76 research outputs found

    Abundance of NO3 derived organo-nitrates and their importance in the atmosphere

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    The chemistry of the nitrate radical and its contribution to organo-nitrate formation in the troposphere has been investigated using a mesoscale 3-D chemistry and transport model, WRF-Chem-CRI. The model-measurement comparisons of NO2, ozone and night-time N2O5 mixing ratios show good agreement supporting the model’s ability to represent nitrate (NO3) chemistry reasonably. Thirty-nine organo-nitrates in the model are formed exclusively either from the reaction of RO2 with NO or by the reaction of NO3 with alkenes. Temporal analysis highlighted a significant contribution of NO3-derived organo-nitrates, even during daylight hours. Night-time NO3-derived organo-nitrates were found to be 3-fold higher than that in the daytime. The reactivity of daytime NO3 could be more competitive than previously thought, with losses due to reaction with VOCs (and subsequent organo-nitrate formation) likely to be just as important as photolysis. This has highlighted the significance of NO3 in daytime organo-nitrate formation, with potential implications for air quality, climate and human health. Estimated atmospheric lifetimes of organo-nitrates showed that the organo-nitrates act as NOx reservoirs, with particularly short-lived species impacting on air quality as contributors to downwind ozone formation

    Measured solid state and subcooled liquid vapour pressures of nitroaromatics using Knudsen effusion mass spectrometry

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    Knudsen effusion mass spectrometry (KEMS) was used to measure the solid state saturation vapour pressure (PsatS) of a range of atmospherically relevant nitroaromatic compounds over the temperature range from 298 to 328 K. The selection of species analysed contained a range of geometric isomers and differing functionalities, allowing for the impacts of these factors on saturation vapour pressure (Psat) to be probed. Three subsets of nitroaromatics were investigated: nitrophenols, nitrobenzaldehydes and nitrobenzoic acids. The PsatS values were converted to subcooled liquid saturation vapour pressure (PsatL) values using experimental enthalpy of fusion and melting point values measured using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The PsatL values were compared to those estimated by predictive techniques and, with a few exceptions, were found to be up to 7 orders of magnitude lower. The large differences between the estimated PsatL and the experimental values can be attributed to the predictive techniques not containing parameters to adequately account for functional group positioning around an aromatic ring, or the interactions between said groups. When comparing the experimental PsatS of the measured compounds, the ability to hydrogen bond (H bond) and the strength of the H bond formed appear to have the strongest influence on the magnitude of the Psat, with steric effects and molecular weight also being major factors. Comparisons were made between the KEMS system and data from diffusion-controlled evaporation rates of single particles in an electrodynamic balance (EDB). The KEMS and the EDB showed good agreement with each other for the compounds investigated

    The influence of the addition of isoprene on the volatility of particles formed from the photo-oxidation of anthropogenic–biogenic mixtures

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    In this study, we investigate the influence of isoprene on the volatility of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formed during the photo-oxidation of mixtures of anthropogenic and biogenic precursors. The SOA particle volatility was quantified using two independent experimental techniques (using a thermal denuder and the Filter Inlet for Gas and Aerosols iodide high-resolution time-of-flight Chemical Ionisation Mass Spectrometer – FIGAERO-CIMS) in mixtures of α-pinene/isoprene, o-cresol/isoprene, and α-pinene/o-cresol/isoprene. Single-precursor experiments at various initial concentrations and results from previous α-pinene/o-cresol experiments were used as a reference. The oxidation of isoprene did not result in the formation of detectable SOA particle mass in single-precursor experiments. However, isoprene-derived products were identified in the mixed systems, likely due to the increase in the total absorptive mass. The addition of isoprene resulted in mixture-dependent influence on the SOA particle volatility. Isoprene made no major change to the volatility of α-pinene SOA particles, though changes in the SOA particle composition were observed and the volatility was reasonably predicted based on the additivity. Isoprene addition increased o-cresol SOA particle volatility by ∼5/15 % of the total mass/signal, respectively, indicating a potential to increase the overall volatility that cannot be predicted based on the additivity. The addition of isoprene to the α-pinene/o-cresol system (i.e. α-pinene/o-cresol/isoprene) resulted in slightly fewer volatile particles than those measured in the α-pinene/o-cresol systems. The measured volatility in the α-pinene/o-cresol/isoprene system had an ∼6 % higher low volatile organic compound (LVOC) mass/signal compared to that predicted assuming additivity with a correspondingly lower semi-volatile organic compound (SVOC) fraction. This suggests that any effects that could increase the SOA volatility from the addition of isoprene are likely outweighed by the formation of lower-volatility compounds in more complex anthropogenic–biogenic precursor mixtures. Detailed chemical composition measurements support the measured volatility distribution changes and showed an abundance of unique-to-the-mixture products appearing in all the mixed systems accounting for around 30 %–40 % of the total particle-phase signal. Our results demonstrate that the SOA particle volatility and its prediction can be affected by the interactions of the oxidized products in mixed-precursor systems, and further mechanistic understanding is required to improve their representation in chemical transport models.</p

    Abundance of NO 3 Derived Organo-Nitrates and Their Importance in the Atmosphere

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    From MDPI via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: accepted 2021-10-20, pub-electronic 2021-10-22Publication status: PublishedFunder: Natural Environment Research Council; Grant(s): NE/K004905/1The chemistry of the nitrate radical and its contribution to organo-nitrate formation in the troposphere has been investigated using a mesoscale 3-D chemistry and transport model, WRF-Chem-CRI. The model-measurement comparisons of NO2, ozone and night-time N2O5 mixing ratios show good agreement supporting the model’s ability to represent nitrate (NO3) chemistry reasonably. Thirty-nine organo-nitrates in the model are formed exclusively either from the reaction of RO2 with NO or by the reaction of NO3 with alkenes. Temporal analysis highlighted a significant contribution of NO3-derived organo-nitrates, even during daylight hours. Night-time NO3-derived organo-nitrates were found to be 3-fold higher than that in the daytime. The reactivity of daytime NO3 could be more competitive than previously thought, with losses due to reaction with VOCs (and subsequent organo-nitrate formation) likely to be just as important as photolysis. This has highlighted the significance of NO3 in daytime organo-nitrate formation, with potential implications for air quality, climate and human health. Estimated atmospheric lifetimes of organo-nitrates showed that the organo-nitrates act as NOx reservoirs, with particularly short-lived species impacting on air quality as contributors to downwind ozone formation

    Measured Solid State and Sub-Cooled Liquid Vapour Pressures of Benzaldehydes Using Knudsen Effusion Mass Spectrometry

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    Benzaldehydes are components of atmospheric aerosol that are poorly represented in current vapour pressure predictive techniques. In this study the solid state ( and sub-cooled liquid saturation vapour pressures ) were measured over a range of temperatures (298–328 K) for a chemically diverse group of benzaldehydes. The selected benzaldehydes allowed for the effects of varied geometric isomers and functionalities on saturation vapour pressure () to be probed. was measured using Knudsen effusion mass spectrometry (KEMS) and was obtained via a sub-cooled correction utilising experimental enthalpy of fusion and melting point values measured using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The strength of the hydrogen bond (H-bond) was the most important factor for determining when a H-bond was present and the polarisability of the compound was the most important factor when a H-bond was not present. Typically compounds capable of hydrogen bonding had 1 to 2 orders of magnitude lower than those that could not H-bond. The were compared to estimated values using three different predictive techniques (Nannoolal et al. vapour pressure method, Myrdal and Yalkowsky method, and SIMPOL). The Nannoolal et al. vapour pressure method and the Myrdal and Yalkowsky method require the use of a boiling point method to predict . For the compounds in this study the Nannoolal et al. boiling point method showed the best performance. All three predictive techniques showed less than an order of magnitude error in on average, however more significant errors were within these methods. Such errors will have important implications for studies trying to ascertain the role of these compounds on aerosol growth and human health impacts. SIMPOL predicted the closest to the experimentally determined values

    Enhanced ozone loss by active inorganic bromine chemistry in the tropical troposphere

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    Abstract Bromine chemistry, particularly in the tropics, has been suggested to play an important role in tropospheric ozone loss (Theys et al., 2011) although a lack of measurements of active bromine species impedes a quantitative understanding of its impacts. Recent modelling and measurements of bromine monoxide (BrO) by Wang et al. (2015) have shown current models under predict BrO concentrations over the Pacific Ocean and allude to a missing source of BrO. Here, we present the first simultaneous aircraft measurements of atmospheric bromine monoxide, BrO (a radical that along with atomic Br catalytically destroys ozone) and the inorganic Br precursor compounds HOBr, BrCl and Br2 over the Western Pacific Ocean from 0.5 to 7 km. The presence of 0.17-€“1.64 pptv BrO and 3.6-8 pptv total inorganic Br from these four species throughout the troposphere causes 10-20% of total ozone loss, and confirms the importance of bromine chemistry in the tropical troposphere; contributing to a 6 ppb decrease in ozone levels due to halogen chemistry. Observations are compared with a global chemical transport model and find that the observed high levels of BrO, BrCl and HOBr can be reconciled by active multiphase oxidation of halide (Br- and Cl-ˆ’) by HOBr and ozone in cloud droplets and aerosols. Measurements indicate that 99% of the instantaneous free Br in the troposphere up to 8 km originates from inorganic halogen photolysis rather than from photolysis of organobromine species

    Chamber investigation of the formation and transformation of secondary organic aerosol in mixtures of biogenic and anthropogenic volatile organic compounds

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    A comprehensive chamber investigation of photochemical secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formation and transformation in mixtures of anthropogenic (o-cresol) and biogenic (alpha-pinene and isoprene) volatile organic compound (VOC) precursors in the presence of NOx and inorganic seed particles was conducted. To enable direct comparison across systems, the initial concentration (hence reactivity) of the systems towards the dominant OH oxidant was adjusted. Comparing experiments conducted in single-precursor systems at various initial reactivity levels (referenced to a nominal base case VOC concentration, e.g. halving the initial concentration for a 1/2 initial reactivity experiment) as well as their binary and ternary mixtures, we show that the molecular interactions from the mixing of the precursors can be investigated and discuss challenges in their interpretation. The observed average SOA particle mass yields (the organic particle mass produced for a mass of VOC consumed) in descending order were found for the following systems: alpha-pinene (32 +/- 7 %), alpha-pinene-o-cresol (28 +/- 9 %), alpha-pinene at 1/2 initial reactivity (21 +/- 5 %), alpha-pinene-isoprene (16 +/- 1 %), alpha-pinene at 1/3 initial reactivity (15 +/- 4 %), o-cresol (13 +/- 3 %), alpha-pinene-o-cresol-isoprene (11 +/- 4 %), o-cresol at 1/2 initial reactivity (11 +/- 3 %), o-cresol-isoprene (6 +/- 2 %), and isoprene (0 +/- 0 %). We find a clear suppression of the SOA mass yield from alpha-pinene when it is mixed with isoprene, whilst no suppression or enhancement of SOA particle yield from o-cresol was found when it was similarly mixed with isoprene. The alpha-pinene-o-cresol system yield appeared to be increased compared to that calculated based on the additivity, whilst in the alpha-pinene-o-cresol-isoprene system the measured and predicted yields were comparable. However, in mixtures in which more than one precursor contributes to the SOA particle mass it is unclear whether changes in the SOA formation potential are attributable to physical or chemical interactions, since the reference basis for the comparison is complex. Online and offline chemical composition as well as SOA particle volatility, water uptake, and "phase" behaviour measurements that were used to interpret the SOA formation and behaviour are introduced and detailed elsewhere.ISSN:1680-7375ISSN:1680-736

    Seasonality of Formic Acid (HCOOH) in London during the ClearfLo Campaign

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    Following measurements in the winter of 2012, formic acid (HCOOH) and nitric acid (HNO3) were measured using a chemical ionization mass spectrometer (CIMS) during the Summer Clean Air for London (ClearfLo) campaign in London, 2012. Consequently, the seasonal dependence of formic acid sources could be better understood. A mean formic acid concentration of 1.3 ppb and a maximum of 12.7 ppb was measured which is significantly greater than that measured during the winter campaign (0.63 ppb and 6.7 ppb, respectively). Daily calibrations of formic acid during the summer campaign gave sensitivities of 1.2 ion counts s-1 parts per trillion (ppt) by volume-1 and a limit of detection of 34 ppt. During the summer campaign, there was no correlation between formic acid and anthropogenic emissions such as NOx and CO or peaks associated with the rush hour as was identified in the winter. Rather, peaks in formic acid were observed that correlated with solar irradiance. Analysis using a photochemical trajectory model has been conducted to determine the source of this formic acid. The contribution of formic acid formation through ozonolysis of alkenes is important but the secondary production from biogenic VOCs could be the most dominant source of formic acid at this measurement site during the summer

    Chemical characterisation of benzene oxidation products under high- and low-NOx conditions using chemical ionisation mass spectrometry

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    Aromatic hydrocarbons are a class of volatile organic compounds associated with anthropogenic activity and make up a significant fraction of urban volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions that contribute to the formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA). Benzene is one of the most abundant species emitted from vehicles, biomass burning and industry. An iodide time-of-flight chemical ionisation mass spectrometer (ToF-CIMS) and nitrate ToF-CIMS were deployed at the Julich Plant Atmosphere Chamber as part of a series of experiments examining benzene oxidation by OH under high- and low-NOx conditions, where a range of organic oxidation products were detected. The nitrate scheme detects many oxidation products with high masses, ranging from intermediate volatile organic compounds (IVOCs) to extremely low volatile organic compounds (ELVOCs), including C-12 dimers. In comparison, very few species with C->= 6 and O-> 8 were detected with the iodide scheme, which detected many more IVOCs and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) but very few ELVOCs and low volatile organic compounds (LVOCs). A total of 132 and 195 CHOPeer reviewe
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