47 research outputs found

    Climate response to off-equatorial stratospheric sulfur injections in three Earth system models – Part 2: Stratospheric and free-tropospheric response

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    The paper constitutes Part 2 of a study performing a first systematic inter-model comparison of the atmospheric responses to stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) at various single latitudes in the tropics, as simulated by three state-of-the-art Earth system models – CESM2-WACCM6, UKESM1.0, and GISS-E2.1-G. Building on Part 1 (Visioni et al., 2023) we demonstrate the role of biases in the climatological circulation and specific aspects of the model microphysics in driving the inter-model differences in the simulated sulfate distributions. We then characterize the simulated changes in stratospheric and free-tropospheric temperatures, ozone, water vapor, and large-scale circulation, elucidating the role of the above aspects in the surface SAI responses discussed in Part 1. We show that the differences in the aerosol spatial distribution can be explained by the significantly faster shallow branches of the Brewer–Dobson circulation in CESM2, a relatively isolated tropical pipe and older tropical age of air in UKESM, and smaller aerosol sizes and relatively stronger horizontal mixing (thus very young stratospheric age of air) in the two GISS versions used. We also find a large spread in the magnitudes of the tropical lower-stratospheric warming amongst the models, driven by microphysical, chemical, and dynamical differences. These lead to large differences in stratospheric water vapor responses, with significant increases in stratospheric water vapor under SAI in CESM2 and GISS that were largely not reproduced in UKESM. For ozone, good agreement was found in the tropical stratosphere amongst the models with more complex microphysics, with lower stratospheric ozone changes consistent with the SAI-induced modulation of the large-scale circulation and the resulting changes in transport. In contrast, we find a large inter-model spread in the Antarctic ozone responses that can largely be explained by the differences in the simulated latitudinal distributions of aerosols as well as the degree of implementation of heterogeneous halogen chemistry on sulfate in the models. The use of GISS runs with bulk microphysics demonstrates the importance of more detailed treatment of aerosol processes, with contrastingly different stratospheric SAI responses to the models using the two-moment aerosol treatment; however, some problems in halogen chemistry in GISS are also identified that require further attention. Overall, our results contribute to an increased understanding of the underlying physical mechanisms as well as identifying and narrowing the uncertainty in model projections of climate impacts from SAI.</p

    Społeczne funkcje sztuki

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    Z wprowadzenia: "Ilekroć będziemy mówić o państwie, gospodarstwie, społeczeństwie - tylekroć będziemy również mówić o sztuce. Współcześnie, na progu nowego wieku, nieograniczone wręcz możliwości budowania scenerii naszego życia społecznego z udziałem sztuk plastycznych i architektury sprawiają, iż nieustannie rośnie liczba tematów z nimi związanych wartych omówienia. Społeczne funkcje sztuki - sens naszych rozważań - ujęliśmy w dwa bloki tematyczne: a mianowicie sztuki projektowania i rolę sztuk pięknych w życiu społecznym."(...

    Alloimmunizacja u chorych na niedokrwistość autoimmunohemolityczną oraz genotypowanie krwinek czerwonych w celu udoskonalenia doboru krwi do przetoczeń

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    Wstęp: Autoprzeciwciała typu ciepłego występujące w surowicy chorych na niedokrwistość autoimmunohemolityczną powodują niezgodność w próbie zgodności i utrudniają wykrycie klinicznie istotnych alloprzeciwciał, stwarzając ryzyko hemolitycznego powikłania poprzetoczeniowego. Dobór krwi do przetoczenia dla tych chorych wymaga szczególnych procedur dla większego bezpieczeństwa transfuzji. Materiał i metody: Analizowano częstość alloimmunizacji u 163 chorych z NAIH (155 z autoprzeciwciałami typu ciepłego, 8 typu mieszanego). U wszystkich chorych określano fenotyp w antygenach Rh, K, konieczny dla doboru krwi do przetoczenia, a u 53 spośród nich, badano ponadto fenotyp Kidd, Duffy, S, s, k jak również stosowano metodę genotypowania krwinek czerwonych. Wyniki: Alloprzeciwciała istotne klinicznie wykryto u 31 chorych (19%). Łącznie zidentyfikowano 42 przeciwciała o różnej swoistości (u 7 chorych występowały przeciwciała o dwóch lub więcej swoistościach) z układów grupowych: Rh, Kell, Kidd, Duffy, MNS i LW. U 14 chorych z alloprzeciwciałami, wykrycie ich wymagało uprzedniego wyadsorbowania autoprzeciwciał z surowicy metodą auto- lub alloadsorpcji. W grupie 53 chorych, fenotyp Rh, K, Kidd i S udało się określić u 37 (70%) w testach serologicznych, zaś fenotyp rozszerzony o antygeny Duffy, s i k, tylko u 9 chorych (17%). Wyniki fenotypowania były zgodne z oznaczeniami genetycznymi. U pozostałych chorych o rozszerzonym fenotypie wnioskowano na podstawie genotypowania, ponieważ wyniki serologiczne nie były miarodajne - dwie populacje krwinek (przetoczenia krwi w ostatnich 3 miesiącach) lub/i autoaglutynacja krwinek chorego. Wnioski: Wprowadzenie metod genotypowania obok metod fenotypowania okazało się konieczne dla ustalenia rozszerzonego fenotypu krwinek czerwonych u chorych z NAIH. Badania te usprawniają dobór krwi do przetaczania i zwiększają bezpieczeństwo transfuzji.Background: The presence of warm autoantibodies in the sera of patients with autoimmune haemolytic anaemia are the cause of incompatibility in the compatibility test, which produces difficulties in the detection of clinically significant alloantibodies thus generating the risk of haemolytic transfusion reactions. For such patients the selection of red cells for transfusion requires special procedures to ensure safety. Material and methods:Alloimmunization was analyzed in 163 AIHA patients (155 with warm type and 8 with mixed type of autoantibodies). In all patients, red cell phenotyping for Rh, K, was performed prior to transfusion and in 53 of them, red cells were phenotyped additionally in Kidd, Duffy, S, s, k with genotyping as well. Results: Clinically significant alloantibodies were found in 31 patients (19%). In all, 42 antibodies of different specificities were identified (in 7 cases we detected antibodies with two or more specificities) within the following blood group systems: Rh, Kell, Kidd, Duffy, MNS and LW. In 14 of the alloimmunized patients, auto- or alloadsorption was required for alloantibody detection. In the group of 53 patients, phenotyping of Rh, K, Kidd and S antigens was successful in 37 patients (70%) with serological tests only, whereas the extended phenotype for Duffy, s, k antigens was successful only in 9 patients (17%). In each case, the genotype results were consistent with the phenotype. In the remaining patients, the results of extended phenotyping with serological method proved unreliable, due either to mixed-field reactions (after recent transfusion < 3 months) or autoagglutination. Genotyping was useful for predicting the phenotype in such cases. Conclusions: In addition to phenotyping, genotyping of red cells is necessary for establishing the extended phenotype in AIHA patients. Such procedure is important for blood transfusion safety

    A synthesis inversion to constrain global emissions of very short‐lived chlorocarbons, dichloromethane and perchloroethylene : dichloromethane, and perchloroethylene

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    Dichloromethane (CH2Cl2) and perchloroethylene (C2Cl4) are chlorinated very short lived substances (Cl-VSLS) with anthropogenic sources. Recent studies highlight the increasing influence of such compounds, particularly CH2Cl2, on the stratospheric chlorine budget and therefore on ozone depletion. Here, a multiyear global-scale synthesis inversion was performed to optimize CH2Cl2 (2006–2017) and C2Cl4 (2007–2017) emissions. The approach combines long-term surface observations from global monitoring networks, output from a three-dimensional chemical transport model (TOMCAT), and novel bottom-up information on prior industry emissions. Our posterior results show an increase in global CH2Cl2 emissions from 637 ± 36 Gg yr−1 in 2006 to 1,171 ± 45 Gg yr−1 in 2017, with Asian emissions accounting for 68% and 89% of these totals, respectively. In absolute terms, Asian CH2Cl2 emissions increased annually by 51 Gg yr−1 over the study period, while European and North American emissions declined, indicating a continental-scale shift in emission distribution since the mid-2000s. For C2Cl4, we estimate a decrease in global emissions from 141 ± 14 Gg yr−1 in 2007 to 106 ± 12 Gg yr−1 in 2017. The time-varying posterior emissions offer significant improvements over the prior. Utilizing the posterior emissions leads to modeled tropospheric CH2Cl2 and C2Cl4 abundances and trends in good agreement to those observed (including independent observations to the inversion). A shorter C2Cl4 lifetime, from including an uncertain Cl sink, leads to larger global C2Cl4 emissions by a factor of ~1.5, which in some places improves model-measurement agreement. The sensitivity of our findings to assumptions in the inversion procedure, including CH2Cl2 oceanic emissions, is discussed