358 research outputs found

    Studies of proteinograms in dermatophytes by disc electrophoresis. 1. Protein bands in relation to growth phase

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    Homogenates were prepared from various growth phases of Microsporum gypseum grown on different amino acids as the nitrogen source. When analyzed on 7.5% polyacrylamide disc gels, the water-soluble proteins in these homogenates gave essentially identical banding patterns

    Studies on proteinograms in dermatorphytes by disc electrophoresis. Part 2: Protein bands of keratinophilic fungi

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    Disc electrophoresis studies on keratinophili fungi demonstrated corresponding proteinograms in morphologically homogeneous strains of the same species, but different in different species of one and the same genus

    A geomagnetic polarity timescale for the Permian, calibrated to stage boundaries

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    The reverse polarity Kiaman Superchron has strong evidence for at least three, or prob ably four, normal magnetochrons during the early Permian. Normal magnetochrons are during the early Asselian (base CI1r.1n at 297.94+0.33 Ma), late Artinskian (CI2n at 281.24+2.3 Ma), mid-Kungurian (CI3n at 275.86+2.0 Ma) and Roadian (CI3r.an at 269.54+1.6 Ma). The mixed-polarity Illawarra Superchron begins in the early Wordian at 266.66+0.76 Ma. The Wordian– Capitanian interval is biased to normal polarity, but the basal Wuchiapingian begins the beginning of a significant reverse polarity magnetochron LP0r, with an overlying mixed-polarity interval through the later Lopingian. No significant magnetostratigraphic data gaps exist in the Permian geomagnetic polarity record. The early Cisuralian magnetochrons are calibrated to a succession of fusulinid zones, the later Cisuralian and Guadalupian to a conodont and fusulinid biostratigraphy, and Lopingian magnetochrons to conodont zonations. Age calibration of the magnetochrons is obtained through a Bayesian approach using 35 radiometric dates, and 95% confidence intervals on the ages and chron durations are obtained. The dating control points are most numerous in the Gzhelian–Asselian, Wordian and Changhsingian intervals. This significant advance should provide a framework for better correlation and dating of the marine and non-marine Permia

    Thermal neutron induced (n,p) and (n,alpha) reactions on 37Ar

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    The 37Ar(n_th,alpha)34S and 37Ar(n_th,p)37Cl reactions were studied at the high flux reactor of the ILL in Grenoble. For the 37Ar(n_th,alpha_0) and 37Ar(n_th,p) reaction cross sections, values of (1070+/-80)b and (37+/-4)b, respectively, were obtained. Both values are about a factor 2 smaller than results of older measurements. The observed suppression of the 37(n_th,alpha_1) transition could be verified from theoretical considerations. Finally, evidence was found for the two-step 37Ar(n_th,gamma-alpha) process.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Nuclear Physics

    Gravity compensation in complex plasmas by application of a temperature gradient

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    Micron sized particles are suspended or even lifted up in a gas by thermophoresis. This allows the study of many processes occurring in strongly coupled complex plasmas at the kinetic level in a relatively stress-free environment. First results are presented. The technique is also of interest for technological applications.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, final version to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Fungi, Source of Biologically Active Substances with Important Application in Agricultural Fields

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    Eleven species (dried fruiting bodies) Fomitopsis pinicola, Cerrena unicolor, Piptoporus betulinus, Daedaleopsis tricolor, Stereum subtomentosum, Funalia trogii, Phellinus cinereus, Trametes versicolor, T. pubescens, T. gibbosa and Ganoderma applanatum were used to extract biologically active compounds (BACs) as crude fungal extracts (CFEs) in distilled water (diH2O) which was further studied to evaluate their impact on the rate of seeds germination, biosynthesis of photosynthetic pigments, biomass formation and in tomato seedlings length (Solanum lycopersicum, cv. Dubrava). The results showed that xylotrophic mushrooms are a source of potential biologically active compounds useful for agriculture. © 2022 Author(s).The work was partly supported by RFBR, Russia (Project No. 19-516-45006) and DST, India (INT/RUS/RFBR/363) and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Agreement No. 02.A03.21.0006)

    Fungi, source of biologically active substances with important application in agricultural fields

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    The work was partly support by RFBR, Russia (Project № 19-516-45006) and DST, India (INT/RUS/RFBR/363) and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (Agreement № 02.A03.21.0006)

    Impact of Fungal Biologically Active Substances on Plant Growth

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    In this study, effects of Inonotus obliquus, Fomes fomentarius, Fomitopsis pinicola and Trichaptum pergamenum extracts on plant functions have been investigated. Barley, cucumber and tomato seeds were grown in Petri dishes containing filter paper, petri dishes have been moistened with the solutions of biologically active substances from the fungal extracts from the above-mentioned fungi species; the control petri dishes were moistened with distilled water. The impact of extracts on seeds germination seedling growth, photosynthetic pigments contents, biomass formation of shoots and roots have been determined. © 2019 Author(s).The research was supported by The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Agreement no. 02.A03.21.0006

    Translational and Regulatory Challenges for Exon Skipping Therapies

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    Several translational challenges are currently impeding the therapeutic development of antisense-mediated exon skipping approaches for rare diseases. Some of these are inherent to developing therapies for rare diseases, such as small patient numbers and limited information on natural history and interpretation of appropriate clinical outcome measures. Others are inherent to the antisense oligonucleotide (AON)-mediated exon skipping approach, which employs small modified DNA or RNA molecules to manipulate the splicing process. This is a new approach and only limited information is available on long-term safety and toxicity for most AON chemistries. Furthermore, AONs often act in a mutation-specific manner, in which case multiple AONs have to be developed for a single disease. A workshop focusing on preclinical development, trial design, outcome measures, and different forms of marketing authorization was organized by the regulatory models and biochemical outcome measures working groups of Cooperation of Science and Technology Action: "Networking towards clinical application of antisense-mediated exon skipping for rare diseases." The workshop included participants from patient organizations, academia, and members of staff from the European Medicine Agency and Medicine Evaluation Board (the Netherlands). This statement article contains the key outcomes of this meeting.status: publishe