
Storabelity of melon for different ripeness stages at harvest. Selection of instrumental procedures for quality assessment.


The consumption of melon (Cucumis melo L.) has been, until several years ago, regional, seasonal and without commercial interest. Recent commercial changes and world wide transportation have changed this situation. Melons from 3 different ripeness stages at harvest and 7 cold storage periods have been analysed by destructive and non destructive tests. Chemical, physical, mechanical (non destructive impact, compression, skin puncture and Magness- Taylor) and sensory tests were carried out in order to select the best test to assess quality and to determine the optimal ripeness stage at harvest. Analysis of variance and Principal Component Analysis were performed to study the data. The mechanical properties based on non-destructive Impact and Compression can be used to monitor cold storage evolution. They can also be used at harvest to segregate the highest ripeness stage (41 days after anthesis DAA) in relation to less ripe stages (34 and 28 DAA).Only 34 and 41 DAA reach a sensory evaluation above 50 in a scale from 0-100

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