25 research outputs found

    Into the UV: The Atmosphere of the Hot Jupiter HAT-P-41b Revealed

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    For solar system objects, ultraviolet spectroscopy has been critical in identifying sources of stratospheric heating and measuring the abundances of a variety of hydrocarbon and sulfur-bearing species, produced via photochemical mechanisms, as well as oxygen and ozone. To date, fewer than 20 exoplanets have been probed in this critical wavelength range (0.2–0.4 ÎŒm). Here we use data from Hubble's newly implemented WFC3 UVIS G280 grism to probe the atmosphere of the hot Jupiter HAT-P-41b in the ultraviolet through optical in combination with observations at infrared wavelengths. We analyze and interpret HAT-P-41b's 0.2–5.0 ÎŒm transmission spectrum using a broad range of methodologies including multiple treatments of data systematics as well as comparisons with atmospheric forward, cloud microphysical, and multiple atmospheric retrieval models. Although some analysis and interpretation methods favor the presence of clouds or potentially a combination of Na, VO, AlO, and CrH to explain the ultraviolet through optical portions of HAT-P-41b's transmission spectrum, we find that the presence of a significant H− opacity provides the most robust explanation. We obtain a constraint for the abundance of H−, log(H−)=−8.65±0.62\mathrm{log}({{\rm{H}}}^{-})=-8.65\pm 0.62, in HAT-P-41b's atmosphere, which is several orders of magnitude larger than predictions from equilibrium chemistry for a ~1700–1950 K hot Jupiter. We show that a combination of photochemical and collisional processes on hot hydrogen-dominated exoplanets can readily supply the necessary amount of H− and suggest that such processes are at work in HAT-P-41b and the atmospheres of many other hot Jupiters

    High tide or riptide on the cosmic shoreline? A water-rich atmosphere or stellar contamination for the warm super-Earth GJ 486b from JWST observations

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    Planets orbiting M-dwarf stars are prime targets in the search for rocky exoplanet atmospheres. The small size of M dwarfs renders their planets exceptional targets for transmission spectroscopy, facilitating atmospheric characterization. However, it remains unknown whether their host stars' highly variable extreme-UV radiation environments allow atmospheres to persist. With JWST, we have begun to determine whether or not the most favorable rocky worlds orbiting M dwarfs have detectable atmospheres. Here, we present a 2.8–5.2 ÎŒm JWST NIRSpec/G395H transmission spectrum of the warm (700 K, 40.3× Earth's insolation) super-Earth GJ 486b (1.3 R⊕ and 3.0 M⊕). The measured spectrum from our two transits of GJ 486b deviates from a flat line at 2.2σ − 3.3σ, based on three independent reductions. Through a combination of forward and retrieval models, we determine that GJ 486b either has a water-rich atmosphere (with the most stringent constraint on the retrieved water abundance of H2O > 10% to 2σ) or the transmission spectrum is contaminated by water present in cool unocculted starspots. We also find that the measured stellar spectrum is best fit by a stellar model with cool starspots and hot faculae. While both retrieval scenarios provide equal quality fits (χΜ2=1.0{\chi }_{\nu }^{2}=1.0) to our NIRSpec/G395H observations, shorter wavelength observations can break this degeneracy and reveal if GJ 486b sustains a water-rich atmosphere

    Mineral dust increases the habitability of terrestrial planets but confounds biomarker detection

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    Identification of habitable planets beyond our solar system is a key goal of current and future space missions. Yet habitability depends not only on the stellar irradiance, but equally on constituent parts of the planetary atmosphere. Here we show, for the first time, that radiatively active mineral dust will have a significant impact on the habitability of Earth-like exoplanets. On tidally-locked planets, dust cools the day-side and warms the night-side, significantly widening the habitable zone. Independent of orbital configuration, we suggest that airborne dust can postpone planetary water loss at the inner edge of the habitable zone, through a feedback involving decreasing ocean coverage and increased dust loading. The inclusion of dust significantly obscures key biomarker gases (e.g. ozone, methane) in simulated transmission spectra, implying an important influence on the interpretation of observations.We demonstrate that future observational and theoretical studies of terrestrial exoplanets must consider the effect of dust

    The transiting exoplanet community early release science program for JWST

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    The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) presents the opportunity to transform our understanding of planets and the origins of life by revealing the atmospheric compositions, structures, and dynamics of transiting exoplanets in unprecedented detail. However, the high-precision, time-series observations required for such investigations have unique technical challenges, and prior experience with other facilities indicates that there will be a steep learning curve when JWST becomes operational. In this paper we describe the science objectives and detailed plans of the Transiting Exoplanet Community Early Release Science (ERS) Program, which is a recently approved program for JWST observations early in Cycle 1. The goal of this project, for which the obtained data will have no exclusive access period, is to accelerate the acquisition and diffusion of technical expertise for transiting exoplanet observations with JWST, while also providing a compelling set of representative datasets that will enable immediate scientific breakthroughs. The Transiting Exoplanet Community ERS Program will exercise the time-series modes of all four JWST instruments that have been identified as the consensus highest priorities, observe the full suite of transiting planet characterization geometries (transits, eclipses, and phase curves), and target planets with host stars that span an illustrative range of brightnesses. The observations in this program were defined through an inclusive and transparent process that had participation from JWST instrument experts and international leaders in transiting exoplanet studies. Community engagement in the project will be centered on a two-phase Data Challenge that culminates with the delivery of planetary spectra, time-series instrument performance reports, and open-source data analysis toolkits in time to inform the agenda for Cycle 2 of the JWST mission

    Early Release Science of the exoplanetWASP-39b with JWST NIRISS

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Research via the DOI in this recordData Availability: The raw data from this study are publicly available via the Space Science Telescope Institute's Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (https://archive.stsci.edu/). The data which was used to create all of the figures in this manuscript are freely available on Zenodo and GitHub (Zenodo Link;https://github.com/afeinstein20/wasp39b_niriss_paper). All additional data is available upon request.Code Availability: The following are open-source pipelines written in Python that are available either through the Python Package Index (PyPI) or GitHub that were used throughout this work: Eureka! (https://github.com/kevin218/Eureka); nirHiss (https://github.com/afeinstein20/nirhiss); supreme-SPOON (https://github.com/radicamc/supreme-spoon); transitspectroscopy (https://github.com/nespinoza/transitspectroscopy/tree/dev); iraclis (https://github.com/uclexoplanets/Iraclis); juliet (https://github.com/nespinoza/juliet); chromatic (https://github.com/zkbt/chromatic); chromatic_fitting (https://github.com/catrionamurray/chromatic_fitting); ExoTiC-LD54, 121 (https://github.com/Exo-TiC/ExoTiC-LD); ExoTETHyS122 (https://github.com/uclexoplanets/ExoTETHyS); PICASO88,89 (https://github.com/natashabatalha/picaso); Virga94, 95 (https://github.com/natashabatalha/virga); CHIMERA (https://github.com/mrline/CHIMERA); PyMultiNest (https://github.com/JohannesBuchner/PyMultiNest); MultiNest (https://github.com/JohannesBuchner/MultiNest)The Saturn-mass exoplanet WASP-39b has been the subject of extensive efforts to determine its atmospheric properties using transmission spectroscopy. However, these efforts have been hampered by modelling degeneracies between composition and cloud properties that are caused by limited data quality. Here, we present the transmission spectrum of WASP-39 b obtained using the SOSS mode of the NIRISS instrument on JWST. This spectrum spans 0.6–2.8m in wavelength and reveals multiple water absorption bands, the potassium resonance doublet, and signatures of clouds. The precision and broad wavelength coverage of NIRISS-SOSS allows us to break model degeneracies between cloud properties and the atmospheric composition of WASP-39b, favouring a heavy element enhancement (“metallicity”) of ~10–30x the solar value, a sub-solar carbon-to-oxygen (C/O) ratio, and a solar-to-super-solar potassium-to-oxygen (K/O) ratio. The observations are also best explained by wavelength-dependent, non-gray clouds with inhomogeneous coverage of the planet’s terminator.Leverhulme TrustUK Research and Innovatio

    Early Release Science of the exoplanet WASP-39b with JWST NIRSpec G395H

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Research via the DOI in this recordData Availability: The data used in this paper are associated with JWST program ERS 1366 (observation #4) and are available from the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (https://mast.stsci.edu). Science data processing version (SDP_VER) 2022_2a generated the uncalibrated data that we downloaded from MAST. We used JWST Calibration Pipeline software version (CAL_VER) 1.5.3 with modifications described in the text. We used calibration reference data from context (CRDS_CTX) 0916, except as noted in the text. All the data and models presented in this publication can be found at 10.5281/zenodo.7185300.Code Availability: The codes used in this publication to extract, reduce and analyze the data are as follows; STScI JWST Calibration pipeline45 (https://github.com/spacetelescope/jwst), Eureka!53 (https://eurekadocs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/), ExoTiC-JEDI47 (https://github.com/ExoTiC/ExoTiC-JEDI), juliet71 (https://juliet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/), Tiberius15,49,50, transitspectroscopy51 (https://github.com/nespinoza/transitspectroscopy). In addition, these made use of batman65 (http://lkreidberg.github.io/batman/docs/html/index.html), celerite86 (https://celerite.readthedocs.io/en/stable/), chromatic (https://zkbt.github.io/chromatic/), Dynesty72 (https://dynesty.readthedocs.io/en/stable/index.html), emcee69 (https://emcee.readthedocs.io/en/stable/), exoplanet83 (https://docs.exoplanet.codes/en/latest/), ExoTEP75–77, ExoTHETyS79 (https://github.com/ucl-exoplanets/ExoTETHyS), ExoTiCISM57 (https://github.com/Exo-TiC/ExoTiC-ISM), ExoTiC-LD58 (https://exoticld.readthedocs.io/en/latest/), george68 (https://george.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) JAX82 (https://jax.readthedocs.io/en/latest/), LMFIT70 (https://lmfit.github.io/lmfit-py/), Pylightcurve78 (https://github.com/ucl-exoplanets/pylightcurve), Pymc3138 (https://docs.pymc.io/en/v3/index.html) and Starry84 (https://starry.readthedocs.io/en/latest/), each of which use the standard python libraries astropy139,140, matplotlib141, numpy142, pandas143, scipy64 and xarray144. The atmospheric models used to fit the data can be found at ATMO[Tremblin2015,Drummond2016,Goyal2018,Goyal2020]88–91, PHOENIX92–94, PICASO98,99 (https://natashabatalha.github.io/picaso/), Virga98,107 (https://natashabatalha.github.io/virga/), and gCMCRT115 (https://github.com/ELeeAstro/gCMCRT).Measuring the abundances of carbon and oxygen in exoplanet atmospheres is considered a crucial avenue for unlocking the formation and evolution of exoplanetary systems. Access to an exoplanet’s chemical inventory requires high precision observations, often inferred from individual molecular detections with low-resolution space-based and high-resolution ground-based facilities. Here we report the medium-resolution (R≈600) transmission spectrum of an exoplanet atmosphere between 3–5 ÎŒm covering multiple absorption features for the Saturn-mass exoplanet WASP-39b, obtained with JWST NIRSpec G395H. Our observations achieve 1.46× photon precision, providing an average transit depth uncertainty of 221 ppm per spectroscopic bin, and present minimal impacts from systematic effects. We detect significant absorption from CO2 (28.5σ ) and H2O (21.5σ ), and identify SO2 as the source of absorption at 4.1 ÎŒ m (4.8σ ). Best-fit atmospheric models range between 3× and 10× solar metallicity, with sub-solar to solar C/O ratios. These results, including the detection of SO2, underscore the importance of characterising the chemistry in exoplanet atmospheres, and showcase NIRSpec G395H as an excellent mode for time series observations over this critical wavelength range.Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)UKR

    Planetary system around the nearby M dwarf GJ 357 including a transiting, hot, Earth-sized planet optimal for atmospheric characterization

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    We report the detection of a transiting Earth-size planet around GJ 357, a nearby M2.5 V star, using data from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). GJ 357 b (TOI-562.01) is a transiting, hot, Earth-sized planet (Teq = 525 ± 11 K) with a radius of Rb = 1.217 ± 0.084 R⊕ and an orbital period of Pb = 3.93 d. Precise stellar radial velocities from CARMENES and PFS, as well as archival data from HIRES, UVES, and HARPS also display a 3.93-day periodicity, confirming the planetary nature and leading to a planetary mass of Mb = 1.84 ± 0.31 M⊕. In addition to the radial velocity signal for GJ 357 b, more periodicities are present in the data indicating the presence of two further planets in the system: GJ 357 c, with a minimum mass of Mc = 3.40 ± 0.46 M⊕ in a 9.12 d orbit, and GJ 357 d, with a minimum mass of Md = 6.1 ± 1.0 M⊕ in a 55.7 d orbit inside the habitable zone. The host is relatively inactive and exhibits a photometric rotation period of Prot = 78 ± 2 d. GJ 357 b isto date the second closest transiting planet to the Sun, making it a prime target for further investigations such as transmission spectroscopy. Therefore, GJ 357 b represents one of the best terrestrial planets suitable for atmospheric characterization with the upcoming JWST and ground-based ELTs

    A comparison of simulated JWST observations derived from equilibrium and non-equilibrium chemistry models of giant exoplanets

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    We aim to see if the difference between equilibrium and disequilibrium chemistry is observable in the atmospheres of transiting planets by the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST). We perform a case study comparing the dayside emission spectra of three planets like HD 189733b, WASP-80b, and GJ 436b, in and out of chemical equilibrium at two metallicities each. These three planets were chosen because they span a large range of planetary masses and equilibrium temperatures, from hot and Jupiter-sized to warm and Neptune-sized. We link the one-dimensional disequilibrium chemistry model from Venot et al. (2012), in which thermochemical kinetics, vertical transport, and photochemistry are taken into account, to the one-dimensional, pseudo line-by-line radiative transfer model, Pyrat bay, developed especially for hot Jupiters, and then simulate JWST spectra using PandExo for comparing the effects of temperature, metallicity, and radius. We find the most significant differences from 4 to 5 ÎŒm due to disequilibrium from CO and CO2 abundances, and also H2O for select cases. Our case study shows a certain “sweet spot” of planetary mass, temperature, and metallicity where the difference between equilibrium and disequilibrium is observable. For a planet similar to WASP-80b, JWST’s NIRSpec G395M can detect differences due to disequilibrium chemistry with one eclipse event. For a planet similar to GJ 436b, the observability of differences due to disequilibrium chemistry is possible at low metallicity given five eclipse events, but not possible at the higher metallicity