3,755 research outputs found

    Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the El Qaa fault block, Sinai, Egypt - an ArcGIS and MOVE study

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    The Gulf of Suez is a classic example of a failed rift system and due to the extensive erosion it has become perfect for studying structural style and stratigraphy in a 3D environment, where the sedimentary architecture can be studied in more details. There have been many studies in specific areas within the Gulf of Suez focusing on these subjects, but less focus has been on construction and restoration of cross-sections and 3D modelling in the area, which is the focus of this study, in addition to a geological map generated in this thesis. The work in this study includes the mapping of prerift and synrift units, faults, folds and dip data and an analysis of the tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the El Qaa fault block. The geological map is generated in ArcGIS by mapping lithological boundaries, tracing faults and folds and adding dip data. Based on the geological map, six cross-sections were constructed and restored using the 2D/3D MOVE software and the interpreted cross-sections are used to construct a 3D model of the present day structural style in the El Qaa fault block. The tectono-stratigraphic evolution can be divided into 4 main synrift stages. Synrift stage 1 (Burdigalian-Langhian) is the first rotation of the prerift units that caused an angular unconformity between the prerift and synrift units. Synrift stage 2 (Langhian) is a further rotation of the units as the Rudeis Formation and the Delta Lope complex 1 was deposited. Synrift stage 3 (Seravallian) contains the deposition of the Delta Lobe Complex 2 and 3. Synrift stage 4 (Seravallian-Present day) is the latest rotation of the units caused by the increased displacement on the Coastal Fault Belt as the fault activity in the rift migrates towards the rift axis. The lower Delta Lobe Complex 1 is a short, steep and coarse-grained delta with a local catchment-area that is feeding the delta with sediments derived from the uplifting rift shoulder on the East Boundary Fault Belt. The Delta Lobe Complex 1 is deposited in similar structural settings as the much smaller western delta in the Alkyonides half graben in the Gulf of Corinth which has a high subsidence rate and high accommodation development. The upper prograding Delta Lobe Complex 2 and 3 are deposited in a more tectonically quiet period, with a low subsidence rate and low accommodation development, it extends ca. 13,5 across the El Qaa half graben. The upper deltas show similarities with the deltas on the Horda platform containing the Krossfjord, Sognefjord and Fensfjord Formations, in being larger and possible having a well-developed catchment-area feeding the deltas. The study illustrates the importance of understanding how the sedimentary architecture in a rift basin is formed and the main factors controlling the sediment dispersal.Master i GeovitenskapMAMN-GEOVGEOV39

    Combining in situ measurements and altimetry to estimate volume

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    From 1994 to 2011, instruments measuring ocean currents (Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers; ADCPs) have been moored on a section crossing the Faroe–Shetland Channel. Together with CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth) measurements from regular research vessel occupations, they describe the flow field and water mass structure in the channel. Here, we use these data to calculate the average volume transport and properties of the flow of warm water through the channel from the Atlantic towards the Arctic, termed the Atlantic inflow. We find the average volume transport of this flow to be 2.7 ± 0.5 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3 s–1) between the shelf edge on the Faroe side and the 150 m isobath on the Shetland side. The average heat transport (relative to 0 °C) was estimated to be 107 ± 21 TW (1 TW = 1012 W) and the average salt import to be 98 ± 20 × 106 kg s−1. Transport values for individual months, based on the ADCP data, include a large level of variability, but can be used to calibrate sea level height data from satellite altimetry. In this way, a time series of volume transport has been generated back to the beginning of satellite altimetry in December 1992. The Atlantic inflow has a seasonal variation in volume transport that peaks around the turn of the year and has an amplitude of 0.7 Sv. The Atlantic inflow has become warmer and more saline since 1994, but no equivalent trend in volume transport was observed

    Exploring Translation and Interpreting Hybrids. The Case of Sight Translation

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    This article reports on a comparative study of written translation and sight translation, drawing on experimental data combining keystroke logging, eye-tracking and quality ratings of spoken and written output produced by professional translators and interpreters. Major differences in output rate were observed when comparing oral and written modalities. Evaluation of the translation products showed that the lower output rate in the written condition was not justified by significantly higher quality in the written products. Observations from the combination of data sources point to fundamental behavioural differences between interpreters and translators. Overall, working in the oral modality seems to have a lot to offer in terms of saving time and effort without compromising the output quality, and there seems to be a case for increasing the role of oral translation in translator training, incorporating it as a deliberate practice activity.Le prĂ©sent article fait Ă©tat d’une Ă©tude comparative de la traduction Ă©crite et de la traduction Ă  vue. Elle est fondĂ©e sur des donnĂ©es expĂ©rimentales qui associent un enregistrement de la frappe, une Ă©tude oculomĂ©trique ainsi qu’une Ă©valuation de la qualitĂ© de traductions orales et Ă©crites produites par des traducteurs et des interprĂštes professionnels. La comparaison des modalitĂ©s orale et Ă©crite met en Ă©vidence des diffĂ©rences majeures. L’évaluation des traductions montre en effet que le dĂ©bit faible observĂ© pour la traduction Ă©crite ne garantit nullement une qualitĂ© accrue. Par ailleurs, l’analyse comparative fait Ă©tat de diffĂ©rences fondamentales de comportement entre interprĂštes et traducteurs. De façon gĂ©nĂ©rale, la traduction orale semble pouvoir contribuer de façon significative Ă  l’économie de temps et d’effort sans compromettre la qualitĂ©, ce qui justifierait une accentuation de son rĂŽle, et mĂȘme une pleine intĂ©gration, dans la formation des traducteurs

    A multi-blob representation of semi-dilute polymer solutions

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    A coarse-grained multi-blob description of polymer solutions is presented, based on soft, transferable effective interactions between bonded and non-bonded blobs. The number of blobs is chosen such that the blob density does not exceed their overlap threshold, allowing polymer concentrations to be explored deep into the semi-dilute regime. This quantitative multi-blob description is shown to preserve known scaling laws of polymer solutions and provides accurate estimates of amplitudes, while leading to orders of magnitude increase of simulation efficiency and allowing analytic calculations of structural and thermodynamic properties.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Measurement of calcium isotopes (ÎŽ44Ca) using a multicollector TIMS technique

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    We propose a new“multicollector technique” for the thermal ionization mass spectrometer (TIMS) measurement of calcium (Ca) isotope ratios improving average internal statistical uncertainty of the 44Ca/40Ca measurements by a factor of 2–4 and average sample throughput relative to the commonly used “peak jumping method” by a factor of 3. Isobaric interferences with potassium (40K+) and titanium (48Ti+) or positively charged molecules like 24Mg19F+, 25Mg19F+, 24Mg16O+ and 27Al16O+ can either be corrected or are negligible. Similar, peak shape defects introduced by the large dispersion of the whole Ca isotope mass range from 40–48 atomic mass units (amu) do not influence Ca-isotope ratios. We use a 43Ca/48Ca double spike with an iterative double spike correction algorithm for precise isotope measurement

    International Activities of the OSU College of Agriculture, School of Home Economics and School of Natural Resources Faculty: Past Experiences and Future Preferences

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    Exact date of working paper unknown

    A Model for Youth Financial Education in Extension Involving a Game-Based Approach

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    University of Idaho Extension educators have developed a library of 10 game-based personal finance programs, collectively known as the Northwest Youth Financial Education project, and have made these programs freely available for Extension educators to use. The purpose of this article is to share highlights from an associated train-the-trainer event and the impacts of one of the 10 programs as it has begun to be implemented. The Northwest Youth Financial Education project serves as a model for effective and engaging youth personal finance education that can be easily implemented or replicated in Extension

    Comparison of Alternative Meat Inspection Regimes for Pigs From Non-Controlled Housing – Considering the Cost of Error

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    Denmark has not had cases of bovine tuberculosis (bovTB) for more than 30 years but is obliged by trade agreements to undertake traditional meat inspection (TMI) of finisher pigs from non-controlled housing to detect bovTB. TMI is associated with higher probability of detecting bovTB but is also more costly than visual-only inspection (VOI). To identify whether VOI should replace TMI of finisher pigs from non-controlled housing, the cost of error – defined here as probability of overlooking infection and associated economic costs - should be assessed and compared with surveillance costs. First, a scenario tree model was set up to assess the ability of detecting bovTB in an infected herd (HSe) calculated for three within-herd prevalences, WHP (1, 5 and 10%), for four different surveillance scenarios (TMI and VOI with or without serological test, respectively). HSe was calculated for six consecutive 4-week surveillance periods until predicted bovTB detection (considered high-risk periods HRP). 1-HSe was probability of missing all positives by each HRP. Next, probability of spread of infection, Pspread, and number of infected animals moved were calculated for each HRP. Costs caused by overlooking bovTB were calculated taking into account Pspread, 1-HSe, eradication costs, and trade impact. Finally, the average annual costs were calculated by adding surveillance costs and assuming one incursion of bovTB in either 1, 10 or 30 years. Input parameters were based on slaughterhouse statistics, literature and expert opinion. Herd sensitivity increased by high-risk period and within-herd prevalence. Assuming WHP=5%, HSe reached median 90% by 2nd HRP for TMI, whereas for VOI this would happen after 6th HRP. Serology had limited impact on HSe. The higher the probability of infection, the higher the probability of detection and spread. TMI resulted in lowest average annual costs, if one incursion of bovTB was expected every year. However, when assuming one introduction in 10 or 30 years, VOI resulted in lowest average costs. It may be more cost-effective to focus on imported high-risk animals coming into contact with Danish livestock, instead of using TMI as surveillance on all pigs from non-controlled housing

    Specification and testing for power by wire aircraft

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    A power by wire aircraft is one in which all active functions other than propulsion are implemented electrically. Other nomenclature are 'all electric airplane,' or 'more electric airplane.' What is involved is the task of developing and certifying electrical equipment to replace existing hydraulics and pneumatics. When such functions, however, are primary flight controls which are implemented electrically, new requirements are imposed that were not anticipated by existing power system designs. Standards of particular impact are the requirements of ultra-high reliability, high peak transient bi-directional power flow, and immunity to electromagnetic interference and lightning. Not only must the electromagnetic immunity of the total system be verifiable, but box level tests and meaningful system models must be established to allow system evaluation. This paper discusses some of the problems, the system modifications involved, and early results in establishing wiring harness and interface susceptibility requirements

    Capacity Building for a Stronger Workforce in the Public Healthcare Sector

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    In a more and more demanding sector, healthcare leaders are in need of relevant and up-to-date competencies. The paper describes the iComPAss-project that aimed to increase the quality of a Master’s programme for healthcare leaders, making sure that the competencies students are taught and should develop during their studies are aligned with what is relevant for their current and future practices. A method for identifying needed competencies in the field of practice was developed and used. This led to an understanding of the need for increased collaboration between the Master’s programme, the field of practice, and working life.publishedVersio
