88 research outputs found

    Serotonin 3A Receptor Subtype as an Early and Protracted Marker of Cortical Interneuron Subpopulations

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    To identify neocortical neurons expressing the type 3 serotonergic receptor, here we used transgenic mice expressing the enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP) under the control of the 5-HT3A promoter (5-HT3A:GFP mice). By means of whole-cell patch-clamp recordings, biocytin labeling, and single-cell reversed-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction on acute brain slices of 5-HT3A:GFP mice, we identified 2 populations of 5-HT3A-expressing interneurons within the somatosensory cortex. The first population was characterized by the frequent expression of the vasoactive intestinal peptide and a typical bipolar/bitufted morphology, whereas the second population expressed predominantly the neuropeptide Y and exhibited more complex dendritic arborizations. Most interneurons of this second group appeared very similar to neurogliaform cells according to their electrophysiological, molecular, and morphological properties. The combination of 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine injections with 5-HT3A mRNA detection showed that cortical 5-HT3A interneurons are generated around embryonic day 14.5. Although at this stage the 5-HT3A receptor subunit is expressed in both the caudal ganglionic eminence and the entopeduncular area, homochronic in utero grafts experiments revealed that cortical 5-HT3A interneurons are mainly generated in the caudal ganglionic eminence. This protracted expression of the 5-HT3A subunit allowed us to study specific cortical interneuron populations from their birth to their final functional phenotype

    A standardized and reproducible method to measure decision-making in mice.

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    Abstract Progress in neuroscience is hindered by poor reproducibility of mouse behavior. Here we show that in a visual decision making task, reproducibility can be achieved by automating the training protocol and by standardizing experimental hardware, software, and procedures. We trained 101 mice in this task across seven laboratories at six different research institutions in three countries, and obtained 3 million mouse choices. In trained mice, variability in behavior between labs was indistinguishable from variability within labs. Psychometric curves showed no significant differences in visual threshold, bias, or lapse rates across labs. Moreover, mice across laboratories adopted similar strategies when stimulus location had asymmetrical probability that changed over time. We provide detailed instructions and open-source tools to set up and implement our method in other laboratories. These results establish a new standard for reproducibility of rodent behavior and provide accessible tools for the study of decision making in mice

    Participation in Corporate Governance

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    Deciphering CA2 connectivity

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    Frauen auf der Walz - Erfahrungen von Wandergesellinnen in einer männerdominierten Handwerks-Tradition

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    Drei Jahre und einen Tag zu reisen, zu arbeiten und mindestens 50 Kilometer vom eigenen Zuhause fern zu bleiben, ohne Handy, Internet oder eigenes Auto; dafür entscheiden sich junge Handwerker_innen wenn sie „auf die Walz“ gehen. Diese Handwerkstradition stammt aus dem Mittelalter und hat im deutschsprachigen Raum wieder einen Aufschwung erlebt. Frauen stellen in dieser Tradition eine Minderheit dar, unter anderem weil sie von mehr als der Hälfte aller Schächte (institutionelle Zusammenschlüsse innerhalb dieser Tradition) aufgrund ihrer Genderzugehörigkeit ausgeschlossen werden. Aber auch andere Ausschließungsmechanismen wie sozialisierte Gendernormen, geschlechtersegregierter Arbeitsmarkt und Rape-Culture im öffentlichen Raum führen zum Ausschluss von Frauen aus dieser Tradition. Ich habe auf einer Feldforschung bei einer Sommerbaustelle sieben Narrative Interviews mit wandernden Handwerkerinnen geführt und diese mit narrativer Analyse untersucht, um die Erfahrungen von Wandergesellinnen sichtbar zu machen. Inwieweit widersetzen sich diese Frauen den gängigen Gendernormen bezüglich ihrer Lebensführung? Welche genderspezifischen Erfahrungen haben sie in dieser stark männlich-gedachten Tradition erlebt und fördert diese freie Lebensweise die weibliche Autonomie in der öffentlichen Sphäre? Nach feministisch-wissenschaftlicher Tradition ist das Private auch politisch. Es geht in meiner Arbeit darum einer marginalisierten Gruppe eine Stimme in der Wissenschaft zu geben, und zu versuchen weibliche Erfahrungswelten zu öffnen. Die persönlichen Erfahrungen von Wandergesellinnen und ihr historische Ausschluss aus dieser Tradition (und der Geschichtsschreibung zu diesem Thema) wird mit Hilfe verschiedener feministischer Theorien zur Arbeitsmarktsegregation, Doing Gender und feministischer Objektivitätskritik abgehandelt.“Auf die Walz gehen” (going on a “Journey”) is an old tradition among crafts people in German-speaking countries going back to the Middle Ages. The “Journeyman years” last typically three years and one day and their purpose is to travel and learn new methods and skills of the crafts. The tradition has specific rules and regulations. Most “Wandergesell_innen” (as these wandering craftspeople are called in German) are organized in institutionalized groups called “Schaechte”, the majority of which have (until today) historically excluded women. In my research, I followed journeying women to explore potential gender-specific experiences whilst participating in this tradition. My interest lies in giving these underrepresented crafts-women a voice and also to find out if there is a connection between choosing to participate in this tradition and a resistance to pressures of performing specific gender-roles (as in choice of profession, choice of reproduction etc.). I visited a summer construction-site, organized and run by travelling crafts-people, to interview seven journeying women. As the participants in this tradition have to spend most of the time on the Journey in unfixed environments, travelling and also working in different kinds of workspaces with a variety of teams and in a range of circumstances, the “Wandergesellinnen” break with gender norms of care and reproduction work by the very act of leaving their homes. They are also “doing gender” by the presence of their bodies in a male-dominated (work)space and in public space, in which they spend most of their time on the Journey, due to wearing the typical, historical Outfit (“Kluft” in German),.My thesis presents a narrative analysis of interviews with seven journeying women, exploring the similarities and differences in the womens experiences and if these are in any way gender-marked.Arbeit an der Bibliothek noch nicht eingelangt - Daten nicht geprüftAbweichender Titel laut Übersetzung des Verfassers/der VerfasserinKarl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Masterarbeit, 2019(VLID)465137