281 research outputs found

    Ustrój prawny samorządu rolniczego w Polsce i RFN. Studium porównawcze

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    Two models of farmers’ institutions have developed in Europe: a) the French model, resulting from the decentralization of public administration and taking the form of agricultural chambers, or corporations under public law, administratively imposing obligatory membership, and b) the Anglo-Saxon model of voluntary agricultural associations with no administrative power. The purpose of this paper is to compare the first model, using the example of the North Rhine-Westphalia Chamber of Agriculture and the Wielkopolska Chamber of Agriculture. The differences are presented in terms of their respective legal structures and the tasks each chamber performs in the state administration of FRG and Poland

    The Role Of Lnk Adaptor Protein In Hematopoietic Stem Cell Genome Stability And Self-Renewal

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    Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are rare cells that reside in bone marrow. HSCs function to give rise to all blood cells through proliferation and differentiation, but also to HSCs in a tightly regulated process known as self-renewal. It is for these abilities that stem cells stand out from progenitors and other short-lived cells and which allows them to last a lifetime. Self-renewal remains mechanistically enigmatic but central to the biology and long lifespan of HSCs. Because HSCs are so long-lived they face numerous genomic insults and therefore mechanisms of genome stability are also central to HSC function throughout life. This thesis examines the role of an adaptor protein known as LNK (SH2B3), which negatively regulates a central cytokine signaling axis in HSCs, in regulating HSC self-renewal and genome stability. HSCs in Lnk-/- mice are expanded, and endowed with enhanced proliferative and self-renewal capabilities. Given this superiority, this thesis first investigates the impact of LNK deficiency in context of a bone marrow failure syndrome, Fanconi Anemia (FA), where HSCs accumulate fatal levels of genomic insults and cannot function. Superimposed on the deletion of a central gene in FA, FANCD2, Lnk deficiency rescues HSC function through restoring genome stability at sites of stress encountered during DNA duplication. Second, using a model that is capable of tracking HSC divisions in vivo, this thesis investigates the in vivo self-renewal dynamics of Lnk deficient HSCs. On a population level, HSCs exist along a continuum of states between fully functional HSCs and progenitors, and LNK deficiency tips the balance towards HSCs. This is a cell-intrinsic process, and may be regulated by gene expression-dependent and –independent functions of LNK. Taken together, the data presented in this thesis describes a novel role for cytokine signaling in HSC genome stability, and deepens our understanding of how LNK influences self-renewal and genome stability. Hopefully, these findings can contribute to the foundation of work that may result in the development of novel therapeutic approaches to treat bone marrow failure and genome instability in HSCs

    Czy Europa potrzebuje zmiany doktryny ekonomicznej?

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    After World War II the Federal Republic of Germany was forced to decide about its economic system, choosing between liberalism and collectivism. However, neither of the two systems was suitable for German society, so German legal power sought an intermediate solution, a doctrine which would be located halfway on a scale between the two above-mentioned extremes. The resulting solution was the ordoliberal concept of the social market economy, a new economic doctrine implemented by Ludwig Erhard, Economics Minister, later elected Chancellor. The social market economy has since grown in importance, as it was adopted by The European Coal and Steel Community in 1951, and by The European Economic Community in 1957, finally becoming the leading economic doctrine in Europe

    Zastosowanie multi-level governance w samorządzie terytorialnym w Republice Federalnej Niemiec

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    Performing public tasks as part of multi-level governance, municipal governments in Germany play the most vital role in the network system. As state bodies, they initiate and change the forms of coordination of collective actions. The main issue addressed in this paper is the use of a conceptual grid applied in the deconcentrated structure of public administration in Anglo-Saxon countries for the description of multilevel governance in decentralized forms of public administration. The main aim of this paper is to present how the concept of multi-level governance has been adapted to the specific character of German municipal government and what its essence is. The following research questions are asked to achieve the main aim: What is the difference in the genesis of governance in Germany in comparison to the tradition of Anglo-Saxon countries? How are public tasks performed within the framework of multi-level governance in Germany? What are the organizational and legal forms of performing public tasks? The paper was prepared following the assumptions of the new institutionalism. In order to present ways of performing public tasks in the concept of multi-level governance the functional method was used. This enabled the selection of those tasks that can be implemented by both local government units and self-governing business institutions. Additionally, the institutional method was used to show the specificity of cooperation between municipal governments and other public and private entities. The research on multi-level governance in Germany resulted in three conclusions providing the framework for this paper. Firstly, the emergence of multi-level governance in Germany has been based on top-down activities which occur between the federal states and municipalities. The creation of network systems results from the conviction of the state authorities that the implementation of public tasks is more effective in cooperation with private organizations which are moderated by regulatory entities. Secondly, before implementing multi-level governance on the local level, regional governance has been established at the level of the Lands, allowing the concept of governance to be adjusted to the specific requirements of a federal state. Thirdly, multi-level governance has been embedded in the structure of local government through a specific type of public task (Gemeinschaftsaufgaben).Samorząd gminny w Niemczech, wykonując zadania publiczne w ramach multilevel governance, pełni najważniejszą rolę w układzie sieciowym. Jako organ państwa inicjuje i zmienia formy koordynacji działań zbiorowych. Głównym problemem, jaki legł u podstaw artykułu jest używanie siatki pojęciowej, występującej w zdekoncentrowanej strukturze administracji publicznej w krajach anglosaskich, do opisu multi-level governance w zdecentralizowanych formach administracji publicznej. Celem głównym artykułu jest zaprezentowanie w jaki sposób koncepcja multi-level governance została dostosowana do specyfiki niemieckiego samorządu gminnego oraz na czym polega jej istota. Celowi głównemu podporządkowano następujące pytania badawcze: Jaka jest różnica w genezie governance w Niemczech w porównaniu do tradycji państw anglosaskich? W jaki sposób są realizowane zadania publiczne w ramach multi-level governance w Niemczech? Jakie są formy organizacyjno-prawne wykonywania zadań publicznych? Artykuł został przygotowany według założeń nowego instytucjonalizmu. W celu zaprezentowania sposobów wykonywania zadań publicznych w koncepcji multi-level governance zastosowano metodę funkcjonalną, która umożliwiła wyłonienie tych zadań, które mogą być realizowano zarówno przez jednostki samorządu terytorialnego, jak i instytucje samorządu gospodarczego. Uzupełniając rozważania zastosowano również metodę instytucjonalną pokazującą specyfikę współpracy samorządu gminnego z innymi podmiotami publicznoprawnymi i prywatnoprawnymi. Z badań nad multi-level governance w Niemczech autorka wyciągnęła trzy wnioski, wokół których powstał artykuł. Po pierwsze, powstanie multi-level governance w Niemczech oparte jest na działaniach odgórnych i następuje od kraju związkowego do gmin (top-down). Tworzenie układu sieciowego wynika wówczas z przekonania władz państwowych o efektywniejszej realizacji zadań publicznych opartej na współpracy z podmiotami prywatnymi, których działania moderowane są przez podmioty władcze. Po drugie, wprowadzenie multi-level governance na poziomie lokalnym poprzedzone jest regional governance na szczeblu krajów związkowych stanowiącą dostosowanie koncepcji governance do specyfiki państwa federalnego. Po trzecie, multi-level governance zostało wprowadzone w strukturę samorządu gminnego za pośrednictwem specjalnego typu zadań publicznych (Gemeinschaftsaufgaben)

    Polysaccharides of Starchy and Lignocellulose Materials and their Use in Ethanol Production: Enzymes and other Factors Affecting the Production Process

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    Abstract   Background and Objective: Nowadays, production of ethanol involves many kinds of plant based materials, from conventionally used starchy materials such as rye, wheat, corn and barley to lignocellulose materials serving in second-generation bioethanol production. While raw materials containing simple sugars do not require such complex mashing processes, starchy and lignocellulose materials need significant processing. This review provides an in-depth description of the structures of starchy raw materials commonly used in production of first-generation ethanol. Furthermore, the review describes the structure of lignocellulose biomasses used for second-generation bioethanol production. Results and Conclusion: Methods commonly used in distilleries to release starch from plant raw materials belong to pressure-thermal pretreatments known as steaming or pressureless liberation of starch methods. Literature shows that amylolysis is strongly determined by the morphology of starch granules. The larger the specific surface area of granules, the greater their susceptibility to amylolysis. The key stage in preparation of starch raw materials for fermentation is starch hydrolysis, which consists of two steps of liquefaction and saccharification. Several species of bacteria (e.g. Bacillus licheniformis) and fungi (e.g. Aspergillus niger) are available that are capable of producing enzymes necessary for starch hydrolysis. Enzymes needed for starch hydrolysis are divided into 1) liquefying enzymes such as α-amylase produced by Aspergillus niger and Bacillus licheniformis or can be found in malt and 2) saccharifying enzymes such as glucoamylase, β-amylase and maltogenic α-amylase of fungal, bacterial and malt origins. Proteases and phytases are used to support mashing process hydrolases of non-starch polysaccharides (xylanase and pullulanase). Conflict of interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest

    Cel rozrywkowy bibliotek we współczesnym świecie. Na marginesie dewiz z „Katechizmu biblioteki” Paula Ladewiga

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    Purpose: The purpose of the speech is to attempt to answer the question about the future of public libraries. In recent years, we have been recording the slow process of putting more emphasis on cultural activities by this institution. It is similar to transforming books into cultural centers or community centers, which is referred to as the “third place.” Is there a good direction for development? Paul Ladewig, more than 100 years ago, stated that the “pushing goal of entertainment on the foreground is the cause of a low-level of the public library, its stagnation and lack of interest in it.” Were these prophetic words? Research method: Literature analysis was used to focus on the issue of library development. Besides, the statistical approach was applied to develop data from the Central Statistical Office and the National Library. Coverage and scope of research: The research was covered by Polish libraries of all types, with the most significant emphasis on public ones. References were also selected examples from the world because the trend is global. Results: The analysis shows that the emphasis on the development of cultural activities of libraries positively affects the reception of such institutions in society and their general statistics. However, it is hard to say the same about the strictly “librarian” indicators, which fall every year. Conclusions: These results allow us to draw a conclusion confirming the motto of Paul Ladewig. It is likely that libraries taking the "third place" function will slowly marginalize elements related to borrowing and sharing books

    Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa „Twierdze osiemnastowiecznej Europy. Spotkanie 2: Od Vaubana do Montalemberta”, Częstochowa, 22–23 IX 2017

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    Sprawozdanie z konferencji „Twierdze osiemnastowiecznej Europy. Spotkanie 2: Od Vaubana do Montalemberta”, Częstochowa, 22–23 IX 2017