2,807 research outputs found

    Linearity Testing Against a Fuzzy Rule-based Model

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    In this paper, we introduce a linearity test for fuzzy rule-based models in the framework of time series modeling. To do so, we explore a family of statistical models, the regime switching autoregressive models, and the relations that link them to the fuzzy rule-based models. From these relations, we derive a Lagrange Multiplier linearity test and some properties of the maximum likelihood estimator needed for it. Finally, an empirical study of the goodness of the test is presented.fuzzy rule-based models, time series, linearity test, statistical inference


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    The effects of Information Technology (IT) on firm performance constitute one of the most recent lines of research. In developing this study, we take a Resource-Based View (RBV) as our basic theoretical focus. Adopting this paradigm means that IT alone is incapable of sustaining a competitive advantage (CA), making it necessary to analyze the existence of resources that complement IT to achieve greater organizational performance. The goal of this paper is to determine the combination of key resources, both exclusively IT resources and other organizational resources not necessarily belonging to this technology, to set a useful research agenda to contribute to the improvement of current knowledge of the IT effects on organizational performance.Information Technology, organizational performance, RBV.

    Flaring activity of Mrk 421 in 2012 and 2013: orphan flare and multiwavelength analysis

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    The first one started in 2012 July 16 (MJD 56124) and the second one in 2013 April 9 (MJD 56391). The multiwavelength data analysis shows that the γ\gamma-ray flare observed in 2012 was not detected in the hard-X ray bands. This result is usually interpreted as an "orphan" flare. In 2013, the analysis of the multiwavelength light curves shows that there are two very bright states detected in the optical R-band. The first one in 2013 April 9 (R =11.74 ±\pm 0.04) and the second one in May 12 (R =11.62 ±\pm 0.04). Also, high activity states were detected in the soft and hard X-rays. A discrete correlation function analysis of this last flare shows a strong correlation between the GeV γ\gamma-rays and the optical/hard-X ray emission. These results are discussed in terms of the more adequate standard scenarios that could explain the multiwavelength variations displayed by this blazar.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. In proceedings of "Swift: 10 Years of Discovery" congress (Rome, 2-4 December 2014), PoS(SWIFT 10)15

    Diáspora salvadoreña: identidades y mapas culturales en el ciberespacio

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    EL FENÓMENO DE LA MIGRACIÓN INTERNACIONAL PLANTEA NUEVOS desafíos de investigación al campo académico de la comunicación. En esta perspectiva, algunos estudios de comunicación han analizado el papel de los medios de comunicación y sus narrativas mediáticas sobre la migración, la construcción de imaginarios sociales acerca de la experiencia de emigrar, y la importancia de las nuevas tecnologías enlas prácticas cotidianas de los inmigrantes. En este contexto, este artículo explora algunos contenidos y formatos que grupos y comunidades migrantes salvadoreñas construyen desde sitios y páginas web, usos de medios de comunicación local y nacional accesibles desde el Internet, y nuevas plataformas de redes sociales como los blogs, Myspace, Facebook, YouTube, entre otros. Por tanto, este artículo intenta dibujar algunos trazos de mapas culturales y expresiones de identidades colectivas que la diáspora salvadoreña construye día a día en el ciberespacio

    An End to a Means: How DNA-End Structure Shapes the Double-Strand Break Repair Process

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    Endogenously-arising DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) rarely harbor canonical 5'-phosphate, 3'-hydroxyl moieties at the ends, which are, regardless of the pathway used, ultimately required for their repair. Cells are therefore endowed with a wide variety of enzymes that can deal with these chemical and structural variations and guarantee the formation of ligatable termini. An important distinction is whether the ends are directly "unblocked" by specific enzymatic activities without affecting the integrity of the DNA molecule and its sequence, or whether they are "processed" by unspecific nucleases that remove nucleotides from the termini. DNA end structure and configuration, therefore, shape the repair process, its requirements, and, importantly, its final outcome. Thus, the molecular mechanisms that coordinate and integrate the cellular response to blocked DSBs, although still largely unexplored, can be particularly relevant for maintaining genome integrity and avoiding malignant transformation and cancer.España, Junta de Andalucía SAF2017-89619-R, CVI-7948European Research Council (ERC-CoG-2014-647359

    Nova tècnica per a la detecció de Legionella

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    En aquest treball es demostra que una tècnica de detecció d'antigen de Legionella pot ser, paral·lelament als mètodes d'aïllament tradicionals, una eina útil i ràpida com a mètode de cribatge d'un gran nombre de mostres en situació de brot epidèmic.En este trabajo se demuestra que una técnica de detección de antígeno de Legionella puede ser, de forma paralela a los métodos de aislamiento tradicionales, una herramienta útil y rápida como método de cribaje de un gran número de muestras en situación de brote epidémico

    Criminoloxía e violencia contra a muller

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