51 research outputs found

    Assessment of public water distribution using geographic information system in Yola, Nigeria

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    Public water supply is capital intensive and requires a significant investment, effective management and public participation. The task is most challenging in developing countries with lower income, where less attention is given to provision of infrastructure and inefficient management of the system is ever present. However, the issue of inadequacy of water supply and ineffective distribution system in most of the cities in developing countries has been compounded by rapid increase in population. This research focuses on assessment of public water distribution in Yola, Nigeria using geographic information system (GIS). It is aimed at analyzing water distribution system in Yola with a view to optimize the distribution. The study considers elevation, population density and availability of space as well as centrality within the densely populated areas as criteria for the analysis. Five different datasets were used for the study; street data, existing pipeline network, parcels (open spaces), elevation and population data. Yola geodatabase is the source of spatial data generated using ArcGIS 10.2.1. The existing water distribution network was digitized on the street map to define the areas covered by the network; digital elevation model (DEM) was also generated using ArcGIS 10.2.1 to visualize the topography of the study area. A suitability model with elevations, available spaces and population density as inputs, was developed to determine suitable locations for reservoirs in order to ensure smooth flow from the reservoirs to consumers under gravity. Shortfall in water supply for Yola was also determined by computing water supply deficiency for each administrative ward within the study area. Findings from the study provided three alternatives and the first alternative with three reservoirs is considered the most suitable. Reservoir locations in the first alternative were determined based on the top most level of the set criteria, to ensure total coverage of the study area. This study concluded that suitability analysis using spatial analyst extension provides suitable location for reservoirs to ensure optimal water distribution system

    Impacts of climate change, policies and adaptation technologies on rice productivity across agro ecological zones in Nigeria

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    African countries have the lowest food productivity compared to other regions of the world. Particularly important is Nigeria’s rice sector, which although currently the largest producer in Africa yet it is still a major world importer. This is largely attributed to the low productivity of rice which varies across six Agro Ecological Zones (AEZs) that marks the boundaries in terms of climate, soil and vegetation types. In the phase of high food insecurity and environmental concerns, improving productivity is considered a more sustainable approach. This study assessed multiple dimensions of climate factors (carbon dioxide, rainfall, temperature and flood); adaptation of technologies (irrigation and dummy of National Adaptation Strategies and Plan of Action on Climate Change in Nigeria (DumNASPA)) and policies (trade policy, corruption and government stability) as rice productivity determinants across AEZs. Data collection covers six AEZs from 1980 to 2018. After a series of diagnostic test, the unit root test, the cross-sectional dependence test and the Hausman test, the panel Autoregressive Distributive Lag (ARDL) model particularly the pooled mean group (PMG) model was used to examine the long-run and short-run impact of factors in the model. The long-run result revealed that, three climate factors (carbon dioxide, temperature, and rainfall) and irrigation capacity have a positive and significant impact on rice productivity. Trade policies and corruption were also positive and significant. In the short run, the impact of the factors varies across AEZs in Nigeria. While, based on the long-run PMG result, the positive effect of climate change factors, irrigation capacity, and import tariffs supports the increase in rice productivity. Interacting corrupt practices with fertilizer usage indicated a positive effect on rice productivity. This practice will actually increase production costs and in turn reduce the profits of paddy farmers. Therefore, policy making should consider the significant factors in each AEZ

    Compatibility of Sorghum almum (Columbus grass) with three forage legumes

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    The study evaluated compatibility of Sorghum almum (Columbus grass) forage with 3 forage legumes namely Lablab purpureus (lablab) Stylosanthes hamata (verano) and Macroptilium bracteatum (burgundy bean) in a randomized complete block design. The treatments consisted of monocultures of Sorghum almum, lablab, verano, burgundy and their mixtures in the following grass-legume proportions 4:0, 3:1. 2:2, 1:3 4:0 replicated in four blocks in accordance with de Wit’s (1960) replacement principle. The results revealed that dry matter yield values of grass monoculture were significantly greater (P<0, 05) than those of monocultures of legumes and mixtures except for monoculture of lablab found to be statistically at par with its corresponding grass monoculture. Grass-legume mixtures (2:2) tended to record higher total dry matter yield values compared to other mixtures (1:3 and 3:1) among mixtures. Relative yield total values of all mixtures were less than one except for grass-burgundy (2:2) (3.31). The legumes in mixtures were found to be more competitive than the grass given their higher relative crowding coefficient values (k). It was concluded that intercropping of grass-lablab and grass-stylo (verano) had no yield advantage compared to the corresponding grass monoculture. Also, 2:2 sowing proportion appeared to be the best given the relatively higher dry matter yield values and relative yield among mixture

    A Study on Numerical Solution of Fractional Order microRNA in Lung Cancer

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    The foremost cause of death resulting from cancer is lung cancer. From the statistics, 2.09 million new cases and 1.7 million deaths from lung cancer were estimated. In this chapter, the analytical solution of the concerned model was studied with help of the Laplace-Adomian Decomposition Method. To obtain the model’s numerical scheme of fractional differential equations, the Caputo fractional derivative operator of order α∈01 is used. To find an approximate solution to a system of nonlinear fractional differential equations, the Laplace-Adomian Decomposition Method is used. Numerical simulations are presented to show the method’s reliability and simplicity

    The Occurrence and Antibiotics Sensitivity Profile of Salmonella and Escherichia coli in Commercial Poultry Feeds in Minna, Niger State

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    The study was conducted to determine the presence of Escherichia coli and Salmonella pathogens from different brand of commercially available poultry feeds in Minna metropolis. A total of 60 samples from three poultry feeds namely; Starter, finisher and layers were  aseptically collected and analyzed using standard microbiological techniques. All samples analyzed were cultured on Nutrient agar media by spread plate’s technique and subsequently on selective media for total bacterial count. Total viable count (TVC) of Salmonella and E. coli recorded in the feeds were as follows: starter 3.47cfu/g, finisher 4.84 cfu/g and layers 9.02 cfu/g. There was a significant (p<0.05) trend in the overall percentage distribution of Salmonella and E. coli contamination across the feed’s category, with the higher distribution  recorded in layers 100% and finisher while, starter had (66.6%) distribution. The overall result of antibiotics susceptibility tests of  Salmonella and E. coli revealed the sensitivity of (53.8%), and resistant of (46.1%) in E. coli while, Salmonella had (38.4 %) sensitivity and (61.5%) resistant to all antibiotics tested. Thus, all the poultry feeds were found to be contaminated with bacteria which may pose a public health risk to human. Therefore, the occurrence of Salmonella and E. coli in poultry feeds reinforces the need for effective control  measures, hygiene in processing and handling of feeds

    Influence of Academic Qualification on Librarians\u27 Proficiency of New Media Technologies in Selected University Libraries in North-Eastern Nigeria.

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    The study investigated the influence of academic qualification on librarians\u27 proficiency of new media technologies in selected university libraries in North-Eastern Nigeria. The study was guided by two research questions and a null-hypothesis. Descriptive survey research design was adopted. The population of the study was 144 librarians from seven selected University libraries in North-Eastern Nigeria. Total enumeration was used in the study. Questionnaire was used as research instrument. Descriptive statistics of frequency counts, percentage, mean and standard deviation as well as inferential statistics of Pearson Chi-square (X2) were used in analysing the data. SPSS version 23.0 software was used for the analysis. Findings from the study revealed that librarians were moderately proficient of new media technologies; their academic qualifications had influenced the proficiency of new media technologies; hypothesis tested showed that academic qualification had significant influence on librarians\u27 proficiency of new media technologies. Recommendations were made based on the findings

    Evaluation of the Sensitivity and Specificity of three Rapid Test Kits Used in the Detection of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (Hiv) in Public Hospital Niger State, Nigeria

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    Purpose: The assessment of HIV rapid test kits commonly used was evaluated for optimum performance on the suspected patient. This study aims to determine the sensitivity and specificity of rapid test kits used in public hospitals in Minna, Niger State. Methods: A total of 300 gold positive and gold negative samples were analyzed. Three rapid test kits (Determine, Stat-Pak, and Uni-Gold) were tested against gold standard serum using the method provided by the manufacturers of these kits. Results: Determine kit gave result sensitivity of (100%), specificity (96.5%), while Stat-Pak sensitivity was (99%), specificity (98%) and Uni-Gold sensitivity (100%), specificity (99%). In all Uni-Gold has the highest performance followed by Stat-Pak and lastly, Determine, but the differences were not statistically significant (p>0.05). Conclusion: This evaluation provides evidence for reliable rapid test kits for HIV testing in Nigeria. However, the claim by the manufacturers that their kit was 100% sensitive and 100% specific remains doubtful which may be a market strategy. Therefore, it is pertinent on a routine basis to evaluate the rapid test kits in circulation to re-validate their performance before usage for accurate HIV testing

    Islamic perspectives of reproductive and maternal health: what role can Nigerian Muslim religious leaders play in the prevention of maternal mortality? –With Particular Reference to Zamfara State NorthWest Nigeria

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    Reproductive and Maternal health are an important components of public health and medicine which are concerned with the complete state of physical, mental and social wellbeing in all matters regarding reproductive system and health of mother especially during pregnancy.It implies ensuring that all women receive the care they need to be safe and healthy throughout pregnancy, childbirth and beyond. However, according to World Health Organization, millions of women all over the world do not have access to good quality health services during pregnancy and childbirth resulting in mortalities. Islam is a complete way of life. The Qur’an and Hadith consider pregnancy and child bearing as signs among other signs of the divine existence of Allah.The importance of maternal and reproductive is thus not unexplained in the Islamic perspectives. The study look at what role Muslim religious leaders can play in the prevention of maternal deaths and morbidities in developing countries. A qualitative study was conducted through in-depth interviews and focus groups discussion with a purposive sample of some Muslim religious leaders from Gusau local government area of Zamfara state northwest Nigeria in order to elicit information about the Islamic perspectives of reproductive and maternal health and the roles they can play in the prevention of maternal deaths among the Muslim communities. Muslim Religious leaders have a crucial role and contribution for the attainment and maintenance of good heath of women and children among Muslim communities through public enlightenment in the context of ‘ilm’, providing guidance through ‘Fatwah’ and community mobilization in the spirit brotherhood ‘ukhuwah’.Islam does not accept the “preventable death of a woman” due to childbirth or pregnancy. Thus, Islam encourages attendance of antenatal care visits and health care seeking

    Mechano and Solvent-Based Syntheses, Characterization and Antimicrobial Activity of Cefexime and Cefuroxime with their Pb(II) Complexes

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    Pb(II) Complexes of cefixime and cefuroxime were synthesized using mechanochemical and solution-based techniques, and characterized by solubility, melting point, conductivity, infrared and UV/Visible spectroscopy alongside metal analysis. The complexes were obtained as either white or milky colored solids of high decomposition temperatures (250 – 322 °C) suggestive of their thermal stability. The ratio of metal to ligand in the complexes was determined as 1:1. The complexes were air stable and generally soluble in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) but insoluble in n-hexane which indicates that the complexes were probably polar. Results from conductivity measurement for both methods gave low values (10.4 – 16. 2 Scm2 mol-1)which indicate that the complexes are non-electrolytes. It has been observed from the results of infrared study that coordination of the Pb(II) ion to the ligands occurred through oxygen atom of ν(C═O). The antibiotic drugs and their Pb(II) complexes have been screened for in vitro antibacterial and antifungal activities by using disc diffusion method. The results revealed that the complexes showed considerable antibacterial activities against the micro-organisms tested

    Formulation of Paints Using Azo Pyridone Pigments and Alkyd (Soya Beans Oil), Characterisation and Their Application on Leather

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    The use of locally available raw materials in theformulation of paint is of paramount importance as it providesjob opportunity for poor local people, produce ecofriendly andbiodegradable products as well as substantiates the aspect ofmodern biotechnology in developing countries. In thisresearch,Paints were formulated using azopyridone complexesand soya alkyd derived fromesterification of soya oil with maleicanhydride and glycerol. The formulations were applied onleather using hand brush, and the samples produced weresubsequently, subjected to physical characterisation such asdensity, viscosity, solubility, surface drying times, pH and lightfastness and also compared with the commercial paint. The pHand the fastness property of the coatings were found to be 8 and6-7, respectively, which is very good