60 research outputs found

    Globaliosios sijyno optimizacijos uždaviniai

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    Important problem in civil engineering is obtaining optimal pile placement schemes for grillage-type foundations in order to reduce the number of piles and reactive forces arising in piles. The idealizations of problem and formulation for local and global optimization are discussed, highlighting the must for global optimization. The grillage is discretized using finite element method. Sensitivity of objective function is obtained analytically. The solution technology for a class of aforementioned problems is proposed based on the use of global optimization algorithms of package GAMS, which are implemented as ``black boxes”. Results of computational experiments are presented.Nagrinėjamas aktualus statybos inžinerijoje uždavinys: optimalios polių išdėstymo rostverkiniuose pamatuose schemos gavimas, siekiant kuo mažesnio polių skaičiaus ir kuo mažesnių atraminių reakcijų juose. Aptariami uždavinio idealizavimai, jo formulavimas lokaliajai ir globaliajai optimizacijai, parodoma globaliosios  optimizacijos reikšmė tokiems uždaviniams. Sijyno diskretizacijai taikomas baigtinių elementų metodas. Tikslo funkcijos jautrumo analizė atliekama analitiškai. Pasiūlyta tokių uždavinių sprendimo technologija, taikant globaliosios optimizacijos algoritmus kaip „juodas dėžes“; tam uždavinio sprendimo programos pritaikytos optimizacijos paketui GAMS. Pateikiamas skaitinis pavyzdys

    Duomenų perdavimo elektroninių ryšių tinklais galimybės baudžiamojoje procesinėje veikloje.

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    Development and intensive use of Information Technology (IT) in almost all areas of modern life supposes the necessity to harness IT in criminal proceedings. This is emphasized in many recommendations announced by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, declaring that a wider use of IT should reduce the cost, increase efficiency and promptness of criminal procedure and, furthermore, ensure a better quality and transparency of the procedures. Despite the obvious advantages of transmitting data via electronic telecommunication networks (such as: reduced transfer time and cost, increased reliability, etc.), the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Lithuania authorizes only a single case for use of these data transfer methods; part 2 of Article I71 of the Code states that the European arrest warrant transmitted by facsimile or other electronic telecommunication networks is recognized if the transmitting procedure ensures authenticity and integrity of the data. In practice electronic telecommunications are being used for a much wider set of purposes related to solving organizational matters; many practitioners would welcome the use of electronic telecommunications for transmitting data related to criminal proceedings, if necessary legislation were available. The article states that a number of international legal acts and the law of the Republic of Lithuania have established proper means of ensuring authenticity and integrity of data transmitted via electronic telecommunication networks (e.g. secure electronic signature) and thus information transmitted by using these means is reliable and appropriate for legal matters. [...]Informacinių technologijų plėtra per pastaruosius keletą dešimtmečių atvėrė naujas bendravimo ir susižinojimo galimybes, kurios plačiai taikomos beveik visose socialinio gyvenimo, taip pat ir įvairių teisės Šakų reguliuojamose gyvenimo srityse. Tačiau galiojantis Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamojo proceso kodeksas šiuo požiūriu yra pernelyg konservatyvus ir nesuteikia galimybių baudžiamojo proceso eigoje visiškai pritaikyti naujausių informacinių technologijų suteikiamas galimybes. Straipsnyje, remiantis mokslinėje literatūroje pateikiamomis nuomonėmis, baudžiamojo proceso įstatymų, tarptautinių teisės aktų analize, teisėsaugos institucijų darbuotojų apklausos rezultatais, pateikiami pasiūlymai dėl galimybių plačiau naudotis elektroninių ryšių tinklais perduodant duomenis ir skelbiant informacijąbaudžiamojoje procesinėje veikloje

    Multi-objective global optimization of grillage-type engineering structures using advanced metaheuristics

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    The purpose of the paper is to present the method implemented for a global optimization of grillage-type pile foundations introducing two advanced metaheuristics: AAGA and AGADS. The suggested new optimization algorithm including the synergy of AAGA and AGADS demonstrates improved results comparing with former AGA and GADS. Compromise objective function to be minimized involves the maximum reactive force in piles and maximum bending moment in the connecting beams. The feasibility of a simple weighting technique for the objective function is proved by numerical investigation of objective function domain for several different topologies of foundations. Sizing problem of connecting beams is solved together with the optimization problem. The original finite element program was employed for solution of direct problem

    Proceso veiksmų atlikimo garso ir vaizdo nuotolinio perdavimo priemonėmis galimybės.

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    The current article, under the analysis of materials of scientific literature or the provisions of Lithuanian and foreign criminal procedure laws, international laws, the analysis of the law-enforcement officials’ survey data and the analysis of materials of archival criminal cases, mainly focuses on the proposals for wider using of audio and video transmission equipment while the procedural actions are performed. The amendments of Criminal Procedure Code are suggested in this article as well. Basically the article mainly polarizes the research on the performance of current procedural actions, i.e. interrogation, confrontation and identification parade during the pretrial investigation and the trial stages. The authors of this article go entirely by the results of the anonymous survey that was performed in participation of the judges, prosecutors, pre-trial investigation officers (overall 254 respondents) and by the analysis of the materials of 148 criminal cases. The interdisciplinary nature of this article was determined by the comparison of Criminal Procedure Code to the draft amendments of Civil Procedure Code. The analysis, proposals and conclusions defined in this article may be held as the instrument to improve the provisions of Criminal Procedure Code and practical activity as well.Straipsnyje, remiantis mokslinėje literatūroje pateiktos medžiagos, Lietuvos ir užsienio valstybių baudžiamojo proceso įstatymų, tarptautinių teisės aktų, teisėsaugos institucijų darbuotojų apklausos rezultatų bei archyvinių baudžiamųjų bylų analize, pateikiami siūlymai dėl galimybių plačiau naudoti garso ir vaizdo nuotolinio perdavimo priemones atliekant proceso veiksmus – apklausas, akistatas, parodymus atpažinti tiek ikiteisminio tyrimo, tiek bylos teisminio nagrinėjimo stadijoje. Taip pat siūlomos atitinkamų Baudžiamojo proceso kodekso normų pataisos. Straipsnyje remiamasi autorių atliktos teisėjų, prokurorų ir ikiteisminio tyrimo įstaigų pareigūnų (buvo apklausti 254 respondentai) anoniminės apklausos metu gautais rezultatais, taip pat atsitiktinės atrankos būdu parinktų 148 baudžiamųjų bylų dokumentų analize. Surinkta tokio pobūdžio informacija gali padėti tobulinti galiojantį proceso įstatymą bei būti naudinga teisėsaugos institucijų darbuotojams įgyvendinant šias normas praktikoje

    Optimization of laminated bending plates

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    The problems of shape, material, sizing and topology optimization are formulated and solved for thin orthotropic laminated bending plate structures subjected to the in-plane as well as out-of-plane loading. A simple laminated combined finite element that comprises known elements CST for membrane part and DKT for bending part was formulated in the present study. A special numerical-analytical method for structural matrices of the element and analytical sensitivity analysis is used to cope with huge required computer resources for topology optimization. The uniform distribution of deformation energy density over the area of structure is employed as the optimality criterion in all optimization problems. The original algorithms, which may be attributed to the ESO family of algorithms, are suggested for optimization of laminae thicknesses and topology optimization. A number of numerical examples are provided. Frist Published Online: 30 Jul 201

    Some insights on the optimal schemes of tall guyed masts

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    The article presents the technique for simultaneous topology, shape and sizing optimisation of tall guyed masts under wind loadings and self-weight using simulated annealing. The objective function is the mass of the mast structure including guys, while the set of design parameters may consist of up to 10 parameters of different nature. The constraints are assessed according to Eurocodes and include the local and global stability constraints, limitations on the slenderness in mast elements, and strength constraints. The proposed optimisation technique covers three independent parts: the optimisation algorithm, meshing pre-processor that yields computational scheme of mast depending on the design parameters, and finite element program evaluating the objective function and constraints via penalisation technique. As an example the results of optimisation of a typical 60 m tall guyed telecommunication mast with different antenna areas are presented. On the basis of these results, the authors try ascertaining the approximate optimal diapasons of geometry and topology parameters such as the width of the shaft, distance of the guy foundation from the mast axis, heights of the guy attachment levels and so on. The authors hope, this will be helpful for constructors as an initial design of mast topology, shape and element sizing

    Global optimization of grillages using simulated annealing and high performance computing

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    The aim is to investigate ways of increasing the efficiency of grillage optimization. Following this general aim, two well‐known optimization methods, namely the Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Simulated Annealing (SA), were compared using some standard medium size (10 and 15 piles) examples. The objective function was the maximal vertical reactive force at a support. Coordinates of piles were optimization variables. SA wins and was applied to real‐life problem (55 piles) by parallel computations performed using a powerful cluster. New element is comparison of SA with GA and application of SA to a practical problem of grillage optimization. Santrauka Straipsnio tikslas ‐ ištirti galimus rostverkiniu pamatu optimizavimo būdus. Siekiant šio tikslo du gerai žinomi optimizavimo metodai ‐ genetiniai algoritmai ir atkaitinimo modeliavimo algoritmas ‐ buvo palyginti vidutinio dydžio (10 ir 15 poliu) pavyzdžiams išspresti. Tikslo funkcija imama didžiausia atraminI poliaus reakcija. Projektavimo kintamieji ‐ poliu koordinatIs. Atkaitinimo modeliavimo metodas laimi, todel jis buvo pritaikytas praktiniam uždaviniui (55 poliai) spresti. Spresti buvo naudojamas klasteris. Naujumas ‐ genetiniu algoritmu palyginimas su atkaitinimo modeliavimo metodu bei atkaitinimo modeliavimo metodo pritaikymas sprendžiant praktini uždavini. Published Published Online: 14 Oct 2010 Reikšminiai žodžiai: rostverkai, atkaitinimo modeliavimas, globalus optimizavimas, baigtiniai elementai, genetiniai algoritma

    Genetic Algorithm with Modified Crossover for Grillage Optimization

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    Modified genetic algorithm with special phenotypes' selection and crossover operators with default specified rules is proposed in this paper thus refusing the random crossover. The suggested crossover operator enables wide distribution of genes of the best phenotypes over the whole population. During selection and crossover, the best phenotypes of the newest population and additionally the genes of the best individuals of two previous populations are involved. The effectiveness of the modified algorithm is shown numerically on the real-life global optimization problem from civil engineering - the optimal pile placement problem under grillage-type foundations. This problem is a fair indicator for global optimization algorithms since the ideal solutions are known in advance but with unknown magnitudes of design parameters. Comparison of the proposed algorithm with 6 other stochastic optimization algorithms clearly reveals its advantages: at similar accuracy level the algorithm requires less time for tuning of genetic parameters and provides narrower confidence intervals on the results than other algorithms

    Baudžiamojo proceso tarptautiškumas: patirtis ir iššūkiai

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    Attention is drawn towards problematic aspects of implementation of international legislation in national criminal law. The idea of international organised crime as of criminality without borders, and of the global problem is raised here. The study analyses the possibilities of confiscation of property; the reader’s attention is drawn to extended confiscation of property; it evaluates the topicalities of consolidation of unjust enrichment, as a both radical and efficient measure in the criminal law, also other important issues pertaining to criminal justice. Simultaneously, institutional issues on international cooperation in criminal cases are considered. It is stated that in contemporary world, international legal cooperation in criminal cases is inevitable. Individual states and the European Union create and improve the newly emerging tools of legal cooperation, implement new principles of cooperation, and expand central powers of EU institutions in the cooperation process. Practical application of some new tools (for example, the European arrest warrant) proved their efficiency; it allows thinking that the created new tools, substantiated by application of the same principle of mutual acknowledgement (the European investigation order), will bring tangible results.Atkreipiamas dėmesys į tarptautinių teisės aktų įgyvendinimo probleminius aspektus nacionalinėje baudžiamojoje teisėje. Iškeliama tarptautinio organizuoto nusikalstamumo, kaip nusikalstamumo be sienų, ir globalinės problemos idėja. Analizuojamos turto konfiskavimo galimybės, atkreipiamas skaitytojo dėmesys į išplėstinę turto konfiskaciją, vertinamos nepagrįsto praturtėjimo, kaip radikalios, o kartu ir veiksmingos priemonės, įtvirtinimo baudžiamuosiuose įstatymuose aktualijos, taip pat ir kiti svarbūs baudžiamosios justicijos klausimai. Kartu aptariami ir tarptautinio bendradarbiavimo baudžiamosiose bylose instituciniai klausimai. Konstatuojama, kad šiuolaikiniame pasaulyje tarptautinis teisinis bendradarbiavimas baudžiamosiose bylose yra neišvengiamas. Atskiros valstybės ir Europos Sąjunga kuria ir tobulina vis naujas teisinio bendradarbiavimo priemones, taiko naujus bendradarbiavimo principus, plečia centrinių ES institucijų įgalinimus bendradarbiavimo procese. Dalies naujų priemonių (pvz., Europos arešto orderis) taikymas praktikoje įrodė jų veiksmingumą, tai leidžia manyti, jog ir to paties abipusio pripažinimo principo taikymu pagrįstos kuriamos naujos priemonės (Europos tyrimo orderis) duos apčiuopiamų rezultatų. [...]