1,328 research outputs found

    Existence and uniqueness of solutions for a degenerate quasilinear parabolic problem

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    We consider the following quasilinear parabolic equation of degenerate type with convection term ut=φ(u)xx+b(u)xu_t=\varphi (u)_{xx}+b(u)_x in (L,0)×(0,T)(-L,0)\times (0,T). We solve the associate initial-boundary data problem, with nonlinear flux conditions. This problem, describes the evaporation of an incompressible fluid from a homogeneous porous media. The nonlinear condition in x=0x=0, means that the flow of fluid leaving the porous media depends on variable meteorological conditions and in a nonlinear manner on uu. In x=Lx=-L, we have an impervious boundary. For a sufficiently smooth initial data, one proves the existence and uniqueness of the global strong solution in the class of bounded variation functions

    L’Iran en mutation industrielle

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    Existence and uniqueness of periodic solutions for a nonlinear reaction-diffusion problem

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    We consider a class of degenerate reaction-diffusion equations on a bounded domain with nonlinear flux on the boundary. These problems arise in the mathematical modelling of flow through porous media. We prove, under appropriate hypothesis, the existence and uniqueness of the nonnegative weak periodic solution. To establish our result, we use the Schauder fixed point theorem and some regularizing arguments

    Challenging the Assumptions of Unconstrained Electronic Trade across the Internet Space

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    We examine the prevailing factors influencing the uptake, scope and modality of internet-worked trade amongst Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and the extent to which this effectively re-defines our notions of what constitutes viable and attractive local, regional or global trading zones as viewed by SMEs for the purpose of Electronic Commerce (EC). It is noted that such de-facto re-definitions, for some potential internet transactors, may arise through their preference to operate within the virtual sub-space confined to those zones or modes of electronic trade which are perceived by them as relatively more familiar and secure. The factors responsible for the paradox between this and the modern market metaphors of global village and virtual borderless world are examined in the context of evolving notions of virtual network enterprises or Net-conurbations with the development of intranets and extranets

    Stable Irregular Dynamics in Complex Neural Networks

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    For infinitely large sparse networks of spiking neurons mean field theory shows that a balanced state of highly irregular activity arises under various conditions. Here we analytically investigate the microscopic irregular dynamics in finite networks of arbitrary connectivity, keeping track of all individual spike times. For delayed, purely inhibitory interactions we demonstrate that the irregular dynamics is not chaotic but rather stable and convergent towards periodic orbits. Moreover, every generic periodic orbit of these dynamical systems is stable. These results highlight that chaotic and stable dynamics are equally capable of generating irregular activity.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Fundamentos del método científico = (Fundamentals of the scientific methodology)

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    El objetivo de esta obra no radica en realizar una búsqueda exhaustiva de la literatura en el tema, sino, sentar las bases del método científico, notando los aspectos filosóficos e éticos de la ciencia. Se presentan los conceptos y definiciones fundamentales relacionados con la metodología de la investigación científica. Se maneja el concepto de la toma de los datos válidos como un requisito básico en cualquier trabajo científico. Se pone a disposición del lector un modelo denominado el ECOEE que es una herramienta poderosa para establecer puntos de comparación e discusión entre los resultados de diferentes trabajos científicos. Finalmente, ofrece unas sugerencias de que hacer o no hacer en cuanto a realizar un trabajo de investigación. The aim of this paper is not to conduct a thorough literature search on the subject material, but to stress the fundamentals of the scientific methodology along with the philosophical and ethical issues thereof. The basic concepts and definitions in relation to research methodology are presented. The concept of data collection as a basic requisite in any scientific work is discussed. The ECOEE model as a strong tool in establishing different points of view and comparison among the results of different scientific works are laid out. Finally, some tips and suggestions are given as what to do or to avoid in conducting scientific research