7 research outputs found

    Исследование гидродинамики и теплообмена при неизотермическом течении углеводородной вязкой среды в трубопроводе, проложенном в районе многолетнемерзлых грунтов

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    В процессе исследования проводились расчеты изменений полей скорости, распределений температуры по длине трубопровода; зависимости теплового пограничного слоя от длины трубопровода. Анализировались процессы конвективного теплообмена в условиях развивающегося потока и формирования теплового и динамического пограничных слоев по длине. В результате исследования был произведен сравнительный анализ интегро-дифференциальных и точных методов моделирования динамики и теплообмена при течении углеводородных сред в трубопроводах на начальных участках в режимах вязкостно-инерционного ламинарного и турбулентного течения и теплообмена.In the course of the study, calculations were made of changes in the velocity fields and temperature distributions along the pipeline; the dependence of the thermal boundary layer on the length of the pipeline. The processes of convective heat transfer under the conditions of the developing flow and the formation of thermal and dynamic boundary layers along the length were analyzed. The study resulted in a comparative analysis of integro-differential and accurate methods for modelling the dynamics and heat transfer during the flow of hydrocarbon media in pipelines in the initial sections in the modes of viscous-inertial laminar and turbulent flow and heat transfer

    Разработка нейросетевого подхода сегментации и распознавания номерных знаков автомобилей на изображениях реальных сцен

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    Объектом исследования являются методы искусственного интеллекта, используемые в алгоритмах сегментации и распознавания автомобильных номерных знаков. Целью работы является разработка и реализация алгоритма детектирования и распознавания автомобильных номерных знаков на изображениях реальных сцен с применением аппарата искусственных нейронных сетейThe object of research is the artificial intelligence methods used in the segmentation and recognition of automobile license plates. The aim of the work is to develop and implement an algorithm for detecting and recognizing car license plates on images of real scenes using the apparatus of artificial neural network

    3D C-arm as an alternative modality to CT in postmortem imaging: technical feasibility

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    OBJECT: The aim of our study was to demonstrate the image quality of the new device using human cadavers, extending the horizon of available imaging modalities in forensic medicine. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Six human cadavers were examined, revealing C-arm data sets of the head, neck thorax, abdomen and pelvis. High-resolution mode was performed with 500 fluoroscopy shots during a 190 degrees orbital movement with a constant tube voltage of 100 kV and a current of 4.6 mA. Based on these data sets subsequent three-dimensional reconstructions were generated. RESULTS: Reconstructed data sets revealed high-resolution images of all skeletal structures in a near-CT quality. The same image quality was available in all reconstruction planes. Artefacts caused by restorative dental materials are less accentuated in CBCT data sets. The system configuration was not powerful enough to generate sufficient images of intracranial structures. CONCLUSION: After the here-demonstrated encouraging preliminary results, the forensic indications that would be suitable for imaging with a 3D C-arm have to be defined. Promising seems the visualization local limited region of interest as the cervical spine or the facial skeleton

    Das adrenocorticotrope Hormon (ACTH), die HormonederNebenniere(Cortison,Adrenalin) das Insulin, sowie die Hormone der Schilddrüse und Nebenschilddrüse

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    Genetic influences on schizophrenia and subcortical brain volumes:Large-scale proof of concept

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    Schizophrenia is a devastating psychiatric illness with high heritability. Brain structure and function differ, on average, between people with schizophrenia and healthy individuals. As common genetic associations are emerging for both schizophrenia and brain imaging phenotypes, we can now use genome-wide data to investigate genetic overlap. Here we integrated results from common variant studies of schizophrenia (33,636 cases, 43,008 controls) and volumes of several (mainly subcortical) brain structures (11,840 subjects). We did not find evidence of genetic overlap between schizophrenia risk and subcortical volume measures either at the level of common variant genetic architecture or for single genetic markers. These results provide a proof of concept (albeit based on a limited set of structural brain measures) and define a roadmap for future studies investigating the genetic covariance between structural or functional brain phenotypes and risk for psychiatric disorders


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