техніки України, лауреат Державної премії України в галузі науки і техніки, лауреат премій АН УРСР ім. О.Г. Шліхтера та НАН України ім. М.І. Тугана-Барановського, почесний директор Інституту економіки промисловості НАН України, ветеран Великої Вітчизняної війни, почесний громадянин міста Донецька голова редакційної колегії журналу Схід з економіки Микола Григорович Чумаченко

    253: The effect of statins on the risk of first non-fatal myocardial infarction: A population-based observational study using the PGRx information system

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    BackgroundDespite demonstrated positive effects in a number of clinical trials, the evidence is lacking as to the impact of statins on the risk of first myocardial infarction (MI) in real life settings.ObjectivesTo assess the impact of real life statin utilization on the risk of first non-fatal MIMethodsCase-control methodology using the pharmacoepidemiological information system PGRx. Data on comorbidities, risk factors and medications were obtained from medical records and patient telephone interviews. General practices (n=371) and cardiology centres (n=60) across France were employed in the study. Cases were patients with the first MI ≤ 1 month before the date of recruitment (n=2238). Controls were patients seen by a general practitioner (GP) with no restriction as to the reasons of consultation (n=2238), matched to MI cases on gender, age, frequency of visits to a doctor, date of recruitment and personal history of non-cardiovascular chronic disease. Statin exposure was defined as any utilisation in the two-year prior to date of MI in cases or recruitment date in controls. Adjusted odds ratios (OR) of the risk of first MI was estimated by multiple conditional logistic regression models. Comparative effectiveness and propensity to use of individual statin molecules were assessed.ResultsThe use of statins was associated with a lower MI risk (adjusted OR 0.67 [95% CI 0.56 - 0.79] for current use (within 2 months before the index date) and 0.73 [0.62 0.86] for any use within 24 months). Among individual statins, rosuvastatin was associated with the lowest MI risk (adjusted OR 0.49 [0.35 - 0.68] for any use in 24 months preceding the index date) followed by simvastatin (0.62 [0.46 - 0.84]).ConclusionsIn this first major population-based observational study we reproduced the results observed in recent meta-analyses accounting for real life compliance and population variability. The results could be of interest and applicable to other industrialised countries as the observed risk reduction was constant across MI risk levels

    PIH64 Burden of 100 Diseases within General Practice: Results of the EPI3 Program

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    Benchmarking clinical management of spinal and non-spinal disorders using quality of life: results from the EPI3-LASER survey in primary care

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    Concerns have been raised regarding sub-optimal utilization of analgesics and psychotropic drugs in the treatment of patients with chronic musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and their associated co-morbidities. The objective of this study was to describe drug prescriptions for the management of spinal and non-spinal MSDs contrasted against a standardized measure of quality of life. A representative population sample of 1,756 MSDs patients [38.5% with spinal disorder (SD) and 61.5% with non-spinal MSDs (NS-MSD)] was drawn from the EPI3-LASER survey of 825 general practitioners (GPs) in France. Physicians recorded their diagnoses and prescriptions on that day. Patients provided information on socio-demographics, lifestyle and quality of life using the Short Form 12 (SF-12) questionnaire. Chronicity of MSDs was defined as more than 12 weeks duration of the current episode. Chronic SD and NS-MSD patients were prescribed less analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs than their non-chronic counterpart [odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI), respectively: 0.4, 0.2–0.7 and 0.5, 0.3–0.6]. They also had more anxio-depressive co-morbidities reported by their physicians (SD: 16.1 vs.7.4%; NS-MSD: 21.6 vs. 9.5%) who prescribed more antidepressants and anxiolytics with a difference that was statistically significant only for spinal disorder patients (OR, 95% CI: 2.0, 1.1–3.6). Psychotropic drugs were more often prescribed in patients in the lower quartile of SF-12 mental score and prescriptions of analgesics in the lower quartile of SF-12 physical score (P < 0.001). In conclusion, anxiety and depressive disorders were commonly reported by GPs among chronic MSD patients. Their prescriptions of psychotropic and analgesic drugs were consistent with patients’ self-rated mental and physical health

    Design and content validation of a survey questionnaire assessing the determinants of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine hesitancy in France: A reactive Delphi study.

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    INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to develop and undertake a preliminary validation of a French Survey Questionnaire for the Determinants of HPV Vaccine Hesitancy (FSQD-HPVH). METHODS: We undertook an electronic-based Delphi consultation among a panel of Francophone experts in two rounds. Round 1 consisted of the assessment of a structured questionnaire comprising of three parts ((i) Contextual influences, (ii) Individual and group influences, and (iii) Vaccine/vaccination-specific issues), in line with the WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts (SAGE) Vaccine Hesitancy (VH) Model of Determinants. Items included in this questionnaire were based on a literature review. Definitions of the factors included in the SAGE model were provided in the questionnaire. The panel of experts was asked to score each item using a 3-point Likert scale, in which 1 meant "Essential", 2 "Useful but not essential", and 3 "Not necessary". The panel was also invited to comment on the clarity/comprehension of the questions and suggest reformulations/additional items. Lawshe's Content Validity Ratio (CVR) was computed to assess the level of consensus for each statement. Only items upon which agreement was not reached in Round 1 (CVR < 0.6) and newly proposed items were submitted for evaluation in Round 2, using the same procedure. RESULTS: Fifteen experts completed the two rounds. Of 83 items evaluated in Round 1, 35 (42%) had a CVR ≥ 0.6 and were accepted without modification. In Round 2, 66 items were submitted to the same panel and consensus was reached for 22 (33%) items using the threshold of 0.6. The final FSQD-HPVH version includes 57 items. CONCLUSION: This study developed a survey instrument for the evaluation of HPV VH in France with good content validity. It will be used to assess the determinants of HPV VH, the first step towards an evidence-based approach to improving HPV vaccination rates in France

    Teaching midwives homeopathy—A Belgian pilot project

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    Introduction Recent Belgian legislation generated the need for homeopathic training of midwives. The Centre of Classical Homeopathy (CKH) offered a 50-hours course in homeopathy as a pilot project within the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program of Thomas More College. Methods The curriculum was designed to combine a minimum of homeopathic philosophical underpinning with appropriate clinical exercises within the limited training hours available. Eight participants followed the course. Evaluation of the course followed in the last session through a self-completed questionnaire with closed questions on course content and transfer to practice and open questions on didactics and the organisation of the course. Recommendations for the future were also queried. Results Although the learning objectives were met, participants provided useful feedback regarding content and method for the future organisation of the course. They felt more topics should be included such as, the postpartum period. They suggested supplementing the material from the current training with more practice and cases, and expanding the course to a full year’s training, allowing more time between sessions for processing the material. To use homeopathy for acute prescribing, more training on repertorisation techniques and materia medica knowledge would be required. Conclusions Training midwives in homeopathy requires considerably more time than the 50 contact hours stipulated by law and would best be offered as interactive sessions providing powerful concrete case examples, spread over the course of one full year to allow for integration of the material into practice

    Autoimmune/Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants and Thyroid Autoimmunity

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    The autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA), presented by Shoenfeld and Agmon-Levin in 2011, is an entity that incorporates diverse autoimmune conditions induced by the exposure to various adjuvants. Adjuvants are agents that entail the capability to induce immune reactions. Adjuvants are found in many vaccines and used mainly to increase the response to vaccination in the general population. Silicone has also been reported to be able to induce diverse immune reactions. Clinical cases and series of heterogeneous autoimmune conditions including systemic sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and rheumatoid arthritis have been reported to be induced by several adjuvants. However, only a small number of cases of autoimmune thyroid disorder have been included under the umbrella of ASIA syndrome. Indeed, clinical cases of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and/or subacute thyroiditis were observed after the exposure to vaccines as well as silicone implantation. In our review, we aimed to summarize the current knowledge on ASIA syndrome presented as endocrinopathies, focusing on autoimmune thyroid disorders associated with the various adjuvants