230 research outputs found

    Prose della volgar lingua

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    Dans les Prose della volgar lingua, Pietro Bembo tente de proposer une norme pour la langue littéraire de l’Italie. L’œuvre prend la forme d’un dialogue entre plusieurs intellectuels de diverses régions de la péninsule, Ferrare, Venise, Gênes et Florence, pour définir la langue idéale d’art et de culture. Après des débats et des comparaisons avec les langues anciennes, le grec et le latin, c’est finalement la position du cardinal Giuliano de’ Medici, le Florentin, qui possède une compétence naturelle en toscan, qui va l’emporter, fondant la langue sur Pétrarque pour la poésie et sur Boccace pour la prose.In Prose della volgar lingua, Pietro Bembo attempts to establish a norm for Italy’s literary language. The work adopts the form of a dialogue between several intellectuals from different regions of the peninsula, Ferrare, Venice, Genoa and Florence, in order to define the ideal language of art and culture. After debate and comparison with Ancient Greek and Latin, the position defended by the Florentine Cardinal Giuliano de’ Medici, who is naturally competent in Tuscan, comes out victorious, founding the language on Petrarch for poetry and Boccaccio for prose

    Cuerpos en el espacio escolar en contexto de inclusión (2003-2019). Un acercamiento al campo. Primeras aproximaciones

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    Este artículo intenta explorar algunas dimensiones que creemos conveniente reseñar para empezar a registrar las memorias de los cuerpos y su transformación en el orden escolar en momentos de masividad del ingreso ¿Cómo estaban organizados los cuerpos a principios del siglo XXI? ¿Se están modificando los habitares, la vestimenta, la ocupación de los espacios? ¿Se están “liberando del orden escolar”, o los vuelven a encorsetar? Reseñaremos cuestiones teóricas y las primeras ideas que surgieron del abordaje al campo para comenzar a describir el andar de los cuerpos en las escuelas en un período que nos interpela y obliga a pensar estrategias que conlleven prácticas de inclusión.How the bodies were organized at the beginning of the 21st century? Are the dwellings, the clothing, the occupation of the spaces being modified? Are they “freeing themselves from the school order”, or are they being corseted again? This article tries to explore some dimensions that we believe it is convenient to review in order to begin to record the memories of the bodies and their transformation in the school order in moments of massive admission. We will review theoretical issues and the first ideas that emerged from the approach to the field to begin to describe the movement of bodies in schools in a period that challenges us and forces us to think of strategies that involve practices of equality.Fil: Bembo, Sandra. Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora; Argentina

    Riconoscimento dei vizi

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    Il riconoscimento dei vizi \ue8 l\u2019atto con cui si ammette l\u2019esistenza di un difetto di una cosa. Ad esso la legge ricollega una serie di conseguenze che si ripercuotono sulla garanzia dovuta per i vizi. Si \ue8 cercato di verificare se al riconoscimento possano essere ricondotti ulteriori effetti rispetto alla inutilit\ue0 della denuncia. Punto di partenza \ue8 stato l\u2019esame della garanzia per i vizi: preliminarmente si \ue8 identificato il concetto stesso di vizio, attraverso lo studio di tutte le norme codicistiche, ed il loro raffronto, in cui esso assume rilevanza. In tal modo si \ue8 analizzato come la garanzia per vizi abbia una rilevanza diversa secondo che si tratti di vendita, appalto, locazione, comodato, mutuo, assicurazione e donazione. Si \ue8 quindi affrontato il problema della natura giuridica della garanzia per vizi, passando in rassegna le varie teorie che nel tempo sono state suggerite dalla dottrina, analizzando specificamente, anche in relazione alle norme di diritto comunitario, il rapporto tra garanzia ed obbligo di consegnare cose conformi al contratto. Si \ue8 quindi illustrato diffusamente il problema dell\u2019aliud pro alio, illustrando sia le differenze con la nozione di vizio, sia i diversi rimedi offerti al compratore ed al committente. In chiusura della parte relativa all\u2019ambito di applicazione della garanzia si \ue8 affrontato il problema dall\u2019applicabilit\ue0 delle norme in esame al contratto preliminare di vendita ad effetti anticipati. Effettuate le premesse di carattere sistematico, si \ue8 quindi passati allo studio del riconoscimento, dapprima in generale, con particolare attenzione alla sua funzione ricognitiva, e successivamente riferito ai vizi. In tale prospettiva si \ue8 analizzato l\u2019istituto della denuncia, anche avendo riguardo alle norme di diritto internazionale. Per un accorto approfondimento del riconoscimento si \ue8 ritenuto opportuno approfondire i suoi legami con istituti affini, come la transazione e la confessione. All\u2019esito \ue8 stato possibile individuare un nuovo concetto di riconoscimento, diverso da quello previsto dagli articoli 1495 e 1667 cod. civ.: prendendo quale spunto di riflessione l\u2019ipotesi di un riconoscimento di un vizio irrilevante si \ue8 ipotizzato, infatti, grazie soprattutto al metodo comparatistico ed al contributo dato dalla dottrina tedesca, un riconoscimento con efficacia costitutivo-modificativa della garanzia. In altre parole, attraverso il riconoscimento sarebbe consentito alle parti di creare nuove obbligazioni sganciate dalla garanzia codicistica ma che la presuppongono. Si \ue8 visto, quindi, come un tale riconoscimento possa accreditarsi come strumento transattivo e/o conciliativo, che consente alle parti di evitare o prevenire una lite avente ad oggetto proprio l\u2019esistenza di un vizio e quindi l\u2019operativit\ue0 o meno della garanzia. Il tutto senza tralasciare i risultati cui la dottrina e la giurisprudenza \ue8 pervenuta nello studio del riconoscimento dei vizi, soprattutto in tema di effetti sulla prescrizione della garanzia e sulla decadenza dal termine per la denuncia. Infine ci si dedicati all\u2019analisi degli effetti del riconoscimento, verificando se da esso possano o no discendere obblighi di eliminazione dei vizi riconosciuti. Anche sul punto il metodo comparatistico \ue8 stato fondamentale. Ed ancora una volta la soluzione \ue8 pervenuta dal diritto tedesco. La teorizzazione di un riconoscimento con efficacia costitutivo-modificativa del diritto di garanzia, consente certamente alle parti la creazione di nuovi obblighi, quali appunto quello eliminatorio. Il concetto di novit\ue0 dell\u2019obbligo derivato dal riconoscimento \ue8 stato debitamente posto in relazione con l\u2019istituto della novazione, cui la giurisprudenza italiana spesso ha fatto ricorso per spiegare la portata di tale obbligo. Nella ricostruzione del riconoscimento quale fonte di obbligazione si \ue8 tenuto in debito conto delle teorie che negano che da un atto di ricognizione possano nascere nuove obbligazioni e che riconducono l\u2019istituto alla ricognizione di debito.The recognition of defects is the act by which we admit the existence of a defect of a thing. The law attaches to it a number of consequences that affect the warranty due to defects. We tried to determine whether the recognition can be traced back further than the effects futility of the complaint. The starting point was an examination of the warranty for defects: first we identified the concept of defect, through the study of all the rules codicistiche, and their comparison, as it is relevant. This will be analyzed as a guarantee for defects have a different significance depending on whether the sales contract, lease, loan, mortgage, insurance and donation. He then addressed the question of the legal nature of the warranty against defects, reviewing the various theories which over time have been suggested by the doctrine, analyzing specifically, in relation to Community law, the relationship between the guarantee and obligation to deliver things in accordance with the contract. He then explained at length the problem dell'aliud pro alio, illustrating both the differences with the notion of defect, and the various remedies offered to the buyer and the buyer. In the closing part of the scope of the guarantee has addressed the issue of the applicability of the rules concerned the contract of sale prior to the anticipated effects. Do the premises of a systematic nature, it is then passed to the study of recognition, first in general, with particular attention to its reconnaissance function, and subsequently reported to the vices. In this perspective, we analyze the institution of the complaint, having regard to the rules of international law. For a shrewd recognition of the depth it was decided to deepen its links with similar institutions, such as transaction and confession. Outcome was possible to identify a new concept of recognition, other than that provided by Articles 1495 and 1667 cod. Civ.: taking as a starting point for reflection the possibility of a recognition of a defect is irrelevant is assumed, in fact, thanks to the comparative method and the contribution made by the German doctrine, effectively constituting a recognition-an amendment of the guarantee. In other words, through the recognition would allow the parties to create new bonds dropped by the warranty but that presupposes codicistica. It is seen, therefore, as such recognition can apply for accreditation as a means of settlement and / or conciliation, which allows parties to avoid or prevent a dispute concerning the very existence of a defect and therefore the effectiveness or otherwise of the warranty. All without leaving the results in the doctrine and the case was received in the study of recognition of the defects, especially with regard to the effects of limitations on the removal of the guarantee and the deadline for the complaint. Finally, there is dedicated to the analysis of the effects of recognition, by testing whether it can or can not come down obligations for the elimination of defects recognized. Also about the comparative method was crucial. And once again the answer was received from the German law. The theory of recognition-effective constitutive law is amended to guarantee, certainly allows the parties to the creation of new obligations, such as one is eliminated. The concept of innovation derived from the recognition of the obligation has been duly placed in relation to the establishment of innovation, which the Italian case law has often been used to explain the scope of this obligation. In the reconstruction of recognition as a source of obligation has been taken due account of the theories that deny that an act of recognition could lead to new obligations and that led back to the institution to the recognition of debt

    Obesity and male breast cancer: Provocative parallels?

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    While rare compared to female breast cancer the incidence of male breast cancer (MBC) has increased in the last few decades. Without comprehensive epidemiological studies, the explanation for the increased incidence of MBC can only be speculated. Nevertheless, one of the most worrying global public health issues is the exponential rise in the number of overweight and obese people, especially in the developed world. Although obesity is not considered an established risk factor for MBC, studies have shown increased incidence among obese individuals. With this observation in mind, this article highlights the correlation between the increased incidence of MBC and the current trends in obesity as a growing problem in the 21st century, including how this may impact treatment. With MBC becoming more prominent we put forward the notion that, not only is obesity a risk factor for MBC, but that increasing obesity trends are a contributing factor to its increased incidence

    Music, Silence, and the Senses in a Late Fifteenth Century Book of Hours

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    Although it is common in the musicological literature to compare decorated music books with books of hours, studies addressing the musical features of books of hours are rare. This article considers musical features in the decoration of a book of hours made by leading illuminators in Ferrara ca. 1469. Images appearing in books of hours are considered to have had an exemplary and meditative function in relation to devotional practice; therefore, this study asks what the reader was intended to learn from musical images, drawing conclusions about the alignment of the senses and the significance of music in fifteenth-century religious experience