102 research outputs found

    Discovery of a faint, star-forming, multiply lensed, Lyman-alpha blob

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    We report the discovery of a multiply lensed Lyman-α\alpha blob (LAB) behind the galaxy cluster AS1063 using the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) on the Very Large Telescope (VLT). The background source is at z=z= 3.117 and is intrinsically faint compared to almost all previously reported LABs. We used our highly precise strong lensing model to reconstruct the source properties, and we find an intrinsic luminosity of LLyαL_{\rm Ly\alpha}=1.9×10421.9\times10^{42} erg s−1^{-1}, extending to 33 kpc. We find that the LAB is associated with a group of galaxies, and possibly a protocluster, in agreement with previous studies that find LABs in overdensities. In addition to Lyman-α\alpha (Lyα\alpha) emission, we find \ion{C}{IV}, \ion{He}{II}, and \ion{O}{III}] ultraviolet (UV) emission lines arising from the centre of the nebula. We used the compactness of these lines in combination with the line ratios to conclude that the \Lya nebula is likely powered by embedded star formation. Resonant scattering of the \Lya photons then produces the extended shape of the emission. Thanks to the combined power of MUSE and strong gravitational lensing, we are now able to probe the circumgalatic medium of sub-L∗L_{*} galaxies at z≈3z\approx 3.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures; moderate changes to match the accepted A&A versoi

    Microscale heterogeneity explains experimental variability and non-linearity in soil organic matter mineralisation

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    Soil respiration represents the second largest CO2 flux from terrestrial ecosystems to the atmosphere, and a small rise could significantly contribute to further increase in atmospheric CO2. Unfortunately, the extent of this effect cannot be quantified reliably, and the outcomes of experiments designed to study soil respiration remain notoriously unpredictable. In this context, the mathematical simulations described in this article suggest that assumptions of linearity and presumed irrelevance of micro-scale heterogeneity, commonly made in quantitative models of microbial growth in subsurface environments and used in carbon stock models, do not appear warranted. Results indicate that microbial growth is non-linear and, at given average nutrient concentrations, strongly dependent on the microscale distribution of both nutrients and microbes. These observations have far-reaching consequences, in terms of both experiments and theory. They indicate that traditional, macroscopic soil measurements are inadequate to predict microbial responses, in particular to rising temperature conditions, and that an explicit account is required of microscale heterogeneity. Furthermore, models should evolve beyond traditional, but overly simplistic, assumptions of linearity of microbial responses to bulk nutrient concentrations. The development of a new generation of models along these lines, and in particular incorporating upscaled information about microscale processes, will undoubtedly be challenging, but appears to be key to understanding the extent to which soil carbon mineralization could further accelerate climate change

    ESA Voyage 2050 white paper: Unveiling the faint ultraviolet Universe

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    New and unique science opportunities in several different fields of astrophysics are offered by conducting spectroscopic studies of the Universe in the ultraviolet (UV), a wavelength regime that is not accessible from the ground. We present some of the scientific challenges that can be addressed with a space-based mission in 2035 - 2050. (1) By detecting the intergalactic medium in emission it will be possible to unveil the cosmic web, whose existence is predicted by current theories of structure formation, but it has not been probed yet. (2) Observations of the neutral gas distribution (by mapping the Lyman-alpha emission) in low-redshift galaxy cluster members will clarify the efficiency with which ram-pressure stripping removes the gas from galaxies and the role of the environment in quenching star formation. (3) By observing statistical samples of supernovae in the UV it will be possible to characterize the progenitor population of core-collapse supernovae, providing the initial conditions for any forward-modeling simulation and allowing the community to progress in the understanding of the explosion mechanism of stars and the final stages of stellar evolution. (4) Targeting populations of accreting white dwarfs in globular clusters it will be possible to constrain the evolution and fate of these stars and investigate the properties of the most compact systems with the shortest orbital periods which are expected to be the brightest low frequency gravitational wave sources. A UV-optimized telescope (wavelength range ~ 90 - 350 nm), equipped with a panoramic integral field spectrograph with a large field of view (FoV ~ 1 x 1 arcmin^2), with medium spectral (R = 4000) and spatial (~ 1" - 3") resolution will allow the community to simultaneously obtain spectral and photometric information of the targets, and tackle the science questions presented in this paper

    The WISSH quasars project: VIII. Outflows and metals in the circum-galactic medium around the hyper-luminous z 3c 3.6 quasar J1538+08

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    Context. In recent years, Ly\u3b1 nebulae have been routinely detected around high redshift, radio-quiet quasars thanks to the advent of the highly sensitive integral field spectrographs. Constraining the physical properties of the Ly\u3b1 nebulae is crucial for a full understanding of the circum-galactic medium (CGM). The CGM acts both as a repository for intergalactic and galactic baryons as well as a venue of feeding and feedback processes. The most luminous quasars are privileged test-beds to study these processes, given their large ionising fluxes and dense CGM environments in which they are expected to be embedded. Aims. We aim to characterise the rest-frame ultraviolet (UV) emission lines in the CGM around a hyper-luminous, broad emission line, radio-quiet quasar at z 3c 3.6, which exhibits powerful outflows at both nuclear and host galaxy scales. Methods. We analyse VLT/MUSE observations of the quasar J1538+08 (Lbol = 6 7 1047 erg s-1), and we performed a search for extended UV emission lines to characterise its morphology, emissivity, kinematics, and metal content. Results. We report the discovery of a very luminous ( 3c2 7 1044 erg s-1), giant Ly\u3b1 nebula and a likely associated extended (75 kpc) CIV nebula. The Ly\u3b1 nebula emission exhibits moderate blueshift ( 3c440 km s-1) compared to the quasar systemic redshift and a large average velocity dispersion (\u3c3\u304v 3c700 km s-1) across the nebula, while the CIV nebula shows average velocity dispersion of \u3c3\u304v 3c350 km s-1. The Ly\u3b1 line profile exhibits a significant asymmetry towards negative velocity values at 20-30 kpc south of the quasar and is well parametrised by the following two Gaussian components: a narrow (\u3c3 3c 470 km s-1) systemic one plus a broad (\u3c3 3c 1200 km s-1), blueshifted ( 3c1500 km s-1) one. Conclusions. Our analysis of the MUSE observation of J1538+08 reveals metal-enriched CGM around this hyper-luminous quasar. Furthermore, our detection of blueshifted emission in the emission profile of the Ly\u3b1 nebula suggests that powerful nuclear outflows can propagate through the CGM over tens of kiloparsecs

    Stellar feedback in a clumpy galaxy at z ∼ 3.4

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    Giant star-forming regions (clumps) are widespread features of galaxies at z ≈ 1−4. Theory predicts that they can play a crucial role in galaxy evolution, if they survive to stellar feedback for >50 Myr. Numerical simulations show that clumps’ survival depends on the stellar feedback recipes that are adopted. Up to date, observational constraints on both clumps’ outflows strength and gas removal time-scale are still uncertain. In this context, we study a line-emitting galaxy at redshift z ≃ 3.4 lensed by the foreground galaxy cluster Abell 2895. Four compact clumps with sizes ≲280 pc and representative of the low-mass end of clumps’ mass distribution (stellar masses ≲2 × 108 M⊙) dominate the galaxy morphology. The clumps are likely forming stars in a starbursting mode and have a young stellar population (∼10 Myr). The properties of the Lyman-α (Lyα) emission and nebular far-ultraviolet absorption lines indicate the presence of ejected material with global outflowing velocities of ∼200–300 km s−1. Assuming that the detected outflows are the consequence of star formation feedback, we infer an average mass loading factor (η) for the clumps of ∼1.8–2.4 consistent with results obtained from hydrodynamical simulations of clumpy galaxies that assume relatively strong stellar feedback. Assuming no gas inflows (semiclosed box model), the estimates of η suggest that the time-scale over which the outflows expel the molecular gas reservoir (≃7 × 108 M⊙) of the four detected low-mass clumps is ≲50 Myr

    Unveiling [CII] clumps in a lensed star-forming galaxy at z ~ 3.4

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    Observations at UV and optical wavelengths have revealed that galaxies at z~1-4 host star-forming regions, dubbed "clumps", which are believed to form due to the fragmentation of gravitationally unstable, gas-rich disks. However, the detection of the parent molecular clouds that give birth to such clumps is still possible only in a minority of galaxies, mostly at z~1. We investigated the [CII] and dust morphology of a z~3.4 lensed galaxy hosting four clumps detected in the UV continuum. We aimed to observe the [CII] emission of individual clumps that, unlike the UV, is not affected by dust extinction, to probe their nature and cold gas content. We conducted ALMA observations probing scales down to ~300 pc and detected three [CII] clumps. One (dubbed "NE") coincides with the brightest UV clump, while the other two ("SW" and "C") are not detected in the UV continuum. We do not detect the dust continuum. We converted the [CII] luminosity of individual clumps into molecular gas mass and found Mmol~10^8 Msun. By complementing it with the star formation rate (SFR) estimate from the UV continuum, we estimated the gas depletion time (tdep) of clumps and investigated their location in the Schmidt-Kennicutt plane. While the NE clump has a short tdep=0.16 Gyr, comparable with high-redshift starbursts, the SW and C clumps instead have longer tdep>0.65 Gyr and are likely probing the initial phases of star formation. The lack of dust continuum detection is consistent with the blue UV continuum slope estimated for this galaxy (beta~-2.5) and it indicates that dust inhomogeneities do not significantly affect the detection of UV clumps in this target. We pushed the observation of the cold gas content of individual clumps up to z~3.4 and showed that the [C II] line emission is a promising tracer of molecular clouds at high redshift, allowing the detection of clumps with a large range of depletion times.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Gas Accretion and Giant Lyman-alpha Nebulae

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    Several decades of observations and discoveries have shown that high-redshift AGN and massive galaxies are often surrounded by giant Lyman-alpha nebulae extending in some cases up to 500 kpc in size. In this review, I discuss the properties of the such nebulae discovered at z>2 and their connection with gas flows in and around the galaxies and their halos. In particular, I show how current observations are used to constrain the physical properties and origin of the emitting gas in terms of the Lyman-alpha photon production processes and kinematical signatures. These studies suggest that recombination radiation is the most viable scenario to explain the observed Lyman-alpha luminosities and Surface Brightness for the large majority of the nebulae and imply that a significant amount of dense, ionized and cold clumps should be present within and around the halos of massive galaxies. Spectroscopic studies suggest that, among the giant Lyman-alpha nebulae, the one associated with radio-loud AGN should have kinematics dominated by strong, ionized outflows within at least the inner 30-50 kpc. Radio-quiet nebulae instead present more quiescent kinematics compatible with stationary situation and, in some cases, suggestive of rotating structures. However, definitive evidences for accretion onto galaxies of the gas associated with the giant Lyman-alpha emission are not unambiguously detected yet. Deep surveys currently ongoing using other bright, non-resonant lines such as Hydrogen H-alpha and HeII1640 will be crucial to search for clearer signatures of cosmological gas accretion onto galaxies and AGN.Comment: Invited review to appear in Gas Accretion onto Galaxies, Astrophysics and Space Science Library, eds. A. J. Fox & R. Dave', to be published by Springe
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