862 research outputs found

    Wipeout? Entrepreneurship, policy interaction and the EU’s 2030 renewable energy target

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Taylor & Francis (Routledge) via the DOI in this record.In 2014, the European Council set energy and climate targets for 2030 that will have far-reaching implications for the decarbonisation of Europe’s economy as well as the nature and success of the energy integration project, the Energy Union. The targets mark a qualitative shift towards a more technology-neutral EU climate and energy policy than represented in targets for 2020, decided in 2007. Existing explanations emphasise the role of non-state actors but do not fully account for the muted advocacy for a multiple targets approach. This article examines the alternative explanatory power of the concepts of problem surfing and spillover, taken from the multiple streams approach, for interpreting the inability of multiple targets advocates to make a real impact on the policy agenda. Findings suggest that the problematisation of the EU’s ‘flagship’ instrument, the EU-ETS, by policy entrepreneurs and subsequent structural internal alignment of the policy community offer a complementary explanation

    Readmission and overstay after day case nasal surgery

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    BACKGROUND: A readmission is classified as a patient necessitating readmission to hospital due to a post-operative complication following discharge. An overstay however, is classified as a patient having to stay longer than the planned duration in hospital (not having been discharged in the interim) due to a post-operative complication. This study aims to investigate patient-related factors that predispose to readmission or overstay and thus make recommendations to decrease the likelihood of readmission or overstay. METHOD: In this retrospective study 312 'day-case nasal procedures', were selected from a total cohort of 4274 ENT patients over a 17-month period. This sub-group was investigated for a range of demographic factors including, age, gender and ethnicity with regards to their relationship to readmission rates and overstay frequency and duration. RESULTS: The rates were 2.88% and 9.62% for readmission and overstay respectively. The total number of days spent in hospital as a result of readmission was 27. Epistaxis was the leading cause for readmission/overstay (28.9%) followed by high levels of post-operative pain preventing them from being discharged (23.7%). All procedures in this study had readmission rates that were below those recommended in the guidelines set by the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Women overstayed significantly longer (t = 1.65, p < 0.05) than men. CONCLUSIONS: Suitable candidates for day-case ENT surgery highlighted by this study include healthy individuals between the ages of 20 and 60. Operating in the morning would increase the immediate post-operative recovery time, which may reduce the numbers of patients who complain of high levels of pain at the time of discharge. Procedures such as septorhinoplasty being performed routinely in the ambulatory setting require additional research into more effective methods of pain control. Standards need to be improved so that the causes of overstay and readmission are clearly identifiable in patient records

    A unified multiwavelength model of galaxy formation

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    We present a new version of the GALFORM semi-analytical model of galaxy formation. This brings together several previous developments of GALFORM into a single unified model, including a different initial mass function (IMF) in quiescent star formation and in starbursts, feedback from active galactic nuclei supressing gas cooling in massive halos, and a new empirical star formation law in galaxy disks based on their molecular gas content. In addition, we have updated the cosmology, introduced a more accurate treatment of dynamical friction acting on satellite galaxies, and updated the stellar population model. The new model is able to simultaneously explain both the observed evolution of the K-band luminosity function and stellar mass function, and the number counts and redshift distribution of sub-mm galaxies selected at 850μm. This was not previously achieved by a single physical model within the ΛCDM framework, but requires having an IMF in starbursts that is somewhat top-heavy. The new model is tested against a wide variety of observational data covering wavelengths from the far-UV to sub-mm, and redshifts from z = 0 to z = 6, and is found to be generally successful. These observations include the optical and near-IR luminosity functions, HI mass function, fraction of early type galaxies, Tully-Fisher, metallicity-luminosity and size-luminosity relations at z = 0, as well as far-IR number counts, and far-UV luminosity functions at z ∼ 3 − 6. Discrepancies are however found in galaxy sizes and metallicities at low luminosities, and in the abundance of low mass galaxies at high-z, suggesting the need for a more sophisticated model of supernova feedback

    Wheat Estimated Transcript Server (WhETS): a tool to provide best estimate of hexaploid wheat transcript sequence

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    Wheat biologists face particular problems because of the lack of genomic sequence and the three homoeologous genomes which give rise to three very similar forms for many transcripts. However, over 1.3 million available public-domain Triticeae ESTs (of which ∼850 000 are wheat) and the full rice genomic sequence can be used to estimate likely transcript sequences present in any wheat cDNA sample to which PCR primers may then be designed. Wheat Estimated Transcript Server (WhETS) is designed to do this in a convenient form, and to provide information on the number of matching EST and high quality cDNA (hq-cDNA) sequences, tissue distribution and likely intron position inferred from rice. Triticeae EST and hq-cDNA sequences are mapped onto rice loci and stored in a database. The user selects a rice locus (directly or via Arabidopsis) and the matching Triticeae sequences are assembled according to user-defined filter and stringency settings. Assembly is achieved initially with the CAP3 program and then with a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-analysis algorithm designed to separate homoeologues. Alignment of the resulting contigs and singlets against the rice template sequence is then displayed. Sequences and assembly details are available for download in fasta and ace formats, respectively. WhETS is accessible at http://www4.rothamsted.bbsrc.ac.uk/whets

    Dynamic Evolution of Microscopic Wet Cracking Noises

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    Characterizing the interaction between water and microscopic defects is one of the long-standing challenges in understanding a broad range of cracking processes. Different physical aspects of microscopic events, driven or influenced by water, have been extensively discussed in atomistic calculations but have not been accessible in microscale experiments. Through the analysis of the emitted noises during the evolution of individual, dynamic microcracking events, we show that the onset of a secondary instability known as hybrid events occurs during the fast healing phase of microcracking, which leads to (local) sudden increase of pore water pressure in the process zone, inducing a secondary instability, which is followed by a fast-locking phase on the microscopic faults (pulse-like rupture)

    Chromosomal-level assembly of the Asian Seabass genome using long sequence reads and multi-layered scaffolding

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    We report here the ~670 Mb genome assembly of the Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer), a tropical marine teleost. We used long-read sequencing augmented by transcriptomics, optical and genetic mapping along with shared synteny from closely related fish species to derive a chromosome-level assembly with a contig N50 size over 1 Mb and scaffold N50 size over 25 Mb that span ~90% of the genome. The population structure of L. calcarifer species complex was analyzed by re-sequencing 61 individuals representing various regions across the species' native range. SNP analyses identified high levels of genetic diversity and confirmed earlier indications of a population stratification comprising three clades with signs of admixture apparent in the South-East Asian population. The quality of the Asian seabass genome assembly far exceeds that of any other fish species, and will serve as a new standard for fish genomics

    Recent advances in gastrointestinal oncology - updates and insights from the 2009 annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology

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    We have reviewed the pivotal presentations related to gastrointestinal malignancies from 2009 annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology with the theme of "personalizing cancer care". We have discussed the scientific findings and the impact on practice guidelines and ongoing clinical trials. Adding trastuzumab to chemotherapy improved the survival of patients with advanced gastric cancer overexpressing human epidermal growth factor receptor 2. Gemcitabine plus cisplatin has become a new standard for first-line treatment of advanced biliary cancer. Octreotide LAR significantly lengthened median time to tumor progression compared with placebo in patients with metastatic neuroendocrine tumors of the midgut. Addition of oxaliplatin to fluoropyrimidines for preoperative chemoradiotherapy in patients with stage II or III rectal cancer did not improve local tumor response but increased toxicities. Bevacizumab did not provide additional benefit to chemotherapy in adjuvant chemotherapy for stage II or III colon cancer. In patients with resected stage II colon cancer, recurrence score estimated by multigene RT-PCR assay has been shown to provide additional risk stratification. In stage IV colorectal cancer, data have supported the routine use of prophylactic skin treatment in patients receiving antibody against epidermal growth factor receptor, and the use of upfront chemotherapy as initial management in patients with synchronous metastasis without obstruction or bleeding from the primary site

    CSAR Benchmark Exercise of 2010: Selection of the Protein–Ligand Complexes

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    ABSTRACT: A major goal in drug design is the improvement of computational methods for docking and scoring. The Community Structure Activity Resource (CSAR) aims to collect available data from industry and academia which may be used for this purpose (www.csardock.org). Also, CSAR is charged with organizing community-wide exercises based on the collected data. The first of these exercises was aimed to gauge the overall state of docking and scoring, using a large and diverse data set of protein ligand complexes. Participants were asked to calculate the affinity of the complexes as provided and then recalculate with changes which may improve their specific method. This first data set was selected from existing PDB entries which had binding data (Kd or Ki) in Binding MOAD, augmented with entries from PDBbind. The final data set contains 343 diverse protein ligand complexes and spans 14 pKd. Sixteen proteins have three or more complexes in the data set, from which a user could start an inspection of congeneric series. Inherent experimental error limits the possible correlation between scores and measured affinity; R 2 is limited to ∼0.9 when fitting to the data set without over parametrizing. R 2 is limited to ∼0.8 when scoring the data set with a method trained on outside data. The details of how the data set was initially selected, and the process by which it matured t