344 research outputs found

    Normalization Of Image Reconstruction In Positron Emission Tomography By Means Of A Homogeneous Phantom For Utilization In Lab Courses

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    Three dimensional positron emission tomography (PET) plays an important role in cancer soil studies by enabling detection and localization of tumor cells. This thesis investigates the ClearPET measuring system. Central matter of interest is the reconstruction process. There is to be examined how accurate the ClearPET can reconstruct known interrelations between source activities. The optimization of this process is accomplished by normalizing the reconstruction image by means of a homogeneous phantom. In case of this experimental setup the phantom is a cylinder with a homogeneous activity distribution.:1 Introduction 2 Material and Methods 2.1 Measuring system 2.1.1 Measuring procedure 2.1.2 Cassettes 2.1.3 Homogeneous phantom 2.2 Physical background 2.2.1 Compton scattering 2.2.2 Attenuation coefficient 2.2.3 Types of radiation 2.2.4 Sodium-22 and related physical phenomena 2.3 Reconstruction process 2.3.1 Intensity and Beer’s law 2.3.2 Radon transform and its inverse 2.3.3 OSMAPOSL algorithm 2.4 Fourier rebinning algorithm 3 Experimental results 25 3.1 Reconstruction routine 3.2 Back projection of point sources 3.2.1 Full width half maximum analysis of the strong point source 3.2.2 Investigation of the statistical error 3.2.3 Validation of the maxima approach 3.3 Comparison of activities and quantification of spatial reconstruction behavior . 3.4 Normalization measurement 3.5 Sinogram 3.6 Reconstruction with the OSMAPOSL algorithm 3.7 Implementation of attenuation correction and multiple iterations of the OSMAPOSLalgorithm 4 Summar

    A Randomized Depression Prevention Trial Comparing Interpersonal Psychotherapy—Adolescent Skills Training To Group Counseling In Schools

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    Given the rise in depression disorders in adolescence, it is important to develop and study depression prevention programs for this age group. The current study examined the efficacy of Interpersonal Psychotherapy-Adolescent Skills Training (IPT-AST), a group prevention program for adolescent depression, in comparison to group programs that are typically delivered in school settings. In this indicated prevention trial, 186 adolescents with elevated depression symptoms were randomized to receive IPT-AST delivered by research staff or group counseling (GC) delivered by school counselors. Hierarchical linear modeling examined differences in rates of change in depressive symptoms and overall functioning from baseline to the 6-month follow-up assessment. Cox regression compared rates of depression diagnoses. Adolescents in IPT-AST showed significantly greater improvements in self-reported depressive symptoms and evaluator-rated overall functioning than GC adolescents from baseline to the 6-month follow-up. However, there were no significant differences between the two conditions in onset of depression diagnoses. Although both intervention conditions demonstrated significant improvements in depressive symptoms and overall functioning, results indicate that IPT-AST has modest benefits over groups run by school counselors which were matched on frequency and duration of sessions. In particular, IPT-AST outperformed GC in reduction of depressive symptoms and improvements in overall functioning. These findings point to the clinical utility of this depression prevention program, at least in the short-term. Additional follow-up is needed to determine the long-term effects of IPT-AST, relative to GC, particularly in preventing depression onset


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    This article analyses teachers' self-assessment of the competencies of learning to learn and reflection in the context of school as a learning organization. The survey in the form of a written questionnaire was performed and 141 teachers of the city of Vilnius have participated in it. The research reveals the self-assessment results of the skills in the field of time evaluation, planning and management; information search, perception, systematization and adaptation; communication and cooperation in group; and reflection. Teachers highlight the sufficiency of the time distribution for tasks and deadlines skills; awareness and lower level skills of systematization of the information; skills of reception of comments from the members of the group, their consideration or the listening and understanding of the views of the members; skills of abstract conceptualization, which are related to drawing conclusions and anticipating ideas for the future.

    The Concept of Fear and the Matter of Emotions in Lithuania’s Foreign Policy

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    This article reflects on the concept of fear in theories of international relations and foreign policy. The text discusses the concepts of the phenomenon of fear and rational behavior emphasizing that the concept of fear, contrary to the concept of anarchy, has no emotional charge in the theory of international relations. Having surveyed the factor of emotions in the theory of international relations and foreign policy, the author suggests that the emotional meaningful charge be returned to the concept of fear. The study stresses that fear (if treated as an emotion) can also have a destructive function disrupting the international system and disturbing the international communication. The third part of the article is devoted to an analysis of the ideas of Lithuania‘s foreign policy. The study explores the idea of Lithuania as a regional leader. The writer claims that the idea was irrational because it was based on the factor of the emotion of fear

    Fear without Rationality: Emotions in Lithuanian Foreign Policy

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    The paper reflects on the conception of the phenomenon of fear employed in the international relations theory. A critique of understanding of fear as a rational incentive of conventional international relations theories paves the way for the notion of fear as an emotion. It is argued that the behaviour of states in international politics should be explained via their psychological and emotional aspects. The paper proposes to connect the arising of and experiencing fear with collective memory and the imagery entrenched in nations’ subconscious. It also proposes to distinguish the two levels of arising of and experiencing the emotion of fear, namely the attempt to consciously arouse fear and its nonconscious experience. On the first level, mnemonic-emotive agents consciously activate collective emotions via the nation’s collective memory. On the second, once the contents/imagery of the society’s subconscious are activated, the aroused emotions are nonconsciously experienced by the society. The paper offers a case study from the Lithuanian foreign policy: its relations with Russia. Discourse analysis of Lithuania–Russia relations, where President Dalia Grybauskaitė plays an active and important role in discourse formation, suggests that the formation of Lithuanian foreign policy, with regard to Russia, is affected by the emotion of fear


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       Straipsnyje, remiantis Michelio Foucault, Edwardo Saido, Antonio Ne­gri, Michaelio Hardto, Ludwigo Wittgensteino, Zenono Norkaus, Nortauto Statkaus, Raimundo Lopatos ir kitų mokslininkų mintimis, per imperinę pa­radigmą aiškinama ES struktūra, didžiųjų ir mažųjų valstybių santykiai bei pastarųjų įtakos didinimo galimybės. Pasitelkus L. Wittgensteino šeimyninio panašumo teoriją ir jos taikymo logiką, kurią naudojo Z. Norkus, įprasmin­damas Lietuvos Didžiąją Kunigaikštystę kaip imperiją, prieinama išvada, kad ES „per daug nukrypsta“ nuo klasikinio ar neoklasikinio imperijos tipo. Ta­čiau atsižvelgus į tai, kad neatitikimai, išryškinti taikant Z. Norkaus metodiką, yra lemti formos, bet ne turinio, teiginys, kad ES išlaiko imperijos sampra­tos prasminį krūvį, yra pagrįstas. Tai leidžia ES įvardyti kaip postmodernią imperiją. Straipsnyje orientuojamasi į ES postmodernios imperijos valdymo režimą ir pagrindinį, visus kitus centrus subordinuojantį centrą, – „branduo­lį“. „Branduolys“ pristatomas kaip esminis postmodernios imperijos atpaži­nimo kriterijus, darantis esminę įtaką visiems ES vykstantiems procesams, ypač mažųjų valstybių įtakos įtvirtinimo galimybėms. Priėjus išvadą, kad suvereniteto atsisakymas laiduoja didesnę galią, siūloma Lietuvos regioninės lyderystės siekį grįsti kuo gilesnės integracijos ir suvereniteto atsisakymo (delegavimo) motyvu

    Basic technique elements in trampolining

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    Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je prezentirati sport trampolining, prikazati njegovu povijest, objasniti osnovne tehničke elemente, pravila natjecanja te obilježja sprave.The goal of this graduate thesis is to present the sport trampolining, to present its history, to explain the basic technique elements, the rules of competition and the features of the equipment

    Basic technique elements in trampolining

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    Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je prezentirati sport trampolining, prikazati njegovu povijest, objasniti osnovne tehničke elemente, pravila natjecanja te obilježja sprave.The goal of this graduate thesis is to present the sport trampolining, to present its history, to explain the basic technique elements, the rules of competition and the features of the equipment

    Basic technique elements in trampolining

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    Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je prezentirati sport trampolining, prikazati njegovu povijest, objasniti osnovne tehničke elemente, pravila natjecanja te obilježja sprave.The goal of this graduate thesis is to present the sport trampolining, to present its history, to explain the basic technique elements, the rules of competition and the features of the equipment

    The Criticality Measure of Energy Systems

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    AbstractNational security, economic growth and population welfare depends on the safe and reliable functioning of various infrastructures very much. The disruptions in one of the infrastructures often are transferred to the other dependent infrastructures. Thus, it could have considerably negative effects for the functionality of the country's basic administration. The critical infrastructure is defined by an asset, system, part thereof or technical networks composed of different sectors. The paper presents the assessment method of critical infrastructure modelling and elements’ criticality of the energy system. The criticality of infrastructure element is described by other systems elements functionality reduction when considered element is affected by disruption or out of order. Assessment of system ability to perform its functions is implemented by authors developed model, when energy supply is interrupted or system element is out of order. In the analysed model energy sector is composed of heat and power systems. The optimization methods were used to simulate real system (to implement allocation of demands of heat and electricity for generation technologies)