47 research outputs found

    Propuesta de un modelo de aula de convivencia

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    La convivencia escolar se ha asociado desde hace mucho tiempo atrás a la violencia escolar, considerándose que existe una buena convivenciasi la violencia escolar es poca o leve y, mala, si los casos sonrepetidos o graves.El presente Trabajo de Fin de Gradopresenta una propuesta de aula de convivencia que partede un modelo positivo, entendiendo la mejora de la convivencia como promoción activa de relaciones saludables y no solo como erradicación de conductas que afectan al buen clima.Proponemosun aula de convivenciaque no se entienda como aula de castigo, sino que tenga un carácter tanto paliativo como preventivo llegandoa todo el alumnado. Consideramos prioritario que en este aula la prevención deconflictos y su resolución constructiva sea la clave para llegar a una buena convivencia.Para ello, se organizaráel aula de convivencia en tres talleres (resolución, prevención y relajación) en los que se trabajarán diferentes habilidades socioemocionales, asícomo valores, con el objetivo final de mejorar la actitud del alumnado frente a los conflictos y, en consecuencia, la convivencia en el centro escolar.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Educación Primari

    Joint interpretation of magnetotelluric, seismic, and well-log data in Hontomín (Spain)

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    Acknowledgements. This work is dedicated to the memory of Andrés Pérez-Estaún, brilliant scientist, colleague, and friend. The authors sincerely thank Ian Ferguson and an anonymous reviewer for their useful comments on the manuscript. Xènia Ogaya is currently supported in the Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies by a Science Foundation Ireland grant IRECCSEM (SFI grant 12/IP/1313). Juan Alcalde is funded by NERC grant NE/M007251/1, on interpretational uncertainty. Juanjo Ledo, Pilar Queralt and Alex Marcuello thank Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and EU Feder Funds through grant CGL2014- 54118-C2-1-R. Funding for this Project has been partially provided by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade, through the CIUDEN-CSIC-Inst. Jaume Almera agreement (ALM-09-027: Characterization, Development and Validation of Seismic Techniques applied to CO2 Geological Storage Sites), the CIUDEN-Fundació Bosch i Gimpera agreement (ALM-09-009 Development and Adaptation of Electromagnetic techniques: Characterisation of Storage Sites) and the project PIERCO2 (Progress In Electromagnetic Research for CO2 geological reservoirs CGL2009-07604). The CIUDEN project is co-financed by the European Union through the Technological Development Plant of Compostilla OXYCFB300 Project (European Energy Programme for Recovery).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    The MARCONI-3 deep seismic reflection profile: structure of the north Pyrenean foreland at the eastern part of the Bay of Biscay

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    The MARCONI-3 profile denotes that the structure of the North Pyrenean foreland at the western part of the Parentis Basin consists of a wedge of uppermost Cretaceous to Cenozoic synorogenic sediments lying on the top of a thinned continental crust with a major Mesozoic Basin to the north, the Parentis Basin, and a coeval structural high to the south, the Landes High. The Parentis Basin appears bounded southwards by a major normal fault. It is filled by a thick carbonate succession affected by a salt ridge and diapirs formed during the Albian-Late Cretaceous and squeezed during the late Eocene-middle Miocene. The Landes High includes a thin pre-Upper Cretaceous cover which, together with the synorogenic sediments, is deformed by a thrust wedge that constitutes the north-Pyrenean front. This overall structure evidences that the Mesozoic extension played an important role both in the location and features of the north-Pyrenean contractional deformation. Specially, the Alpine structure in the Parentis Basin denotes that the Landes High acted as a buffer for the north propagation of the Pyrenean deformation until early Miocene and vanished afterwards during the last stages of Pyrenean development when some basement faults reactivated in the Parentis Basin

    Implementación de estrategias pedagógicas que permitan mejorar la convivencia y la cultura de inclusión en un aula multicultural

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    La presente investigación consiste en el diseño e implementación de estrategias pedagógicas que contribuyan a promover la convivencia y la cultura inclusiva en un aula multicultural, para ello se ha tomado como muestra a los estudiantes del curso 5°1 de la Institución Etnoeducativa la Anunciación- sede central de la ciudad de Santiago de Cali, ésta se circunscribe en el enfoque cualitativo y es abordada desde un contexto educativo a través del diseño de Investigación Acción Educativa. Para ésta se aplicó como instrumentos de recolección de la información: la observación participante (diario de campo), el cuestionario del Índex para la inclusión de la UNESCO con los estudiantes y la entrevista semiestructurada a dos docentes del curso. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados de la observación participante, la aplicación del cuestionario y la entrevista semiestructurada se logra evidenciar en el curso la carencia de compañerismo, de trabajo en equipo y de inclusión en el aula, lo que muestra la necesidad de fortalecer cada uno de estos aspectos a través de una estrategia pedagógica inclusiva, por tal razón, se plantea una propuesta pedagógica denominada: “Aceptar La Diversidad Favorece Nuestra Convivencia”, con el fin de propiciar la interacción de los estudiantes en un aula multicultural.The present investigation consists of the design and implementation of pedagogical strategies that contribute to promoting coexistence and inclusive culture in a multicultural classroom, for which the students of the 5th course of the Ethno-educational Institution La Anunciación- headquarters have been taken as a sample. center of the city of Santiago de Cali, it is circumscribed in the qualitative approach and is approached from an educational context through the design of Educational Action Research. For this, the following instruments were applied to collect information: participant observation (field diary), the Index questionnaire for the inclusion of UNESCO with the students and the semi-structured interview with two teachers of the course. Taking into account the results of the participant observation, the application of the questionnaire and the semi-structured interview, it is possible to demonstrate in the course the lack of companionship, teamwork and inclusion in the classroom, which shows the need to strengthen each of the these aspects through an inclusive pedagogical strategy, for this reason, a pedagogical proposal called: "Accepting Diversity Favors Our Coexistence" is proposed, in order to promote the interaction of students in a multicultural classroom

    The North Pyrenean front and related foreland basin along the Bay of Biscay: constrains from the MARCONI deep seismic reflection survey

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    Profile interpretation of MARCONI seismic profiles show that two domains exist in the Bay of Biscay with a different Pyrenean and north-foreland structure: the eastern, Basque-Parentis and the western, Cantabrian domains. In the eastern one, the North Pyrenean front is located close to the Spanish coast and the northern foreland of the Pyrenees is constituted by a continental crust thinned by Early Cretaceous extensional structures. In the western, Cantabrian domain, the North Pyrenean front is shifted to the north and belongs to a thrust imbricated stack deforming a foreland basin which lies on the top of the Lower Cretaceous oceanic or transitional crust that floors the Bay of Biscay abyssal plain. The coincidence of the transition between these two domains with the eastern border of this abyssal plain denotes that differences along strike of the Pyrenean structure are related to a dramatic change in the nature of the subducted crust from continental to the east, to oceanic or transitional westwards. Thus, the rift system developed between Iberia and Eurasia during the Early Cretaceous appears as a major factor controlling not only the location and features of most of the Pyrenean thrust sheets but also the overall structure of the chain

    The deep seismic reflection MARCONI-3 profile: Role of extensional Mesozoic structure during the Pyrenean contractional deformation at the eastern part of the Bay of Biscay

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    The new MARCONI-3 deep seismic profile allows recognition of the upper crustal structure of the eastern part of the Bay of Biscay and the main features of its Alpine geodynamic evolution. It denotes that the easternmost part of the Bay of Biscay consists of a thick wedge of uppermost Cretaceous to Cenozoic synorogenic sediments lying unconformably on the top of a thinned continental crust with the Mesozoic Parentis Basin to the north and the coeval Landes High to the south. The Parentis Basin appears as a major half-graben bounded southwards by a north-dipping planar fault. It is filled by a thick sequence of Jurassic-Upper Cretaceous carbonates affected by salt domes and squeezed diapirs made up of Triassic evaporites and mudstones. These salt tectonic structures also affect the overlying uppermost Cretaceous to Lower Miocene synorogenic deposits which are folded upon these structures. The Landes High includes a thin pre-Upper Cretaceous cover tilted to the south. In the Basque shelf, it is deformed by a basement-involving thrust wedge emplaced during the Late Eocene- Miocene that constitutes the North-Pyrenean contractional front. Geometric relationships and thickness variations depict that this overall structure results from the following

    Fall prevention in older people and their families: a qualitative synthesis

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    Objetivo: Analizar y sintetizar la evidencia sobre la prevención de las caídas de las personas mayores de 65 años y los proveedores de cuidados familiares. Método: Síntesis cualitativa que forma parte de una revisión sistemática integrativa de diseño convergente. Se retuvieron 41 estudios cualitativos para su lectura a texto completo y quedaron seleccionados nueve estudios de proveedores de cuidados familiares. Resultados: Las relaciones de parentesco y de cuidados median en las intervenciones de los familiares para prevenir las caídas de las personas mayores; la caída de la persona dependiente constituye un punto de inflexión en estas relaciones. Las personas cuidadoras son un grupo vulnerable de sufrir una caída, y por ello son merecedoras de acciones preventivas. Conclusiones: Considerar el contexto de las relaciones familiares y de cuidados mejorará la eficacia de las intervenciones preventivas y facilitará su aceptación. Las políticas y los programas de prevención de las caídas deben prestar mayor atención a la salud y el bienestar de los/las proveedores/as de cuidados familiares.Objective: To analyse and synthesize the evidence on fall prevention of people older than 65 years and their family care providers Method: Qualitative synthesis, which is a part of a convergent systematic integrative review. Forty-one qualitative studies were retained for full text scrutiny. Nine studies on family care providers were selected for this synthesis. Results: Care providing, and kinship relationships mediated family care providers’ interventions to prevent falls in older people. The fall of the dependent relative constitutes a turning point in these relationships. Family care providers are vulnerable to having a fall themselves and therefore receivers of preventive interventions. Conclusions: Taking into account the context of care and family relations will improve the effectiveness of preventive interventions and will facilitate adherence. Fall prevention policy and programmes must pay better attention to the health and wellbeing of family care providers.Proyecto financiado por el Instituto Nacional de Salud Carlos III - Ministerio de Economía, Industria y competitividad - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER). PI 15/01351

    Joint interpretation of magnetotelluric, seismic, and well-log data in Hontomín (Spain)

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    Hontomín (N of Spain) hosts the first Spanish CO2 storage pilot plant. The subsurface characterization of the site included the acquisition of a 3-D seismic reflection and a circumscribed 3-D magnetotelluric (MT) survey. This paper addresses the combination of the seismic and MT results, together with the available well-log data, in order to achieve a better characterization of the Hontomín subsurface. We compare the structural model obtained from the interpretation of the seismic data with the geoelectrical model resulting from the MT data. The models correlate well in the surroundings of the CO2 injection area with the major structural differences observed related to the presence of faults. The combination of the two methods allowed a more detailed characterization of the faults, defining their geometry, and fluid flow characteristics, which are key for the risk assessment of the storage site. Moreover, we use the well-log data of the existing wells to derive resistivity-velocity relationships for the subsurface and compute a 3-D velocity model of the site using the 3-D resistivity model as a reference. The derived velocity model is compared to both the predicted and logged velocity in the injection and monitoring wells, for an overall assessment of the computed resistivity-velocity relationships. The major differences observed are explained by the different resolution of the compared geophysical methods. Finally, the derived velocity model for the near surface is compared with the velocity model used for the static corrections in the seismic data. The results allowed extracting information about the characteristics of the shallow unconsolidated sediments, suggesting possible clay and water content variations. The good correlation of the velocity models derived from the resistivity-velocity relationships and the well-log data demonstrate the potential of the combination of the two methods for characterizing the subsurface, in terms of its physical properties (velocity, resistivity) and structural/reservoir characteristics. This work explores the compatibility of the seismic and magnetotelluric methods across scales highlighting the importance of joint interpretation in near surface and reservoir characterization

    Falls prevention among older people and care providers: Protocol for an integrative review

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    Aim. To review the evidence about the role of care providers in fall prevention in older adults aged ≥ 65 years, this includes their views, strategies, and approaches on falls prevention and effectiveness of nursing interventions. Background. Some fall prevention programmes are successfully implemented and led by nurses and it is acknowledged the vital role they play in developing plans for fall prevention. Nevertheless, there has not been a systematic review of the literature that describes this role and care providers' views on fall's prevention initiatives. Design. A convergent synthesis of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods studies. The eligibility criteria will be based on participants, interventions/exposure, comparisons, and outcomes for quantitative studies and on population, the phenomena of interest and the context, for qualitative studies. To extract data and assess study qualities members of the research team will work in pairs according to their expertise. The review will follow the guidelines for integrative reviews and the proposed methods will adhere to the PRISMA statement checklist complemented by the ENTREQ framework. As qualitative synthesis are emergent, all procedures and changes in procedure will be documented. Discussion. The review has a constructivist drive as studies that combine methods ought to be paradigmatic driven. Review questions are broad to allow issues emerge and have purposefully left the design flexible to allow for adjustments as the review progresses. The review seeks to highlight the roles that care providers play in fall prevention and their views on fall's prevention initiatives.Authors receive funds to conduct this review from the National Institute of Health Carlos III-Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad. Madrid, Spain-Grant PI 15/01351