47 research outputs found

    Camera system selection for print quality checking

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    Toto bakalářská téma se zabývá možností kontrolování kvality potisku v tamponovém tisku. Tampónový tisk je řešen tak, že se potisk přenáší z klišé na potiskovaný materiál pomocí silikonového tamponu. Kvalita výsledného potisku je závislá na velkém množství faktorů, které jsou v práci analyzovány. V bakalářské práci je popsán způsob monitorování kvality potisku online za pomocí kamery na reálných vzorcích.This bachelor’s theme deals with possibility checking of quality in pad printing. Pad printing has such solution that print is transferred from cliché on printing surface by silicone pad. Quality of finish result depends on a large number of factors which are analyzed in the thesis. In the bachelor’s thesis is described way of monitoring of printing quality online with the cameras help on real samples.

    The radiation field in the Gamma Irradiation Facility GIF++ at CERN

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    The high-luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) upgrade is setting now a new challenge for particle detector technologies. The increase in luminosity will produce a particle background in the gas-based muon detectors that is ten times higher than under conditions at the LHC. The detailed knowledge of the detector performance in the presence of such a high background is crucial for an optimized design and efficient operation after the HL-LHC upgrade. A precise understanding of possible aging effects of detector materials and gases is of extreme importance. To cope with these challenging requirements, a new Gamma Irradiation Facility (GIF++) was designed and built at the CERN SPS North Area as successor of the Gamma Irradiation Facility (GIF) during the Long Shutdown 1 (LS1) period. It features an intense source of 662 keV photons with adjustable intensity, to simulate continuous background over large areas, and, combined with a high energy muon beam, to measure detector performance in the presence of the background. The new GIF++ facility has been operational since spring 2015. In addition to describing the facility and its infrastructure, the goal of this work is to provide an extensive characterization of the GIF++ photon field with different configurations of the absorption filters in both the upstream and downstream irradiation areas. Moreover, the measured results are benchmarked with Geant4 simulations to enhance the knowledge of the radiation field. The absorbed dose in air in the facility may reach up to 2.2 Gy/h directly in front of the irradiator. Of special interest is the low-energy photon component that develops due to the multiple scattering of photons within the irradiator and from the concrete walls of the bunker

    Possibilities of establishing a ‘small-scale geopark’: examples from the area of Upper Zemplín (Slovakia) // Możliwość utworzenia małych geoparków: przykłady z obszaru Gór Zemplińskich (Słowacja)

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    Within relatively new forms of tourism, geotourism takes a well-established position and is developing worldwide. Hand in hand with the development of geotourism, a demand for defining different types of attractive geotourist locations or regions has arisen. Besides typical geotourist locations (geosites)and regions (geoparks), there are several areas that are geo-attractive and cover several individual geosites, but are too small to be defined as “classical” geoparks. This paper discusses an alternative approach to geotourist development by defining ‘smallscale’ geoparks through the example of the eastern part of Slovakia, near the border with Ukraine. The area is characterized by (1) a variegated geological structure, which includes five main geological units of the Carpathians in Slovakia, where many different-type geosites are located (e.g. mineralogical, hydrogeological, volcanological, paleontological, etc.), (2) presence of historical monuments (e.g. castle ruins), (3) botanical objects and (4) wine-producing areas. //Pośród względnie nowych form turystyki geoturystyka zajmuje ugruntowaną pozycję i rozwija się na całym świecie. Jednocześnie z rozwojem geoturystyki pojawiło się zapotrzebowanie na różne rodzaje atrakcyjnych lokalizacji lub regionów geoturystycznych. Poza typowymi obiektami i obszarami geoturystycznymi(geoparki) istnieje kilka atrakcyjnych obszarów, które są zbyt małe, by mogły być uznane za geoparki. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia alternatywne podejście do zagospodarowania geoturystycznego w postaci „małych geoparków” na przykładzie wschodniej części Słowacji, przy granicy z Ukrainą. Obszar ten charakteryzujesię: (1) zróżnicowaną budową geologiczną, na którą składa się pięć głównych jednostek strukturalnych Karpat Słowackich, charakteryzujących się zróżnicowanymi obiektami geoturystycznymi (mineralogicznymi, hydrogeologicznymi, wulkanologicznymi, paleontologicznymi, etc.), (2) obecnością zabytków historycznych (np. ruin zamków), (3) obecnością obiektów przyrody ożywionej (roślinność) i (4) obecnością winnic


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    The authors give an outline of possible presence of non-traditional genetical types of gold mineralisa-tion, based on the geological structure of the studied area and on the result of some prospection works

    The „Palanok” Castle as a geotouristic site in the Zakarpattya, Ukraine // Zamek Palanok jako obiekt geoturystyczny Zakarpacia na Ukrainie

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    The paper describes the Palanok Castle in the Zakarpattya in Western Ukraine. This is one of the most popular tourist sites in Ukraine, famous not only of turbulent history and military architecture, but also interesting geology and incomparable scenic views. The recent castle was built in the XIVth century at the top of Sarmatian-Early Pannonian hornblende-pyroxene andesite plug, which rises 68 meters above the surrounding plain. The castle includes lower, central and upper parts with 130 rooms of total area about 14 000 m2. In 2008 over 100,000 visitors have arrived from Ukraine, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary, which generated over 50,000 EUR profit. Recently, the castle is a site of regional museum, modern painting gallery and thematic exhibition “The wooden churches of Zakarpattya”.//W artykule opisano zamek „Palanok”, położony na Zakarpaciu, w Zachodniej Ukrainie. Jest to jeden z najpopularniejszych obiektów turystycznych Ukrainy, słynny nie tylko ze względu na burzliwą historię i ciekawą architekturę obronną, ale także interesującą geologię i niezwykłe widoki. Współczesny zamek wybudowany został w XIV w. na szczycie komina andezytowego, wznoszącego się 68 metrów ponad otaczającą równinę. Andezyty hornblendowo-piroksenowe pochodzą z sarmatu-wczesnego pannonu. Zamek składa się z zamku dolnego, środkowego i górnego. Jest tu ok. 130 komnat o łącznej powierzchni ponad 14 000 m2. W roku 2008 zamek odwiedziło ponad 100 000 turystów z Ukrainy, Słowacji, Polski i Węgier, co przyniosło dochód przekraczający 50 000 EUR. Obecnie w zamku mieści się muzuem regionalne, galeria malarstwa nowoczesnego oraz wystawa tematyczna „Drewniane świątynie Zakarpacia”

    Geotouristic excursion to selected historical mining sites developed by Slovak and German miners in the Gelnica-Smolník region, Slovakia

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    The following paper summarizes the history of Gelnica, Smolník and Rožňava gold, silver, copper and iron orefields in Eastern Slovakia, which have been mined since the Medieval ages by of Slovak and German miners. In Gelnica, where mining operations date back to the XIIth century, massive quartz-sideritechalcopyrite veins with Fe-dolomite, pyrite and tetrahedrite (with silver) cut Lower Devonian phyllites and porphyroids. In Smolník, where copper mining has commenced in the first half of the XIIIth century followed by gold, then silver and iron ore exploitation, 10-11 pyrite-chalcopyrite ore horizons are hosted in Silurian phyllites. In Rožňava mining operations for iron, silver, gold and copper ores have been known since the XIIIth century and have lasted until 1992. Over 40 ore veins discovered in this field contain mostly siderite although quartz-siderite-sulphide paragenesis with Ag-bearing tetrahedrite was also observed. In all three mining districts there are numerous objects of mining heritage and other valuable historical monuments, reflecting the wealth of old Slovak mining towns

    Software pro evidenci zranitelností v počítačové síti

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    Software pro evidenci zranitelností v počítačové síti propojuje různé datové zdroje poskytující informace o zranitelnostech a s jejich využitím zjišťuje, které prvky KII jsou danou zranitelností ohroženy. Správci KII nebudou muset aktivně sledovat hlášení o zranitelnostech a ručně vyhledávat zranitelné prvky infrastruktury, ale dostanou k dispozici automaticky generovaný soupis aktivních prvků v síti s vyznačením prvků zranitelných, případně potenciálně zranitelných. Výhodou tohoto přístupu je možnost detekovat zranitelnosti systémů, které nejsou přímo ve správě bezpečnostního týmu, avšak tým má možnost monitorovat síťový provoz podřízené či vlastní organizace.Software for the evidence of vulnerabilities in a computer network interconnects various data sources providing information about vulnerabilities and with their use determines which elements of CII are threatened by a given vulnerability. CII administrators will not have to actively monitor for vulnerability reports and manually search for vulnerable elements of the infrastructure, but will be provided with an automatically-generated list of active elements in the network with the identification of vulnerable or potentially vulnerable elements. The advantage of this approach is the ability to detect vulnerabilities in systems that are not directly managed by the security team, but the team has the ability to monitor the network traffic of a subordinate or its own organization

    Accuracy of Eulerian–Eulerian, two-fluid CFD boiling models of subcooled boiling flows

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    Boiling flows are frequently found in industry and engineering due to the large amount of heat that can be transferred within such flows with minimum temperature differences. In the nuclear industry, boiling affects in different ways the operation of almost all water-cooled nuclear reactors. Recently, the use of computational fluid dynamic (CFD) approaches to predict boiling flows is increasing and, in the nuclear area, CFD is being developed to solve thermal hydraulic safety issues such as establishing the critical heat flux, which is perhaps the major threat to the integrity of nuclear fuel rods. In this paper, the accuracy of an Eulerian–Eulerian, two-fluid CFD model is evaluated over a large database of subcooled boiling flows, avoiding the rather popular case-by-case tuning of descriptive models to a limited number of experiments. The model includes a Reynolds stress turbulence model, the method of moments-based S-gamma population balance approach and a boiling model derived using the heat flux partitioning approach. The database covers a large range of conditions in subcooled boiling flows of water and refrigerants in vertical pipes and annular channels. Overall, a satisfactory predictive accuracy is achieved for some quantities of interest, such as the void fraction and the turbulence and liquid temperature fields, but results are less satisfactory in other areas, more specifically for the average bubble diameter and the mean velocity profiles close to the wall in annular channels. Agreement may be improved with advances in the treatment of large bubbles and bubble break-up and coalescence, as well as in improved modelling of the boiling region close to the wall, and more specifically the bubble departure diameter, the wall treatment and the contribution of bubbles to turbulence

    Vardiovascular diseases

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    Kardiovaskularne bolesti su ozbiljan javnozdravstveni problem kojem zdravstveni djelatnici pristupaju studiozno uz implementaciju različitih aktivnosti, mjera i preventivnih akcija. Cilj je prije svega prevencijom djelovati na ljudski organizam i omogućiti mu zdrav i stabilan život. Izloženost različitim rizičnim čimbencima kao što je prekomjerena tjelesna težina, pušenje, stres, dijabetes, hipertenzija. Rad je dao grafički prikaz statističkih podataka o broju oboljelih od kardiovaskularnih oboljenja na europskoj razini, uključujući Hrvatsku. Podaci su ukazali na značajan rast ishemijske bolesti srca i posebno među osobama ženskog spola više u odnosu na osobe muškog spola. Također, HZJZ indicira na zabrinjavajući rast oboljelih od kardiovaskularnih bolesti. Cilj rada je identifikacija kardiovaskularnih bolesti i rizičnih čimbenika. Rezime je da ključ rješenja, u velikoj mjeri, je u prevenciji bilo da je riječ o primarnoj ili sekundarnoj prevenciji.Cardiovascular disease is a serious public health issue to which health workers approach a meticulously degree in implementation of various activities, measures, and preventive actions. The aim is, first of all, to prevent the human organism from acting and to give it a healthy and stable life. Exposure to various risk factors such as excess weight, smoking, stress, diabetes, hypertension. The work gave a graphic representation of statistics on the number of cardiovascular diseases at European level, including Croatia. The data showed significant growth of ischemic heart disease and, in particular, women of female sex more than the male sex. Also, HZJZ indicates a worrying increase in cardiovascular disease. The aim of the work is to identify cardiovascular diseases and risk factors. Summary is that the key to the solution, to a large extent, is to prevent any primary or secondary prevention