321 research outputs found

    Keynes, Hayek y las crisis económicas

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    En el siguiente trabajo se analizan las ideas sobre los ciclos económicos de los dos economistas, Keynes y Hayek, para estudiar la vigencia de estas ideas a ojos de la gran recesión de 2008. Primero, se realiza un estudio de los acontecimientos y las obras más relevantes de la vida de ambos autores, para lograr una mejor perspectiva. En segundo lugar, se hace un estudio de las ideas de Keynes sobre los ciclos y de la eficiencia marginal del capital, que considera es el origen de estos ciclos. En tercer lugar, se analizan las ideas de Hayek sobre los ciclos, junto a los conceptos de sobreinversión, ahorro forzoso y ahorro voluntario. En cuarto lugar, se muestra el choque ideológico que mantuvieron Keynes y Hayek en la década de los 30, estudiando brevemente lo ocurrido en la vida de ambos autores en los años previos a este debate. Por último, se realiza un estudio de las causas y consecuencias de la gran recesión de 2008, para contrastar ambas con las ideas de los dos economistas, y así comprobar la vigencia de estasGrado en Economí

    Complu6IX: transición a IPv6 de la red de datos del campus de Moncloa: ingeniería de red

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    Este proyecto comprueba el estado de madurez del protocolo de red IPv6 y su viabilidad a la hora de realizar una migración de la red de la Complutense a dicho protocolo. Utiliza virtualización en GNU/Linux mediante VNUML para utilizar programas reales sobre una plataforma GNU/Linux simulada

    Podomorfos y grafitis rupestres de la ermita de San Pascual (paraje del Canastell, Crevillent, Alicante)

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    Se presenta un conjunto de insculturas y grafitis sobre soporte rupestre entre los que destacan una serie de motivos podomorfos, localizados en el paraje rural del Canastell, en Crevilllent, Alicante. En las últimas décadas este tipo de manifestaciones han generado un interés creciente entre los investigadores, a pesar de lo cual aún resultan escasos los conjuntos bien conocidos y documentados en la región mediterránea

    Non-adiabatic quantum dynamics of the electronic quenching OH(A(2)sigma(+)) + Kr

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    We present the dynamics of the electronic quenching OH(A2S+) + Kr(1S)-OH(X2P) + Kr(1S), withOH(A2S+) in the ground ro-vibrational state. This study relies on a new non-adiabatic quantum theorythat uses three diabatic electronic statesS+,P0, andP00, coupled by one conical-intersection and nineRenner-Teller matrix elements, all of which are explicitly considered in the equation of the motion. Thetime-dependent mechanism and initial-state-resolved quenching probabilities, integral cross sections,thermal rate constants, and thermally-averaged cross sections are calculatedviathe real wavepacketmethod. The results point out a competition among three non-adiabatic pathways:S+2P0,S+2P00,andP02P00. In particular, the conical-intersection effectsS+-P0are more important than theRenner-Teller couplingsS+-P0,S+-P00, andP0-P00. Therefore,P0is the preferred product channel.The quenching occursviaan indirect insertion mechanism, opening many collision complexes, and theprobabilities thus present many oscillations. Some resonances are still observable in the cross sections,which are in good agreement with previous experimental and quasi-classical findings. We also discussthe validity of more approximate quantum methods

    A three-layer model of source code comprehension

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    In this paper we first propose a source code comprehension model built as a hierarchy of three abstraction levels from the source code to the purpose (goal) of the program. The elements belonging to each layer have been precisely defined as well as their links to the elements in the adjacent layers. Consequently this model allows to bridge the semantic gap between the purpose of the program defined in business terms and the code that implements it. The model leverages two ontologies: an action ontology, which is specific to our approach, and a domain concept ontology. Next this model has been implemented as a tool under Eclipse and two experiments have been performed to assess the relevance of our approach in the maintenance of a large-scale program. The results of this experiment are very encouraging. The contribution of the paper is the presentation of our program comprehension model built on a novel approach based on an action ontology, the description of the tool we developed to assess the relevance of model and the testing of the latter with two controlled experiments

    The Implementation Of Ict In Education: A Systematic Literature Review

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    [EN] Innovation in education through the use of ICT plays a very important role on human evolution. The use of ICT innovation in education breaks up existing barriers and expands knowledge frontiers, opening the possibility of developing a more skilled labour force once students end their studies. For this to take place, the existence of ICT champions, defined as those who actively promote and foster the use of technology in institutions, and competent teacher training programs are essential so that information is transmitted efficiently to students. The objective of this research is to analyse existing publications related to ICT innovation in education to understand better the impact and benefits on society of the implementation of ICT in education, as well as getting to know the keys to implementing it successfully. The methodology applied is bibliometric analysis, this is a systematic literature review which consists of analysing a large number of papers and extracting relevant conclusions related to the topic. The Web of Science database was used to select the papers to be reviewed. The keywords: Education, Innovation and ICT were combined using the Boolean operator ¿AND¿ to conduct the search. Papers which we considered that best fitted the topic were selected from the Web of Science search result conducted previously.Martínez Climent, C.; Veciana-Belmonte, M.; Botella-Carrubi, D.; Sendra-García, FJ. (2021). The Implementation Of Ict In Education: A Systematic Literature Review. IATED Academy. 1-10. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/19065911

    Investigating an outbreak of non-specific building-related symptoms in workers of a general hospital

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    Objective: To obtain a case definition and to describe variables associated with a cluster of unspecific symptoms in healthcare workers (HCW) in a hospital building. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed. All people working at the Residencia Cantabria building (a 200-bed building belonging to University Hospital Marqués de Valdecilla) in June 2009 were invited to complete a self-administered questionnaire, including questions on demographic data, working place and shift, working conditions and current symptoms. A cluster analysis was developed to obtain the case definition. The strength of the association between the studied variables and accomplishing the case definition was measured using odds ratios (OR) with the 95% confidence interval (CI). Multiple logistic regression was used to obtain a predictive model; its general validity was estimated with Receiver Operating Curves (ROC) and their Area Under the Curve (AUC). Results: 357 completed questionnaires were obtained. The case was defined as having at least 5 symptoms out of the eleven included. Not being ascribed to a specific shift was the strongest protective variable related with "being a case" (OR = 0.30; 95% CI: 0.17?0.54), whereas the personal antecedent of distal pain or inflammation in arms or legs was the main risk factor (OR = 4.33, 95% CI: 2.75?6.82). A six-variable predictive model has AUC equaling to 0.7378. Conclusions: A disease associated with the indoor environment quality in a hospital was characterized. A multivariate score was drafted for identifying HCW with higher risk of developing the disease in order to apply administrative prevention measures

    Averaging of collected-power fluctuations by a multiaperture receiver system

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    When a large aperture is used to collect light propagated through the atmosphere, it performs an average operation on the irradiance fluctuations, resulting in collected-power fluctuations that are not as large as those that could be obtained from a point receiver. We present an expression for the aperture-averaging factor of optical scintillation using multiaperture architectures on the receiver configuration. That expression is used to assess the decrease in the total collected power fluctuations for several multiaperture receiver configurations.Peer Reviewe

    Impact of the Pandemic on STEAM Disciplines in the Sixth Grade of Primary Education

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    The demand for professionals entering the labor market requires knowledge and disciplines in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STEAM). Schools are the first link to train competent students for today’s society. However, the pandemic has conditioned the teaching–learning methodologies based on promoting STEAM in educational centers, which is the reason that leads us to carry out this study. The main objective of the research is to evaluate the STEAM dimensions in the sixth grade of primary education in times of pandemic. The study method is based on a quasi-experimental, descriptive and correlational design with an experimental group and a control group. The data are collected through a validated questionnaire, pre-test and post-test, which develops an assessment of student collaboration in STEAM activities. The sample is made up of 142 Spanish students, of which 68 belong to the control group and 74 to the experimental group. The conclusions of the study highlight that the active methodologies, based on computational thinking and on makerspaces of the future classroom, influenced the STEAM dimensions of the experimental group before the pandemic. However, the pandemic and the health restrictions in face-to-face classes led to a negative assessment of the experimental group in the STEAM dimensions
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