318 research outputs found

    Blain – Cour du musée

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    Un projet d’agrandissement du musée de Blain est à l’origine d’un diagnostic archéologique. Celui-ci, effectué sur environ 40 m2, a révélé deux fosses-dépotoirs datables de la première moitié du ier s. apr. J.-C. et cinq sépultures en pleine terre et sans mobilier, vraisemblablement d’époque médiévale ou moderne

    Saint-Philbert-de-Grand-Lieu – La Galonnière

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    Le diagnostic réalisé par Benoît Oliveau sur la déviation de la RD 117 entre les hameaux du Pied-Pain et de la Gravouillerie ayant été positif, une fouille préventive a été déclenchée sur le site de la Galonnière. Au terme de l’étude, trois phases d’occupations distinctes ont pu être mises en évidence sur ce site localisé sur le flanc d’un léger talweg. Fig. 1 – Localisation générale des faits DAO : J. Cornec (Afan). La première phase, caractérisée par un enclos de forme trapézoïdale datant ..

    Exact Method For Hybrid Flowshop With Batching Machines And Tasks Compatibilities

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    International audienceWe consider a two-stage hybrid flowshop scheduling problem where each of n tasks is to be processed first at stage 1 and then at stage 2. The first stage contains m_1 identical parallel discrete machines and the second stage contains m_2 identical parallel batching machines. Each discrete machine can process no more than one task at time and each batching machine can process up to k tasks simultaneously in batch. The processing time of task j on any machine of stage one requires p_j time units and on any machine of stage two requiers q_j time units, which is given by the interval [a_j,b_j]. On the second stage the tasks are processed in batch and all tasks of the same batch start and finish together with the additional constraint that the tasks of the same batch have to be compatible. A compatibility is a symmetric binary relation in which a pair (i,j) of tasks is compatible if they share a similar processing time on the second machine (i.e, [a_i, b_i] \cap [a_j, b_j] \neq \emptyset). The batch processing time on the batching machine is determined as the maximum initial value a_j of compatible tasks. The objective is to find a schedule such that the completion time of the latest batch is minimized

    International Banking Facilities

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    International Banking Facilities

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    Report for 2012 from the Bordeaux IVS Analysis Center

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    This report summarizes the activities of the Bordeaux IVS Analysis Center during the year 2012. The work focused on (i) regular analysis of the IVS-R1 and IVS-R4 sessions with the GINS software package; (ii) systematic VLBI imaging of the RDV sessions and calculation of the corresponding source structure index and compactness values; (iii) investigation of the correlation between astrometric position instabilities and source structure variations; and (iv) continuation of our VLBI observational program to identify optically-bright radio sources suitable for the link with the future Gaia frame. Also of importance is the 11th European VLBI Network Symposium, which we organized last October in Bordeaux and which drew much attention from the European and International VLBI communities

    Time-frequency relationships between heart rate and respiration: A diagnosis tool for late onset sepsis in sick premature infants

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    International audienceThe diagnosis of late onset sepsis in premature infants remains difficult because clinical signs are subtle and non-specific and none of the laboratory tests, including CRP and blood culture, have high predictive accuracy. Heart rate variability (HRV) analysis emerges as a promising diagnostic tool. Entropy and long-range fractal correlation are decreased in premature infants with proven sepsis. Besides this, respiration and its relations to HRV appear to be less. The objective of this study was to determine if analysis of time-frequency correlations between the heart rate and respiration amplitude may help for the diagnosis of infection in premature infants. An estimator of the linear relationship between nonstationary signals, recently introduced, is explored. The tests were performed on a cohort study of 60 premature infants. The results show that the correlation in the low frequency band tended to be higher in the sepsis group

    La llegada de la fotografía a la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando

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    The advent of photography in the Nineteenth century was a revolution in the way of seeing and reproducing the Art, an area where lithography recorded in exclusive. In Spain, the request of J. Laurent for taking photographs of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando principal tables, opened the discussion, as in their European counterparts, about the competition of the photography in Art reproduction and consolidated the importance of these new visual libraries created by large photographic companies throughout the century.La aparición de la fotografía en el siglo XIX en el ámbito de las artes supuso una revolución en las formas de mirar y reproducir las obras de arte, lugar en el que antes el grabado gozaba de exclusividad. En España, la petición de J. Laurent para fotografiar los cuadros de la Real Academia de Bellas Artes de san Fernando abrió el debate, al igual que en sus homónimas europeas, sobre la competencia de la fotografía en la reproducción artística y consolidó la importancia de estas nuevas bibliotecas visuales creadas por las grandes firmas fotográficas a lo largo de todo el siglo
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