124 research outputs found

    La bioética ante la posmodernidad.

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    Según T. Engelhardt, la esperanza moderna ha consistido en descubrir unamoralidad dotada de contenido, una moralidad que fuese más que un meroprocedimiento, que vinculase a personas moralmente desconocidas. Admitir queno se puede descubrir una moralidad secular canónica dotada de contenido esuna señal del dilema en que se encuentra la filosofía posmoderna. Los límites dela razón, junto con el fracaso del proyecto filosófico moderno de descubrir unamoralidad canónica dotada de contenido constituyen la catástrofe fundamentalde la cultura contemporánea secular y enmarcan el contexto en el que sedesarrolla la Bioética actual. En la práctica abundan profundos desacuerdosmorales en el seno de la Bioética, los cuales parecen tener raíces fundamentales,ponen de manifiesto la incapacidad de la razón secular de presentar una baseconcluyente que permita resolver las controversias

    Investigación de la función cerebral en niños críticamente enfermos mediante neuromonitorización multiparamétrica

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Medicina, Departamento de Pediatría. Fecha de lectura: 25/06/201

    Proyecto de una industria de embutidos artesanos crudos curados en la localidad de Paredes de Nava (Palencia)

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    El proyecto se basa en la construccion de una nave dedicada a la fabricación de embutidos artesanos crudos curados como son el chorizo dulce, el chorizo picante y el salchichón a partir de diversas materias primas y aditivos cumpliendo con la legislacion vigente. La industria poseera todo tipo de instalaciones, maquinaria y personal para el correcto funcionamientoGrado en Ingeniería de las Industrias Agrarias y Alimentaria

    Thermodynamic properties of Pt nanoclusters: an ab initio study

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    Nanoparticles (NPs) and subnanometer clusters exhibit novel physical andchemical properties that differ significantly from their counterpart bulkmaterials.  This is mainly originatedfrom the large fraction of subordinated atoms at the surface for NP of small sizes.Concerning thermodynamic properties, in spite of the fact that a large amountof research has been performed, there are still fundamental questions not yetresolved since in general the conventional thermodynamic knowledge of macroscopic metals does notapply for these nanoscopic systems. As thesize of the NPs is reduced, anomalous behaviors have been reported in theirthermodynamic properties, such as deviations from the Debye law of the specificheat and negative thermal expansion [[1],[2]].The Debyetemperature is a fundamental property, since it is closely related to changesin the vibrational properties and specific heat. For Pt NPs capped with PVP-k30the Debye temperature (QD) wasmeasured by the extended X-ray absorption finestructure (EXAFS) technique leading to values higher than for the bulk [[3]].On the other side for small subnanometer Pt NPs (of approximately 0.9  ± 0.2 nm and Navg ~16 atoms) supported on Al2O3 experimental studies based on scanning transmissionelectron microscopic (STEM) and X-ray absorptionspectroscopy exhibit marked contractions of thePt-Pt bond distances with respect to bulk values, and a negative thermalexpansion of these interatomic distances [[4]].In principle, in both works, the surface atom contraction and the interactionof the Pt atoms with capping molecules or support, both enhanced because of thenanosized dimensions of the NP, were indicated as possible reasons to explainthese anomalous thermodynamic properties. Motivatedby these experimental findings, and, as a first step to investigate theseproblems, in this work we calculate the thermodynamic properties of isolated PtNPs for sizes between 13-55 atoms. By considering isolated NPs, we expect toshed some light on the problem by considering only the intrinsic effects of thesmall dimension of NPs. We first determine their equilibrium geometries, tofurther evaluate their vibrational density of states (VDOS), the specific heatand the Debye temperature. The explicit thermal evolution of the averageinteratomic distances is determined at various temperatures by developing abinitio molecular dynamics. We find that the relaxed interatomic distances arereduced with respect to the bulk ones, in agreement with the experiments. The VDOSare very different from the bulk ones, with the presence of discrete states,which give rise to deviations from the typical Debye model of the specific heatat constant volume and low temperatures. Estimations of the Debye temperatureindicate values lower that those calculated for the solid.Fil: Maldonado, Abel Sebastián. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería de Procesos, Biotecnología y Energías Alternativas. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería de Procesos, Biotecnología y Energías Alternativas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Cabeza, Gabriela Fernanda. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Física; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Instituto de Física del Sur. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Física. Instituto de Física del Sur; ArgentinaFil: Ramos, Susana Beatriz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería de Procesos, Biotecnología y Energías Alternativas. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Ingeniería de Procesos, Biotecnología y Energías Alternativas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaSimposio Latinoamericano de Física del Estado Sólido XXIIISan Carlos de BarilocheArgentinaCentro Atómico BarilocheInstituto Balseir

    Graphic analysis of the projects for air-raid shelters in the Spanish Civil War in the city of Castelló de la Plana

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    [ES] Durante la Guerra Civil, Castelló de la Plana, como otras ciudades de la retaguardia, sufrió repetidos ataques aéreos por tierra y por mar entre los años 1937 y 1939. Estos bombardeos obligaron a tomar medidas para la defensa de la población civil, llevándose a cabo la construcción de refugios antiaéreos. Finalizado el conflicto bélico, generalmente quedaron abandonados y olvidados, y en la actualidad se conserva una parte muy pequeña de los que existieron. Desde hace unos años, se está produciendo un proceso de reconocimiento de su valor histórico, con la intención de recuperar la memoria de la guerra, contribuyendo a una cultura de la paz. El Archivo Histórico Municipal del Ayuntamiento de Castelló, conserva los proyectos originales para la construcción de refugios públicos, destacando entre su documentación la de tipo gráfico. Su análisis permite conocer los refugios desaparecidos, así como los modos de representación gráfica de ese momento histórico.[EN] During the Civil War, Castelló de la Plana, like other rearguard cities was the target of repeated attacks by land and sea between 1937 and 1939. These bombings made it necessary to take measures to defend the civilian population and, as a result, air-raid shelters were built. After the war ended, these buildings were generally abandoned and forgotten, and only a small fraction of those built still conserved. In recent years their historical value has gradually been recognized as part of attempts to recover the memories of war and contribute to a new culture of peace. The Municipal Historical Archive of Castelló conserves the original plans for the construction of public air-raid shelters, particularly graphic documents. Thanks to their analysis the missing shelters and the forms of graphic representation of the time can be identified.Universitat Jaume ISoler Estrela, A.; Cabeza González, M.; Sáez Riquelme, B. (2020). Análisis gráfico de los proyectos de refugios antiaéreos de la Guerra Civil en la ciudad de Castelló de la Plana. EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 25(39):170-181. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2020.12900OJS1701812539BROSETA PALANCA, M.T., 2017. Defence heritage of the Spanish Civil War: Preservation of air-raid shelters in Valencia, International Journal of Architecture: Studies Repairs and Maintence, Vol. 1, no. 4, pp. 624-639. https://doi.org/10.2495/HA-V1-N4-624-639CABEZA GONZÁLEZ, M.; SÁEZ RIQUELME, B.; SOLER ESTRELA, A. 2019a. Graphic and constructive analysis of the anti-aircraft shelters under both the Ribalta Institute and the Tetuan Square in Castellón de la Plana. XVII International Forum 'Le Vie dei Mercanti' World heritage and legacy. Capri, 6-8 junio 2019. Roma: Ed. Gangemi Editore, pp. 867-876.CABEZA GONZÁLEZ, M.; SÁEZ RIQUELME, B.; SOLER ESTRELA, A. 2019b. "Arquitecturas subterráneas en Castellón de la Plana. El refugio antiaéreo bajo el Instituto Francisco Ribalta." In Llorens, S.; Rincón, M.D.; Martín, A. (Ed.) Avances en expresión gráfica aplicada a la edificación. Ed. Tirant Humanidades, pp. 807-818.CHING, F. 1998. Dibujo y proyecto. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.GRANELL TRIAS, E.; REDONDO DOMÍNGUEZ, E. 2017. Los dibujos de proyecto de J.L. Sert para la fundación Joan Miró de Barcelona. EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica, v. 22, n. 30, p. 224-237. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2017.7837GRIFFIN, I.; TATE, J., 2012. Conserving our Wartime Heritage. Journal of Architectural Conservation, 18:1, 81-100. https://doi.org/10.1080/13556207.2012.10785105Grup per la Recerca de la Memòria Històrica de Castelló. 2007. Castelló sota les bombes. Benicarló: Ed. Onades.MONTES SERRANO, C. 2010. Un posible canon de los dibujos de arquitectura de la modernidad. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 15(16):44-51. https://doi.org/10.1080/13556207.2012.10785105MORENO MARTÍN, A.; SAPENA ESCRIVÀ, T., 2017. Refugios antiaéreos: patrimonio de la Guerra Civil en la ciudad de Valencia. Debats. Revista de cultura, poder i societat, Vol. 131/2, pp. 123-141. https://doi.org/10.28939/iam.debats.131-2.10RAPOSO GRAU, J. F. 2014. Dibujar, procesar, comunicar: el proyectar arquitectónico como origen de un proceso grafico-plástico. Implicaciones docentes. EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica, n. 24, p. 92-105. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2014.3091SAINZ, J., 2005. El dibujo de arquitectura. Barcelona: Ed. Reverté

    Memoria autobiográfica y estado de ánimo: estudio empírico-diferencial en mayores y jóvenes

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    El estado de ánimo es un potente modulador de los procesos psicológicos básicos que acontecen en la mente humana. Un procesamiento de la información negativo puede hacer que aparezcan determinados sesgos que provoquen que la atención, la percepción y la memoria se vean afectados. El presente trabajo muestra cómo un estado de ánimo depresivo puede actuar sobre la Memoria Autobiográfica (MA). La MA contiene un importante arsenal de experiencias y recuerdos pasados que sirven de proyección futura para llevar a cabo numerosos comportamientos en nuestro día a día, entre otras funciones. Se expone como la depresión puede ocasionar que el número de recuerdos específicos positivos se vean mermados en comparación con un estado de ánimo no depresivo o eutímico. Así mismo, se destaca la óptica aportada desde la Psicología Educativa para llevar a cabo intervenciones que optimicen la MA y mejorar así la sintomatología depresiva.The mood is a powerful modulator of the basic psychological processes that happen in the human mind. A negative information processing can do that there appear certain slants that can lead the attention, the perception and the memory turn out to be affected. The present work shows how a depressive frame of mind can act on the Autobiographical Memory (MA). The MA contains a significant arsenal of past experiences and memories that serve as future projection to carry out many behaviors in our day to day, among other functions. It is explained how depression can cause a number of specific positive memories are diminished in comparison with not depressive mood or euthymic. At the same time, emphasizes the optic provided from the Educational Psychology to carry out interventions that optimize the MA and to improve this way the depressive symptomatology.peerReviewe

    Online teaching in COVID-19 times. Student satisfaction and analysis of their academic performance

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    [EN] Online teaching has grown exponentially as a result of COVID-19. Universities and teaching institutions the world over have had to adapt their curricula to this new teaching and learning model. The main goal of this study is to analyse various teaching methodologies used on a sample of university students to analyse their effectiveness in terms of satisfaction, competencies and academic performance. The results suggest that methodologies that include greater student-teacher interaction or the use of videoconferencing for classes and problem-solving help to raise student satisfaction. Students also positively assess online teaching as it allows them to acquire new competencies and even to identify business opportunities. The online evaluation method used also seems to have been appropriate, as it led students to obtain better grades than in face-to-face teaching contexts. The study offers several implications for university teachers of Social Sciences who wish to adopt this type of teaching method

    Online teaching in COVID-19 times. Student satisfaction and analysis of their academic performance

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    [EN] Online teaching has grown exponentially as a result of COVID-19. Universities and teaching institutions the world over have had to adapt their curricula to this new teaching and learning model. The main goal of this study is to analyse various teaching methodologies used on a sample of university students to analyse their effectiveness in terms of satisfaction, competencies and academic performance. The results suggest that methodologies that include greater student-teacher interaction or the use of videoconferencing for classes and problem-solving help to raise student satisfaction. Students also positively assess online teaching as it allows them to acquire new competencies and even to identify business opportunities. The online evaluation method used also seems to have been appropriate, as it led students to obtain better grades than in face-to-face teaching contexts. The study offers several implications for university teachers of Social Sciences who wish to adopt this type of teaching method.Jiménez-Parra, B.; Alonso-Martínez, D.; Cabeza-García, L.; González-Álvarez, N. (2021). Online teaching in COVID-19 times. Student satisfaction and analysis of their academic performance. En 7th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'21). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 289-296. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd21.2021.12855OCS28929

    Energy Rehabilitation of Social Housing in Vulnerable Areas Case study: a 1950s Building in a Medium-sized Mediterranean City

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    In the urban context, buildings play a key role as they are energy consumers. In well-established cities with a high percentage of aged building stock, the focus should lie on sensitive urban areas where the weakest population sectors and the worst physico-economic conditions are usually encountered. In this work, the energy refurbishment of social housing is proposed. A block of municipally owned buildings is selected as a case study to consider that public buildings play an exemplary role according to Directive 2012/27/EU. The group is formed by 12 buildings, which account for 120 dwellings. This study is grounded on two levels. First the urban level. The building is located in a prioritised urban Area of Rehabilitation, Renovation and Urban Regeneration (ARRU), according to the new local Land Plan. This area presents multidimensional vulnerability and considers urban, building, socio-demographic and socio-economic features. Second, the building presents very low energy performance. It was built in 1959 when a high demand of dwellings and the economic resources then available led to low-quality buildings that are far from meeting today’s standards. Some proposals are made, having in mind the specific features of the urban context. The energy refurbishment of the building is proposed, selecting the optimal solution, considering technical, environmental and economic criteria. The energy performance simulation shows a remarkable improvement of the energy performance, resulting in an improvement of the thermal comfort of the dwellers. Besides, a reduction in the energy consumption is reached, which would reduce the energy bills and, on the other hand, a reduction of the carbon emissions to the atmosphere, contributing to a better environment quality. Having in mind that the building is intended for social housing, energy poverty situations could be avoided, as dwellings are inhabited by low-income dwellers

    Bengamide Analogues Show A Potent Antitumor Activity against Colon Cancer Cells: A Preliminary Study

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    C.P.A., I.C.S. and B.G.P. thank Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte for their predoctoral fellowships (FPI and FPU programmes). The authors thank the Center of Scientific Instrumentation personnel of the University of Granada for technical assistance, and the Mass Spectrometry and NMR facilities of the University of Málaga for exact mass and NMR spectroscopic assistances, respectively.The limited success and side effects of the current chemotherapeutic strategies against colorectal cancer (CRC), the third most common cancer worldwide, demand an assay with new drugs. The prominent antitumor activities displayed by the bengamides (Ben), a family of natural products isolated from marine sponges of the Jaspidae family, were explored and investigated as a new option to improve CRC treatment. To this end, two potent bengamide analogues, Ben I (5) and Ben V (10), were selected for this study, for which they were synthesized according to a new synthetic strategy recently developed in our laboratories. Their antitumor effects were analyzed in human and mouse colon cell lines, using cell cycle analysis and antiproliferative assays. In addition, the toxicity of the selected analogues was tested in human blood cells. These biological studies revealed that Ben I and V produced a significant decrease in CRC cell proliferation and induced a significant cell cycle alteration with a greater antiproliferative effect on tumor cell lines than normal cells. Interestingly, no toxicity effects were detected in blood cells for both compounds. All these biological results render the bengamide analogues Ben I and Ben V as promising antitumoral agents for the treatment of CRC.MINECO BIO2014-56092-R RTI2018-098296-BI00 CTQ2016-76311European Union (EU) BIO2014-56092-R RTI2018-098296-BI00 CTQ2016-76311 P12-CTS-1507Andalusian Government P12-CTS-1507 BIO-267 CTS-107Instituto de Salud Carlos III European Union (EU) PI19/01478Junta de Andalucia PI-0102-201