172 research outputs found

    Romanesque art thesaurus

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    Trabajo de Fin de Grado de Información y Documentación, curso 2019-2020Hoy en día el acceso a la información es mucho más sencillo que hace unos años gracias a la difusión de internet y de las nuevas tecnologías. Esto, unido a la cantidad de información que se puede encontrar, hace indispensable la creación de herramientas que faciliten al usuario su búsqueda. Este trabajo presenta la elaboración de un tesauro a partir de la colección digital de la Fundación Santa María de la Real del patrimonio histórico. En él se puede encontrar todo el proceso de diseño, así como la normalización de los términos, la creación de las estructuras y su introducción en el programa de gestión de vocabularios de TemaTres. Como resultado se incluyen las presentaciones jerárquicas y alfabéticas, que se podrían incluir a la base de datos.Access to information today is much easier than it was a few years ago thanks to the spread of the Internet and new technologies. This, together with the amount of information that can be found, makes the creation of tools that facilitate the user's search indispensable. This work presents the elaboration of a thesaurus from the digital collection of the Santa María de la Real Foundation of the historical heritage. The entire design process can be found in it, as well as the standardization of terms, the creation of structures and their introduction into the TemaTres vocabulary management program. As a result, hierarchical and alphabetical presentations are included, which could be included in the database

    Changes in dip and frictional properties of the basal detachment controlling orogenic wedge propagation and frontal collapse: the External central Betics case

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    Thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belts (FTBs) have been extensively studied through both field examples and modelling. The overall dynamics of FTBs are, therefore, well understood. One less understood aspect is the combined influence of across-strike changes in the detachment properties and the basement topography on the behaviour of an orogenic wedge. In this paper, we use field data together with reflection seismic interpretation from the External Zones of the Central Betics FTB, S Spain, to identify a significant increase in the wedge basal dip (a basement "threshold") coinciding with the pinch-out of a weak substrate. This induced both changes to the wedge geometry and to the basal friction, which in turn influenced the wedge dynamics. The changing dynamics led to a transient “stagnation” of the FTB propagation, topographic build-up and subsequent collapse of the FTB front. This in turn fed an important Langhian depocenter made up of mass transport deposits. Coevally with the FTB propagation, extension took place both parallel and perpendicular to the orogenic trend. This case study illustrates how across-strike changes in wedge basal properties can control the detailed behaviour of a developing FTB front, but questions remain regarding the time-space interaction and relative importance of the basal parameters

    Strain partitioning in the eastern-end of the Torcal Shear Zone (Betics, S Spain)

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    The eastern end of the Torcal Shear Zone (TSZ) is made up of two structural domains that accommodate variable proportions of the strain partitioning associated to the TSZ dextral transpressive deformation. The Sierra de las Cabras Domain is a dextral transpressive band at an angle to the TSZ giving way southeastward to the Sierra de Camorolos Domain, whose thrusts and folds accommodate mainly coaxial strain, though some dextral component must be present. Kinematic analysis carried out on these structures permit to establish a range between N120º-160ºE for the far-field displacement vector in this sector, in contrast to the WNW-ESE orientation obtained for the central TSZ. Given that the structural organization is coeval in the whole ZCT, the difference in the far-field displacement vector orientation may point to a decreasing simple shear component toward the end of the dextral transpressive bandLa terminación oriental de la Zona de Cizalla del Torcal (ZCT) está definida por dos dominios estructurales que acomodan el reparto de la deformación transpresiva dextra de la ZCT en proporciones variables. El Dominio de la Sierra de las Cabras es una banda transpresiva dextra, oblicua a la ZCT, que se releva en su sector SE con el Dominio de Sierra de Camorolos, cuyos cabalgamientos y pliegues acomodan una deformación principalmente coaxial, aunque con cierta componente dextra. El análisis cinemático de estas estructuras permite estimar un vector de desplazamiento con una orientación comprendida entre N120º-N160ºE, frente a la orientación ONO-ESE obtenida de los macizos centrales de la ZCT. Dado que la organización estructural de los dos dominios es coetánea con la que registra el resto de la ZCT, podría concluirse que la diferencia en la orientación de los vectores de desplazamiento responde a una disminución de la componente de cizalla simple de la deformación transpresiva dextra hacia la zona de terminación de la band

    High activity of fluvial incision and slope processes in the valley of the Guadalentín River (Pozo Alcón, Jaén)

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    En la cuenca del río Guadalentín existe un notable contraste entre la parte alta, que drena los relieves calizos prebéticos de las sierras del Pozo, de la Cabrilla y Castril, y la parte baja, ubicada en la cuenca de Guadix-Baza. En este sector, el río ha excavado un valle de 200 a 300 metros de profundidad en un glacis que corresponde a la superficie de colmatación de la antigua cuenca endorreica de Guadix-Baza. La edad del valle es posterior a la reciente captura (hace unos 400 ka) de esta cuenca endorreica por la red fluvial del río Guadalquivir, lo que implica unas tasas muy elevadas de incisión fluvial (probablemente más de 0,6 mm/año). Simultáneamente, las vertientes del valle han sido afectadas por procesos de ladera extremadamente activos. El último importante ocurrió en 2014 y afectó a 4 ha de olivar en el paraje de Los Hondillos. Estos procesos han trasladado grandes masas de materiales hasta el cauce fluvial, provocando modificaciones significativas en el trazado y, sobre todo, en el perfil longitudinal del ríoIn the Guadalentín River basin, it exists aprominent contrast between the upper part, which drains the prebetic limestone reliefs of the Pozo, Cabrilla and Castril mountain ranges, and the lower part, located in the Guadix-Baza Basin. In this sector, the river has excavated a valley of 200 to 300 meters deep in a glacis that corresponds to the infilling surface of the ancient endorheic Guadix-Baza basin. The age of the valley is younger than the recent capture (about 400 ka ago) of this endorheic basin by the fluvial network of the Guadalquivir River, which implies very high fluvial incision rates (probably more than 0.6 mm/year). Simultaneously, the slopes of the valley have been affected by extremely active hillside processes. The last major one occurred in 2014 and affected 4 ha of olive groves in Los Hondillos area. These processes have moved large masses of materials to the riverbed, causing significant changes in the river path and, above all, in its longitudinal profil

    Analog Models of Fold-and-Thrust Wedges in Progressive Arcs: A Comparison With the Gibraltar Arc External Wedge

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    The timing and kinematics of the different types of structures and the associated vertical-axis rotations that permit an arcuate external wedge to acquire progressively its curved shape throughout its deformation history—known as progressive arcs—are key questions in natural cases of arcuate fold-and-thrust belts that we want to address through analog modeling. We present laboratory models of fold-and-thrust belts formed with a backstop that deforms in map view to simulate progressive arcs in a thin-skinned tectonic regime. Our setup makes use of a deformable backstop rigid enough to push from behind the initial parallelepiped but deformable in map view. This innovative design permits us to increase the amplitude of the arc indenting in the model as its radius of curvature decreases, that is, it simulates a progressive arc. Taking the Gibraltar Arc external wedge situated in the western Mediterranean to scale our models in terms of rheology, velocities, and sizes, four types of experiments were made. We varied the type of substratum (sand or silicone), the silicone thickness, and the width and length of the initial analog pack in order to test the influence of each of these parameters on the resulting fold-and-thrust belts. All experiments led to the formation of arcuate wedges where strain was partitioned into: (a) arc-perpendicular shortening, accommodated by thrusts which main structural trend is broadly subparallel to the indenter shape and with divergent transport directions, and (b) arc-parallel stretching, accommodated by normal and conjugate strike-slip faults. The normal and strike-slip faults contributed to the fold-and-thrust belt segmentation and the formation of independent blocks that rotated clockwise and counterclockwise depending on their position within the progressive arc. Our experiments allow to simulate and understand the finite deformation mode of the external wedge of the Gibraltar Arc. Accordingly, they shed light on how an arcuate fold-and-thrust belt can develop progressively in terms of structural trend and transport directions, types and distribution of the structures accommodating strain partition, and timing of vertical-axis rotations.This study was supported by projects RNM-0451, EST1/00231, CGL2017-89051-P, PGC2018-100914-B-I00, and UPO 1259543

    A "core-complex-type structure" formed by superposed ductile and brittle extension followed by folding and high-angle normal faulting. The Santi Petri dome (western Betics, Spain)

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    The Santi Petri dome (western Betics, southern Spain) shows a core-complex-like structure, where migmatitic gneisses and schists outcrop below low-grade slates and phyllites, all of which form the basement of the Neogene Málaga basin. The migmatites and schists suffered a coaxial-flattening event during isothermal decompression and were later exhumed by ductile ESE non-coaxial stretching. Further exhumation was achieved by W- to SW-transport brittle low-angle normal faulting. Subsequently these extensional structures were gently folded in the core of a NE/SW-oriented antiform during the Tortonian. Finally the Santi Petri domal geometry was accentuated by the interference of orthogonal high-angle faults with ENE–WSW and NNW–SSE orientation. This core-complex-like structure, formed by superposition of extensional and compressive tectonic events, does not represent a classical, purely extensional core complex, which shows that metamorphic structure and geometry are not decisive criteria to define a core-complex

    Patrones complejos de reparto de la deformación evaluados mediante modelos de transpresión triclínica. Análisis cinemático preliminar del macizo del Valle de Abdalajís (zona de cizalla del Torcal, zonas externas Béticas)

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    Complex strain partitioning patterns are very common in the continental crust. They are often related to the kinematics of three-dimensional deformations and hence, can be analysed using transpression models. In this work, the strain partitioning pattern of the Valle de Abdalajís massif is evaluated with a model of triclinic transpression with oblique extrusion. Structures and kinematics are compared with the output of the model.We present preliminary results suggesting that the far-field vector responsible for bulk deformation at the studied area would be oriented NO75ºE-N144ºE, which is compatible with that of the neighbouring Torcal de Antequera massif. Bulk deformation affecting the Valle de Abdalajís massif was partitioned into strike-slip simple shear at the southern boundary and a triclinic transpressional component within the massif. Differences in strain partitioning pattern between these two massifs are unlikely related to flow partitioningLos patrones complejos de reparto de la deformación son muy comunes en la corteza continental. Suelen relacionarse con la cinemática de deformaciones tridimensionales y pueden analizarse mediante modelos de transpresión. En este trabajo, se evalúa el patrón de reparto del macizo del Valle de Abdalajís con el modelo de transpresión triclínica con extrusión oblicua. Estos resultados sugieren que el vector responsable de la deformación de la zona estudiada tendría una orientación NO75ºE-N144ºE, rango que es compatible con la orientación del mismo vector para el vecino macizo del Torcal de Antequera. La deformación que afectó al macizo del Valle de Abdallajís se repartió entre una componente de cizalla simple lateral en el límite sur y una componente de transpresión triclínica en la parte interna del macizo. Es improbable que las diferencias en los patrones de reparto de ambos macizos se puedan relacionar con un reparto del fluj

    Reactivación neo-tectónica y rejuvenecimiento del relieve en el antepaís de la Béticas occidentales (cuenca del Viar)

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    En este trabajo, analizamos la actividad tectónica reciente en el entorno de la cuenca del Viar (antepaís bético) mediante herramientas estructurales y geomorfológicas. Nuestros resultados indican que la segmentación del relieve, tanto paralela como perpendicular al límite entre la cuenca de antepaís del Guadalquivir y el antepaís bético, se debe a actividad tectónica reciente, probablemente cuaternaria. El levantamiento de los relieves que bordean la cuenca del Viar parece estar controlado por la presencia de estructuras previas, reactivadas como fallas oblicuas inversas, de orientación NO-SE, en el NE, y fallas oblicuas normales, aproximadamente E-O, en el SO. Por otra parte, el escalón topográfico que asciende el antepaís bético sobre la cuenca de antepaís está relacionado con actividad reciente de fallas de componente normal dominante. Este ascenso relativo parece haber sido anterior a la subsidencia de la cuenca del Viar, ya que en su borde sur no entran los sedimentos neógenos que afloran en la cuenca del Guadalquivir a la misma cota. Las diferentes estructuras que acomodan el rejuvenecimiento del relieve sugieren la superposición de acortamiento, asociado a tectónica Alpina de intraplaca, y de extensión debida a la flexión del “forebulge"We analyze the recent tectonic activity recorded in the Viar catchment (Betics foreland), combining structural and geomorphic tools. Our results indicate that recent, probably Quaternary, tectonic activity is responsible for relief segmentation, both parallel and perpendicular to the limit between the foreland of the Betics and the Guadalquivir foreland basin. Thus, uplift of the Viar catchment boundaries seems to be controlled by the presence of previous structures, reactivated as NW-SE oblique reverse faults at its NE boundary and oblique normal faults, close to E-W orientation, at its SW boundary. Additionally, SW-NE oblique normal faults are associated with the topographic escarpment that separates the Iberian Massif and the Guadalquivir foreland basin. They must have elevated the Iberian Massif before the subsidence of the Viar catchment occurred, given that the Neogene sediments of the Guadalquivir basin do not extend within the southernmost Viar catchment although its floor is at the same altitude as the Neogene outcrops in the northermost Guadalquivir basin. The contrasting kinematics accommodating relief rejuvenation point to the superposition of shortening, probably due to Alpine intraplate deformation, and extension related to forebulge flexio