1,342 research outputs found

    Comparison of LOQC C-sign gates with ancilla inefficiency and an improvement to functionality under these conditions

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    We compare three proposals for non-deterministic C-sign gates implemented using linear optics and conditional measurements with non-ideal ancilla mode production and detection. The simplified KLM gate [Ralph et al, Phys.Rev.A {\bf 65}, 012314 (2001)] appears to be the most resilient under these conditions. We also find that the operation of this gate can be improved by adjusting the beamsplitter ratios to compensate to some extent for the effects of the imperfect ancilla.Comment: to appear in PR

    Evidence that the Bursting Component of the X-ray Radiation From 3C 111 Originates in the PC-Scale Jet

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    Evidence is presented indicating that the bursting component of the X-ray radiation detected in the nuclear region of the active radio galaxy 3C 111 comes from the blobs ejected in the pc-scale jet and not from the accretion disc. After each new outburst the radio flux density associated with it increases to a peak in ~1 year and then subsides over a period of 1-2 years with the flux falling off exponentially as the blob moves outward and dissipates. Similar peaks (bursts) are seen in the X-ray light curve and a cross-correlation between the two shows a very high correlation with the X-ray peaks leading the radio peaks by ~100 days. A second cross-correlation, this time between the radio event start times and the X-ray light curve, also shows a significant correlation. When this is taken together with the long (~1 yr) delay between the start of each ejection event and its associated X-ray peak it indicates that this bursting component of the X-ray flux must be associated with the ejected blobs in the pc-scale jet and not with the accretion disc. Because X-ray telescopes do not have the resolution required to resolve the accretion disc area from the pc-scale jet, this paper is the first to present observational evidence that can pinpoint the point of origin of at least those long-timescale X-ray bursts with durations of 1-3 yrs.Comment: 11 pages, 8 Figures. Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Candidates for a possible third-generation gravitational wave detector: comparison of ring-Sagnac and sloshing-Sagnac speedmeter interferometers

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    Speedmeters are known to be quantum non-demolition devices and, by potentially providing sensitivity beyond the standard quantum limit, become interesting for third generation gravitational wave detectors. Here we introduce a new configuration, the sloshing-Sagnac interferometer, and compare it to the more established ring-Sagnac interferometer. The sloshing-Sagnac interferometer is designed to provide improved quantum noise limited sensitivity and lower coating thermal noise than standard position meter interferometers employed in current gravitational wave detectors. We compare the quantum noise limited sensitivity of the ring-Sagnac and the sloshing-Sagnac interferometers, in the frequency range, from 5 Hz to 100 Hz, where they provide the greatest potential benefit. We evaluate the improvement in terms of the unweighted noise reduction below the standard quantum limit, and by finding the range up to which binary black hole inspirals may be observed. The sloshing-Sagnac was found to give approximately similar or better sensitivity than the ring-Sagnac in all cases. We also show that by eliminating the requirement for maximally-reflecting cavity end mirrors with correspondingly-thick multi-layer coatings, coating noise can be reduced by a factor of approximately 2.2 compared to conventional interferometers

    Thermal compression of two-dimensional atomic hydrogen to quantum degeneracy

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    We describe experiments where 2D atomic hydrogen gas is compressed thermally at a small "cold spot" on the surface of superfluid helium and detected directly with electron-spin resonance. We reach surface densities up to 5e12 1/cm^2 at temperatures of approximately 100 mK corresponding to the maximum 2D phase-space density of about 1.5. By independent measurements of the surface density and its decay rate we make the first direct determination of the three-body recombination rate constant and get the value of 2e-25 cm^4/s for its upper bound, which is an order of magnitude smaller than previously reported experimental results.Comment: 4 pages, 4 postscript figures, bibliography (.bbl) file, submitted to PR

    Effects of dietary protein and fat level and rapeseed oil on growth and tissue fatty acid composition and metabolism in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) reared at low water temperatures

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    A 12 week feeding trial was conducted to elucidate the interactive effects of dietary fat and protein contents and oil source on growth, fatty acid composition, protein retention efficiency (PRE) and β-oxidation activity of muscle and liver in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) at low water temperatures (4.2 oC). Triplicate groups of Atlantic salmon (initial weight 1168 g) were fed six isoenergetic diets formulated to provide either 390 g kg-1 protein and 320 g kg-1 fat (high protein (HP) diets) or 340 g kg-1 protein and 360 g kg-1 fat (low protein (LP) diets); within each dietary protein/fat level crude RO comprised 0, 30 or 60% (R0, R30, R60, respectively) of the added oil. After 12 weeks the overall growth and FCR were very good for all treatments (TGC; 4.76 (±0.23), FCR; 0.85 (±0.02)). Significant effects were shown due to oil source on SGR and TGC only. The liver and muscle FA compositions were highly affected by the graded inclusion of RO. The PRE was significantly affected by the dietary protein level, while no significant effects were shown in total β-oxidation capacity of liver and muscle. The results of this study suggest that more sustainable, lower protein diets with moderate RO inclusion can be used in Atlantic salmon culture at low water temperatures with no negative effects on growth and feed conversion, no major detrimental effects on lipid and fatty acid metabolism and a positive effect on protein sparing

    Seed bank dynamics govern persistence of Brassica hybrids in crop and natural habitats

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    Background and Aims: Gene flow from crops to their wild relatives has the potential to alter population growth rates and demography of hybrid populations, especially when a new crop has been genetically modified (GM). This study introduces a comprehensive approach to assess this potential for altered population fitness, and uses a combination of demographic data in two habitat types and mathematical (matrix) models that include crop rotations and outcrossing between parental species. Methods: Full life-cycle demographic rates, including seed bank survival, of non-GM Brassica rapa × B. napus F1 hybrids and their parent species were estimated from experiments in both agricultural and semi-natural habitats. Altered fitness potential was modelled using periodic matrices including crop rotations and outcrossing between parent species. Key Results: The demographic vital rates (i.e. for major stage transitions) of the hybrid population were intermediate between or lower than both parental species. The population growth rate (λ) of hybrids indicated decreases in both habitat types, and in a semi-natural habitat hybrids became extinct at two sites. Elasticity analyses indicated that seed bank survival was the greatest contributor to λ. In agricultural habitats, hybrid populations were projected to decline, but with persistence times up to 20 years. The seed bank survival rate was the main driver determining persistence. It was found that λ of the hybrids was largely determined by parental seed bank survival and subsequent replenishment of the hybrid population through outcrossing of B. rapa with B. napus. Conclusions: Hybrid persistence was found to be highly dependent on the seed bank, suggesting that targeting hybrid seed survival could be an important management option in controlling hybrid persistence. For local risk mitigation, an increased focus on the wild parent is suggested. Management actions, such as control of B. rapa, could indirectly reduce hybrid populations by blocking hybrid replenishment

    Link between increased gut hormones signaling satiety and reduced food reward following gastric bypass surgery for obesity

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    CONTEXT: Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery is an effective long-term intervention for weight loss maintenance, reducing appetite, and also food reward, via unclear mechanisms. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the role of elevated satiety gut hormones after RYGB, we examined food hedonic-reward responses after their acute post-prandial suppression. DESIGN: These were randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover experimental medicine studies. PATIENTS: Two groups, more than 5 months after RYGB for obesity (n = 7-11), compared with nonobese controls (n = 10), or patients after gastric banding (BAND) surgery (n = 9) participated in the studies. INTERVENTION: Studies were performed after acute administration of the somatostatin analog octreotide or saline. In one study, patients after RYGB, and nonobese controls, performed a behavioral progressive ratio task for chocolate sweets. In another study, patients after RYGB, and controls after BAND surgery, performed a functional magnetic resonance imaging food picture evaluation task. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Octreotide increased both appetitive food reward (breakpoint) in the progressive ratio task (n = 9), and food appeal (n = 9) and reward system blood oxygen level-dependent signal (n = 7) in the functional magnetic resonance imaging task, in the RYGB group, but not in the control groups. RESULTS: Octreotide suppressed postprandial plasma peptide YY, glucagon-like peptide-1, and fibroblast growth factor-19 after RYGB. The reduction in plasma peptide YY with octreotide positively correlated with the increase in brain reward system blood oxygen level-dependent signal in RYGB/BAND subjects, with a similar trend for glucagon-like peptide-1. CONCLUSIONS: Enhanced satiety gut hormone responses after RYGB may be a causative mechanism by which anatomical alterations of the gut in obesity surgery modify behavioral and brain reward responses to food
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