137 research outputs found

    Intervenciones urbanas y (re)construcción del espacio público: El teatro callejero en Montevideo de posdictadura

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    Esta tesis se centra en el estudio del teatro callejero en la ciudad de Montevideo. A lo largo de la investigación se analizarán cinco puestas que reflejan diferentes modalidades, a partir de las cuales se pondrá en diálogo y se problematizará las definiciones clásicas y establecidas de este tipo de teatro. Las puestas estudiadas incluyen el trabajo del grupo Teatro Sincueva (TSC-1982), Proyecto Feria (PF-2002) de Mariana Percovich, Escena Pasajera (EP-2002) de Fernando Toja, Ubú Rey (UR-2005) y Tejanos (2006) dirigidas por Enrique Permuy. El análisis de estos casos se enmarca temporalmente en el período posdictadura, entendiendo que el uso social, cultural y político de la calle sufrió transformaciones relevantes durante este momento histórico. Durante la dictadura existió una estricta censura y prohibición de todo tipo de reunión en el ámbito público, situación que cambió al culminar esta con claras aperturas del uso de los espacios privados hacia los públicos. La tesis indagará acerca de este fenómeno de cambio en los usos de los espacios públicos en la posdictadura centrando su mirada en lo que aconteció con la expresión teatral callejera como manifestación cultural durante este período

    Nuevas prácticas de lo político.

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    Estrategias metodológicas y consideraciones éticas para el trabajo de campo en el contexto del conflicto armado colombiano

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    Colombia es un referente histórico y contemporáneo para los estudios en materia de conflicto armado, procesos sociales de memoria y la construcción colectiva de la paz a nivel mundial, debido a que lleva cerca de sesenta años en conflicto armado interno. Numerosos investigadores —tanto mujeres como hombres— nacionales e internacionales se han interesado por sistematizar y nutrir la discusión académica frente a los temas de conflictividades, violencias, experiencias de resiliencia, apuestas por construir memoria y procesos de diálogos de paz en medio del conflicto. Precisamente, por la importancia de realizar trabajos de campo que acerquen a las personas interesadas a estas realidades sociales, es necesario considerar diferentes aspectos de la investigación en terreno y de la investigación acción participativa (IAP), así como los principios éticos en ciencias sociales a la hora de desarrollar este tipo de estudios. Con base en nuestras experiencias de investigación en distintos territorios de Colombia, entrevistas a profundidad realizadas a otros investigadores e investigadoras colombianos/as y un análisis de fuentes secundarias, este documento de trabajo busca profundizar en aquellos aspectos y consideraciones metodológicas y éticas del trabajo de campo en contextos de conflicto.Fil: Barrios Sabogal, Laura Camila. Universidad del Rosario; ColombiaFil: Guglielmucci, Ana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad del Rosario; Colombi

    Estrategias metodológicas y consideraciones éticas para el trabajo de campo en el contexto del conflicto armado colombiano

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    Colombia es un referente histórico y contemporáneo para los estudios en materia de conflicto armado, procesos sociales de memoria y la construcción colectiva de la paz a nivel mundial, debido a que lleva cerca de sesenta años en conflicto armado interno. Numerosos investigadores —tanto mujeres como hombres— nacionales e internacionales se han interesado por sistematizar y nutrir la discusión académica frente a los temas de conflictividades, violencias, experiencias de resiliencia, apuestas por construir memoria y procesos de diálogos de paz en medio del conflicto. Precisamente, por la importancia de realizar trabajos de campo que acerquen a las personas interesadas a estas realidades sociales, es necesario considerar diferentes aspectos de la investigación en terreno y de la investigación acción participativa (IAP), así como los principios éticos en ciencias sociales a la hora de desarrollar este tipo de estudios. Con base en nuestras experiencias de investigación en distintos territorios de Colombia, entrevistas a profundidad realizadas a otros investigadores e investigadoras colombianos/as y un análisis de fuentes secundarias, este documento de trabajo busca profundizar en aquellos aspectos y consideraciones metodológicas y éticas del trabajo de campo en contextos de conflicto.Fil: Barrios Sabogal, Laura Camila. Universidad del Rosario; ColombiaFil: Guglielmucci, Ana. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad del Rosario; Colombi

    Opposite effects of chronic central leptin infusion on activation of insulin signaling pathways in adipose tissue and liver are related to changes in the inflammatory environment

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    Leptin modulates insulin signaling and this involves the Akt pathway, which is influenced by changes in the inflammatory environment and with leptin regulating cytokine synthesis. We evaluated the association between activation of the insulin-signaling pathway and alterations in pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokine levels in inguinal fat and liver of chronic central leptin infused (L), pair-fed (PF), and control rats. Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3) phosphorylation was increased in inguinal fat and reduced in liver of L rats. Phosphorylation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and nuclear factor kappa B (NFkB) was increased in inguinal fat of L rats, together with a pro-inflammatory cytokine profile, while in the liver activation of JNK and NFkB were reduced and an anti-inflammatory pattern was found. Phosphorylation of the insulin receptor, Akt and mechanistic target of rapamycin was decreased in inguinal fat and increased in liver of L rats. There was a direct relationship between pSTAT3 and JNK and a negative correlation of Akt with pSTAT3 and JNK in both tissues. These results indicate that the effects of chronically increased leptin on insulin-related signaling are tissue-specific and suggest that inflammation plays a relevant role in the crosstalk between leptin and insulin signaling.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation with the help of European FEDER funding (FIS PI19/00166), Ministerio de Economía y competitividad (BFU2017-82565-C2-1-R) and the Network Center for Biomedical Research on Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN) Instituto Carlos III. S.C. was supported by CIBEROBN and A.C.-C. by Comunidad de Madrid (PEJ-2019-TL_BMD-13560

    Increased hypothalamic anti‐inflammatory mediators in non‐diabetic insulin receptor substrate 2‐deficient mice

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    © 2021 by the authors.Insulin receptor substrate (IRS) 2 is a key mediator of insulin signaling and IRS-2 knockout (IRS2−/−) mice are a preclinical model to study the development of diabetes, as they develop peripheral insulin resistance and beta-cell failure. The differential inflammatory profile and insulin signaling in the hypothalamus of non-diabetic (ND) and diabetic (D) IRS2−/− mice might be implicated in the onset of diabetes. Because the lipid profile is related to changes in inflammation and insulin sensitivity, we analyzed whether ND IRS2−/− mice presented a different hypothalamic fatty acid metabolism and lipid pattern than D IRS2−/− mice and the relationship with inflammation and markers of insulin sensitivity. ND IRS2−/− mice showed elevated hypothalamic anti-inflammatory cytokines, while D IRS2−/− mice displayed a proinflammatory profile. The increased activity of enzymes related to the pentose-phosphate route and lipid anabolism and elevated polyunsaturated fatty acid levels were found in the hypothalamus of ND IRS2−/− mice. Conversely, D IRS2−/− mice have no changes in fatty acid composition, but hypothalamic energy balance and markers related to anti-inflammatory and insulin-sensitizing properties were reduced. The data suggest that the concurrence of an anti-inflammatory profile, increased insulin sensitivity and polyunsaturated fatty acids content in the hypothalamus may slow down or delay the onset of diabetes.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation with the help of European FEDER funding (grant numbers FIS PI19/00166, BFU 2017-82565-C2-1-R, and RTI2018-094052-B-100), Comunidad de Madrid, Spain (S2017/BMD-3684) and the Network Center for Biomedical Research on Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN) and Diabetes (CIBERDEM) Instituto Carlos III. S.C. was supported by CIBEROBN and A.G.M. by Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica Hospital Infantil Universitario Niño Jesús

    Resultados clínicos iniciales y variables pronósticas en la implementación de un Código Sepsis en un Hospital Universitario de alta complejidad

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    Objective: To assess the impact of the first months of application of a Code Sepsis in a high complexity hospital, analyzing patient´s epidemiological and clinical characteristics and prognostic factors. Methods: A long-term observational study was carried out throughout a consecutive period of seven months (February 2015 - September 2015). The relationship with mortality of risk factors, and analytic values was analyzed using uni- and multivariate analyses. Results: A total of 237 patients were included. The in-hospital mortality was 24% at 30 days and 27% at 60 days. The mortality of patients admitted to Critical Care Units was 30%. Significant differences were found between the patients who died and those who survived in mean levels of creatinine (2.30 vs 1.46 mg/dL, p 65 years (OR 5.33, p 3 mmol/L (OR 5,85, p 1,2 mgr /dL (OR 4,54, p <0,05) and shock (OR 6,57, P <0,05). Conclusions: The epidemiological, clinical and mortality characteristics of the patients in our series are similar to the best published in the literature. The study has identified several markers that could be useful at a local level to estimate risk of death in septic patients. Studies like this one are necessary to make improvements in the Code Sepsis programsObjetivo. Evaluar el impacto de un programa educativo y organizativo llamado Código Sepsis, en los primeros siete meses de su aplicación en un hospital de alta complejidad. Material y métodos. Se realizó un estudio observacional durante un período consecutivo de siete meses (Febrero 2015-Septiembre 2015). Se analizó la relación con la mortalidad de los factores de riesgo y los valores analíticos usando análisis uni y multivariante. Resultados. Se incluyeron un total de 237 pacientes. La mortalidad intrahospitalaria a los 30 días fue del 24 % y del 27% a los 60 días. La mortalidad de los pacientes ingresados en Unidades de Cuidados Críticos fue del 30%. Se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los pacientes que murieron y los que sobrevivieron en sus valores medios de creatinina (2,30 vs 1,46 mg/dL, p <0,05), ácido láctico (6,10 vs 2,62 mmol/L, p <0,05) y procalcitonina (23,27 vs 12,73 mg/dL, p <0,05). Se encontró una tendencia lineal estadísticamente significativa entre los valores de la escala SOFA y la mortalidad (p <0,05). En el análisis multivariante se identificaron otros factores de riesgo independientes asociados con la muerte: edad > 65 años (OR 5,33, p 3 mmol/L (OR 5,85, p <0,05), creatinina > 1,2 mgr/dL (OR 4,54, p <0,05) y el shock (OR 6,57, P <0,05). Conclusiones. La mortalidad en este estudio se encuentra dentro de los límites de los ensayos clínicos más recientes de sepsis. El estudio ha identificado varios marcadores que podrían ser útiles a nivel local para estimar el riesgo en pacientes sépticos. Estudios como éste son necesarios para hacer mejoras en los programas de Código Sepsi

    Validation of an Online Version of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) for Alcohol Screening in Spanish University Students

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    Online alcohol screening may be helpful in preventing alcohol use disorders. We assessed psychometric properties of an online version of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) among Spanish university students. We used a longitudinal online survey (the UNIVERSAL project) of first-year students (18-24 years old) in five universities, including the AUDIT, as part of the WHO World Mental Health International College Student (WMH-ICS) initiative. A reappraisal interview was carried out with the Timeline Followback (TLFB) for alcohol consumption categories and the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) for alcohol use disorder. Reliability, construct validity and diagnostic accuracy were assessed. Results: 287 students (75% women) completed the MINI, of whom 242 also completed the TLFB. AUDIT's Cronbach's alpha was 0.82. The confirmatory factor analysis for the one-factor solution of the AUDIT showed a good fit to the data. Significant AUDIT score differences were observed by TLFB categories and by MINI disorders. Areas under the curve (AUC) were very large for dependence (AUC = 0.96) and adequate for consumption categories (AUC > 0.7). AUDIT cut-off points of 6/8 (women/men) for moderate-risk drinking and 13 for alcohol dependence showed sensitivity/specificity of 76.2%/78.9% and 56%/97.5%, respectively. The online version of the AUDIT is useful for detecting alcohol consumption categories and alcohol dependence in Spanish university students.This research was funded by Fondo de Investigacion Sanitaria, Instituto de Salud Carlos III FEDER (PI13/00343); Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social, Plan Nacional Sobre Drogas PNSD (exp.2015I015); and from the DIUE of the Generalitat de Catalunya (2017SGR452). L. Ballester was supported by an FPU grant (FPU15/05728); M. J. Blasco was supported by a Rio Hortega grant (ISCIII, CM14/00125); P. Castellvi was supported by a Sara Borrell grant (ISCIII, CD12/00440), the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Commission, the University of Jaen, Spain (R08/06/2018) and the Instituto de Estudios Giennenses; and P. Mortier was supported by a Sara Borrell grant (ISCIII, CD18/00049)

    Imported malaria in pregnancy in Madrid

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Malaria in pregnancy is associated with maternal and foetal morbidity and mortality in endemic areas, but information on imported cases to non-endemic areas is scarce.</p> <p>The aim of this study was to describe the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of malaria in pregnancy in two general hospitals in Madrid, Spain.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Retrospective descriptive study of laboratory-confirmed malaria in pregnant women at the Fuenlabrada University Hospital and the Príncipe de Asturias University Hospital, in Madrid, over a six- and 11-year period, respectively. Relevant epidemiological, clinical and laboratory data was obtained from medical records.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were 19 pregnant women among 346 malaria cases (5.4%). The average age was 27 years. The gestational age (trimester) was: 53% 3<sup>rd</sup>, 31% 1st, 16% 2<sup>nd</sup>. All but one were multigravidae. Three were HIV positive. All were sub-Saharan immigrants: two were recently arrived immigrants and seventeen (89%) had visited friends and relatives. None had taken prophylaxis nor seeked pre-travel advice. Presentation: 16 symptomatic patients (fever in fourteen, asthenia in two), three asymptomatic. Median delay in diagnosis: 7.5 days. Laboratory tests: anaemia (cut off Hb level 11 g/dl) 78.9% (mild 31.6%, moderate 31.6%, severe 15.8%) thrombocytopaenia 73.7%, hypoglycaemia 10.5%. All cases were due to <it>Plasmodium falciparum</it>, one case of hyperparasitaemia. Quinine + clindamycin prescribed in 84%. Outcomes: no severe maternal complications or deaths, two abortions, fifteen term pregnancies, no low-birth-weight newborns, two patients were lost to follow-up.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Though cases of malaria in pregnancy are uncommon, a most at risk group is clearly defined: young sub-Saharan mothers visiting friends and relatives without pre-travel counselling and recently-arrived immigrants. The most common adverse maternal and foetal effects were anaemia and stillbirth. Given that presentation can be asymptomatic, malaria should always be considered in patients with unexplained anaemia arriving from endemic areas. These findings could help Maternal Health programme planners and implementers to target preventive interventions in the immigrant population and should create awareness among clinicians.</p

    Epidemiology of the Microsporidium Nosema ceranae in Four Mediterranean Countries

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    Nosema ceranae is a highly prevalent intracellular parasite of honey bees’ midgut worldwide. This Microsporidium was monitored during a long-term study to evaluate the infection at apiary and intra-colony levels in six apiaries in four Mediterranean countries (France, Israel, Portugal, and Spain). Parameters on colony strength, honey production, beekeeping management, and climate were also recorded. Except for São Miguel (Azores, Portugal), all apiaries were positive for N. ceranae, with the lowest prevalence in mainland France and the highest intra-colony infection in Israel. A negative correlation between intra-colony infection and colony strength was observed in Spain and mainland Portugal. In these two apiaries, the queen replacement also influenced the infection levels. The highest colony losses occurred in mainland France and Spain, although they did not correlate with the Nosema infection levels, as parasitism was low in France and high in Spain. These results suggest that both the effects and the level of N. ceranae infection depends on location and beekeeping conditions. Further studies on host-parasite coevolution, and perhaps the interactions with other pathogens and the role of honey bee genetics, could assist in understanding the difference between nosemosis disease and infection, to develop appropriate strategies for its control