124 research outputs found

    A neural network-based method for spruce tonewood characterization

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    The acoustical properties of wood are primarily a function of its elastic properties. Numerical and analytical methods for wood material characterization are available, although they are either computationally demanding or not always valid. Therefore, an affordable and practical method with sufficient accuracy is missing. In this article, we present a neural network-based method to estimate the elastic properties of spruce thin plates. The method works by encoding information of both the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes of the system and using a neural network to find the best possible material parameters that reproduce the frequency response function. Our results show that data-driven techniques can speed up classic finite element model updating by several orders of magnitude and work as a proof of concept for a general neural network-based tool for the workshop. © 2023 Acoustical Society of America

    Progress in HPV vaccination in low- and lower-middle-income countries.

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    The past 10 years have seen remarkable progress in the global scale-up of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccinations. Forty-three low- and lower-middle-income countries (LLMICs) have gained experience in delivering this vaccine to young adolescent girls through pilot programs, demonstration programs, and national introductions and most of these have occurred in the last 4 years. The experience of Senegal is summarized as an illustrative country case study. Publication of numerous delivery experiences and lessons learned has demonstrated the acceptability and feasibility of HPV vaccinations in LLMICs. Four areas require dedicated action to overcome remaining challenges to national scaling-up: maintaining momentum politically, planning successfully, securing financing, and fostering sustainability. Advances in policy, programming, and science may help accelerate reaching 30 million girls in LLMICs with HPV vaccine by 2020

    Acute febrile illness and influenza disease burden in a rural cohort dedicated to malaria in Senegal, 2012-2013

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    Background African populations are considered to be particularly vulnerable to fever illnesses, including malaria, and acute respiratory disease, owing to limited resources and overcrowding. However, the overall burden of influenza in this context is poorly defined and incidence data for African countries are scarce. We therefore studied the fever syndrome incidence and more specifically influenza incidence in a cohort of inhabitants of Dielmo and Ndiop in Sokone district, Senegal. Methods Daily febrile-illness data were prospectively obtained from January 2012 to December 2013 from the cohort of the villages of Dielmo and Ndiop, initially dedicated to the study of malaria. Nasopharyngeal swabs were collected from, and malaria diagnosis tests (thick blood smears) carried out on, every febrile individual during clinical visits; reverse transcriptase- polymerase chain reaction was used to identify influenza viruses in the samples. Binomial negative regression analysis was used to study the relationship between the monthly incidence rate and various covariates. Results In Dielmo and Ndiop, the incidence ofmalaria has decreased, but fever syndromes remain frequent. Among the 1036 inhabitants included in the cohort, a total of 1,129 episodes of fever were reported. Influenza was present all year round with peaks in October-December 2012 and August 2013. The fever, ILI and influenza incidence density rates differed significantly between age groups. At both sites, the adjusted incidence relative risks for fever syndromes and ILI were significantly higher in the [6-24 months) than other age groups: 7.3 (95% CI: [5.7-9.3]) and 16.1 (95% CI: [11.1-23.3]) respectively. The adjusted incidence relative risk for influenza was significantly higher for the [0-6 months) than other age groups: 9.9 (95% CI: [2.9-33.6]). At both sites, incidence density rates were lowest among adults > = 50 years. Conclusions In this rural setting in Senegal, influenza was most frequent among the youngest children. Preventive strategies targeting this population should be implemented

    Les traumatismes vertebro-medullaires par chute de la hauteur d’un arbre a propos de 73 cas au Mali.

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    Introduction Les chutes du haut d’un arbre sont des accidents graves et frĂ©quents au MALI.Objectif Analysez les facteurs Ă©pidĂ©miologiques, Ă©tiologiques et circonstanciels des chutes de la hauteur des arbres MatĂ©riels et mĂ©thodes Il s’agit d’une Ă©tude prospective continue d’octobre 2007 Ă  septembre 2009 Ă  l’hĂŽpital Gabriel TourĂ© de Bamako (Mali). Elle a concernĂ© tous les cas de chute du haut d’un arbre pendant cette pĂ©riode.RĂ©sultats Au cours de cette Ă©tude, nous avons recensĂ© 73 patients dont les Ăąges Ă©taient compris entre 5 et 65 ans. Les couches socioprofessionnelles les plus atteintes ont Ă©tĂ© les cultivateurs et les bergers aux conditions socioĂ©conomiques dĂ©favorables. Pendant les mois de dĂ©cembre Ă  mai 79,45% (58 patients) des patients ont Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ©s. Cette pĂ©riode correspondait Ă  la traite des fruits et Ă  la saison sĂšche avec le manque de pĂąturages pour les animaux. L’intervention chirurgicale a concernĂ© 32 patients. La mortalitĂ© a Ă©tĂ© de 12,32% (9 patients) tous traumatisĂ©s cervicaux.Conclusions Les accidents par chutes d’arbres sont en rapport avec les conditions socio-Ă©conomiques et climatiques au Mali.Mots clĂ©s : Arbre, Accident, Chute, Mali, Rachis, Traumatism

    Caractérisation des risques de contamination des agrosystÚmes périurbains de Dakar par les éléments traces métalliques

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    L’application de produits rĂ©siduaires organiques (PRO) amĂ©liore la fertilitĂ© des sols, mais induit des effets nĂ©gatifs sur les agrosystĂšmes, en raison de la prĂ©sence de contaminants tels que les Ă©lĂ©ments traces mĂ©talliques (ETM). Cette Ă©tude vise Ă  Ă©valuer l’influence de deux doses (20 et 60 T.ha-1) d’apport de boue de station d’épuration STEP et de fiente de volaille sur la disponibilitĂ© de quatre ETM (Ni, Cd, Cr et Pb) dans un arenosol et un fluvisol. Une incubation de 88 jours en conditions contrĂŽlĂ©es a Ă©tĂ© conduite sur les deux sols mĂ©langĂ©s aux diffĂ©rentes doses de boue et de fiente. La disponibilitĂ© des ETM dans les sols incubĂ©s a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ©e par la technique DGT (Diffusive Gradient in Thin films). Les boues ont abaissĂ© le pH des deux sols tandis que les fientes ont alcalinisĂ© l’arenosol durant les 14 premiers jours d’incubation. Ces PRO ont augmentĂ© les concentrations de Ni, Cd, Pb et Cr disponibles dans les sols. Les  disponibilitĂ©s du Ni, Cd et Pb sont plus Ă©levĂ©es dans l’arenosol que dans le fluvisol. La boue Ă  60 T.ha-1 a induit les plus fortes disponibilitĂ©s en Cd et Pb tandis que la fiente Ă  60 T.ha-1 a induit les plus fortes disponibilitĂ©s en Ni et Cr dans les deux sols.Mots clĂ©s : ElĂ©ments traces mĂ©talliques, arenosol, fluvisol, boue d’épuration, fiente.  CHARACTERIZATION OF CONTAMINATION RISKS OF THE  SUBURBANAGROECOSYSTEMS OF DAKAR BY TRACE ELEMENTSOrganic wastes (OW) spreading improve soil fertility, but can induce negative effects on agroecosystems, due to the presence of contaminants such as trace elements (TE). This study aims to evaluate the impacts of two doses (20 and 60 T.ha-1) of sewage sludge and poultry manure on the availability of four trace elements (Ni, Cd, Cr and Pb) in arenosol and  fluvisol. Soils mixed with different doses of sewage sludge and poultry manure were incubated for 88 days under controlled conditions. The  availability of trace elements in incubated soils was evaluated by the DGT (Diffusive Gradient in Thin films) technique. Sewage sludge has decreased the pH of both soils while poultry manure induced an alkalinization of arenosol during the first 14 days of incubation. OW increased Ni, Cd, Pb and Cr availability in the soils. Availability of Ni, Cd and Pb were higher in arenosol than in the fluvisol. Sewage sludge at 60 T.ha-1 induced the highest availability of Cd and Pb while the poultry manure at 60 T.ha-1 induced the highest availability of Ni and Cr in both soils.Keywords : Trace elements, arenosol, fluvisol, sewage sludge, poultry manure

    Inhibitory humoral responses to the Plasmodium falciparum vaccine candidate EBA-175 are independent of the erythrocyte invasion pathway

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    Plasmodium falciparum utilizes multiple ligand-receptor interactions for invasion. The invasion ligand EBA-175 is being developed as a major blood-stage vaccine candidate. EBA-175 mediates parasite invasion of host erythrocytes in a sialic acid-dependent manner through its binding to the erythrocyte receptor glycophorin A. In this study, we addressed the ability of naturally acquired human antibodies against the EBA-175 RII erythrocyte-binding domain to inhibit parasite invasion of ex vivo isolates, in relationship to the sialic acid dependence of these parasites. We have determined the presence of antibodies to the EBA-175 RII domain by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in individuals from areas of Senegal where malaria is endemic with high and low transmission. Using affinity-purified human antibodies to the EBA-175 RII domain from pooled patient plasma, we have measured the invasion pathway as well as the invasion inhibition of clinical isolates from Senegalese patients in ex vivo assays. Our results suggest that naturally acquired anti-EBA-175 RII antibodies significantly inhibit invasion of Senegalese parasites and that these responses can be significantly enhanced through limiting other ligand-receptor interactions. However, the extent of this functional inhibition by EBA-175 antibodies is not associated with the sialic acid dependence of the parasite strain, suggesting that erythrocyte invasion pathway usage by parasite strains is not driven by antibodies targeting the EBA-175/glycophorin A interaction. This work has implications for vaccine design based on the RII domain of EBA-175 in the context of alternative invasion pathways

    Village Baseline Study: Site Analysis Report for Kaffrine – Kaffrine, Senegal

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    The village baseline study of Toune MosquĂ©e village in the CCAFS benchmark site Kaffrine in Senegal took place from June 2 to 4, 2011. Natural resources in the village are in a progressive state of degradation. The ‘protected’ forest has almost disappeared, the soils have low fertility and are degraded, and crop production is not sufficient to meet the food needs of a family throughout the year. Families must buy food to fill the gap in production. For that they harvest and sell forest products, which creates a vicious cycle of resource degradation. The male and female groups identified 35 organisations operating in the village including informal groups, state services, associations, NGOs and Muslim brotherhoods. While 18 of those work on food security issues, only 4 are involved in the management and protection of natural resources. Very few agricultural extension and training opportunities target women despite the women’s significant role in agriculture and livestock production. Women obtain information on livestock feeding techniques from people and organisations such as the horticultural project, women’s associations, and water and forest services. Men get information on soil inputs and soil fertility management from other farmers, organisations, radio and television, and from community leaders, notably the office of the village chief and the mosque on Fridays. The radio is the form of media most commonly used by the women but few women own a radio

    Coastal Observations of Weather Features in Senegal during the AMMA SOP-3 Period

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    During 15 August through 30 September 2006, ground and aircraft measurements were obtained from a multi-national group of students and scientists in Senegal. Key measurements were aimed at investigating and understanding precipitation processes, thermodynamic and dynamic environmental conditions, cloud, aerosol and microphysical processes and spaceborne sensors (TRMM, CloudSat/Calipso) validation. Ground and aircraft instruments include: ground based polarimetric radar, disdrometer measurements, a course and a high-density rain gauge network, surface chemical measurements, a 10 m flux tower, broadband IR, solar and microwave measurements, rawinsonde and radiosonde measurements, FA-20 dropsonde, in situ microphysics and cloud radar measurements. Highlights during SOP3 include ground and aircraft measurements of squall lines, African Easterly Waves (AEWs), Saharan Air Layer advances into Senegal, and aircraft measurements of AEWs -- including the perturbation that became Hurricane Isaac

    Genetic diversity and structure of Iberian Peninsula cowpeas compared to world-wide cowpea accessions using high density SNP markers

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    Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) is an important legume crop due to its high protein content, adaptation to heat and drought and capacity to fix nitrogen. Europe has a deficit of cowpea production. Knowledge of genetic diversity among cowpea landraces is important for the preservation of local varieties and is the basis to obtain improved varieties. The aims of this study were to explore diversity and the genetic structure of a set of Iberian Peninsula cowpea accessions in comparison to a worldwide collection and to infer possible dispersion routes of cultivated cowpea.This study was supported by EUROLEGUME project. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 613781. European Investment Funds by FEDER/COMPETE/ POCI – Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Programme, under Project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006958 and National Funds by FCT – Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under the project UID/AGR/04033/2013. MMA was partially supported by the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Climate Resilient Cowpea (USAID Cooperative Agreement AID-OAA-A-13-00070), which is directed by TJC. The funding entities had no role in the design of the study, collection, analysis and interpretation of data, or in writing the manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
