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    1458 research outputs found


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    Osnovni cilj ovog rada je analizirati način na koji sveučilišta djeluju na dualnu karijeru studenta sportaša. Prikazat će se i detaljnije analizirati specifični programi koje imaju sveučilišta u Hrvatskoj, te ih usporediti i sa programima dualne karijere prisutnim u drugim zemljama. Premda postoji nekoliko dokumenata i radi se na praktičnom rješavanju problematike kako i na koji način omogućiti studentima kategoriziranim sportašima uspješno svladavanje studentskih obveza i paralelnog rada na sportskoj karijeri, ipak u praksi u Republici Hrvatskoj takvi studenti nailaze na određene probleme. Navedeno u najvećoj mjeri zbog činjenice kako je pitanje reguliranja statusa studenata kategoriziranih sportaša u ingerenciji pojedinih sveučilišta ili pak njihovih sastavnica te nema jednoobraznog pristupa.The main goal of this paper is to analyze the way in which universities act on the dual career of student-athletes. Specific programs offered by universities in Croatia will be presented and analyzed in more detail, and they will be compared with dual career programs in other countries. Although there are several documents and work is being done on the practical solution to the problem of how and in what way to enable students categorized as athletes to successfully overcome student obligations and parallel work on a sports career, in practice in the Republic of Croatia such students encounter certain problems. This is largely due to the fact that the issue of regulating the stature of students categorized as athletes is under the authority of individual universities or their components, and there is no uniform approach


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    Morfološke ili antropometrijske karakteristike daju uvid u građu ljudskog tijela te imaju veliko značenje u selekciji mladih sportaša za pojedini sport te u modificiranju trenažnog procesa. Neke od antropometrijskih karakteristika genetski su uvjetovane, ali ključne za uspjeh u određenom sportu te se na njih može jako malo ili neznačajno utjecati (tjelesna visina), dok su neke podložne promjenama ciljanog procesa treninga (tjelesna masa i postotak potkožnog masnog tkiva). Cilj ovoga rada bio je kroz sustavni pregled literature utvrditi povezanost između određenih antropometrijskih odnosno morfoloških karakteristika tenisača i uspjeha definiranog ostvarenim rezultatom, odnosno pozicioniranjem na nekim od međunarodnih ili nacionalnih rang ljestvica. Najviše uspoređivane antropometrijske karakteristike za koje postoji najveći broj dostupnih informacija su tjelesna masa, tjelesna visina, postotak potkožnog masnog tkiva te indeks tjelesne mase. Proučavana je veza između navedenih karakteristika i ostvarenih rezultata, kako u nižim dobnim kategorijama tako i kod profesionalnih tenisača.Morphological or anthropometric characteristics give closer view in anatomy of human body and have great significance in selection of young athletes for specific sport as well as in modification of the training process. Some of the anthropometric characteristics are genetically determined, but are of the most importance for success in certain sport discipline and can be very little or insignificantly influenced (body height), and some are subject to changes due to specific training process (body mass and percentage of body fat). The main goal of this thesis was to determine through systematic literature research, connection between specific anthropometrical i.e. morphological characteristics of tennis players and their connection to success, which is defined by achieved result on some of the international or national ranking scales. The most compared anthropometric characteristics, for which there is the most data available, are body mass, body height, percentage of body fat and body mass index. The connection between listed characteristics and the results of tennis players in lower age categories as well as in professional tennis players was studied


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    Tokom 1945. godine zagrebački sport, uključujući i nogomet prošao je kroz politički orkestriran proces preoblikovanja. Dotadašnje sportske klubove zamijenila su fiskulturna društva koja su, uz provedbu tjelovježbenih programa, također sudjelovala i u brojnim političkim zadaćama nove vlasti. Na području Zagreba tokom 1945. godine djelovalo je 21 fiskulturno društvo, a njih 16 je sudjelovalo u nogometnom prvenstvu Zagreba. Značajan utjecaj na začetak jugoslavenskog fiskulturnog pokreta imao je SSSR. Tokom 1945. godine u Zagrebu su odigrani brojne prijateljske utakmice, a njihova zadaća nerijetko je bila promocija aktualnih političkih pitanja. U kolovozu su u sklopu Fiskulturnog sleta Hrvatske na području Zagreba odigrane brojne prijateljske utakmice hrvatskih selekcija po regijama. Prema izvorima korištenim u ovom radu, Zagreb je u drugoj polovici 1945. godine brojao šest nogometnih igrališta, od čega su tri korištena u natjecateljskim susretima. Fiskulturna društva nisu posjedovala navedena igrališta, već su određena društva imala upravu nad istima, ali vlasništvo nad igralištima bilo je u rukama ZFOH-a. Tokom 1946. godine, obnovom međuregionalnih natjecanja, na području Jugoslavije ponovno dolazi do pojave navijačkih nereda, potaknutih međunacionalnom mržnjom, a gašenih intervencijom političkog vrha. Značajni neredi zabilježeni su na utakmicama zagrebačkih i beogradskih klubova. Jedino nogometno natjecanje na području Zagreba u 1945. godini bilo je Prvenstvo Zagreba. Cilj navedenog prvenstva bio je promocija budućih prvorazrednih momčadi, a specifičnost samoga natjecanja ležala je u heterogenoj populaciji igrača. Neki susreti započinjali su u osam sati ujutro, a uvjeti na terenu u brojnim su slučajevima bili neregularni, ali su utakmice svejedno održane. U ranom poslijeratnom razdoblju nad zagrebačkim su sportom počinjeni brojni zločini. Brojni zagrebački nogometaši pritom su streljani, veliki broj sportskih društava zauvijek je ugašeno, a Zagreb je napustio veliki broj perspektivnih nogometaša. Tokom 1946. godine neka su zagrebačka fiskulturna društva procesom fuzija stvorila nova, jača fiskulturna društva, koja će kasnije prerasti u neke od najuspješnijih Hrvatskim sportskih klubova.In 1945, the Zagreb sports system, including football, underwent a politically orchestrated transformation process. The previous sports clubs were replaced by physical culture (fiskultura) clubs, which, in addition to implementing exercise programs, also participated in numerous political tasks of the new government. During 1945, 21 fiskultura clubs operated in the Zagreb area, and 16 participated in the Zagreb football championship. The USSR significantly influenced the beginning of the Yugoslav fiskultura movement. During 1945, numerous friendly matches were played in Zagreb, and their goal was often to promote current political issues. In August of 1945, several friendly matches of the Croatian regional selections were played in Zagreb as part of the Croatian fiskultura festival. According to the sources used in this paper, in the second half of 1945, Zagreb had six football fields, three of which were used in competitive matches. The aforementioned clubs were not the owners of the mentioned fields, but some were in charge of managing them. The ownership of the playgrounds was in the hands of ZFOH. During 1946, with the renewal of interregional competitions, fan riots occurred again in the territory of Yugoslavia, fueled by hatred between the nations and extinguished by the intervention of the political leadership. Significant riots were recorded at matches between Zagreb and Belgrade clubs. The only football competition in Zagreb held in 1945 was the Zagreb Championship. The goal of the championship was the promotion of future first-class teams, and the specificity of the competition itself lay in the heterogeneous population of players. Some matches started at eight o'clock in the morning, and the conditions on the field were irregular in many cases, but the matches were held anyway. In the early post-war period, numerous crimes were committed against Zagreb sports. Numerous Zagreb soccer players were shot, many clubs were closed forever, and many promising soccer players left Zagreb. In 1946, some Zagreb fiskultura clubs merged to create new, stronger fiskultura clubs, which would later grow into some of the most successful Croatian sports clubs


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    Testovi vertikalne komponente skočnosti bitan su dio sportske dijagnostike radi važnosti vertikalnog skoka u mnogim sportovima. Najčešće korišteni laboratorijski mjerni instrumenti uključuju skupu i nepraktičnu opremu u vidu platformi za mjerenje sile. Razvojem tehnologije i potrebom za instrumentima koji su jednostavniji u primjeni, instrumenti poput video tehnologije i inercijskih mjernih jedinica postaju sve korišteniji alati u sportskoj dijagnostici. Cilj istraživanja je utvrditi valjanost novih modela video tehnologije i inercijske mjerne jedinice za procjenu visine skoka. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 15 muških studenata Kineziološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (Dob = 23,93 ± 1,75 godina; Tjelesna visina = 184,29 ± 7,22 cm; Tjelesna masa = 79,08 ± 9,43 kg). Mjerenje se sastojalo od izvedbe tri različita testa za procjenu visine skoka mjerenih pomoću pet različitih mjernih instrumenata, od kojih su se dva odnosila na nove modele video tehnologije i inercijske mjerne jedinice. Koeficijentom varijacije procijenjena je dosljednost pojedinačnih mjerenja za svaki instrument u skupu podataka. Rezultati između novih modela (video tehnologija i inercijska mjerna jedinica) i referentnih instrumenata (platformi za mjerenje sile) uspoređivani su Pearsonovim koeficijentom korelacije i Bland-Altman testom. Dobiveni rezultati koeficijenta varijacije ukazuju na usporedive rezultate dosljednosti podataka među različitim instrumentima. Rezultati Pearsonovog koeficijenta korelacije ukazuju na veliku razinu povezanosti između novih modela i referentnih instrumenata, dok rezultati Bland-Altman testa daju statistički značajnu pristranost samo u određenim usporedbama. Pregledom svakog testa zasebno teško je zaključiti o valjanosti novih modela dok je komplementarnim uvidom u rezultate Pearsonovog koeficijenta korelacije i Bland-Altman testa moguće ukazati kako novi modeli mogu poslužiti kao relativno pouzdana opcija za procjenu visine skoka.Vertical jump tests are an essential part of sports diagnostics due to the significance of vertical jumps in various sports. The most used laboratory measurement instruments include expensive and impractical equipment in the form of force platforms. With the advancement of technology and the need for simpler to use instruments, tools like video-based technology and inertial measurement units are becoming increasingly more utilized in sports diagnostics. The aim of the study is to determine the validity of new models of video-based technology and inertial measurement unit for assessing jump height. The study included 15 male students from the Faculty of Kinesiology at the University of Zagreb (Age = 23,93 ± 1,75 years; Height = 184,29 ± 7,22 cm; Weight = 79,08 ± 9,43 kg). The measurement consisted of performing three different jump tests measured using five different measurement instruments, two of which were related to new models of video-based technology and inertial measurement units. The coefficient of variation was used to assess the consistency of individual measurements for each instrument in the dataset. The results between the new models (video-based technology and inertial measurement unit) and reference instruments (force platforms) were compared using Pearson's correlation coefficient and the Bland-Altman test. The obtained coefficient of variation results indicates relatively similar measurement consistency among different instruments. Pearson's correlation coefficient results show a high level of correlation between the new models and reference instruments, while the results of the Bland-Altman test indicate statistically significant bias in certain comparisons. By examining each test individually, it is difficult to conclude on the validity of the new models, but through a complementary analysis of Pearson's correlation coefficient and the Bland-Altman test results, it is possible to suggest that the new models can serve as a relatively reliable option for assessing jump height

    The 1st International Scientific Conference the Role of Sport in Society Women, Sport, and Social Change: book of abstracts

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    As it has its own forms of organisation and its own culture, sport has a powerful influence on the lives of many members of society. Regular participation in physical activity and sport is key to the health, well-being, and optimal development of children and adolescents (WHO, 2020). Sport is a complex social practice, and as such, cannot be reduced to the broad belief that it is an exclusively or exceedingly positive social phenomenon (Elias and Dunning, 1986). For example, men in sport are still hold higher positions of power and influence than women. The majority of sports worldwide are defined as primarily male activities, which results in half of the world population being excluded or discouraged from participating in many sports (Coakley & Pike, 2009). Therefore, in the study of sports in the social sciences and humanities, gender relations impose themselves as a key research topic. Gender inequality has its roots in pre-modern societies. Among numerous other elements, gender relations are one of those that disprove the myth that sport has an exclusively positive impact on individuals, groups, and society. In most modern societies, sport is still exceptionally patriarchal in nature, and as such, is directed towards maintaining existing gender inequalities. Research shows that the negative impact of gender roles and stereotypes on the participation of girls and women in sport and physical activities leads to gender inequality and discrimination (Bartoluci and Baršic, 2020; Greblo Jurakic et al., 2021) in the Croatian context. Girls are less likely to engage in sporting activities and more frequently give up on sport, especially during adolescence (Pedišic et al., 2023). Changes in this context of social relations are take place slowly. The history of women in sport for most of the twentieth century consisted of individual and collective efforts to overcome exclusion and discrimination and to persistently seek spaces where women could take part in sport. Until the 1960s, the myth that aggressive, vigorous sports would harm the female body and its reproductive role were broadly accepted (Coakley, 2020). Opportunities to participate in certain sports have increased significantly in societies where women's rights are respected, but access to sports venues is difficult to ensure in cases where male participants are already competing for access to sports venues and social resources. Although steps have been taken towards gender equality, modern sport is still burdened with numerous problems and inequalities. Additionally, numerous new issues and public debates have arisen regarding the position and rights of LGBTIQ people in sport. We dare to claim that most societies do not have enough scientific conferences that bring together researchers and scientists who study the topics of gender and sport. We thus advocate a multidisciplinary approach to this topic and a pluralism of theoretical paradigms and perspectives. This conference intends to approach sport in a way that enables the inclusion of researchers of various methodological and theoretical backgrounds and ensure dialogue between various actors in order to provide insight into the possibility of implementing scientific discoveries in social practices tied to gender relations in sport. In this way, we wish to promote diversity and equality, within the framework of which sports and competition can serve to facilitate cooperation between various actors on the local, national, and international level. This international conference is our collective attempt to contribute to existing scientific knowledge on the topic of sport and gender in sociology, kinesiology, history, psychology, political science, ethnology, philosophy, and other related fields. We are convinced that this is just the beginning of our long journey together, because it is our goal to make this conference a regular one with longitudinal character, bringing together scientists who study various dimensions of sport in social life, with a focus on social change. Sport can serve as a mirror for society, as well as a resource for social change with the goal of attaining gender equality


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    Organizacija sportskih događaja je izuzetno složen proces koji zahtijeva veliku odgovornost i predstavlja veliki izazov za organizatora. Pred kandidate za dobivanje domaćinstva sportskog događaja postavlja se niz zahtjeva koje moraju ispuniti kako bi u konačnici dobili domaćinstvo. Jedan od značajnijih zahtjeva je sportska infrastruktura. Boks u Hrvatskoj oduvijek ima problem s infrastrukturom zbog čega su klubovi odustajali od organizacije natjecanja, što nacionalnom savezu radi probleme. U Zagrebu je 2018. godine otvoren boksački centar koji je djelomično riješio problematiku infrastrukture i time prebacio gotovo sva veća natjecanja u glavni grad Hrvatske. Samim time dolazi do nezadovoljstva klubova iz ostalih krajeva države. Ostali aspekti poput financija i odgovornosti za provedbu određenog natjecanja također utječu na potencijalne organizatore koji uvijek moraju procjenjivati isplati li im se sama organizacija u materijalnom i nematerijalnom smislu. Na primjeru organizacije dvaju natjecanja (8. kolo 1. Hrvatske boksačke lige i 2. Boksačkog kupa Svete Nedelje) pokazano je na koji način se može organizirati boksačko natjecanje bez prethodno postavljene infrastrukture. Također su navedene prednosti i nedostaci organiziranja predmetnih natjecanja preko tzv. SWOT analize koja nam daje osnovne informacije za analize svih natjecanja.Sports event planning is a very difficult procedure that involves a lot of responsibilities and poses a huge challenge to the hosts. Candidates must meet a variety of requirements in order to be chosen as the host of a sporting event, and the infrastructure required for sports is one of the most crucial elements. Croatian boxing has always had challenges with the infrastructure. As a result, the clubs have stopped hosting competitions, which was troublesome for the national association. The infrastructure issue was largely resolved in 2018 when a boxing center was opened in Zagreb, and as a result, the majority of big events were hosted in the capital of Croatia. Boxing clubs from different parts of the country have expressed their displeasure about this. Potential hosts are also affected by additional variables such as funds and responsibility for organizing a certain competition. The viability of the competition, from both a material and non-material standpoint, must be constantly considered by potential hosts. This paper will outline the setup of two competitions (the 8th round of the 1st Croatian Boxing League and the 2nd Boxing Cup of Sveta Nedelja). It was demonstrated how a boxing competition might be organized without a set infrastructure. The advantages and disadvantages of holding the competitions in question are also emphasized with the use of the so-called SWOT analysis, which provides the fundamental data needed for the evaluation of all competitions

    Prevention of eating disorders in female athletes

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    Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi negativan i pozitivan utjecaj trenera, zdravstveni status, socijalni pritisak na mršavost, pritisak na postizanje boljih sportskih rezultata, samokritičnost, socijalnu anksioznost zbog izgleda i samopoštovanja te najvažnije kako prevenirati sindrom poremećaja prehrane u sportašica. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 100 sportašica studentica Kineziološkog fakulteta u Zagrebu. Sudjelovale su sportašice iz estetskog sporta, sporta izdržljivosti, sporta s loptom i težinskog sporta. Nije pronađena statistički značajna razlika u pogledu sklonosti poremećajima prehrane među navedenim sportskim kategorijama. To ukazuje da vrsta sporta kojim se bave sportašice možda ne igra značajnu ulogu u razvoju poremećaja prehrane. Važno je naglasiti da se rezultati istraživanja temelje na analizi pitanja subskale "Sport i tijelo", koja je procjenjivala simptome i razvoj poremećaja prehrane. Treba napomenuti da to ne znači da se poremećaji prehrane ne mogu javiti među sportašicama u ovim kategorijama. Poremećaji prehrane mogu imati različite uzroke i simptome i često su rezultat kombinacije genetskih, psiholoških, socijalnih i sportskih faktora. Rezultati istraživanja ne ukazuju na potpunu odsutnost poremećaja prehrane među sportašicama, već samo na nedostatak statistički značajnih razlika u sklonosti poremećajima prehrane među analiziranim kategorijama.The aim of this master's thesis is to determine if there is an eating disorder among female athletes in four sports categories and to establish if there is a statistically significant difference between these categories. The research was conducted on a sample of 100 female athletes studying at the Faculty of Kinesiology in Zagreb. The participants included athletes from aesthetic sports, endurance sports, ball sports, and weight sports. No statistically significant difference was found regarding the predisposition to eating disorders among the mentioned sports categories. This suggests that the type of sport practiced by female athletes may not play a significant role in the development of eating disorders. It is important to note that these results are based on the analysis of the "Sport and Body" subscale, which assessed symptoms and the development of eating disorders. It should be noted that this does not mean that eating disorders cannot occur among female athletes in these categories. Eating disorders can have different causes and symptoms and are often the result of a combination of genetic, psychological, social, and sports factors. The research results do not indicate a complete absence of eating disorders among female athletes, but only a lack of statistically significant differences in the predisposition to eating disorders among the analyzed categories

    Analysis of the difference in the performance of the repeated sprint ability and the change of direction in futsal with and without driblling ball

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    Za futsal je karakteristično da postoji veliki broj visokointenzivnih aktivnosti i cilj je da se sportaš akumulira što manje umora. Cilj rada je bio utvrditi razlike u rezultatima u sposobnosti ponavljanja sprinteva i promjene smjera kretanja sa i bez vođenja lopte kod futsal igrača. Korištena su dva testa za sposobnost ponavljanja sprinteva koji su bili MBI300m, taj test se izvodi na način da sportaš trči 20m 15 puta sa promjenom smjera kretanja dok je drugi test MBI240PSK koji se izvodi na način da sportaš trči 8 puta 40m sa promjeno smjera kretanja te ima 20sek pauze. Testovi za promjenu smjera kretanja su bili MAGT (T – test) i MAG90K (9 3 6 3 9). Istraživanje je provedeno na 13 igrača futsala juniorskog uzrasta (AS±SD, 18±0,71 god) . Rezultati su analizirani putem T – testa te je dobiveno da postoji statistička značajna razlika u rezultatima kod svih testova sa i bez vođenja lopte. Dobiveni rezultati koje nisu bili statistički značajni su %MBI240PSK koja označuje postotak opadanja brzine trčanja sprinteva gdje nema statističke značajne razlike sa i bez vođenja lopte. Također analizirajući opadanja brzine trčanja svakog pojedinog sprinta nije dobivena statistički značajna razlika između drugog sprinta bez lopte sa drugim sprintom sa loptom i tako sve do osmog sprinta bez i sa loptom. Vođenje lopte povećava energetsku potrošnju sportaša za vrijeme submaksimalnih aktivnosti što objašnjava dobivene podatke. U testiranje futsal igrača trebalo bi uvrstiti i testove sa vođenjem i bez vođenja lopte. U testovima sa vođenjem lopte najbolje rezultate su imali igrači koji spadaju u prvu četvorku testirane ekipe te može biti pokazatelj tehničke kvalitete igrača. Testiranje bez vođenja lopte je nužno jer se utvrđuju parametri kondicijske pripremljenosti.Futsal is characterized by a large number of high-intensity activities, and the goal is for the athlete to accumulate as little fatigue as possible. The aim of the work was to determine the differences in results in the ability to repeat sprints and change the direction of movement with and without dribbling the ball in futsal players. Two tests were used for the repeated sprint ability, which were the MBI300m (15*20m), which is performed in such a way that the athlete runs 20m 15 times with a change of direction of movement, while the second test is the MBI240PSK (8*40m), which is performed in such a way that the athlete runs 8 times for 40m with a change of direction of movement and has 20 seconds rest. The tests for change of direction were MAGT (T – test) and MAG90K (9 3 6 3 9). The research was conducted on 13 junior futsal players age ( 0,71). The results were analyzed using the T-test, and it was found that there is a statistically significant difference in the results of all tests with and without dribbling the ball. The variables that were not statistically significant are %MBI240PSK, which indicates the percentage of which sprint decrements where there is no statistically significant difference with and without guiding the ball. Also, analyzing the decrease in speed of each individual sprint, no statistically significant difference was obtained between the second sprint without the ball and the second sprint with the ball, and so on until the eighth sprint without and with the ball. Driving the ball increases the athlete's energy consumption during submaximal activities, which explains the obtained data. In the testing of futsal players, tests with and without guiding the ball should be included. In tests with ball handling, the best results were obtained by players who belong to the first four of the tested team, and this can be an indicator of the technical quality of the players. Testing without driving the ball is necessary because the parameters of fitness preparation are determined

    The meaning and role of game in sports recreation

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    Igra je sastavni dio čovjekova života. Čovjek se igra od svojih najranijih dana sve do starosti. U svakoj fazi života igra ima određenu funkciju. U ovom radu ukazati će se na značaj i ulogu igre u programima sportske rekreacije. Bavljenje sportskim aktivnostima samo po sebi ima značajan pozitivan učinak na čovjeka. Za neke ljude tjelesno vježbanje može biti naporno i dosadno. Iz tog razloga mnogi ipak ne biraju vježbati. Uskraćivanjem te potrebe izlažu svoje tijelo velikom riziku. Znanstveno je dokazano kako tjelesna aktivnost ima veliki pozitivan utjecaj na čovjekovo zdravlje. Bavljenje sportom, pa makar i manje od preporučenog, može prevenirati razne kronične bolesti. Može se reći kako je vježbanje i više od potrebe, to je obaveza. Vježbanjem se unaprijeđuje svaki aspekt života. Iz tog razloga vježbanje je najbolje pretvoriti u zabavnu i ugodnu aktivnost kako bi se čovjek lakše uključio u nju na tjednoj razini. Igra kao takva je idealan oblik vježbanja jer kroz igru se isključuje onaj faktor napornosti i dosade. Kroz igru čovjek nema osjećaj da se bavi napornom aktivnošću dok spontano zadovoljava svoju osnovnu potrebu za kretanjem te iskorištava sve dobrobiti tjelesnog vježbanja. Osim samog značaja i uloge igre u radu se opisuju i igre za pojedine dobne uzraste.The game is an integral part of human life. People play from their earliest days until old age. In every stage of life, the game has a specific function. In this paper, the importance and role of the game in sports recreation programs will be pointed out. Engaging in sports activities has a tremendous positive impact on a person. However, physical exercise can be tiring and boring. For that reason, many people choose not to exercise. By depriving ourselves of this need, we expose our bodies to significant risks. It has been scientifically proven that physical activity has a great positive influence on human health. Engaging in sports, even minimally as recommended, can prevent various chronic diseases. It can be said that the exercise is more than a necessity; it is an obligation. Through exercise, every aspect of our lives can be improved. For this reason, it is best to turn exercise into an enjoyable and pleasant activity so that people can easily incorporate it into their weekly routines. The game itself is an ideal form of exercise because through play, the person forgeet about the factors of exertion and boredom. Through play, people also do not feel engaged in a strenuous activity while spontaneously satisfying their basic need for movement and reaping all the benefits of physical exercise. In addition to the significance and role of the game itself, in this paper, the specific games for different age groups will be described

    Comparative analysis of the study programs of the Faculty of Kinesiology in Zagreb (Croatia) and Barcelona (Spain)

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    Ovaj diplomski rad se bavi komparativnom analizom studijskih programa Kineziološkog fakulteta u Zagrebu i INEFC-a, odnosno Nacionalnog instituta za tjelesni odgoj Katalonije. Prikazan je nastavni plan i program oba studija s pozornošću na ciljeve predmeta, ishode učenja na razini programa kojima predmet pridonosi i očekivane ishode učenja na razini predmeta te usporedba spomenutih varijabli gdje se kroz opis ukazuje na jednakosti,podudarnosti i razlike. Nastavni plan i program prikazan kroz tablicu nam daje uvid u svaki kolegij posebno razvrstan po semestru održavanja te njegove pojedinosti i karakteristike. Glavna svrha studija je obrazovanje mladih ljudi i priprema za tržište rada buduće stručnjake u području kineziologije te omogućivanje stjecanja i razvijanja kompetencija potrebnih za rad u određenom području kineziologije. Također, nakon prikaza studijskih programa napravljena je komparativna analiza studija prema kriterijima koji uključuju podudarnosti određenih predmeta po semestrima odnosno kolegije na određenom stupnju obrazovanja, trajanje studiranja, razredbeni postupak za upis na fakultet, zvanje i pripadajući dokumenti i kompetencije koje student stječe nakon završenog fakulteta. Uvidom u sličnosti i razlike može se doći do razmišljanja o potencijalnim promjenama i prilagodbama na oba studija vezanih za poboljšanje i kvalitetu nastave koji dovode do efikasnog obrazovanja budućih kineziologa.This final thesis deals with a comparative analysis of the study programs of the Faculty of Kinesiology in Zagreb and INEFC, that is, the National Institute for Physical Education of Catalonia. The curriculum of both studies is presented with attention to the objectives of the course, learning outcomes at the level of the program to which the course contributes and expected learning outcomes at the level of the course, as well as a comparison of the mentioned variables where similarities, similarities and differences are indicated through the description. The curriculum shown in the table gives us an insight into each course separately classified by semester, as well as its details and characteristics. The main purpose of the studies is the education of young people and the preparation for the labor market of future specialists in the field of kinesiology and enabling the acquisition and development of the competencies necessary for work in a certain field of kinesiology. Also, after the presentation of the study programs, a comparative analysis of studies was made according to criteria that include the matching of certain subjects by semesters, i.e. courses at a certain level of education, duration of studies, class procedure for admission to the faculty, title and associated documents and competencies that the student acquires after graduating from the faculty. By looking at the similarities and differences, one can come to thinking about potential changes and adjustments in both studies related to the improvement and quality of teaching that lead to the efficient education of future kinesiologists


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