390 research outputs found

    Feasibility and performances of compressed-sensing and sparse map-making with Herschel/PACS data

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    The Herschel Space Observatory of ESA was launched in May 2009 and is in operation since. From its distant orbit around L2 it needs to transmit a huge quantity of information through a very limited bandwidth. This is especially true for the PACS imaging camera which needs to compress its data far more than what can be achieved with lossless compression. This is currently solved by including lossy averaging and rounding steps on board. Recently, a new theory called compressed-sensing emerged from the statistics community. This theory makes use of the sparsity of natural (or astrophysical) images to optimize the acquisition scheme of the data needed to estimate those images. Thus, it can lead to high compression factors. A previous article by Bobin et al. (2008) showed how the new theory could be applied to simulated Herschel/PACS data to solve the compression requirement of the instrument. In this article, we show that compressed-sensing theory can indeed be successfully applied to actual Herschel/PACS data and give significant improvements over the standard pipeline. In order to fully use the redundancy present in the data, we perform full sky map estimation and decompression at the same time, which cannot be done in most other compression methods. We also demonstrate that the various artifacts affecting the data (pink noise, glitches, whose behavior is a priori not well compatible with compressed-sensing) can be handled as well in this new framework. Finally, we make a comparison between the methods from the compressed-sensing scheme and data acquired with the standard compression scheme. We discuss improvements that can be made on ground for the creation of sky maps from the data.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables, peer-reviewed articl

    Morphology, dynamics and plasma parameters of plumes and inter-plume regions in solar coronal holes

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    Coronal plumes, which extend from solar coronal holes (CH) into the high corona and - possibly - into the solar wind (SW), can now continuously be studied with modern telescopes and spectrometers on spacecraft, in addition to investigations from the ground, in particular, during total eclipses. Despite the large amount of data available on these prominent features and related phenomena, many questions remained unanswered as to their generation and relative contributions to the high-speed streams emanating from CHs. An understanding of the processes of plume formation and evolution requires a better knowledge of the physical conditions at the base of CHs, in plumes and in the surrounding inter-plume regions (IPR). More specifically, information is needed on the magnetic field configuration, the electron densities and temperatures, effective ion temperatures, non-thermal motions, plume cross-sections relative to the size of a CH, the plasma bulk speeds, as well as any plume signatures in the SW. In spring 2007, the authors proposed a study on "Structure and dynamics of coronal plumes and inter-plume regions in solar coronal holes" to the International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in Bern to clarify some of these aspects by considering relevant observations and the extensive literature. This review summarizes the results and conclusions of the study. Stereoscopic observations allowed us to include three-dimensional reconstructions of plumes. Multi-instrument investigations carried out during several campaigns led to progress in some areas, such as plasma densities, temperatures, plume structure and the relation to other solar phenomena, but not all questions could be answered concerning the details of plume generation process(es) and interaction with the SW.Comment: To appear on: The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review. 72 pages, 30 figure

    TomograPy: A Fast, Instrument-Independent, Solar Tomography Software

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    Solar tomography has progressed rapidly in recent years thanks to the development of robust algorithms and the availability of more powerful computers. It can today provide crucial insights in solving issues related to the line-of-sight integration present in the data of solar imagers and coronagraphs. However, there remain challenges such as the increase of the available volume of data, the handling of the temporal evolution of the observed structures, and the heterogeneity of the data in multi-spacecraft studies. We present a generic software package that can perform fast tomographic inversions that scales linearly with the number of measurements, linearly with the length of the reconstruction cube (and not the number of voxels) and linearly with the number of cores and can use data from different sources and with a variety of physical models: TomograPy (http://nbarbey.github.com/TomograPy/), an open-source software freely available on the Python Package Index. For performance, TomograPy uses a parallelized-projection algorithm. It relies on the World Coordinate System standard to manage various data sources. A variety of inversion algorithms are provided to perform the tomographic-map estimation. A test suite is provided along with the code to ensure software quality. Since it makes use of the Siddon algorithm it is restricted to rectangular parallelepiped voxels but the spherical geometry of the corona can be handled through proper use of priors. We describe the main features of the code and show three practical examples of multi-spacecraft tomographic inversions using STEREO/EUVI and STEREO/COR1 data. Static and smoothly varying temporal evolution models are presented.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, 5 table

    2D and 3D Polar Plume Analysis from the Three Vantage Positions of STEREO/EUVI A, B, and SOHO/EIT

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    Polar plumes are seen as elongated objects starting at the solar polar regions. Here, we analyze these objects from a sequence of images taken simultaneously by the three spacecraft telescopes STEREO/EUVI A and B, and SOHO/EIT. We establish a method capable of automatically identifying plumes in solar EUV images close to the limb at 1.01 - 1.39 R in order to study their temporal evolution. This plume-identification method is based on a multiscale Hough-wavelet analysis. Then two methods to determined their 3D localization and structure are discussed: First, tomography using the filtered back-projection and including the differential rotation of the Sun and, secondly, conventional stereoscopic triangulation. We show that tomography and stereoscopy are complementary to study polar plumes. We also show that this systematic 2D identification and the proposed methods of 3D reconstruction are well suited, on one hand, to identify plumes individually and on the other hand, to analyze the distribution of plumes and inter-plume regions. Finally, the results are discussed focusing on the plume position with their cross-section area.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figures, Solar Physics articl

    On peak phenomena for non-commutative HH^\infty

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    A non-commutative extension of Amar and Lederer's peak set result is given. As its simple applications it is shown that any non-commutative HH^\infty-algebra H(M,τ)H^\infty(M,\tau) has unique predual,and moreover some restriction in some of the results of Blecher and Labuschagne are removed, making them hold in full generality.Comment: final version (the presentation of some part is revised and one reference added

    Single cell analysis reveals similar functional competence of dominant and nondominant CD8 T-cell clonotypes.

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    Immune protection from infectious diseases and cancer is mediated by individual T cells of different clonal origin. Their functions are tightly regulated but not yet fully characterized. Understanding the contribution of each T cell will improve the prediction of immune protection based on laboratory assessment of T-cell responses. Here we developed techniques for simultaneous molecular and functional assessment of single CD8 T cells directly ex vivo. We studied two groups of patients with melanoma after vaccination with two closely related tumor antigenic peptides. Vaccination induced T cells with strong memory and effector functions, as found in virtually all T cells of the first patient group, and fractions of T cells in the second group. Interestingly, high functionality was not restricted to dominant clonotypes. Rather, dominant and nondominant clonotypes acquired equal functional competence. In parallel, this was also found for EBV- and CMV-specific T cells. Thus, the nondominant clonotypes may contribute similarly to immunity as their dominant counterparts

    IL-12 controls cytotoxicity of a novel subset of self-antigen-specific human CD28+ cytolytic T cells.

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    Activated CD8 T cells develop cytotoxicity against autologous cells bearing foreign Ags and self/tumor Ags. However, self-specific cytolysis needs to be kept under control to avoid overwhelming immunopathology. After peptide vaccination of melanoma patients, we studied molecular and functional properties of T cell subsets specific for the self/tumor Ag Melan-A/MART-1. Ex vivo analysis revealed three Ag-specific effector memory (EM) populations, as follows: CD28-negative EM (EM28(-)) T cells strongly expressing granzyme/perforin, and two EM28(+) subsets, one with high and the other with low level expression of these cytotoxic proteins. For further functional characterization, we generated 117 stable CD8 T cell clones by ex vivo flow cytometry-based sorting of these subsets. All EM28(-)-derived clones lysed target cells with high efficacy. In contrast, EM28(+)-derived clones were heterogenous, and could be classified in two groups, one with high and the other with low killing capacity, correlating with granzyme/perforin expression. High and low killer phenotypes remained surprisingly stable for several months. However, strongly increased granzyme expression and cytotoxicity were observed after exposure to IL-12. Thus, the data reveal a newly identified subset of CD28(+) conditional killer T cells. Because CD28 can mediate strong costimulatory signals, tight cytotoxicity control, as shown in this study through IL-12, may be particularly important for subsets of T cells expressing CD28

    Facile formation of highly mobile supported lipid bilayers on surface-quaternized pH-responsive polymer brushes

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    Poly(2-dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate) (PDMA) brushes are grown from planar substrates via surface atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP). Quaternization of these brushes is conducted using 1-iodooctadecane in n-hexane, which is a non-solvent for PDMA. Ellipsometry, AFM, and water contact angle measurements show that surface-confined quaternization occurs under these conditions, producing pH-responsive brushes that have a hydrophobic upper surface. Systematic variation of the 1-iodooctadecane concentration and reaction time enables the mean degree of surface quaternization to be optimized. Relatively low degrees of surface quaternization (ca. 10 mol % as judged by XPS) produce brushes that enable the formation of supported lipid bilayers, with the hydrophobic pendent octadecyl groups promoting in situ rupture of lipid vesicles. Control experiments confirm that quaternized PDMA brushes prepared in a good brush solvent (THF) produce non-pH-responsive brushes, presumably because the pendent octadecyl groups form micelle-like physical cross-links throughout the brush layer. Supported lipid bilayers (SLBs) can also be formed on the non-quaternized PDMA precursor brushes, but such structures proved to be unstable to small changes in pH. Thus, surface quaternization of PDMA brushes using 1-iodooctadecane in n-hexane provides the best protocol for the formation of robust SLBs. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) studies of such SLBs indicate diffusion coefficients (2.8 ± 0.3 μm s–1) and mobile fractions (98 ± 2%) that are comparable to the literature data reported for SLBs prepared directly on planar glass substrates