796 research outputs found

    La difusión de la moda en la era de la globalización

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    Este trabajo se propone investigar cómo, tras el impacto de la globalización, se hace necesario abordar el tema de la difusión de la moda desde una perspectiva diferente. Sobre todo, se hace preciso examinar si el modelo de «filtrado descendente» mantiene su vigencia o si, por el contrario, le sustituyen con ventaja otros modelos que aparecen tras el impacto de la globalización económica y cultural.This study proposes investigating how, after the impact of globalization, it is necessary to deal with the question of the diffusion of fashion from a different perspective; in particular, it is necessary to explore if the model of «descending filtration» is still valid, or if, on the contrary, it is superseded by other models that appear after the impact of economic and cultural globalization

    Elementos para una teoría social de la moda

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    [Abstract] In developed societies, fashion can no more be interpreted as a sitnple lnanifes... tation of the vain passions of the human being, when it has become one of the cha... racteristic western institutions and of the modernity itself. However, nowadays fas ... hion still occupies a peripheral place in social theory. So that, on the other hand, the present work is proposed as a step towards the constitution of the sociological theory of fashion. On the other hand, fashion is in reality a cOlnplete social pheno... menon, and it requires a multiciplity of perspectives. Part of this work is the result of putting together the different contributions that have been made about the phe... nomenon of fashion until the present day, and integrate them with a conception that improves the diversity of lnodels.[Resumen] En las sociedades desarrolladas, la 1110da ya no puede ser interpretada C01110 la simple lnanifestación de las pasiones vanidosas del ser hUlnano, cuando se ha con... vertido en una de las instituciones características de Occidente y de la propia modernidad. Sin embargo, en la actualidad la moda sigue ocupando un lugar perifé... rico en la teoría social. De ahí, que por un lado, el presente trabajo se proponga C01110 un paso hacia la constitución de la teoría sociológica de la 1110da. Por otro, la 1110da, es en realidad, un fenómeno social total, y ello requiere una multiplicidad de pers... pectivas. Parte de este trabajo ha consistido en aglutinar las distintas aportaciones que se han producido sobre el fenómeno de la moda hasta la actualidad, e integrar... las con una concepción razonablemente superadora de la diversidad de lnodelos

    La construcción social del cuerpo en las sociedades contemporáneas

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    Este articulo analiza los principales cambios sociales que se han operado sobre la imagen social del cuerpo en la cultura contemporánea. Bajo la perspectiva de la diversidad, se desarrollan diferentes cuestiones que cada vez cobran mayor interés para las ciencias sociales sobre los usos sociales del cuerpo como un objeto de consumo y signo a la vez y el lenguaje del cuerpo. Asimismo, se plantea la controversia social sobre el futuro de los cuerpos, al explorar el papel de la ciencia y la tecnología en las nuevas concepciones acerca del cuerpo, de la vida y la muerte. El interés de este trabajo está en reconocer el carácter profundo de las interconexiones que existen entre la vida social y el cuerpo y la «socialización de la naturaleza».This investigation project studies the principal social changes that have affected the image of the body in contemporary culture. Using the perspective of diversity, a number of issues of growing interest in the field of Social Sciences are discussed about the social uses of the body as both consumer object and symbol, body language and not of the body itself. It also explores the issue of the social controversy surrounding the future of the body, by exploring the role of science and technology in new concepts about the body, life and death. The interest of this project lies in its recognition of the profound nature of the relationships that exist between social life and the body, and the «socialisation of nature»

    How to challenge university students to work on integrated reporting and integrated reporting assurance

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    Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, society has become more sensitive to sustainability and to the consequences of companies’ activities. Furthermore, the demands for change in corporate reporting have led to the emergence of integrated reporting (IR) and an increase in the disclosure of nonfinancial information assurance to ensure the compliance of integrated information. Universities need to embrace this challenge and be part of this change. This research’s goal is to enhance the diffusion of IR and integrated reporting assurance (IRA) in the curricula of universities by presenting a tool for professors and universities to help introduce the subjects in higher education institutions. The methodological approach develops a theoretical analysis of published IR and IRA articles related to education, to create a presentation of the challenge learning method (CLM) for professors and high education institutions to develop the subject of IRA to challenge students. Considering teaching experience as a value-added component to research the proposed method comes from the teaching experience of the authors. The result consists of a method that can increase accounting academics knowledge of IR and IRA and motivate students to study these emerging accounting practices. This study contributes to the extant literature on IR, IRA and Education that is scarce, the use of appropriate teaching methods to IR and IRA, and the dissemination of IR and IRA in education by providing a better connection between the universities and the best practices of corporate reporting and auditing. This study leads to an increase in the connection among higher education institutions, professors, students, practitioners, auditors, regulators, standard setters, and society in general.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Review of interventions to improve pragmatic language skills in children with behaviour and attention problems

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    Pragmatic language is the socially appropriate use of language in accordance with the context in which interactions take place. In view of this, deficiencies in pragmatic skills have a significant impact on psychosocial adjustment. Recent evidence has shown that children who present behavioural problems usually display these linguistic difficulties as well. The aim of this work is to analyse different interventions intended to improve the pragmatic skills of children with behavioural and/or attention problems and discuss the evidence of the results. After a literature search, nine interventions were found: five aimed at children with behavioural problems and four intended for children with attention and hyperactivity problems. The results showed that, while the characteristics of the interventions varied considerably, they generally achieved positive results, especially when they were implemented using a systemic approach with other educational agents participating (such as the family or peer group). Even so, the lack of available evidence suggests that further research into evidence-based interventions to help children improve their pragmatic, communicative, and social competences is required.El lenguaje pragmático hace referencia al uso socialmente apropiado del lenguaje en función del contexto en que las interacciones tienen lugar. Por tanto, los déficits en las habilidades pragmáticas tienen importantes repercusiones sobre el ajuste psicosocial. Evidencias recientes han puesto de manifiesto que los niños y niñas que presentan problemas de conducta suelen experimentar también estas dificultades lingüísticas. Este trabajo tiene por objeto analizar diferentes intervenciones destinadas a mejorar las habilidades pragmáticas de niños y niñas con problemas de conducta y/o atención y discutir las evidencias de sus resultados. Tras la búsqueda bibliográfica, se localizaron nueve intervenciones, cinco dirigidas a niños y niñas con problemas conductuales y cuatro para menores con problemas de atención e hiperactividad. Los resultados mostraron que, aunque las características de las intervenciones eran muy variadas, en general se lograron con ellas efectos positivos, especialmente cuando se realizaban desde un enfoque sistémico y participaban otros agentes educativos (como la familia o el grupo de iguales). Aun así, la escasez de evidencia al respecto invita a seguir investigando sobre intervenciones basadas en la evidencia que ayuden a los niños y niñas a mejorar sus habilidades pragmáticas, comunicativas y sociales

    How to challenge university students to work on integrated reporting and integrated reporting assurance

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    Artigo publicado em revista científica internacionalSince the beginning of the twenty-first century, society has become more sensitive to sustainability and to the consequences of companies’ activities. Furthermore, the demands for change in corporate reporting have led to the emergence of integrated reporting (IR) and an increase in the disclosure of nonfinancial information assurance to ensure the compliance of integrated information. Universities need to embrace this challenge and be part of this change. This research’s goal is to enhance the diffusion of IR and integrated reporting assurance (IRA) in the curricula of universities by presenting a tool for professors and universities to help introduce the subjects in higher education institutions. The methodological approach develops a theoretical analysis of published IR and IRA articles related to education, to create a presentation of the challenge learning method (CLM) for professors and high education institutions to develop the subject of IRA to challenge students. Considering teaching experience as a value-added component to research the proposed method comes from the teaching experience of the authors. The result consists of a method that can increase accounting academics knowledge of IR and IRA and motivate students to study these emerging accounting practices. This study contributes to the extant literature on IR, IRA and Education that is scarce, the use of appropriate teaching methods to IR and IRA, and the dissemination of IR and IRA in education by providing a better connection between the universities and the best practices of corporate reporting and auditing. This study leads to an increase in the connection among higher education institutions, professors, students, practitioners, auditors, regulators, standard setters, and society in general.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Analysis of the Use of Cylindrospermopsin and/or Microcystin-Contaminated Water in the Growth, Mineral Content, and Contamination of Spinacia oleracea and Lactuca sativa

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    Cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins constitute a serious environmental and human health problem. Moreover, concerns are raised with the use of contaminated water in agriculture and vegetable production as this can lead to food contamination and human exposure to toxins as well as impairment in crop development and productivity. The objective of this work was to assess the susceptibility of two green vegetables, spinach and lettuce, to the cyanotoxins microcystin (MC) and cylindrospermopsin (CYN), individually and in mixture. The study consisted of growing both vegetables in hydroponics, under controlled conditions, for 21 days in nutrient medium doped with MC or CYN at 10 μg/L and 50 μg/L, or CYN/MC mixture at 5 + 5 μg/L and 25 + 25 μg/L. Extracts from M. aeruginosa and C. ovalisporum were used as sources of toxins. The study revealed growth inhibition of the aerial part (Leaves) in both species when treated with 50µg/L of MC, CYN and CYN/MC mixture. MC showed to be more harmful to plant growth than CYN. Moreover spinach leaves growth was inhibited by both 5 + 5 and 25 + 25 µg/L CYN/MC mixtures, whereas lettuce leaves growth was inhibited only by 25 + 25 µg/L CYN/MC mixture. Overall, growth data evidence increased sensitivity of spinach to cyanotoxins in comparison to lettuce. On the other hand, plants exposed to CYN/MC mixture showed differential accumulation of CYN and MC. In addition, CYN, but not MC, was translocated from the roots to the leaves. CYN and MC affected the levels of minerals particularly in plant roots. The elements most affected were Ca, K and Mg. However, in leaves K was the mineral that was affected by exposure to cyanotoxinsEspaña, MINECO/FEDER Project AGL2015-64558-

    Storabelity of melon for different ripeness stages at harvest. Selection of instrumental procedures for quality assessment.

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    The consumption of melon (Cucumis melo L.) has been, until several years ago, regional, seasonal and without commercial interest. Recent commercial changes and world wide transportation have changed this situation. Melons from 3 different ripeness stages at harvest and 7 cold storage periods have been analysed by destructive and non destructive tests. Chemical, physical, mechanical (non destructive impact, compression, skin puncture and Magness- Taylor) and sensory tests were carried out in order to select the best test to assess quality and to determine the optimal ripeness stage at harvest. Analysis of variance and Principal Component Analysis were performed to study the data. The mechanical properties based on non-destructive Impact and Compression can be used to monitor cold storage evolution. They can also be used at harvest to segregate the highest ripeness stage (41 days after anthesis DAA) in relation to less ripe stages (34 and 28 DAA).Only 34 and 41 DAA reach a sensory evaluation above 50 in a scale from 0-100

    La sostenibilidad en los estudios de moda

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    Este artículo tiene como objetivo teorizar sobre la moda sostenible y contextualizar los principales enfoques teóricos. Para alcanzar este objetivo, en primer lugar, vamos a indagar cuándo los estudios de moda emplazaron su interés por el tema de la sostenibilidad. En segundo lugar, analizamos los principales trabajos que sí han conseguido relacionar el concepto de sostenibilidad con la industria de la moda y el consumo. En tercer lugar, presentamos la Teoría del Actor- Red (ANT) y la Teoría de las Prácticas Sociales (TPS), ambos enfoques nos ofrecen algunas vías fructíferas para investigar la relación entre la moda y la sostenibilidad.This article aims to theorize about sustainable and fashion and contextualize the main theoretical approaches to fashion and sustainability. In the first place, we will investigate when the fashion studios placed their interest in the subject of sustainability. Secondly, we address the main works that have managed to relate the concept of sustainability with the fashion and consumer industry. In the third place, we present the Theory of the Actor-Network (ANT) and the Theory of Social Practices (TPS); both approaches offer us some fruitful ways to investigate the relationship between fashion and sustainability

    Hacia un nuevo sistema de la moda. El modelo Zara

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    This article analyzes how, following the impact of globalization and the appearance of information technologies, the textile and clothing sector has undergone a dramatic transformation. Specifically, the distance has been cut between the various agents that intervene in the manufacturing and distribution processes, reducing the time from the design of an article to its arrival in the store, thereby creating the short circuit distribution concept. This change has allowed for the appearance of a business model capable of responding to demand in a matter of weeks: fast fashion. The principal hypothesis of this research is as follows: Is the speed of response a decisive variable in order to compete on the international fashion market? We aim to respond to this question by firstly analysing the set of changes that have taken place in the textile and clothing sector, which has led to a new business model in which information and time are key factors in company-customer relations. We will then reconstruct the organisational mechanisms of the Zara model, in which the time factor is one of the keys to success.Este artículo analiza cómo tras el impacto de la globalización y la aparición de las tecnologías de la información, el sector textil y de la confección ha experimentado una drástica transformación. Concretamente, se ha reducido la distancia entre los diferentes agentes que intervienen en el proceso de fabricación y distribución, acortando el tiempo desde el diseño de una prenda hasta su llegada a la tienda, creando así el concepto de distribución de circuito corto. Este cambio ha posibilitado la aparición de un modelo de negocio capaz de responder a la demanda en cuestión de semanas: la moda rápida. La hipótesis principal de esta investigación es la siguiente: ¿es la velocidad de respuesta una variable decisiva para competir en el mercado internacional de la moda? A dicho interrogante intentaremos dar respuesta, analizando en primer lugar el conjunto de transformaciones que se han producido en el sector textil y de la confección configurando un nuevo modelo de empresa donde la información y el tiempo se convierten en factores claves de la relación entre la empresa y el cliente. En segundo lugar, procederemos a reconstruir el conjunto de dispositivos organizativos del modelo Zara donde una de las claves de su éxito está en el factor tiempo