879 research outputs found

    Gendered STEM Beliefs and Major Choice

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    Beliefs and expectations about who can and should pursue STEM careers contribute to a student’s sense of STEM identity and may help to explain the gender gap in pursuing STEM in higher education. The formation of these beliefs is a long and complex process, starting very early on in an individual’s life. We analyze how gendered STEM beliefs of students, parents, and teachers in ninth grade affect a female student’s probability of majoring in STEM in college. We add to an analysis done by Sansone (2019) in an appendix of his paper by using actual majors instead of intended majors. We slightly alter Sansone’s model and find a positive effect of beliefs in female superiority in science, both at the student and teacher level

    The HIV-1 late domain-2 S40A polymorphism in antiretroviral (or ART)-exposed individuals influences protease inhibitor susceptibility.

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    BackgroundThe p6 region of the HIV-1 structural precursor polyprotein, Gag, contains two motifs, P7TAP11 and L35YPLXSL41, designated as late (L) domain-1 and -2, respectively. These motifs bind the ESCRT-I factor Tsg101 and the ESCRT adaptor Alix, respectively, and are critical for efficient budding of virus particles from the plasma membrane. L domain-2 is thought to be functionally redundant to PTAP. To identify possible other functions of L domain-2, we examined this motif in dominant viruses that emerged in a group of 14 women who had detectable levels of HIV-1 in both plasma and genital tract despite a history of current or previous antiretroviral therapy.ResultsRemarkably, variants possessing mutations or rare polymorphisms in the highly conserved L domain-2 were identified in seven of these women. A mutation in a conserved residue (S40A) that does not reduce Gag interaction with Alix and therefore did not reduce budding efficiency was further investigated. This mutation causes a simultaneous change in the Pol reading frame but exhibits little deficiency in Gag processing and virion maturation. Whether introduced into the HIV-1 NL4-3 strain genome or a model protease (PR) precursor, S40A reduced production of mature PR. This same mutation also led to high level detection of two extended forms of PR that were fairly stable compared to the WT in the presence of IDV at various concentrations; one of the extended forms was effective in trans processing even at micromolar IDV.ConclusionsOur results indicate that L domain-2, considered redundant in vitro, can undergo mutations in vivo that significantly alter PR function. These may contribute fitness benefits in both the absence and presence of PR inhibitor

    The Response of a Mechanical Oscillator Due to Swept and Dithered Excitation

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    A single degree-of-freedom oscillator subject to linearly swept and/or dithered excitation is considered. Dither refers to the variation of an excitation frequency about a given nominal, or primary, frequency. Dither in rocket engine turbopump shaft speeds can be an important consideration when analyzing the dynamic response of turbomachinery components such as turbine blades. Results indicate that the incorporation of dithered excitation into a fatigue analysis may extend the predicted fatigue life of the structure by a factor of two or more

    Mineralization can be an incidental ultrasonographic finding in equine tendons and ligaments

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    Tendon/ligament mineralization is recognized in horses but information regarding its clinical significance is limited. The aims of this observational study were to report the structures most commonly affected by ultrasonographically detectable mineralization and, for these, determine frequency of diagnosis and key clinical features. Cases presented at our hospital in April 1999–April 2013 and September 2014–November 2015 were included: a total of 27 horses (22 retrospective, five prospective). Mineralizations were most common in deep digital flexor tendons (10) and suspensory ligament branches (eight), representing 10% and 7% (estimated), respectively, of horses diagnosed with injuries to these structures during the study. Two deep digital flexor tendon and three suspensory ligament branch cases showed bilateral mineralization. Deep digital flexor tendon mineralization was restricted to the digital flexor tendon sheath, most commonly in the proximal sheath (±sesamoidean canal), and seven of 10 cases involved hindlimbs. Suspensory ligament branch mineralization was visible in the same ultrasound window as the proximal sesamoid bones in 10/11 limbs and six of eight cases involved forelimbs. Previous corticosteroid medication was a feature of one deep digital flexor tendon and one suspensory ligament branch case. Mineralization was associated with lameness in some but not all limbs. Mineralized foci within the deep digital flexor tendon preceded hypoechoic lesion formation in two limbs. Of the cases with deep digital flexor tendon or suspensory ligament branch injury only, one of three and two of three cases, respectively, became sound. Findings indicated that tendon/ligament mineralization can be associated with lameness in some horses, but can also be an incidental finding

    Daily changes in phytoplankton lipidomes reveal mechanisms of energy storage in the open ocean

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    © The Author(s), 2018. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Nature Communications 9 (2018): 5179, doi:10.1038/s41467-018-07346-z.Sunlight is the dominant control on phytoplankton biosynthetic activity, and darkness deprives them of their primary external energy source. Changes in the biochemical composition of phytoplankton communities over diel light cycles and attendant consequences for carbon and energy flux in environments remain poorly elucidated. Here we use lipidomic data from the North Pacific subtropical gyre to show that biosynthesis of energy-rich triacylglycerols (TAGs) by eukaryotic nanophytoplankton during the day and their subsequent consumption at night drives a large and previously uncharacterized daily carbon cycle. Diel oscillations in TAG concentration comprise 23 ± 11% of primary production by eukaryotic nanophytoplankton representing a global flux of about 2.4 Pg C yr−1. Metatranscriptomic analyses of genes required for TAG biosynthesis indicate that haptophytes and dinoflagellates are active members in TAG production. Estimates suggest that these organisms could contain as much as 40% more calories at sunset than at sunrise due to TAG production.This work was supported by a grant from the Simons Foundation, and is a contribution of the Simons Collaboration on Ocean Processes and Ecology (SCOPE award # 329108, B.A.S.V.M.). K.W.B. was further supported by the Postdoctoral Scholarship Program at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution & U.S. Geological Survey
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