17 research outputs found

    New insights on the Sorbas Basin (SE Spain): the onshore reference of the Messinian Salinity Crisis

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    International audienceThe Sorbas Basin is the land reference of the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) that affected the Mediterranean Sea in the latest Miocene. Its stratigraphy has been re-visited using calcareous nannofossils and planktonic foraminifers, which provide a reliable biostratigraphic frame and lead to particularly specify the relationships between the Sorbas and Zorreras members with Yesares evaporites.The evaporites overlie a shallowing upward sequence ending with the deposition of the Reef Unit and Terminal Carbonate Complex (TCC) on the periphery of the basin. The reefal carbonates of the TCC are overlain by clastic deposits that are foreset beds of post-MSC Gilbert-type fan deltas developed on the northern edge of the basin. These sedimentary structures are separated from reefal carbonates and the Reef Unit by the Messinian Erosional Surface (MES). The various facies of the Sorbas Member have been correlated with the bottomset beds of the Gilbert-type fan deltas despite some differences in palaeobathymetry. In the southeastern periphery of the basin, the MES separates the Sorbas Member from the Yesares gypsums. In the central part of the basin, a hiatus characterizes the contact between these members. The Zorreras Member postdates the MSC and entirely belongs to Zanclean. Its white “Lago Mare” layers are lagoonal deposits, the fauna of which is confirmed to result from Mediterranean–Paratethys high sea-level exchange after the post-MSC marine reflooding of the Mediterranean Basin.This study allows to re-assert the two-step scenario of the MSC (Clauzon et al., 1996) with the following events:- at 5.971–5.600 Ma, minor sea-level fall resulting in the desiccation of this peripheral basin with secondary fluctuations;- at 5.600–5.460 Ma, significant subaerial erosion (or lack of sedimentation) caused by the almost complete desiccation of the Mediterranean Sea;- instantaneous marine reflooding, accepted at 5.460 Ma, followed by continuing sea-level rise

    New Insights on the Sorbas Basin (SE Spain): the onshore reference of the Messinian Salinity Crisis

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    The Sorbas Basin is the land reference of the Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) that affected the Mediterranean Sea in the latest Miocene. Its stratigraphy has been re-visited using calcareous nannofossils and planktonic foraminifers, which provide a reliable biostratigraphic frame and lead to particularly specify the relationships between the Sorbas and Zorreras members with Yesares evaporites. The evaporites overlie a shallowing upward sequence ending with the deposition of the Reef Unit and Terminal Carbonate Complex (TCC) on the periphery of the basin. The reefal carbonates of the TCC are overlain by clastic deposits that are foreset beds of post-MSC Gilbert-type fan deltas developed on the northern edge of the basin. These sedimentary structures are separated from reefal carbonates and the Reef Unit by the Messinian Erosional Surface (MES). The various facies of the Sorbas Member have been correlated with the bottomset beds of the Gilbert-type fan deltas despite some differences in palaeobathymetry. In the southeastern periphery of the basin, the MES separates the Sorbas Member from the Yesares gypsums. In the central part of the basin, a hiatus characterizes the contact between these members. The Zorreras Member postdates the MSC and entirely belongs to Zanclean. Its white "Lago Mare" layers are lagoonal deposits, the fauna of which is confirmed to result from Mediterranean-Paratethys high sea-level exchange after the post-MSC marine reflooding of the Mediterranean Basin. This study allows to re-assert the two-step scenario of the MSC (Clauzon et al., 1996) with the following events: - at 5.971-5.600 Ma, minor sea-level fall resulting in the desiccation of this peripheral basin with secondary fluctuations; - at 5.600-5.460 Ma, significant subaerial erosion (or lack of sedimentation) caused by the almost complete desiccation of the Mediterranean Sea; - instantaneous marine reflooding, accepted at 5.460 Ma, followed by continuing sea-level rise

    Kalkige Nannofossilien aus dem Tertiär-Flysch (Post-Eozän bis unterstes Miozän) der Ionischen Zone in Epirus, NW-Griechenland: Taxonomie und biostratigraphische Korrelationen

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    The present study considered calcareous nannofossils from material represented by outcrops of Flysch successions of the External Hellenides belt in the area of the Ionian Zone (I.Z.), northwestern Greece. The studied outcrops are located in Epirus mainland and the Ionian island Korfu. Three subdivisions have been traditionally in literature distinguished in the I.Z., the Internal, Middle and External (moving from east to the west), each of which was subsequently recognized in the Flysch deposits as well. Aim of the study was, a refinement of the current biostratigraphic resolution of the area through detailed taxonomic descriptions and consequently, a reliably better correlation of the investigated sedimentary deposits with the help of calcareous nannofossils. The biostratigraphic data were also processed semiquentitatively (frequency variations and distributions), in order to accurately determine important biohorizons. For this purpose, the nannofossils were studied under the LM and the SEM, from ten closely sampled sections representing clastic sequences of all the three subdivisions of the I.Z. The investigated sections are situated at about 39° northern mid latitudes, a fact which resulted to mixed nannoflora assemblages of low and high latitudes character. The sections are namely: Elatos, Korfovouni (Internal I.Z. subdivision), Kato Despotiko, Strouga Goumenou and Ekklisia (Middle I.Z. subdivision), lower and upper Argyrotopos, National Road, Monos and Anacharavi (External I.Z. subdivision). They were found to range in age from the latest Eocene to the Early Miocene. Based on the systematic palaeontology, 107 species of calcareous nannofossils were observed and documented in the studied material. Among them, a new species Rhabdosphaera epirotica sp. nov. was described, and four recombinations were proposed. Moreover, two calcareous dinoflagellate cysts, Cervisiella saxea and Obliquipithonella sp. were reported for the first time from the I.Z. in Greece. Despite the mid latitude palaeogeographic position of the sections, all the conventional calcareous nannofossil zonal markers for the Oligocene and Early Miocene were recorded, although some in fewer abundances than in low latitudes. Improving the biostratigraphic reliability, a new zonational scheme was here developed and proposed for the Oligocene to Early Miocene interval. It was mainly established on use of redefined biohorizons and composed of five zones and five subzones following below: 1. Latest Eocene: Ericsonia formosa Partial-range Zone, 2. Oligocene: llselithina fusa / Ericsonia formosa Concurrent-range Zone, Ericsonia formosa-Reticulofenestra umbilicus/R. hillae Interval Zone, Cyclicargolithus abisectus Partial-range Zone, including the subzones: Rhabdosphaera spp. Interval Subzone, and Sphenolithus predistentus Interval Subzone, Reticulofenestra scissura Interval Zone, including the Sphenolithus delphix Abundance Subzone, and 3. Earliest Miocene: Triquetrorhabdulus spp. Partial-range Subzone Sphenolithus conicus Interval Subzone. Based on a new biohorizon of the absolute First Occurrence (FO) of llselithina fusa, the Eocene/Oligocene (E/O) boundary was identified in the lower part of the Argyrotopos section. On the absence of disc-shaped discoasters, the I. fusa biohorizon represented a better approximation of the boundary, which was clearly correlated with the other studied sections of the three subdivisions of the I.Z. The Oligocene/Miocene (O/M) boundary was identified in the Monos section located in the Plataria syncline (External I.Z.), but Early Miocene strata were recorded in the Middle I.Z. as well. This boundary was placed at the Last Common Occurrence (LCO) biohorizon of the Reticulofenestra scissura. Moreover, six associate bioevents were reported near the O/M boundary, among them the highest occurrence of I. fusa, located above the boundary, in the Anacharavi section of Korfu island (western part of the External I.Z.). For the first time were evaluated reworked together with „autochton“ taxa of calcareous nannofossils in Greece. Maximum diversity values along each of the studied sections, have shown increased reworking and erosional processes in the Internal subdivision of the I.Z. than in the Middle and the External ones. This is interpreted to be connected with the higher tectonic instability along the Pindos thrust to the east, in relation to the central and western parts of the Ionian basin mainly during the Oligocene.Die der vorliegenden Arbeit zugrundeliegenden kalkigen Nannofossilien stammen von Flyschabfolgen der Externen Helleniden (Ionische Zone) Nordwest-Griechenlands.So wurden in die Untersuchung Aufschlüsse des Festlandes in Epirus und der Ionischen Insel Korfu aus dem stratigraphischen Intervall vom obersten Eozän bis zum untersten Miozän einbezogen. Die Ionische Zone (I.Z.) wird traditionell von Osten nach Westen in die Interne, Mittlere und Externe Subzone unterteilt. Diese Einteilung läßt sich auch auf die Flyschablagerungen übertragen. Ziel der Arbeit ist eine Verfeinerung der bestehenden Biostratigraphie durch detaillierte taxonomische Beschreibungen, um damit eine bessere Korrelation der untersuchten Ablagerungen mit Hilfe der kalkigen Nannofossilien zu erreichen. Mit einer halbquantitativen Erfassung der biostratigraphischen Daten (Häufigkeitsvariation und -Verteilung) gelingt es darüberhinaus, einzelne Biohorizonte genauer zu definieren. Zu diesem Zwecke wurde das kalkige Nannoplankton von zehn eng-beprobten Profilen aus klastischen Abfolgen aller drei Subzonen der I. Z. unter dem Licht- und Elektronenmikroskop (REM) untersucht. Die Profile im einzelnen sind: Elatos und Korfovouni (Interne Subzone), Kato Despotiko, Strouga Goumenou und Ekklisia (Mittlere Subzone), Unter bzw. Ober Argyrotopos, National Road, Monos und Anacharavi (Externe Subzone). Zur Ablagerungszeit befanden sich die untersuchten Profile in einer nördlichen Paläobreite um 39°, was zu einer gemischten Nannoflora aus charakteristischen Vertretern niedriger und höherer Breiten führte. In dem untersuchten Material konnten insgesamt 107 Spezies von kalkigem Nannoplankton gefunden und dokumentiert werden. Die Art Rhabdosphaera epirotica nov. sp.wird neu beschrieben und vier Rekombinationen werden vorgeschlagen. Darüberhinaus konnten zwei kalkige Dinoflagellatenzysten Cervisiella saxea und Obliquipithonella sp. zum ersten Mal in der I.Z. nachgewiesen werden. Trotz der paläogeographischen Position der Profile in mittleren Paläobreitenbereich konnten alle konventionellen Zonenleitformen des kalkigen Nannoplanktons für das Oligozän und das Untermiozän gefunden werden, einige davon jedoch in geringerer Häufigkeit als in den niedrigeren Breiten. Durch die Verbesserung der biostratigraphischen Genauigkeit wird hier ein neues mediterranes Zonenschema für das Oligozän und das Untermiozän entwickelt, das im wesentlichen auf neu definierten Biohorizonten basiert. Es enthält fünf Zonen und fünf Subzonen: 1. Jüngstes Eozän: Ericsonia formosa Partial-range Zone, 2. Oligozän: llselithina fusa/Ericsonia formosa Concurrent-range Zone, Ericsonia formosa-Reticulofenestra umbilicus/R. hillae Interval Zone, Cyclicargolithus abisectus Partial-range Zone, gegliedert in den Subzonen: Rhabdosphaera spp. Interval Subzone, und Sphenolithus predistentus Interval Subzone, Reticulofenestra scissura Interval Zone, die eine Subzone enthält: Sphenolithus delphix Abundance Subzone, und 3. Ältestes Miozän: Triquetrorhabdulus spp. Partial-range Subzone Sphenolithus conicus Interval Subzone. Mit dem ersten Auftreten (FO) von llselithina fusa wird ein neuer Biohorizont definiert, mit dem die Grenze Eozän/Oligozän (E/O) in dem unteren Teil des Argyrotopos-Profils nachgewiesen wird. Trotz der Abwesenheit von scheibenförmigen Discoasteriden läßt sich nun diese Grenze mit dem I. fusa-Biohorizont besser fassen und kann eindeutig mit den Profilen in den beiden anderen Subzonen der I.Z. korreliert werden. Die Oligozän/Miozän-Grenze (O/M) konnte im Monos-Profil der Plataria-Synklinale (Externe I.Z.) charakterisiert werden. Untermiozän ließ sich aber auch in der Mittleren Subzone nachweisen. Die Grenze O/M ist durch das letzte Vorkommen (LCO) von Reticulofenestra scissura bestimmt. Sechs assoziierte Bioevents fallen in diesen Grenzbereich, darunter im Anacharavi-Profil der Insel Korfu (Westteil der Externen Subzone) das jüngste Vorkommen von I. fusa, unmittelbar über der Grenze O/M. Zum erstem Mal für Griechenland konnten aufgearbeitete Taxa von kalkigen Nannofossilien zusammen mit den autochthonen Taxa nachgewiesen werden. Ein Vergleich der maximalen Diversitätswerte in den untersuchten Profilen zeigt eine signifikant höhere Aufarbeitungsrate in der Internen Subzone gegenüber der Mittleren und Externen Subzonen. Dieser Umstand dürfte mit der höheren tektonischen Instabilität entlang der Pindos-Decken-Front im Osten des Arbeitsgebietes Zusammenhängen.thesisDFG, SUB Göttinge

    Assessing Natural Gas Versus CO<sub>2</sub> Potential Underground Storage Sites in Greece: A Pragmatic Approach <xref rid="fn1-materproc-1566476" ref-type="fn">†</xref>

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    Although subsurface traps have been regularly explored for hydrocarbon exploration, natural gas and CO2 storage has drawn industrial attention over the past few decades, thanks to the increasing demand for energy resources and the need for greenhouse gas mitigation. With only one depleted hydrocarbon field in Greece, saline aquifers, salt caverns and sedimentary basins ought to be evaluated in furtherance of the latter. Within this study the potential of the Greek subsurface for underground storage is discussed. An overview and re-evaluation of the so-far studied areas is implemented based on the available data. Lastly, a pragmatic approach for the storage potential in Greece was created, delineating gaps and risks in the already proposed sites. Based on the above details, a case study for CO2 storage is presented, which is relevant to the West Katakolo field saline aquifer

    Evaluation of Gas Generation Potential Using Thermal Maturity Modelling&mdash;The Katakolo Case: A Probable Pathway to Energy Transition

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    It is evident that the increased focus on energy transition, will increase the demand for gas as it is the transitional fuel to the net zero CO2 emission era. The West Katakolo field is the only oil and gas discovery in Western Greece, and it is operated by Energean. The three offshore West Katakolo wells have defined both the oil and the gas zones, while onshore exploration wells have penetrated biogenic gas-saturated Plio-Pleistocene sands. This study assesses the gas generation potential of the local Plio-Pleistocene and Triassic sources using thermal maturity modelling based on the available legacy data, with limitations being addressed by running several case-scenarios. In conclusion, this study supports the generation of thermogenic and biogenic gas from the Triassic and Plio-Pleistocene sources respectively, demonstrating the importance of maturity modelling in hydrocarbon exploration, applied on the Katakolo case; a potential gas source to facilitate the energy transition in Greece

    Evaluation of Gas Generation Potential Using Thermal Maturity Modelling—The Katakolo Case: A Probable Pathway to Energy Transition

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    It is evident that the increased focus on energy transition, will increase the demand for gas as it is the transitional fuel to the net zero CO2 emission era. The West Katakolo field is the only oil and gas discovery in Western Greece, and it is operated by Energean. The three offshore West Katakolo wells have defined both the oil and the gas zones, while onshore exploration wells have penetrated biogenic gas-saturated Plio-Pleistocene sands. This study assesses the gas generation potential of the local Plio-Pleistocene and Triassic sources using thermal maturity modelling based on the available legacy data, with limitations being addressed by running several case-scenarios. In conclusion, this study supports the generation of thermogenic and biogenic gas from the Triassic and Plio-Pleistocene sources respectively, demonstrating the importance of maturity modelling in hydrocarbon exploration, applied on the Katakolo case; a potential gas source to facilitate the energy transition in Greece

    The Oligocene Argyrotopos profile in the external lonian basin (Epirus, Greece): Microfacies and microfossils

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    Summarization: The Argyrotopos profile of the Oligocene Ayii Pantes Formation in the NW Greece was studied using litho- and biofacies-analysis. The exposed sequence is mainly composed of monotonous marls and sandy marls. A rich fossil content, e.g. calcareous nannoplankton, is recorded. Some sandstone beds and two graded limestone beds with abundant lepidocyclinids and globigerinids are intercalated. The nannofossil assemblages from the measured profile of the Ayii Pantes Formation are attributed to theSphenolithus distentus Zone (NP 24) which is equivalent to theCyclicargolithus floridanus Subzone (CP 19a) of the Chattian, Upper Oligocene. The deposition took place in an euphotic subtidal environment situated on the eastern margin of the Apulian Platform. The lepidocyclinids were derived from this platform and were transported basinwards. The formation of the marls is influenced by sediment flux from the west.Presented on: Facie