40 research outputs found

    Creation of databases of ageing-related drugs and statistical analysis and applied machine learning for the prioritization of potential lifespan-extension drugs

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Biofísica e BionanossistemasOver the last few centuries, the success of modern medicine has consistently increased the average life expectancy of mankind. This extended longevity came a paradigm-shift: multimorbidity is now our top concern, instead of the immediate fatal diseases (e.g. infections) of the past. The aged populations currently observed in developed countries, are already having negative recursions in the social state ideal and are expected to spread to the rest of the world. The scientific solution to this predicament lies in developing anti-aging therapies. In the recent decades, the idea that aging is not a fixed biological process was challenged and thoroughly refuted. There are now more than a thousand different genes known to alter lifespan in model organisms, and simple lifestyle interventions like a caloric restriction diet prolong the lifespan of non-human primates. Unfortunately, the discoveries made so far are yet to be translated into meaningful human anti-aging therapies. In this work, we offer several scientific contributions to help mitigate the looming aging crisis. Our most prominent contribution is the creation of the DrugAge database (http://genomics.senescence.info/drugs/). This unparalleled resource systematically compiles information regarding drug lifespan assays that increased the lifespan of model organisms. DrugAge is free, manually curated and is composed of 1316 entries featuring 418 different compounds from studies across 27 model organisms. We used the information provided on DrugAge to: train an algorithm for the prediction of the anti-aging potential of new compounds; conduct the functional enrichment of DrugAge; compare DrugAge with the known anti-aging genes; show that gender does not influence the performance of anti-aging compounds in model organisms. A separate section is dedicated to applying drug repurposing to accelerate the discovery of antiaging drugs in humans. After matching a meta-repository of drug-gene interactions with the known anti-aging genes in model organisms, we found 16 drugs with significant potential to affect the aging process. Two drug combinations are suggested to be tried in model organisms.Durante os últimos séculos, o sucesso da medicina moderna tem consistentemente aumentado a esperença média de vida da humanidade. Esta maior longevidade é acompanhado por uma mudança de paradigma: multimorbidade, causada pela acumulação de doenças relacionadas com o envelhecimento, é agora a nossa principal preocupação, ao invés das doenças fatais imediatas (por exemplo infeções) do passado. As populações envelhecidas presentemente observadas nos países desenvolvidos, já estão a ter repercussões negativas no ideal do estado social e é esperado que estas se alastrem para o resto do mundo. A solução científica para este problema assenta em desenvolver terapias anti-envelhecimento. Nas décadas recentes, o conceito de envelhecimento como um processo biológico fixado foi desafiado e indubitavelmente refutado. Atualmente, conhecem-se mais de um milhar de genes que modificam a longevidade em organismos modelo, e simples modificações no estilo de vida como uma dieta de restrição calórica prolongam a esperança de vida em primatas não-humanos. Infelizmente, as descobertas até hoje realizadas estão ainda para ser traduzidas em terapias antienvelhecimento com impacto em seres humanos. Neste trabalho nós oferecemos várias contribuções científicas para ajudar a mitigar a iminente crise da população envelhecida. A nossa contribuição mais proeminente é a criação da base de dados DrugAge (http://genomics.senescence.info/drugs/). Este recurso sem paralelo congila sistematicamente informação relativa a ensaios de envelhecimento de drogas que aumentaram a longevidade em organismos modelo. DrugAge é grátis, está curada manualmente e é composta por 1316 entradas representando 418 substâncias diferentes provenientes de estudos conduzidos em 27 organismos modelo. Usámos a informação presente na DrugAge para: treinar um algoritmo para estimar o potencial anti-envelhecimento de novos compostos; realizar o enriquecimento funcional de DrugAge; comparar DrugAge com os genes anti-envelhecimento conhecidos; revelar que género não influencia a performance the compostos anti-envelhecimento em organismos modelo. Um capítulo independente é dedicado a aplicar a reutilização de drogas para acelerar a descoberta de drogas anti-envelhecimento em humanos. Depois de fazer a correspondência entre um metarepositório de interações droga-gene e os genes anti-envelhecimento de organismos modelo, encontrámos 16 compostos com um considerável potencial para afetar o processo de envelhecimento. Duas combinações de drogas são sugeridas para serem testadas em organismos modelo

    Processo de apoio ao planeamento de missões de transporte em território nacional e estrangeiro

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    Atualmente existe uma grande quantidade de solicitações para transporte de pessoas e material à Força Aérea Portuguesa, uma vez que as Forças Armadas Portuguesas se encontram a cumprir missões em diversos locais do mundo, para que Portugal possa cumprir com os seus compromissos internacionais. Dada a escassez de recursos humanos e materiais nas Forças Armadas, torna-se imperativo a sua otimização através de processos claros e simples. Este estudo centra-se no Processo de Planeamento existente no Comando Aéreo, para missões de Transporte de Passageiros e/ou Carga, a serem realizados pelas Esquadras de Voo 501, 502 e 504, nas modalidades de ação de transporte aéreo. A metodologia utilizada neste estudo caracteriza-se por um raciocínio hipotético-dedutivo, através de uma estratégia mista, com vista a uma complementaridade entre as estratégias qualitativas e quantitativas na recolha, análise e relacionamento dos dados, apoiados por uma revisão de literatura e de entrevistas a entidades com prática e conhecimento no tema estudado. As conclusões retiradas dos resultados obtidos permitiram reconhecer que o atual processo de planeamento existente apresenta diversas lacunas ao nível da informação, das entidades participantes e da comunicação entre elas, existindo assim espaço para propostas de linhas de ação que ajudem a otimizar o processo.Nowadays, there are many requests for the transport of people and material to the Portuguese Air Force, since the Portuguese Armed Forces are carrying out missions in different parts of the world, so that Portugal can fulfill its international commitments. Given the scarcity of human and material resources in the Armed Forces, their optimization resources through clear and simple processes is imperative. The focus of this study is the Planning Process existing in the Air Command, for Passenger and/or Cargo Transport missions to be conducted by Flight Squadrons 501, 502 and 504, in the modalities of air transport. The methodology used to conduct this study is characterized by a hypothetical-deductive reasoning, through a mixed strategy, with a complementarity between qualitative and quantitative strategies in the collection, analysis, and relationship of data, supported by a literature review and interviews with entities with practice and knowledge on the topic studied. The conclusions from the results obtained allowed us to recognize that the current planning process has several gaps in terms of information, participating entities, and communication between them, leaving to us room for proposals of lines of action that will help optimize the process.N/

    Comunicação subaquática: modem acústico de comunicação de banda larga sem fios

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e ComputadoresCom o aumento da exploração das áreas submarinas cresce a necessidade de haver sistemas de comunicação subaquática rápidos e eficazes. Até ao momento, apenas existem três tipos de comunicações sem fios para ambientes subaquáticos: Rádio Frequência, Óticas e Acústicas. Hoje em dia, as comunicações sem fios são um meio de comunicação indispensável, não só pela ausência de cabelagem, mas também pela redução da manutenção das redes fixas, sendo assim possível uma redução de custos significativa, principalmente em zonas mais remotas, onde a instalação de uma rede fixa pode tornar-se inviável. Os principais problemas nas comunicações subaquáticas são os fatores que afetam a propagação das ondas acústicas no meio, como por exemplo: a atenuação do sinal ao longo do percurso, a reduzida velocidade do som (1500 m/s), efeitos por multipath e o efeito Doppler. A escolha da comunicação acústica deveu-se ao facto de ser a mais robusta para longas distâncias, uma vez que o principal objetivo deste trabalho passa pela criação de um modem acústico para comunicação de banda larga sem fios em ambientes subaquáticos. O instrumento a desenvolver deve ser de fácil utilização e ter um consumo energético reduzido, pois o fornecimento de energia dos sistemas subaquáticos normalmente depende de baterias. O sistema desenvolvido pode ser dividido em dois subsistemas: o emissor e o recetor. O subsistema do emissor contém a FPGA, o DAC, o amplificador de saída e o transdutor de emissão, ao passo que o subsistema do recetor inclui o transdutor de receção, o filtro, o ADC e a FPGA. Apesar destes dois subsistemas estarem interligados entre si, eles podem trabalhar separadamente. Na FPGA foi desenvolvida uma modulação e desmodulação. A modulação para a qual foram feitos os testes, foi baseada na técnica de modulação QFSK, usando as frequências portadoras de 100 kHz, de 400 kHz, 700 kHz e 1 MHz. Foram realizados testes em laboratório, num aquário de 100*50*40 cm, e numa piscina de 10*5 metros para uma aproximação de uma situação real, conseguindo que o sistema fosse capaz de imitir sinais modulados e, processar a desmodulação dos mesmos a uma distância de 10 metros.With the increasing exploitation of undersea areas there is a need for fast and effective underwater communication systems. Until now, only three types of wireless communications are used for underwater environments: Radio Frequency, Optic and Acoustic. The selection of acoustic communications was supported in the fact of the performance for over long distances. Nowadays, wireless communications are an indispensable mean of communication, not only due to the absence of cables, but also through the reduction of maintenance, thus making possible a significant cost reduction especially in remote areas where the installation of a fixed network may become impracticable. The main problem in underwater communications is the factors that affect the acoustic wave’s propagation in the water, such as: signal attenuation along the path, low sound velocity (1500 m/s), multipath effects and Doppler Effect. The main objective of this work is to create an acoustic modem for wireless broadband communications to underwater environments. The device must be user friendly and reduced energy consumption, since the power supply of this system usually depends on batteries. The developed system can be divided in two subsystems, the emitter and the receiver. The emitter subsystem includes the FPGA, DAC, Power Amplifier and the emitter transductor. The receiver subsystem includes the receiver transductor, filter, ADC and FPGA. Although these two subsystems are interconnected, they can work separately. The modulation and demodulation were developed in the FPGA. The modulation for which the tests were performed was based on QFSQ technique using the 100 kHz, 400 kHz, 700 kHz and 1 MHz. Laboratory tests were performed in a 100*500*40cm aquarium and in a 10*5m pool to approximate a real situation. The system was able to emit modulated signals and process its demodulation to a distance of 10 meters.Este trabalho foi suportado pelo projeto “Next-Sea: Next generation monitoring of coastal ecosystems in a scenario of global change”, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000032, financiado pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) e Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (NORTE2020

    Relatório de estágio pedagógico desenvolvido na escola básica dos 2º e 3º ciclos Dr.ª Maria Alice Gouveia junto da turma do 9º B no ano letivo de 2013-2014 : caraterização da prática docente do professor estagiário

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    Relatório de estágio do mestrado em Ensino da Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário, apresentado à Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e Educação Física da Universidade de CoimbraA prática pedagógica educativa exige aos novos professores uma adaptação dos seus conhecimentos à realidade escolar que confrontam, mais complexa e com inúmeras variáveis que condicionam a condução do processo educativo. Neste sentido, o estágio pedagógico surge como o colmatar de um ciclo de estudos, que visa proporcionar aos seus alunos a transferência dos conhecimentos teóricos para a prática educativa, adequada ao contexto onde se inserem. Esta prática pode ser dividida em várias dimensões, onde cada uma delas exige dos professores estagiários um trabalho crítico e reflexivo. Como resultado da nossa prática docente, este relatório de estágio surge para descrever as aprendizagens realizadas, provenientes da experiência pedagógica com a turma B do 9.ºano, na Escola Básica 2.º e 3.º ciclo Dr.ª Maria Alice Gouveia, no ano letivo de 2013/2014. O seu intuito surge na necessidade de interpretação e reflexão de todas as atividades pedagógicas desenvolvidas durante o ano letivo. Inicialmente foi realizada a contextualização escolar da prática pedagógica desenvolvida, onde foram analisadas as características da escola, do grupo disciplinar e da turma onde foi realizado o estágio pedagógico, adequando o processo pedagógico às mesmas. Seguidamente foi realizada a descrição das atividades desenvolvidas, com a respetiva análise e justificação as decisões tomadas nas várias dimensões pedagógicas. No final deste relatório foi realizado o aprofundamento do tema selecionado, relativamente à caraterização pedagógica da prática docente do professor estagiário. The educational pedagogical practice requires new teachers to adapt their knowledge to the school reality that comes upon them, it’s a lot more complex and has numerous variables which determine the conduct of the educational process. In this sense, teaching practice emerges as the culmination of a course of study, which aims to provide its students the possibility to put in practice, the theoretical training, appropriate to the context in which they operate educational practice knowledge. This practice can be divided into several dimensions, where each requires a critical and reflective work from the trainee teachers. As a result of our teaching practice, this internship report appears to describe my learning achievements, from the pedagogical experience with the 9th B class, in 2.nd and 3.rd Cycle Primary School Dr. Maria Alice Gouveia in the 2013/2014 academic year. This work came up with the need for interpretation and reflection of all educational activities during the school year. Initially, the contextualization of the developed teaching practice was performed, in was described the school characteristics, the subject group and the class where the teaching stage performed, adapting the learning process to the same. Then the description of the developed activities, it was accomplished with the respective analysis and justification of the decisions taken at the different pedagogical dimensions. At the end of this report the deepening of the selected theme was performed, regarding the pedagogical characterization of the trainee teacher teaching practice

    A afirmação do teletrabalho no setor terciário: desafios e oportunidades

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    Mestrado em Gestão e EmpreendedorismoA presente Tese, no âmbito do mestrado em Gestão e Empreendedorismo, coincide com a crise pandémica Covid-19. O fenómeno em questão colocou inúmeras empresas em Teletrabalho e levou-me, a mim inclusive, a integrar esse número de teletrabalhadores, esta situação fez-me refletir sobre se estaríamos a mudar a forma de trabalhar no futuro pós-covid. Será que o teletrabalho veio para ficar? Quais as implicações que pode trazer? Quais os desafios? Quais as vantagens e as desvantagens, tanto para os colaboradores como para as empresas? Estas serão algumas das perguntas que irei procurar abordar e responder neste trabalho, procurando de igual forma trazer uma solução real e fundamentada para as empresas adotarem num futuro pós-Covid-19. Irei expor neste trabalho os resultados obtidos por dois questionários, bem como em entrevistas selecionadas de forma estratégica para perceber diferentes pontos de vista, vamos encontrar testemunhos de quem já exercia as suas funções em teletrabalho, como de quem foi obrigado dada a pandemia a ir para teletrabalho, bem como também o testemunho de um empresário com a finalidade de perceber como foi a adaptação da sua empresa à modalidade de trabalhar à distância.This thesis was prepared for the masters degree in managemente and entrepreneurship and was developed during a pandemic crisis covid 19. This phenomen has put inumerous companies working from home, myself included, and had me reflect about wether we were going to change the way we work in the future post covid. Will we be taking on this new way of working that allows us to work from the comfort of our homes? What challenges might this bring? What advantages e disadvantages for the employees and the companies? These are some of the questions that i will try to answer in this paper. Nonetheless i will try to make up real solutions for this new way of working to be implemented in the post covid future. I will present the results of this study in 2 questionnaires as well as strategic interviews selected to help understand different points of view that we can find regarding working from home. We will see the input of people that were already adopting this way of working before, people who were forced to join this new way of working and a company's director to better understand how it was having to adapt to this new way of working.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Como evoluíram as estratégias promocionais das FMCGS’ desde 2012? : estudo de caso

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    Mestrado em MarketingEste estudo de caso pretende analisar a evolução da estratégia promocional das empresas de grande consumo em Portugal, desde 2012, após a campanha promocional do Pingo Doce, a 1 de maio do mesmo ano. O objetivo é compreender como é que as FMCGs' reagiram e criaram estratégias para combater ou alinhar-se com uma dinâmica promocional agressiva. São abordadas temáticas de pricing, ajustamento de preço e relacionamento entre produtores e retalho, que têm sido pouco estudadas e podem ter relevância para compreender a dinâmica promocional no nosso país. Adotou-se uma abordagem qualitativa e estratégia de estudo de caso. Assim, foram conduzidas diversas entrevistas informais ao longo de meses, juntamente com entrevistas estruturadas a peritos de FMCG. Concluiu-se, no final deste estudo, que as FMCGs' líderes de categoria se tornaram parceiros estratégicos dos retalhistas, trabalhando em colaboração com estes e alinhando conjuntamente as estratégias promocionais. Desta forma, foi possível criar um maior equilíbrio de poder entre ambos os lados. Acrescente-se ainda que, recentemente, surgiu um novo conceito de pricing, Every Day Promo Price, com frequências promocionais constantes. Para que tal aumento de frequência fosse sustentável para as FMCGs', foi necessário negociar uma redução na profundidade de desconto.This case study aims to analyze the evolution of the promotional strategies of FMCGs' based in Portugal, since 2012, following Pingo Doce's 1st of May promotional campaign. The objective is to understand how FMCGs' reacted towards new aggressive promotional strategies established by retailers; it will be analyzed how FMCGs' collaborated or confronted these. The themes of pricing, price adjustment and relationships between producers and retailers will be studied. In the past, these have not been explored exhaustively and may play an important role to understand the Portuguese promotional dynamics. A qualitative case study approach was adopted, in which informal interviews over the last few months, and structured interviews with FMCG specialists took place. From the findings in this study, one can conclude that category leader FMCGs' became retailers' strategic partners, working alongside and defining the promotional strategy together. Therefore, it is possible to create a power balance between both sides. Also, recently, a new pricing strategy was found, Every Day Promo Price, which consists in a constant promotional frequency. FMCGs had to balance frequency by reducing promotional discounts depth, to have a sustainable strategy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Profile of emergency department overuse in hospitalized patients with pulmonary disease and its impact on mortality

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    Funding Information: We would like to thank Cláudia Coluna and Sara Salgado for the review of the manuscript. The final linguistic review was also conducted by W4Research, a proofreading company based in Lisbon, Portugal. This research did not receive any specific grants from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. Publisher Copyright: © 2023 Sociedade Portuguesa de PneumologiaIntroduction and objectives: Portugal is one of the countries with the highest number of visits to the emergency department (ED), 31% classified as “non-urgent” or “avoidable.” The objectives of our study were to evaluate the size and characteristics of patients with pulmonary disease who overuse the ED, and identify factors associated with mortality. Materials and methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted, based on the medical records of ED frequent users (ED-FU) with pulmonary disease who attended a university hospital center in the northern inner city of Lisbon from January 1 to December 31, 2019. To evaluate mortality, a follow-up until December 31, 2020 was performed. Results: Over 5,567 (4.3%) patients were identified as ED-FU and 174 (0.14%) had pulmonary disease as the main clinical condition, accounting for 1,030 ED visits. 77.2% of ED visits were categorized as “urgent/very urgent.” A high mean age (67.8 years), male gender, social and economic vulnerability, high burden of chronic disease and comorbidities, with a high degree of dependency, characterized the profile of these patients. A high proportion (33.9%) of patients did not have a family physician assigned and this was the most important factor associated with mortality (p<0.001; OR: 24.394; CI 95%: 6.777–87.805). Advanced cancer disease and autonomy deficit were other clinical factors that most determined the prognosis. Conclusions: Pulmonary ED-FU are a small group of ED-FU who constitute an aged and heterogeneous group with a high burden of chronic disease and disability. The lack of an assigned family physician was the most important factor associated with mortality, as well as advanced cancer disease and autonomy deficit.proofinpres

    Systematic analysis of the gerontome reveals links between aging and age-related diseases

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    In model organisms, over 2,000 genes have been shown to modulate aging, the collection of which we call the ‘gerontome’. Although some individual aging-related genes have been the subject of intense scrutiny, their analysis as a whole has been limited. In particular, the genetic interaction of aging and age-related pathologies remain a subject of debate. In this work, we perform a systematic analysis of the gerontome across species, including human aging-related genes. First, by classifying aging-related genes as pro- or anti-longevity, we define distinct pathways and genes that modulate aging in different ways. Our subsequent comparison of aging-related genes with age-related disease genes reveals species-specific effects with strong overlaps between aging and age-related diseases in mice, yet surprisingly few overlaps in lower model organisms. We discover that genetic links between aging and age-related diseases are due to a small fraction of aging-related genes which also tend to have a high network connectivity. Other insights from our systematic analysis include assessing how using datasets with genes more or less studied than average may result in biases, showing that age-related disease genes have faster molecular evolution rates and predicting new aging-related drugs based on drug-gene interaction data. Overall, this is the largest systems-level analysis of the genetics of aging to date and the first to discriminate anti- and pro-longevity genes, revealing new insights on aging-related genes as a whole and their interactions with age-related diseases

    Human Ageing Genomic Resources:updates on key databases in ageing research

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    Ageing is a complex and multifactorial process. For two decades, the Human Ageing Genomic Resources (HAGR) have aided researchers in the study of various aspects of ageing and its manipulation. Here, we present the key features and recent enhancements of these resources, focusing on its six main databases. One database, GenAge, focuses on genes related to ageing, featuring 307 genes linked to human ageing and 2205 genes associated with longevity and ageing in model organisms. AnAge focuses on ageing, longevity, and life-history across animal species, containing data on 4645 species. DrugAge includes information about 1097 longevity drugs and compounds in model organisms such as mice, rats, flies, worms and yeast. GenDR provides a list of 214 genes associated with the life-extending benefits of dietary restriction in model organisms. CellAge contains a catalogue of 866 genes associated with cellular senescence. The LongevityMap serves as a repository for genetic variants associated with human longevity, encompassing 3144 variants pertaining to 884 genes. Additionally, HAGR provides various tools as well as gene expression signatures of ageing, dietary restriction, and replicative senescence based on meta-analyses. Our databases are integrated, regularly updated, and manually curated by experts. HAGR is freely available online (https://genomics.senescence.info/).</p

    Human Ageing Genomic Resources:updates on key databases in ageing research

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    Ageing is a complex and multifactorial process. For two decades, the Human Ageing Genomic Resources (HAGR) have aided researchers in the study of various aspects of ageing and its manipulation. Here, we present the key features and recent enhancements of these resources, focusing on its six main databases. One database, GenAge, focuses on genes related to ageing, featuring 307 genes linked to human ageing and 2205 genes associated with longevity and ageing in model organisms. AnAge focuses on ageing, longevity, and life-history across animal species, containing data on 4645 species. DrugAge includes information about 1097 longevity drugs and compounds in model organisms such as mice, rats, flies, worms and yeast. GenDR provides a list of 214 genes associated with the life-extending benefits of dietary restriction in model organisms. CellAge contains a catalogue of 866 genes associated with cellular senescence. The LongevityMap serves as a repository for genetic variants associated with human longevity, encompassing 3144 variants pertaining to 884 genes. Additionally, HAGR provides various tools as well as gene expression signatures of ageing, dietary restriction, and replicative senescence based on meta-analyses. Our databases are integrated, regularly updated, and manually curated by experts. HAGR is freely available online (https://genomics.senescence.info/).</p