3,413 research outputs found

    Protein O-Mannosylation in the Murine Brain: Occurrence of Mono-O-Mannosyl Glycans and Identification of New Substrates

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    Protein O-mannosylation is a post-translational modification essential for correct development of mammals. In humans, deficient O-mannosylation results in severe congenital muscular dystrophies often associated with impaired brain and eye development. Although various O-mannosylated proteins have been identified in the recent years, the distribution of O-mannosyl glycans in the mammalian brain and target proteins are still not well defined. In the present study, rabbit monoclonal antibodies directed against the O-mannosylated peptide YAT(α1-Man)AV were generated. Detailed characterization of clone RKU-1-3-5 revealed that this monoclonal antibody recognizes O-linked mannose also in different peptide and protein contexts. Using this tool, we observed that mono-O-mannosyl glycans occur ubiquitously throughout the murine brain but are especially enriched at inhibitory GABAergic neurons and at the perineural nets. Using a mass spectrometry-based approach, we further identified glycoproteins from the murine brain that bear single O-mannose residues. Among the candidates identified are members of the cadherin and plexin superfamilies and the perineural net protein neurocan. In addition, we identified neurexin 3, a cell adhesion protein involved in synaptic plasticity, and inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor 5, a protease inhibitor important in stabilizing the extracellular matrix, as new O-mannosylated glycoproteins

    The correlation potential in density functional theory at the GW-level: spherical atoms

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    As part of a project to obtain better optical response functions for nano materials and other systems with strong excitonic effects we here calculate the exchange-correlation (XC) potential of density-functional theory (DFT) at a level of approximation which corresponds to the dynamically- screened-exchange or GW approximation. In this process we have designed a new numerical method based on cubic splines which appears to be superior to other techniques previously applied to the "inverse engineering problem" of DFT, i.e., the problem of finding an XC potential from a known particle density. The potentials we obtain do not suffer from unphysical ripple and have, to within a reasonable accuracy, the correct asymptotic tails outside localized systems. The XC potential is an important ingredient in finding the particle-conserving excitation energies in atoms and molecules and our potentials perform better in this regard as compared to the LDA potential, potentials from GGA:s, and a DFT potential based on MP2 theory.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Higher twists and maxima for DIS on nuclei in high density QCD region

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    We show that the ratio of different structure functions have a maximum which depends on xBx_B and AA. We argue that these maxima are proportional to the saturation scale. The analysis of leading and higher twist contributions for different observables is given with the aim of determining the kinematic region where high parton density effects could be seen experimentally.Comment: 16 pages of Latex file,8 figures in eps file

    The Dipole Picture and Saturation in Soft Processes

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    We attempt to describe soft hadron interactions in the framework of saturation models, one based upon the Balitsky-Kovchegov non-linear equation and another one due to Golec-Biernat and W\"{u}sthoff. For pppp, KpKp, and πp\pi p scattering the relevant hadronic wave functions are formulated, and total, elastic cross-sections, and the forward elastic slope are calculated and compared to experimental data. The saturation mechanism leads to reasonable reproduction of the data for the quantities analyzed, except for the forward elastic slope, where the predicted increase with energy is too moderate.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures. One figure and several explanations are added. The version is to appear in PL

    Hard inclusive production and a violation of the factorization theorem

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    A new mechanism for hard inclusive production, which leads to a violation of the factorization theorem, is suggested. The mechanism is illustrated by a detailed discussion of Higgs meson production in high energy deutron-deutron scattering. Numerical estimates for the effect are given for high energy hadron (nucleus) scattering.Comment: 8 pages.latex,6 figures in ps file

    Survival probability of large rapidity gaps in QCD and N=4 SYM motivated model

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    In this paper we present a self consistent theoretical approach for the calculation of the Survival Probability for central dijet production . These calculations are performed in a model of high energy soft interactions based on two ingredients:(i) the results of N=4 SYM, which at the moment is the only theory that is able to deal with a large coupling constant; and (ii) the required matching with high energy QCD. Assuming, in accordance with these prerequisites, that soft Pomeron intercept is rather large and the slope of the Pomeron trajectory is equal to zero, we derive analytical formulae that sum both enhanced and semi-enhanced diagrams for elastic and diffractive amplitudes. Using parameters obtained from a fit to the available experimental data, we calculate the Survival Probability for central dijet production at energies accessible at the LHC. The results presented here which include the contribution of semi-enhanced and net diagrams, are considerably larger than our previous estimates.Comment: 11 pages, 10 pictures in .eps file

    XUV digital in-line holography using high-order harmonics

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    A step towards a successful implementation of timeresolved digital in-line holography with extreme ultraviolet radiation is presented. Ultrashort XUV pulses are produced as high-order harmonics of a femtosecond laser and a Schwarzschild objective is used to focus harmonic radiation at 38 nm and to produce a strongly divergent reference beam for holographic recording. Experimental holograms of thin wires are recorded and the objects reconstructed. Descriptions of the simulation and reconstruction theory and algorithms are also given. Spatial resolution of few hundreds of nm is potentially achievable, and micrometer resolution range is demonstrated.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Exhaustive and Efficient Constraint Propagation: A Semi-Supervised Learning Perspective and Its Applications

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    This paper presents a novel pairwise constraint propagation approach by decomposing the challenging constraint propagation problem into a set of independent semi-supervised learning subproblems which can be solved in quadratic time using label propagation based on k-nearest neighbor graphs. Considering that this time cost is proportional to the number of all possible pairwise constraints, our approach actually provides an efficient solution for exhaustively propagating pairwise constraints throughout the entire dataset. The resulting exhaustive set of propagated pairwise constraints are further used to adjust the similarity matrix for constrained spectral clustering. Other than the traditional constraint propagation on single-source data, our approach is also extended to more challenging constraint propagation on multi-source data where each pairwise constraint is defined over a pair of data points from different sources. This multi-source constraint propagation has an important application to cross-modal multimedia retrieval. Extensive results have shown the superior performance of our approach.Comment: The short version of this paper appears as oral paper in ECCV 201