467 research outputs found

    Genome-wide Association Study of Periodontal Pathogen Colonization

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    Pathological shifts of the human microbiome are characteristic of many diseases, including chronic periodontitis. To date, there is limited evidence on host genetic risk loci associated with periodontal pathogen colonization. We conducted a genome-wide association (GWA) study among 1,020 white participants of the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study, whose periodontal diagnosis ranged from healthy to severe chronic periodontitis, and for whom “checkerboard” DNA-DNA hybridization quantification of 8 periodontal pathogens was performed. We examined 3 traits: “high red” and “high orange” bacterial complexes, and “high” Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans (Aa) colonization. Genotyping was performed on the Affymetrix 6.0 platform. Imputation to 2.5 million markers was based on HapMap II-CEU, and a multiple-test correction was applied (genome-wide threshold of p < 5 × 10−8). We detected no genome-wide significant signals. However, 13 loci, including KCNK1, FBXO38, UHRF2, IL33, RUNX2, TRPS1, CAMTA1, and VAMP3, provided suggestive evidence (p < 5 × 10−6) of association. All associations reported for “red” and “orange” complex microbiota, but not for Aa, had the same effect direction in a second sample of 123 African-American participants. None of these polymorphisms was associated with periodontitis diagnosis. Investigations replicating these findings may lead to an improved understanding of the complex nature of host-microbiome interactions that characterizes states of health and disease

    The <i>Castalia</i> mission to Main Belt Comet 133P/Elst-Pizarro

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    We describe Castalia, a proposed mission to rendezvous with a Main Belt Comet (MBC), 133P/Elst-Pizarro. MBCs are a recently discovered population of apparently icy bodies within the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, which may represent the remnants of the population which supplied the early Earth with water. Castalia will perform the first exploration of this population by characterising 133P in detail, solving the puzzle of the MBC’s activity, and making the first in situ measurements of water in the asteroid belt. In many ways a successor to ESA’s highly successful Rosetta mission, Castalia will allow direct comparison between very different classes of comet, including measuring critical isotope ratios, plasma and dust properties. It will also feature the first radar system to visit a minor body, mapping the ice in the interior. Castalia was proposed, in slightly different versions, to the ESA M4 and M5 calls within the Cosmic Vision programme. We describe the science motivation for the mission, the measurements required to achieve the scientific goals, and the proposed instrument payload and spacecraft to achieve these

    Small-scale solar magnetic fields

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    As we resolve ever smaller structures in the solar atmosphere, it has become clear that magnetism is an important component of those small structures. Small-scale magnetism holds the key to many poorly understood facets of solar magnetism on all scales, such as the existence of a local dynamo, chromospheric heating, and flux emergence, to name a few. Here, we review our knowledge of small-scale photospheric fields, with particular emphasis on quiet-sun field, and discuss the implications of several results obtained recently using new instruments, as well as future prospects in this field of research.Comment: 43 pages, 18 figure

    GWAS for Interleukin-1β levels in gingival crevicular fluid identifies IL37 variants in periodontal inflammation

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    There is no agnostic GWAS evidence for the genetic control of IL-1β expression in periodontal disease. Here we report a GWAS for “high” gingival crevicular fluid IL-1β expression among 4910 European-American adults and identify association signals in the IL37 locus. rs3811046 at this locus (p = 3.3 × 10−22) is associated with severe chronic periodontitis (OR = 1.50; 95% CI = 1.12–2.00), 10-year incident tooth loss (≥3 teeth: RR = 1.33; 95% CI = 1.09–1.62) and aggressive periodontitis (OR = 1.12; 95% CI = 1.01–1.26) in an independent sample of 4927 German/Dutch adults. The minor allele at rs3811046 is associated with increased expression of IL-1β in periodontal tissue. In RAW macrophages, PBMCs and transgenic mice, the IL37 variant increases expression of IL-1β and IL-6, inducing more severe periodontal disease, while IL-37 protein production is impaired and shows reduced cleavage by caspase-1. A second variant in the IL37 locus (rs2708943, p = 4.2 × 10−7) associates with attenuated IL37 mRNA expression. Overall, we demonstrate that IL37 variants modulate the inflammatory cascade in periodontal disease

    Nitric oxide and cyclic nucleotides: Their roles in junction dynamics and spermatogenesis

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    Spermatogenesis is a highly complicated process in which functional spermatozoa (haploid, 1n) are generated from primitive mitotic spermatogonia (diploid, 2n). This process involves the differentiation and transformation of several types of germ cells as spermatocytes and spermatids undergo meiosis and differentiation. Due to its sophistication and complexity, testis possesses intrinsic mechanisms to modulate and regulate different stages of germ cell development under the intimate and indirect cooperation with Sertoli and Leydig cells, respectively. Furthermore, developing germ cells must translocate from the basal to the apical (adluminal) compartment of the seminiferous epithelium. Thus, extensive junction restructuring must occur to assist germ cell movement. Within the seminiferous tubules, three principal types of junctions are found namely anchoring junctions, tight junctions, and gap junctions. Other less studied junctions are desmosome-like junctions and hemidesmosome junctions. With these varieties of junction types, testes are using different regulators to monitor junction turnover. Among the uncountable junction modulators, nitric oxide (NO) is a prominent candidate due to its versatility and extensive downstream network. NO is synthesized by nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Three traditional NOS, specified as endothelial NOS (eNOS), inducible NOS (iNOS), and neuronal NOS (nNOS), and one testis-specific nNOS (TnNOS) are found in the testis. For these, eNOS and iNOS were recently shown to have putative junction regulation properties. More important, these two NOSs likely rely on the downstream soluble guanylyl cyclase/cGMP/protein kinase G signaling pathway to regulate the structural components at the tight junctions and adherens junctions in the testes. Apart from the involvement in junction regulation, NOS/NO also participates in controlling the levels of cytokines and hormones in the testes. On the other hand, NO is playing a unique role in modulating germ cell viability and development, and indirectly acting on some aspects of male infertility and testicular pathological conditions. Thus, NOS/NO bears an irreplaceable role in maintaining the homeostasis of the microenvironment in the seminiferous epithelium via its different downstream signaling pathways

    Evidence for gene-smoking interactions for hearing loss and deafness in Japanese American families

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    Background: This study investigated the relationship between smoking and hearing loss and deafness (HLD) and whether the relationship is modified by genetic variation. Data for these analyses was from the subset of Japanese American families collected as part of the American Diabetes Association Genetics of Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus study. Logistic regression with generalized estimating equations assessed the relationship between HLD and smoking. Nonparametric linkage analysis identified genetic regions harboring HLD susceptibility genes and ordered subset analysis was used to identify regions showing evidence for gene-smoking interactions. Genetic variants within these candidate regions were then each tested for interaction with smoking using logistic regression models. Results: After adjusting for age, sex, diabetes status and smoking duration, for each pack of cigarettes smoked per day, risk of HLD increased 4.58 times (odds ratio (OR) = 4.58; 95% Confidence Interval (CI): (1.40,15.03)), and ever smokers were over 5 times more likely than nonsmokers to report HLD (OR = 5.22; 95% CI: (1.24, 22.03)). Suggestive evidence for linkage for HLD was observed in multiple genomic regions (Chromosomes 5p15, 8p23 and 17q21), and additional suggestive regions were identified when considering interactions with smoking status (Chromosomes 7p21, 11q23, 12q32, 15q26, and 20q13) and packs-per-day (Chromosome 8q21). Conclusions: To our knowledge this was the first report of possible gene-by-smoking interactions in HLD using family data. Additional work, including independent replication, is needed to understand the basis of these findings. HLD are important public health issues and understanding the contributions of genetic and environmental factors may inform public health messages and policies

    2022 Upgrade and Improved Low Frequency Camera Sensitivity for CMB Observation at the South Pole

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    Constraining the Galactic foregrounds with multi-frequency Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) observations is an essential step towards ultimately reaching the sensitivity to measure primordial gravitational waves (PGWs), the sign of inflation after the Big-Bang that would be imprinted on the CMB. The BICEP Array telescope is a set of multi-frequency cameras designed to constrain the energy scale of inflation through CMB B-mode searches while also controlling the polarized galactic foregrounds. The lowest frequency BICEP Array receiver (BA1) has been observing from the South Pole since 2020 and provides 30 GHz and 40 GHz data to characterize the Galactic synchrotron in our CMB maps. In this paper, we present the design of the BA1 detectors and the full optical characterization of the camera including the on-sky performance at the South Pole. The paper also introduces the design challenges during the first observing season including the effect of out-of-band photons on detectors performance. It also describes the tests done to diagnose that effect and the new upgrade to minimize these photons, as well as installing more dichroic detectors during the 2022 deployment season to improve the BA1 sensitivity. We finally report background noise measurements of the detectors with the goal of having photon noise dominated detectors in both optical channels. BA1 achieves an improvement in mapping speed compared to the previous deployment season.Comment: Proceedings of SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2022 (AS22