160 research outputs found

    La demande d’éducation des jeunes quĂ©bĂ©cois

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    Ce mĂ©moire porte sur les dĂ©terminants qui sont Ă  la base de la dĂ©cision de poursuivre ses Ă©tudes chez un groupe de jeunes QuĂ©bĂ©cois. Le modĂšle utilisĂ© s’inspire de la thĂ©orie de l’investissement en capital humain. Parmi les facteurs retenus et analysĂ©s, on peut relever des caractĂ©ristiques personnelles de l’élĂšve, son milieu familial, un ensemble de variables scolaires, l’expĂ©rience antĂ©rieure sur le marchĂ© du travail, ainsi que des caractĂ©ristiques plus gĂ©nĂ©rales de ce marchĂ©. L’ensemble des rĂ©sultats met en relief l’importance du milieu familial mais il est Ă©galement compatible avec des thĂšses qui montrent l’influence du manque Ă  gagner.This paper reports empirical evidence on the determinants of the decision to stay in school for a group of young Quebecers. The model used is derived from the theory of investment in human capital. The independent variables refer to personal characteristics, family environment, school environment, early labour market experience and more general characteristics of this market. Empirical results show the influence of family variables but they are also fully consistent with theories that emphasize the importance of foregone earnings in the determination of the demand for education

    La demande d’éducation des jeunes quĂ©bĂ©cois

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    This paper reports empirical evidence on the determinants of the decision to stay in school for a group of young Quebecers. The model used is derived from the theory of investment in human capital. The independent variables refer to personal characteristics, family environment, school environment, early labour market experience and more general characteristics of this market. Empirical results show the influence of family variables but they are also fully consistent with theories that emphasize the importance of foregone earnings in the determination of the demand for education. Ce mĂ©moire porte sur les dĂ©terminants qui sont Ă  la base de la dĂ©cision de poursuivre ses Ă©tudes chez un groupe de jeunes QuĂ©bĂ©cois. Le modĂšle utilisĂ© s’inspire de la thĂ©orie de l’investissement en capital humain. Parmi les facteurs retenus et analysĂ©s, on peut relever des caractĂ©ristiques personnelles de l’élĂšve, son milieu familial, un ensemble de variables scolaires, l’expĂ©rience antĂ©rieure sur le marchĂ© du travail, ainsi que des caractĂ©ristiques plus gĂ©nĂ©rales de ce marchĂ©. L’ensemble des rĂ©sultats met en relief l’importance du milieu familial mais il est Ă©galement compatible avec des thĂšses qui montrent l’influence du manque Ă  gagner.

    Spectroscopie électronique de complexes du nickel(II), de lor(I), du ruthénium(II) et de certains lanthanides : caractéristiques inhabituelles de leur structure électronique

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    ThÚse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

    Economic Value Added and Small Businesses

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    Economic Value Added (EVA), a tool for creating wealth, is a leading idea in corporate finance today. Highly regarded companies like Coca-Cola and CSX have seen their market value soar since adopting EVA. The concept is straightforward; value is created when earnings exceed the cost of invested capital. Thus, EVA is rapidly gaining acceptance among large, publicly-traded corporations. However, EVA can be applied effectively to create value in small, privately-held firms, too. This article illustrates EVA's application in small, privately-held firms, examines EVA "s strengths and weaknesses, discusses ways to overcome those weaknesses, and describes specific operating, investing and financing actions small business managers can take to create wealth

    The genome sequence of the lesser marbled fritillary, Brenthis ino, and evidence for a segregating neo-Z chromosome

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Oxford University Press via the DOI in this recordData availability: Supplementary Table 1 contains the metadata for the four individuals used for this project. The genome assembly, gene annotation, and raw sequence data can be found at the European Nucleotide Archive under project accession PRJEB49202. The scripts used for analyzing HiC data (chomper.py and HiC_view.py), the script used for calculating site degeneracy (partition_cds.py), and the script used for visualizing synteny (busco2synteny.py) can be found at the following github repository: https://github.com/A-J-F-Mackintosh/Mackintosh_et_al_2022_Bino. The mitochondrial genome sequence and the TE annotation can be found at the same repository.The lesser marbled fritillary, Brenthis ino (Rottemburg, 1775), is a species of Palearctic butterfly. Male Brenthis ino individuals have been reported to have between 12 and 14 pairs of chromosomes, a much-reduced chromosome number than is typical in butterflies. Here, we present a chromosome-level genome assembly for Brenthis ino, as well as gene and transposable element annotations. The assembly is 411.8 Mb in length with a contig N50 of 9.6 Mb and a scaffold N50 of 29.5 Mb. We also show evidence that the male individual from which we generated HiC data was heterozygous for a neo-Z chromosome, consistent with inheriting 14 chromosomes from one parent and 13 from the other. This genome assembly will be a valuable resource for studying chromosome evolution in Lepidoptera, as well as for comparative and population genomics more generally

    Management of aneurysms involving branches of the celiac and superior mesenteric arteries: A comparison of surgical and endovascular therapy

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    ObjectiveAneurysms involving branches of the superior mesenteric and celiac arteries are uncommon and require proper management to prevent rupture and death. This study compares surgical and endovascular treatment of these aneurysms and analyzes outcome.MethodsPatients at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York who were treated for aneurysms in the branches of the celiac artery and superior mesenteric artery were identified through a search of the institution’s medical records and endovascular database. Patient demographics, history, clinical presentation, aneurysm characteristics, treatments, and follow-up outcome were retrospectively recorded. Significant differences between patients treated by surgical or endovascular therapy were determined by using Student’s t test and χ 2 analysis.ResultsBetween January 1, 1991, and July 1, 2005, 59 patients with 61 aneurysms were treated at a single institution. Twenty-four patients had surgical repair, and 35 underwent endovascular treatment, which included coil embolization and stent-graft therapy. Splenic (28) and hepatic (22) artery aneurysms predominated. Eighty-nine percent of splenic artery aneurysms were true aneurysms and were treated by endovascular and surgical procedures in near equal numbers (14 and 11, respectively). Pseudoaneurysms were significantly more likely to be treated by endovascular means (P < .01). The technical success rate of endovascular treatment for aneurysms was 89%, and failures were successfully treated by repeat coil embolization in all patients who presented for retreatment. Patients treated by endovascular techniques had a significantly higher incidence of malignancy than patients treated with open surgical techniques (P = .03). Furthermore, patients treated by endovascular means had a shorter in-hospital length of stay (2.4 vs 6.6 days, P < .001).ConclusionEndovascular management of visceral aneurysms is an effective means of treating aneurysms involving branches of the celiac and superior mesenteric arteries and is particularly useful in patients with comorbidities, including cancer. It is associated with a decreased length of stay in the elective setting, and failure of primary treatment can often be successfully managed percutaneously

    Use of HRP-2-based rapid diagnostic test for Plasmodium falciparum malaria: assessing accuracy and cost-effectiveness in the villages of Dielmo and Ndiop, Senegal

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    Background: In 2006, the Senegalese National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP) has recommended artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) as the first-line treatment for uncomplicated malaria and, in 2007, mandated testing for all suspected cases of malaria with a Plasmodium falciparum HRP-2-based rapid diagnostic test for malaria (RDT(Paracheck (R)). Given the higher cost of ACT compared to earlier anti-malarials, the objectives of the present study were i) to study the accuracy of Paracheck (R) compared to the thick blood smear (TBS) in two areas with different levels of malaria endemicity and ii) analyse the cost-effectiveness of the strategy of the parasitological confirmation of clinically suspected malaria cases management recommended by the NMCP. Methods: A cross-sectional study was undertaken in the villages of Dielmo and Ndiop (Senegal) nested in a cohort study of about 800 inhabitants. For all the individuals consulting between October 2008 and January 2009 with a clinical diagnosis of malaria, a questionnaire was filled and finger-prick blood samples were taken both for microscopic examination and RDT. The estimated costs and cost-effectiveness analysis were made considering five scenarios, the recommendations of the NMCP being the reference scenario. In addition, a sensitivity analysis was performed assuming that all the RDT-positive patients and 50% of RDT-negative patients were treated with ACT. Results: A total of 189 consultations for clinically suspected malaria occurred during the study period. The sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values were respectively 100%, 98.3%, 80.0% and 100%. The estimated cost of the reference scenario was close to 700(sic) per 1000 episodes of illness, approximately twice as expensive as most of the other scenarios. Nevertheless, it appeared to us cost-effective while ensuring the diagnosis and the treatment of 100% of malaria attacks and an adequate management of 98.4% of episodes of illness. The present study also demonstrated that full compliance of health care providers with RDT results was required in order to avoid severe incremental costs. Conclusions: A rational use of ACT requires laboratory testing of all patients presenting with presumed malaria. Use of RDTs inevitably has incremental costs, but the strategy associating RDT use for all clinically suspected malaria and prescribing ACT only to patients tested positive is cost-effective in areas where microscopy is unavailable

    Démarche de gouvernance collaborative d'appréciation des risques des systÚmes essentiels: rapport final

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    La Politique quĂ©bĂ©coise de sĂ©curitĂ© civile 2014-2024 vise entre autres une meilleure rĂ©silience des systĂšmes essentiels(SE). En raison des consĂ©quences des dĂ©faillances des SE sur les activitĂ©s quotidiennes des communautĂ©s, leur rĂ©silience est Ă©troitement liĂ©e Ă  la rĂ©silience urbaine. L’interdĂ©pendance de la gestion des risques des systĂšmes essentiels et des responsabilitĂ©s municipales, notamment eu Ă©gard Ă  la sĂ©curitĂ© publique et Ă  l’amĂ©nagement du territoire, justifie ainsi une approche collaborative. En 2018, le ministĂšre de la SĂ©curitĂ© publique (MSP) en collaboration avec Ouranos sollicite la communautĂ© scientifique pour rĂ©aliser un projet de recherche-action visant Ă  dĂ©velopper une approche de gouvernance collaborative d’apprĂ©ciation des risques des SE en contexte de changements climatiques. Pour rĂ©aliser ce mandat, deux groupes de recherche choisissent d’unir leurs forces. Le CitĂ©-ID LivingLab, rattachĂ© Ă  l’ENAP a pour mission de rĂ©aliser des travaux de recherche-intervention sur des problĂ©matiques urbaines complexes identifiĂ©es par les parties prenantes (acteurs publics, privĂ©s, communautaires, citoyens, etc.) afin de coconstruire des pratiques de gouvernance innovantes permettant d’accroĂźtre la rĂ©silience urbaine. Le Centre risque & performance de Polytechnique MontrĂ©al est dĂ©diĂ© Ă  l’évaluation de la rĂ©silience des infrastructures essentielles et des organisations. Le centre a notamment mis sur pied des communautĂ©s stratĂ©giques pour mieux comprendre les interdĂ©pendances entre les infrastructures essentielles. Avec la collaboration d’Ouranos pour les aspects liĂ©s aux changements climatiques, la nouvelle Ă©quipe de recherche possĂšde l’expertise requise pour mettre en relation les deux composantes du mandat, c’est-Ă -dire la gouvernance collaborative et l’apprĂ©ciation des risques des SE

    Vapochromic Behaviour of M[Au(CN)2]2-Based Coordination Polymers (M = Co, Ni)

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    A series of M[Au(CN)2]2(analyte)x coordination polymers (M = Co, Ni; analyte = dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF), pyridine; x = 2 or 4) was prepared and characterized. Addition of analyte vapours to solid M(Ό-OH2)[Au(CN)2]2 yielded visible vapochromic responses for M = Co but not M = Ni; the IR ΜCN spectral region changed in every case. A single crystal structure of Zn[Au(CN)2]2(DMSO)2 revealed a corrugated 2-D layer structure with cis-DMSO units. Reacting a Ni(II) salt and K[Au(CN)2] in DMSO yielded the isostructural Ni[Au(CN)2]2(DMSO)2 product. Co[Au(CN)2]2(DMSO)2 and M[Au(CN)2]2(DMF)2 (M = Co, Ni) complexes have flat 2-D square-grid layer structures with trans-bound DMSO or DMF units; they are formed via vapour absorption by solid M(Ό-OH2)[Au(CN)2]2 and from DMSO or DMF solution synthesis. Co[Au(CN)2]2(pyridine)4 is generated via vapour absorption by Co(Ό-OH2)[Au(CN)2]2; the analogous Ni complex is synthesized by immersion of Ni(Ό-OH2)[Au(CN)2]2 in 4% aqueous pyridine. Similar immersion of Co(Ό-OH2)[Au(CN)2]2 yielded Co[Au(CN)2]2(pyridine)2, which has a flat 2-D square-grid structure with trans-pyridine units. Absorption of pyridine vapour by solid Ni(Ό-OH2)[Au(CN)2]2 was incomplete, generating a mixture of pyridine-bound complexes. Analyte-free Co[Au(CN)2]2 was prepared by dehydration of Co(Ό-OH2)[Au(CN)2]2 at 145 °C; it has a 3-D diamondoid-type structure and absorbs DMSO, DMF and pyridine to give the same materials as by vapour absorption from the hydrate
