231 research outputs found

    Black-boxing Sustainable Development: Environmental Impact Assessment on the River Uruguay

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    International audienceThis chapter offers an original account of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) as a technology that scripts collective action through black-boxing the politics of governance. After tracing the global trajectory of the instrument, the chapter looks at EIA struggles in the case of pulp mills on the River Uruguay. As actors seeking to halt projects because of their potential harmful impact follow the choreography of EIA, the authoritative governance script is reinforced rather than undermined. There is a tragic aspect to this, in that those wishing to block a project are actually making it stronger. This points to a subtle de-politicization resulting from the evolution of instruments in use, and a need for their re-politicization

    Field Sampling and Necropsy Examination of Fish

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    This paper presents an overview of observational and fish sampling tech­niques for investigating fish lesions, morbidity and mortality. These sam­pling techniques and investigations are much like detective work and require attention to detail, common sense, technical proficiency and experience. To solve the mystery of a fish kill, the investigator must use available evidence and clues to piece together a series of events that often have long since passed. The cause of these field events may be chemical, biological or physical; more often, it is some combination of these. An initial categorization approach may be used to reduce the great number of possible causes of a fish kill to something more reasonable. Through proper observations, the most probable cause may be placed in one of four broad categories (although additional secondary relationships should also be recognized). These broad categories include oxygen related, toxics or water quality related, disease or population related and trauma related events, and may be based on defined criteria Caution should be taken on making etiologic generaliz.ations since many types of lesions or mortality events may appear similar. This paper provides support for making consistent observations; taking photographs, tissue and water samples; classifying external lesions and choosing appropriate ne­cropsy methods. A bibliography is provided to reference information perti­nent to fish kill investigations and fish disease, anatomy and taxonomy

    Evidence in chronic kidney disease–mineral and bone disorder guidelines: is it time to treat or time to wait?

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    Chronic kidney disease\u2013mineral and bone disorder (CKD\u2013MBD) is one of the many important complications associated with CKD and may at least partially explain the extremely high morbidity and mortality among CKD patients. The 2009 Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) Clinical Practice Guideline document was based on the best information available at that time and was designed not only to provide information but also to assist in decision-making. In addition to the international KDIGO Work Group, which included worldwide experts, an independent Evidence Review Team was assembled to ensure rigorous review and grading of the existing evidence. Based on the evidence from new clinical trials, an updated Clinical Practice Guideline was published in 2017. In this review, we focus on the conceptual and practical evolution of clinical guidelines (from eMinence-based medicine to eVidence-based medicine and \u2018living\u2019 guidelines), highlight some of the current important CKD\u2013MBD-related changes, and underline the poor or extremely poor level of evidence present in those guidelines (as well as in other areas of nephrology). Finally, we emphasize the importance of individualization of treatments and shared decision-making (based on important ethical considerations and the \u2018best available evidence\u2019), which may prove useful in the face of the uncertainty over the decision whether \u2018to treat\u2019 or \u2018to wait\u2019

    Implications of the Daya Bay observation of \theta_{13} on the leptonic flavor mixing structure and CP violation

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    The Daya Bay Collaboration has recently reported its first \bar{\nu}_e \to \bar{\nu}_e oscillation result which points to \theta_{13} \simeq 8.8^\circ \pm 0.8^\circ (best-fit \pm 1\sigma range) or \theta_{13} \neq 0^\circ at the 5.2\sigma level. The fact that this smallest neutrino mixing angle is not strongly suppressed motivates us to look into the underlying structure of lepton flavor mixing and CP violation. Two phenomenological strategies are outlined: (1) the lepton flavor mixing matrix U consists of a constant leading term U_0 and a small perturbation term \Delta U; and (2) the mixing angles of U are associated with the lepton mass ratios. Some typical patterns of U_0 are reexamined by constraining their respective perturbations with current experimental data. We illustrate a few possible ways to minimally correct U_0 in order to fit the observed values of three mixing angles. We point out that the structure of U may exhibit an approximate \mu-\tau permutation symmetry in modulus, and reiterate the geometrical description of CP violation in terms of the leptonic unitarity triangles. The salient features of nine distinct parametrizations of U are summarized, and its Wolfenstein-like expansion is presented by taking U_0 to be the democratic mixing pattern.Comment: RevTeX 25 pages, 1 figure, minor changes, version for publicatio

    A formal framework to prove the correctness of model driven engineering composition operators

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    International audienceCurrent trends in system engineering combine modeling, composition and verification technologies in order to harness their ever growing complexity. Each composition operator dedicated to a different modeling concern should be proven to be property preserving at assembly time. These proofs are usually burdensome with repetitive aspects. Our work targets the factorisation of these aspects relying on primitive generic composition operators used to express more sophisticated language specific ones. These operators are defined for languages expressed with OMG MOF metamodeling technologies. The proof are done with the Coq proof assistant relying on the Coq4MDE framework defined previously. These basic operators, Union and Substitution, are illustrated using the MOF Package Merge as composition operator and the preservation of model conformance as verified property

    Femmes et hommes face aux grossesses non prévues au Maroc et au Sénégal

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    Cet article étudie la manière dont les femmes ou les couples gèrent les grossesses non prévues dans les capitales du Maroc et du Sénégal (Rabat et Dakar), deux pays soumis à des règles strictes en matière de sexualité des célibataires. Nous analysons les logiques sociales et individuelles qui prévalent à l'annonce d'une grossesse inattendue et la manière dont se prennent les décisions qui vont aboutir à la poursuite de cette grossesse ou à son interruption. Nous nous basons sur des données qualitatives tirées d'un programme financé par l'Union Européenne entre 2005 et 2009, sur l'usage de la contraception d'urgence dans les villes africaines. Nos résultats montrent qu'en dépit de programmes de planification familiale plus performants dans leur pays, les femmes de Rabat vivent leur entrée en sexualité dans des conditions difficiles. Si à Dakar la chasteté avant le mariage est prônée, le non-respect de cette règle entraîne des sanctions beaucoup moins sévères qu'au Maroc. Le choix de l'avortement en cas de grossesse non prévue évolue avec le cycle de vie des individus et selon le stade de la relation. Une pratique envisageable à un moment donné, ne l'est plus forcément à d'autres moments de la relation. Enfin, dans les deux villes, nos données révèlent une forte implication des familles dans la gestion de la formation des couples et de leur fécondité. Cette tendance apparaît cependant plus exacerbée au Maroc où les familles se mobilisent parfois âprement pour obliger ou interdire un avortement

    A large-scale species level dated angiosperm phylogeny for evolutionary and ecological analyses.

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    Phylogenies are a central and indispensable tool for evolutionary and ecological research. Even though most angiosperm families are well investigated from a phylogenetic point of view, there are far less possibilities to carry out large-scale meta-analyses at order level or higher. Here, we reconstructed a large-scale dated phylogeny including nearly 1/8th of all angiosperm species, based on two plastid barcoding genes, matK (incl. trnK) and rbcL. Novel sequences were generated for several species, while the rest of the data were mined from GenBank. The resulting tree was dated using 56 angiosperm fossils as calibration points. The resulting megaphylogeny is one of the largest dated phylogenetic tree of angiosperms yet, consisting of 36,101 sampled species, representing 8,399 genera, 426 families and all orders. This novel framework will be useful for investigating different broad scale research questions in ecological and evolutionary biology

    The tropical managed forests observatory: a research network addressing the future of tropical logged forests.

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    While attention on logging in the tropics has been increasing, studies on the long-term effects of silviculture on forest dynamics and ecology remain scare and spatially limited. Indeed, most of our knowledge on tropical forests arises from studies carried out in undisturbed tropical forests. This biasis problematic given that logged and disturbed tropical forests are now covering a larger area thantheso-alled primary forests. A new network of permanent sample plots in logged forests, the Tropical managed Forests Observatory (TmFO), aims to ?ll this gap by providing unprecedented opportunities to examine long-term data on the resilience of logged tropical forests at regional and global scales. TmFO currently includes 24 experimental sites distributed across three tropical regions, with a total of 490 permanent plots and 921 ha of forest inventories
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