17 research outputs found

    A new tool to screen patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea in the primary care setting : a prospective multicenter study

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    Altres ajuts: Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica (SEPAR), Societat Catalana de Pneumologia (SOCAP).The coordination between different levels of care is essential for the management of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). The objective of this multicenter project was to develop a screening model for OSA in the primary care setting. Anthropometric data, clinical history, and symptoms of OSA were recorded in randomly selected primary care patients, who also underwent a home sleep apnea test (HSAT). Respiratory polygraphy or polysomnography were performed at the sleep unit to establish definite indication for continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). By means of cross-validation, a logistic regression model (CPAP yes/no) was designed, and with the clinical variables included in the model, a scoring system was established using the β coefficients (PASHOS Test). In a second stage, results of HSAT were added, and the final accuracy of the model was assessed. 194 patients completed the study. The clinical test included the body mass index, neck circumference and observed apneas during sleep (AUC 0.824, 95% CI 0.763-0.886, P < 0.001). In a second stage, the oxygen desaturation index (ODI) of 3% (ODI3% ≥ 15%) from the HSAT was added (AUC 0.911, 95% CI 0.863-0.960, P < 0.001), with a sensitivity of 85.5% (95% CI 74.7-92.1) and specificity of 67.8% (95% CI 55.1-78.3). The use of this model would prevent referral to the sleep unit for 55.1% of the patients. The two-stage PASHOS model is a useful and practical screening tool for OSA in primary care for detecting candidates for CPAP treatment. Clinical Trial Registration Registry: ClinicalTrials.gov; Name: PASHOS Project: Advanced Platform for Sleep Apnea Syndrome Assessment; URL: ; Identifier: NCT02591979. Date of registration: October 30, 2015. The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s12890-022-01827-0

    Effect of effervescent paracetamol on blood pressure: a crossover randomized clinical trial

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of effervescent paracetamol on office and ambulatory blood pressure (BP) compared with noneffervescent paracetamol in hypertensive patients. DESIGN: This was a multicenter open crossover randomized clinical trial. SETTING: Primary care centers in Catalonia and the Basque Country. PARTICIPANTS: Inclusion criteria were office BP 150/95¿mmHg or less and daytime ambulatory BP 140/90¿mmHg or less, stable pharmacologic or nonpharmacologic antihypertensive treatment, and concomitant chronic osteoarticular pain. INTERVENTIONS: Baseline randomized assignment to 3-week periods of effervescent paracetamol (1¿g three times a day) first and noneffervescent paracetamol later, or inversely, during a 7-week study period. At the start and end of each treatment period, 24-h ambulatory BP monitoring was performed. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Differences in 24-h SBP between baseline and end of both treatment periods. The main analyses were performed according to the intention-to-treat principle. RESULTS: In intention-to-treat analysis, 46 patients were analyzed, 21 were treated with paracetamol effervescent and noneffervescent later, and 25 followed the opposite sequence. The difference in 24-h SBP between the two treatments was 3.99¿mmHg (95% confidence interval 1.35-6.63; P¿=¿0.004), higher in the effervescent paracetamol treatment period. Similarly, the per-protocol analysis showed a difference in 24-h SBP between the two groups of 5.04¿mmHg (95% confidence interval 1.80-8.28; P¿=¿0.004), higher in the effervescent paracetamol treatment period. Self-reported pain levels did not differ between groups and did not vary by treatment period. No serious adverse events were reported in either study arm. CONCLUSION: Effervescent paracetamol tablets are responsible for a significant daytime and overall increase in ambulatory 24-h SBP. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT: 02514538 EudraCT: 2010-023485-53.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Chagas Disease among the Latin American Adult population attending in a primary care center in Barcelona, Spain

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    Background/Aims: The epidemiology of Chagas disease, until recently confined to areas of continental Latin America, has undergone considerable changes in recent decades due to migration to other parts of the world, including Spain. We studied the prevalence of Chagas disease in Latin American patients treated at a health center in Barcelona and evaluated its clinical phase. We make some recommendations for screening for the disease. Methodology/Principal Findings: We performed an observational, cross-sectional prevalence study by means of an immunochromatographic test screening of all continental Latin American patients over the age of 14 years visiting the health centre from October 2007 to October 2009. The diagnosis was confirmed by serological methods: conventional in-house ELISA (cELISA), a commercial kit (rELISA) and ELISA using T cruzi lysate (Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics) (oELISA). Of 766 patients studied, 22 were diagnosed with T. cruzi infection, showing a prevalence of 2.87% (95% CI, 1.6-4.12%). Of the infected patients, 45.45% men and 54.55% women, 21 were from Bolivia, showing a prevalence in the Bolivian subgroup (n = 127) of 16.53% (95% CI, 9.6-23.39%). All the infected patients were in a chronic phase of Chagas disease: 81% with the indeterminate form, 9.5% with the cardiac form and 9.5% with the cardiodigestive form. All patients infected with T. cruzi had heard of Chagas disease in their country of origin, 82% knew someone affected, and 77% had a significant history of living in adobe houses in rural areas. Conclusions: We found a high prevalence of T. cruzi infection in immigrants from Bolivia. Detection of T. cruzi¿infected persons by screening programs in non-endemic countries would control non-vectorial transmission and would benefit the persons affected, public health and national health systems

    Does Consumption of Ultra-Processed Foods Matter for Liver Health? Prospective Analysis among Older Adults with Metabolic Syndrome

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    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) includes a spectrum of liver alterations that can result in severe disease and even death. Consumption of ultra-processed foods (UPF) has been associated with obesity and related comorbidities. However, the link between UPF and NAFLD has not been sufficiently assessed. We aimed to investigate the prospective association between UPF consumption and liver health biomarkers. Methods: We followed for 1 year 5867 older participants with overweight/obesity and metabolic syndrome (MetS) from the PREDIMED-Plus trial. A validated 143-item semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire was used to evaluate consumption of UPF at baseline, 6, and 12 months. The degree of processing for foods and beverages (g/day) was established according to the NOVA classification system. The non-invasive fatty liver index (FLI) and hepatic steatosis index (HSI) were used to evaluate liver health at three points in time. The associations between changes in UPF consumption (percentage of total daily dietary intake (g)) and liver biomarkers were assessed using mixed-effects linear models with repeated measurements. Results: In this cohort, UPF consumption at baseline was 8.19% (SD 6.95%) of total daily dietary intake in grams. In multivariable models, each 10% daily increment in UPF consumption in 1 year was associated with significantly greater FLI (β 1.60 points, 95% CI 1.24;1.96 points) and HSI (0.43, 0.29; 0.57) scores (all p-values < 0.001). These associations persisted statistically significant after adjusting for potential dietary confounders and NAFLD risk factors. Conclusions: A higher UPF consumption was associated with higher levels of NAFLD-related biomarkers in older adults with overweight/obesity and MetS

    Validesa de l'automesura de la pressió arterial domiciliària en el diagnòstic de la hipertensió clínica aïllada a l'Atenció Primària

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    [cat] OBJECTIU: Determinar el rendiment diagnòstic de l'automesura de la pressió arterial domiciliària (AMPAd) en el diagnòstic de la hipertensió clínica aïllada (HCA) utilitzant un programa de tres dies de lectures.MATERIAL I MÈTODES: Es va incloure a cent noranta pacients diagnosticats recentment d'hipertensió lleugera-moderada no tractats, seleccionats consecutivament a 4 centres d'atenció primària de la ciutat de Barcelona. Cada pacient va realitzar lectures de AMPAd per triplicat pel matí i per la nit durant 3 dies consecutius, seguidament se'ls practicà una monitorització ambulatòria de la pressió arterial (MAPA) de 24 hores. El punt de tall de normalitat per a l'AMPAd i la MAPA diurna era de 135/85 mmHg.RESULTATS: Seixanta-tres pacients van ser diagnosticats d'HCA amb AMPAd (34.8 %; IC95%: 27.9-42.2) i 74 amb MAPA (41.6%; IC95%: 33.7-48.4). No es varen observar diferències estadísticament significatives entre els valors d'AMPAd i els de la MAPA diurna (137.4 [14.3]/82.1[8.3] mmHg vs 134.8 [11.3]/81.3[9.5] mmHg). Els paràmetres de rendiment diagnòstic de l'AMPAd van ser: S 50.0% (IC95%: 38.3-61.7), E 75.7% (IC95%: 66.3-83.2), VPP i VPN 58.7%(IC95%: 45.6-70.8) i 68.6% (IC95%: 59.4-76.7), respectivament, i CPP i CPN 2.05 i 0.66 respectivament.L'anàlisi mitjançant una corba ROC (receiver operating characteristic) dels diferents punts de tall de normalitat no va suposar l'obtenció de millores significatives en el rendiment diagnòstic de l'AMPAd.CONCLUSIONS: Un programa de 3 dies de lectures d'AMPAd en el diagnòstic de l'HCA ha obtingut una escasa precisió diagnòstica. La MAPA continúa sent la prova d'elecció en aquesta indicació.[eng] OBJECTIVE: To determine the diagnostic performance of home blood pressure self-monitoring (hBPSM) in white-coat hypertension (WCH) using a 3-day reading program.MATERIAL and METHODS: One hundred and ninety non-treated patients recently diagnosed of mild-moderate hypertension, selected consecutively at 4 primary health-care centers in the city of Barcelona, were included. Each patient underwent morning and night hBPSM with readings in triplicate for 3 consecutive days, followed by 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM). The normality cut-off point value for hBPSM and daytime ABPM was 135/85 mmHg.RESULTS: Sixty-three patients were diagnosed of WCH with hBPSM (34.8 %; CI95%: 27.9-42.2) and 74 with ABPM (41.6%; CI95%: 33.7-48.4). No statistically-significant differences were observed between hBPSM values and those of diurnal ABPM (137.4 [14.3]/82.1[8.3] mmHg vs 134.8 [11.3]/81.3[9.5] mmHg). hBPSM diagnostic performance parameters were: sensitivity 50.0% (CI95%: 38.3-61.7), specificity 75.7% (CI95%: 66.3-83.2), positive and negative predictive values 58.7%(CI95%: 45.6-70.8) and 68.6% (CI95%: 59.4-76.7), respectively, and positive and negative probability coefficients 2.05 and 0.66 respectively. Analysis of different normality cut-off points using a ROC curve (receiver operating characteristic) failed to produce significant improvement in the diagnostic performance of hBPSM.CONCLUSIONS: The diagnostic accuracy of a 3-day hBPSM reading program in WCH was poor. ABPM continues to be the test of choice for this indication

    Disseny, fabricació i caracterització d'amplificadors de baix soroll per instrumentació

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    Aquest projecte consisteix en l'estudi, disseny i fabricació d'un amplificador de baix soroll per instrumentació, el qual es basarà en uns requisits de guany, ample de banda i de mides a complir. Un vegada vistos els requisits i fet un estudi previ de la situació, el primer pas serà realitzar el disseny principal de l'amplificador, el qual s'anirà millorant a mesura que avanci el projecte. Un cop dissenyat i avaluat el circuit amb el software ADS, el següent pas serà intentar fer un model de layout, el qual serà fabricat i analitzat, per tal d'intentar aconseguir el resultat esperat de les especificacions. Finalment, es detallaran les conclusions a les quals s'ha arribat desprès d'haver realitzat aquest projecte.Este proyecto consiste en el estudio, diseño y fabricación de un amplificador de bajo ruido para instrumentación, el cual se basará en unos requisitos de ganancia, ancho de banda y de medidas a cumplir. Vistos los requisitos y hecho un estudio previo de la situación, el primer paso será realizar el diseño principal del amplificador, el cual se irá mejorando a medida que avance el proyecto. Una vez diseñado y evaluado el circuito con el software ADS, el siguiente paso será intentar hacer un modelo de layout, el cual será fabricado y analizado, con la intención de intentar conseguir el resultado esperado de las especificaciones. Finalmente, se detallaran las conclusiones a las cuales se ha llegado después de haber realizado este proyecto.This project consists on the study, design and manufacture of a low-noise amplifier for instrumentation, which will be based on requirements of gain, bandwith and size. Having on hand all requirements, and made a preliminary study of the situation, the first step will be to design the main amplifier, which will be improved as we advance the project. Once designed and evaluated the circuit with the ADS software, the next step will be try to make a standard layout, which will be produced and analyzed, with the intention of trying to achieve the expected result of the specifications. Finally, will be exposed all the conclusions of this project

    Disseny, fabricació i caracterització d'amplificadors de baix soroll per instrumentació

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    Aquest projecte consisteix en l'estudi, disseny i fabricació d'un amplificador de baix soroll per instrumentació, el qual es basarà en uns requisits de guany, ample de banda i de mides a complir. Un vegada vistos els requisits i fet un estudi previ de la situació, el primer pas serà realitzar el disseny principal de l'amplificador, el qual s'anirà millorant a mesura que avanci el projecte. Un cop dissenyat i avaluat el circuit amb el software ADS, el següent pas serà intentar fer un model de layout, el qual serà fabricat i analitzat, per tal d'intentar aconseguir el resultat esperat de les especificacions. Finalment, es detallaran les conclusions a les quals s'ha arribat desprès d'haver realitzat aquest projecte.Este proyecto consiste en el estudio, diseño y fabricación de un amplificador de bajo ruido para instrumentación, el cual se basará en unos requisitos de ganancia, ancho de banda y de medidas a cumplir. Vistos los requisitos y hecho un estudio previo de la situación, el primer paso será realizar el diseño principal del amplificador, el cual se irá mejorando a medida que avance el proyecto. Una vez diseñado y evaluado el circuito con el software ADS, el siguiente paso será intentar hacer un modelo de layout, el cual será fabricado y analizado, con la intención de intentar conseguir el resultado esperado de las especificaciones. Finalmente, se detallaran las conclusiones a las cuales se ha llegado después de haber realizado este proyecto.This project consists on the study, design and manufacture of a low-noise amplifier for instrumentation, which will be based on requirements of gain, bandwith and size. Having on hand all requirements, and made a preliminary study of the situation, the first step will be to design the main amplifier, which will be improved as we advance the project. Once designed and evaluated the circuit with the ADS software, the next step will be try to make a standard layout, which will be produced and analyzed, with the intention of trying to achieve the expected result of the specifications. Finally, will be exposed all the conclusions of this project