476 research outputs found

    Algorithm and Technique for Animation

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    Fluids simulation particularly water courses such as riversare an important element to achieve realistic simulations in real-timeapplications like video games. This work presents a new approach calledSiViFlow that simulates watercourses in real-time. The algorithm isflexible enough to be used in any type of environment and allows a riverto be dynamically generated given any riverbed. The component thatmanages the flow is responsible for the water animation and allows theuse of various techniques to simulate visual features. As all theinformation is dynamically generated, SiViFlow also reacts to dynamicobjects that come in contact with the river, properly adjusting the courseof the flow. This work helps accelerate and improve the methods ofcreating realistic rivers so that they can be used in video games

    Polsby and McGuire Concepts of Institutlization: The Case Study of role of Parliament and Nawaz Sharif Government (2013-2017)

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    In the light of Polsby[i] and McGuire[ii] Concepts of Institutlization paper analysis the sovereignty of parliament under the framework of Pakistan. After going through much imperial evidence, it has been observed that the working of parliament is independent, sovereign and have potential to adopt changings. The paper also examines the stance of the parliament on the major issues of government. The government influence on the parliament and vice versa has been evaluated

    Photocatalytic bireforming of methane over silver-lanthanum modified graphitic carbon nitride with titania nanocomposite in monolith photoreactor

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    Photocatalytic conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) offers a solution of greenhouse gas mitigation with alternative energy supply. The objective of this study is to design and fabricate photoreactor system and to synthesize silver (Ag) and lanthanum (La) modified protonated carbon nitride (pCN) coupled titanium dioxide (TiO2) photocatalysts for enhanced photocatalytic CO2 reduction with CH4 in the presence of water to fuels. The ternary Ag-La/pCN-TiO2 composite catalysts were synthesized through sonicated assisted hydrothermal and sol-gel methods. The performance of nanomaterials was investigated using photocatalytic bireforming of methane (BRM), dry reforming of methane (DRM), steam reforming of methane and steam reforming of carbon dioxide in a fixed-bed and monolith photoreactors under UV and visible light irradiations. Ag/La-loaded protonated carbon nitride nanotubes (pCNNT) produced both carbon monoxide (486 µmol g-cat-1 h-1) and hydrogen (79 µmol g-cat-1 h-1) under visible light irradiations, while productivity was highest in BRM process, which was further improved in a monolith photoreactor with CO and H2 production rate of 770 and 891 µmol g-cat-1 h-1, respectively. Furthermore, using pCN-TiO2 composite loaded with La, higher amount of CO was obtained, while production of H2 had increased with Ag-loading. More importantly, a remarkable improvement in productivity of both CO and H2 with H2/CO ratio greater than one was obtained using Ag-La co-loaded pCN-TiO2 composite catalyst. The highest CO and H2 production rate of 2105 and 2387 µmol g-cat-1 h-1, respectively, were obtained using BRM process in a monolith photoreactor. The performance of monolith photoreactor was 1.4 and 3.2 fold higher for CO and H2 rich synthesis gas (syngas) production than using fixed-bed reactor over the composite catalyst under UV-light irradiations. The reaction mechanism based on Z-scheme system for DRM and BRM was successfully developed under UV light irradiation, while direct electron transfer was observed under visible light irradiations. The quantum efficiency of 4.07 % and 4.624 % was achieved for CO and H2 production, respectively in a monolith photoreactor, while it was only 1.144 % and 0.548 % in a fixed-bed photoreactor during BRM under UV-light irradiations. Among the operating parameters, feed ratio was the influential parameter to maximize yield and selectivity. The stability test revealed prolonged life and reusability of Ag-La/pCN-TiO2 composite photocatalyst in three cyclic runs. The Langmuir-Hinshelwood model confirms surface reactions due to efficient sorption process in a monolith photoreactor over composite catalysts. In conclusion, Ag-La loaded pCN-TiO2 composite catalyst and monolith photoreactor via BRM provided an ideal system to get hydrogen enrich syngas production for renewable fuels productions

    From ‘Prisoners of Conscience’ to ‘Prisoners of Poverty:’ Naming and Shaming Economic and Social Rights

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    In this paper, I examine the effectiveness of ‘naming and shaming’ by human rights organizations (HROs) on the enforcement of economic and social rights. I ask whether this method, initially developed to address civil and political rights, contributes to the realization of economic and social rights and to the reduction of economic and social inequities. To answer my research question, I focus on the right to housing in the case of Kenya. I do a qualitative analysis of naming and shaming efforts by HROs and the varied responses of the state to these efforts. In this case, I find that while naming and shaming encourages the state to make tactical concessions and even comply with certain norms, violations continue de facto. Moreover, noting that HROs have targeted the right to housing generally as well as specific violations, I find that while Kenya moves towards more progressive policies, laws and even Constitutions in general, this does not necessarily translate into progress at the level of specific violations. My research, then, reveals the benefits and limitations of naming and shaming on the enforcement of economic and social rights that I hope will help HROs understand the effects of their actions and allocate resources accordingly

    The Eliminate

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    My honors project is a dystopian novella centered on a quest for progress. Created by her society as a second-class citizen, an Auxiliary devoid of emotions, the protagonist, Adinamos, was designed to serve the higher class of Guardians, but she hopes more than anything else for the impossible, namely to become a Guardian herself. Immediately after the death of her lover and protector, Guardian D, Adinamos gradually starts to feel, giving her hope that she too may rise in society. As society places obstacles in her path and threatens her with death, the Eliminate, if she perseveres Adinamos must make a life-changing choice

    Parents Perception of Teletherapy Use in Children

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    Due to the demands of an ongoing pandemic, telehealth services have become increasingly popular particularly in the field of psychology. Teletherapy services are used on a regular basis by healthcare professionals and studies on teletherapy use in adults have shown that it is efficacious, convenient, and practical. However, prior to this study, there was a significant gap in literature about the use of teletherapy in children and adolescents. This study aimed to fill this gap in literature by providing data on how parents perceive teletherapy when compared to in-person therapy for their children. The data for this study was collected through a qualitative survey of parents whose children have utilized both in-person therapy services and teletherapy services. The results were analyzed using descriptive statistics and indicated that parents perceive teletherapy to be as effective as in-person therapy. Additionally, parents rated it high for ease of use and convenience. However, technological challenges and attentional challenges were considered to be negative factors associated with teletherapy. Despite these barriers, the majority of parents indicated that they would continue to use teletherapy services


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    This paper considers OFDM based joint estimation of channel and impulse noise with an adaptive guard length for a powerline channel. The purpose of adaptive guard length is to cater for the channel variations caused due to time varying behavior of powerline network. Results show that the utilization of joint channel and impulse noise estimation gives improved bit error rate performance as well as efficient utilization of available bandwidth. Also the simulation results confirm that performance of proposed adaptive guard band method with joint estimation is better as compared to the fixed guard length for the communication system


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    The structures constructed in the coastal belt requires deep foundation due to the existence of week soil which has poor Engineering properties. The soil profile about 3 to 4 meters deep, in these areas is mostly loose sand which are then underlain by clayey soil. The structures constructed here suffer excessive settlement. In this paper the bearing capacity of soil is improved in order to reduce settlement and this done by grouting. Ordinary Portland cement is used. It was found that shear strength of the grouted sand increases with the increase in cement quantity also it is found from results that 4%cement grout is effective as compared to 2% and 6% of grout.Index Terms—Enter Cement, Grouting, Ground Improvement, Sandy soil

    Arterial ischaemic stroke from 2010-2015: Incidence, risk factors, atherosclerosis and 5-year outcome : The Norwegian Stroke in the Young Study, a three-generation research program

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    “Norwegian Stroke in the Young Study” (NOR-SYS) er en tre generasjoners studie, som har inkludert hjerneinfarkt pasienter i alderen mellom 15-60 år, og deres foreldre, partnere og voksne barn mellom 2010-2015 for å få kunnskap om risikofaktorer, aterosklerose og om kardiovaskulære hendelser i familier. Denne avhandlingen redegjør for deltakelsesratene til tre generasjoner, forekomst av hjerneinfarkt og utbredelsen av aterosklerose hos unge mennesker som ligger under ansvarsområde for Haukeland universitetssykehus i Bergen, Norge. Våre resultater av unge hjerneinfarkt pasienter ble sammenlignet med deres partnere som kontroller, og relatert til risikofaktorer og til 5-års utkom. Alle resultatene ble justert for alder og kjønn. Artikkel I beskrev aktiv deltakelse for 385 pasienter (96.5%), 260 kontroller (80.0%) og 414 (74.6%) voksne barn. Lavere deltakelsesrate var hos pasientforeldrene (55.2% fedre og 57.3% mødre), og enda lavere hos partnerforeldre (38.4% fedre og 40.2% mødre). Forekomst av hjerneinfarkt hos pasienter ≤49 år var 15.0 per 100.000 per år. Artikkel II presenterte utbredelse av aterosklerose i syv vaskulære områder, og relaterte det til 5-års utkom. Vi definerte ung alder ≤49 år og middelalder ≥50 år. Ca 50.0% av unge mannlige og 33.0% av unge kvinnelige pasienter hadde aterosklerose. Den totale utbredelsen av aterosklerose var kun høyere blant unge kvinnelige pasienter sammenlignet med unge kvinnelige kontroller. I løpet av en 5-års periode, fikk 13.7% pasienter og 4.1% kontroller nye vaskulære hendelser, med signifikante flere hendelser blant unge kvinnelige pasienter i forhold til unge kvinnelige kontroller. Ingen signifikant forskjell ble funnet i mortalitetsraten blant pasienter og kontroller (henholdvis på 5.5% og 3.5%). Justert for alder og kjønn, nye vaskulære hendelser var assosiert med iskjemisk elektrokardiogram (EKG), patologisk ankel-arm index, femoral intima-media tykkelse (fIMT) og antall vaskulære områder med aterosklerose (NAA) blant pasienter, og med abdominal aorta plakk, karotis intima-media tykkelse (cIMT), fIMT og NAA blant kontroller. Mortalitet var assosiert med økende alder, iskjemisk EKG og NAA blant pasienter, og med cIMT blant kontroller. Artikkel III beskrev total risikofaktorbyrde og relaterte det til aterosklerose. Risikofaktor var tilstede hos 96.4% unge mannlige pasienter og hos 94.3% unge kvinnelige pasienter. Risikofaktorbyrden var kun høyere blant unge kvinnelige pasienter sammenlignet med unge kvinnelige kontroller. Aterosklerosen var assosiert med høy alder, hypertensjon, diabetes mellitus og kroppsmasseindex i en kombinert analyse for pasienter og kontroller, justert for alder, kjønn og alle risikofaktorer.From 2010 to 2015, the three-generations Norwegian Stroke in the Young Study (NOR-SYS) included ischaemic stroke patients aged 15-60 years, and their parents, partners and adult offspring to gain more knowledge about vascular risk factors, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular events in families. This thesis explores the inclusion rates of three generations, incidence of ischaemic stroke and the prevalence of atherosclerotic disease at a young age in the well-defined patient population referred to Haukeland University Hospital, Norway. Our results were compared to the patients’ partners, serving as controls, and related to vascular risk factors and 5-year outcome after stroke. All results were age- and sex-adjusted. Paper I described active participation of 385 patients (96.5%), 260 controls (80.0%) and 414 (74.6%) adult offspring. The active participation rate for patients’ parents was low (55.2% fathers and 57.3% mothers), and the active participation rate for partners’ parents was even lower (38.4% fathers and 40.2% mothers). The mean annual incidence rate of young stroke patients ≤49 years was 15.0 per 100.000. Paper II presented the prevalence of atherosclerosis in seven vascular areas related to 5-year outcome. Young age was defined as ≤49 years and middle-aged was defined as ≥50 years. About 50% of young male patients, and about 33% of young female patients had prevalent atherosclerosis. Compared to controls, atherosclerosis was more prevalent only in young female patients. At 5-year follow up, 13.7% patients and 4.1% controls had experienced new cardiovascular events, and the occurrence rate was higher in young female patients than in young female controls. The mortality rate was low and did not differ between patients and controls (5.5% vs 3.5%). Adjusted for age and sex, the occurrence of new cardiovascular events were associated with ischaemic electrocardiogram (ECG), pathological ankle-arm index, femoral intima-media thickness (fIMT) and increased number of vascular areas with atherosclerosis (NAA) among patients, and with abdominal aorta plaques (AAP), carotid intima-media thickness (cIMT), fIMT and NAA among controls. Mortality was associated with higher age, ischaemic ECG and NAA with among patients, and with cIMT among controls. Paper III presented the total risk factor burden related to prevalence of atherosclerosis. In total, risk factors were present among 96.4% of young male patients and 94.3% of young female patients. Compared to controls, only young female stroke patients had a higher risk factor burden. Prevalent atherosclerosis was associated with age, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, smoking and body-mass index in a combined analysis for patients and controls, adjusted for age, sex, and all risk factors.Doktorgradsavhandlin