9 research outputs found

    IS "Latvian Shipping Company" Marketing Policy Elaboration

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    Tāpat kā pasaules finanšu krīzi arī ekonomisko krīzi kuģniecības nozarē vēstīja daudzi analītiķi, bet šodien neviens nevar dot precīzas prognozes par iespējamo krīzes perioda beigām. Uzņēmumiem nepieciešams pieņemt jauno realitāti, jānosaka galvenie riski un jāiemācās ne tikai izdzīvot, bet arī paaugstināt savu konkurētspēju krīzes apstākļos. Dotā bakalaura darba mērķis ir izpētīt mārketinga stratēģijas teorētiskos aspektus un pielietojamības iespēju AS „Latvijas kuģniecības” antikrīžu darbības ietvaros. AS "Latvijas kuģniecība" ir viens no lielākajiem Latvijas uzņēmumiem, kas daudzus gadus efektīvi strādā ārējā tirgū, tāpēc šī uzņēmuma pieredzes novērtējums ir īpaši derīgs gan pārējiem Latvijas uzņēmumiem, gan mārketinga darbības organizācijai iekšējā tirgū, gan darbā starptautiskajā līmenī.Equally with a world financial crisis, the economic crisis of maritime industry had portended by many analysts. But today no one can give the exact forecast about completion of the crisis period. Enterprises must accept new reality, define basic risks and learn not survive, but promote the competition advantages in the crisis conditions. Aim of this bachelor work - to investigate theoretical aspects and possibilities for application of marketing strategy within the anti-crisis activity of JSC "Latvian Shipping Company" (LSC). LSC is one of the largest national companies many years effectively has been working at the foreign market, therefore the evaluation of its experience, can be especially useful for Latvian enterprises in the organisation of their marketing activity as at the local market, as well in work on the international level

    IS "Latvian Shipping Company" Marketing Policy Elaboration

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    Tāpat kā pasaules finanšu krīzi arī ekonomisko krīzi kuģniecības nozarē vēstīja daudzi analītiķi, bet šodien neviens nevar dot precīzas prognozes par iespējamo krīzes perioda beigām. Uzņēmumiem nepieciešams pieņemt jauno realitāti, jānosaka galvenie riski un jāiemācās ne tikai izdzīvot, bet arī paaugstināt savu konkurētspēju krīzes apstākļos. Dotā bakalaura darba mērķis ir izpētīt mārketinga stratēģijas teorētiskos aspektus un pielietojamības iespēju AS „Latvijas kuģniecības” antikrīžu darbības ietvaros. AS "Latvijas kuģniecība" ir viens no lielākajiem Latvijas uzņēmumiem, kas daudzus gadus efektīvi strādā ārējā tirgū, tāpēc šī uzņēmuma pieredzes novērtējums ir īpaši derīgs gan pārējiem Latvijas uzņēmumiem, gan mārketinga darbības organizācijai iekšējā tirgū, gan darbā starptautiskajā līmenī.Equally with a world financial crisis, the economic crisis of maritime industry had portended by many analysts. But today no one can give the exact forecast about completion of the crisis period. Enterprises must accept new reality, define basic risks and learn not survive, but promote the competition advantages in the crisis conditions. Aim of this bachelor work - to investigate theoretical aspects and possibilities for application of marketing strategy within the anti-crisis activity of JSC "Latvian Shipping Company" (LSC). LSC is one of the largest national companies many years effectively has been working at the foreign market, therefore the evaluation of its experience, can be especially useful for Latvian enterprises in the organisation of their marketing activity as at the local market, as well in work on the international level

    "Проблематика научного текста неисчерпаема…" (К 80-летию профессора Марии Павловны Котюровой)

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    The article covers the broad problems of the scientific works of Maria P. Kotyurova – professor of Perm State University, the leader of Perm Scientific School of Functional stylistics. The bibliography of Maria P. Kotyurova includes 7 monographs, 15 textbooks, more than 300 articles, in which the main questions of stylistics of scientific speech, semantic structure of scientific text, legal linguistics and many others are put forward and solved. Special attention in the article is given to the analysis of the key notions of Prof. Kotyurova’s stylistic theory, which are now generally recognised and fundamentally important in functional stylistics. Among these notions are scientific text extra-linguistic factors, epistemic situation, reference scientific text, scientific speech culture, principles of scientific text editing, scientist speech individual style, etc. As the most important achievements of Prof. Kotyurova the author of the article considers: the model of scientific text semantic structure developed by Prof. Kotyurova (the model includes three components of scientific knowledge – ontological, methodological and axiological); description of the basic scientific text categories – coherence, integrity, wholeness, accuracy, density, etc.; justification of a multidisciplinary (complex) approach to scientific text study; and studying of stereotypes and creativity in scientist communicative activity. It is noted that M. Kotyurova is distinguished by the ability to see the non-obvious but fundamentally important properties in a scientific text. The dynamics of the research interest of Prof. Kotyrova, from classical functional stylistics to anthropocentric and discursive linguistics, are analyzed. The author of the article underlines that, while retaining a commitment to the ideas of her teacher – Prof. Margarita N. Kozhina, Maria P. Kotyrova at the same time is an innovator in the development of modern functional stylistics and the application of new approaches to research text. The fruitfulness of Prof. Maria P. Kotyurova ideas was confirmed by numerous works of her followers both in Russia and abroad.The article covers the broad problems of the scientific works of Maria P. Kotyurova – professor of Perm State University, the leader of Perm Scientific School of Functional stylistics. The bibliography of Maria P. Kotyurova includes 7 monographs, 15 textbooks, more than 300 articles, in which the main questions of stylistics of scientific speech, semantic structure of scientific text, legal linguistics and many others are put forward and solved. Special attention in the article is given to the analysis of the key notions of Prof. Kotyurova’s stylistic theory, which are now generally recognised and fundamentally important in functional stylistics. Among these notions are scientific text extra-linguistic factors, epistemic situation, reference scientific text, scientific speech culture, principles of scientific text editing, scientist speech individual style, etc. As the most important achievements of Prof. Kotyurova the author of the article considers: the model of scientific text semantic structure developed by Prof. Kotyurova (the model includes three components of scientific knowledge – ontological, methodological and axiological); description of the basic scientific text categories – coherence, integrity, wholeness, accuracy, density, etc.; justification of a multidisciplinary (complex) approach to scientific text study; and studying of stereotypes and creativity in scientist communicative activity. It is noted that M. Kotyurova is distinguished by the ability to see the non-obvious but fundamentally important properties in a scientific text. The dynamics of the research interest of Prof. Kotyrova, from classical functional stylistics to anthropocentric and discursive linguistics, are analyzed. The author of the article underlines that, while retaining a commitment to the ideas of her teacher – Prof. Margarita N. Kozhina, Maria P. Kotyrova at the same time is an innovator in the development of modern functional stylistics and the application of new approaches to research text. The fruitfulness of Prof. Maria P. Kotyurova ideas was confirmed by numerous works of her followers both in Russia and abroad

    "Проблематика научного текста неисчерпаема…" (К 80-летию профессора Марии Павловны Котюровой)

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    The article covers the broad problems of the scientific works of Maria P. Kotyurova – professor of Perm State University, the leader of Perm Scientific School of Functional stylistics. The bibliography of Maria P. Kotyurova includes 7 monographs, 15 textbooks, more than 300 articles, in which the main questions of stylistics of scientific speech, semantic structure of scientific text, legal linguistics and many others are put forward and solved. Special attention in the article is given to the analysis of the key notions of Prof. Kotyurova’s stylistic theory, which are now generally recognised and fundamentally important in functional stylistics. Among these notions are scientific text extra-linguistic factors, epistemic situation, reference scientific text, scientific speech culture, principles of scientific text editing, scientist speech individual style, etc. As the most important achievements of Prof. Kotyurova the author of the article considers: the model of scientific text semantic structure developed by Prof. Kotyurova (the model includes three components of scientific knowledge – ontological, methodological and axiological); description of the basic scientific text categories – coherence, integrity, wholeness, accuracy, density, etc.; justification of a multidisciplinary (complex) approach to scientific text study; and studying of stereotypes and creativity in scientist communicative activity. It is noted that M. Kotyurova is distinguished by the ability to see the non-obvious but fundamentally important properties in a scientific text. The dynamics of the research interest of Prof. Kotyrova, from classical functional stylistics to anthropocentric and discursive linguistics, are analyzed. The author of the article underlines that, while retaining a commitment to the ideas of her teacher – Prof. Margarita N. Kozhina, Maria P. Kotyrova at the same time is an innovator in the development of modern functional stylistics and the application of new approaches to research text. The fruitfulness of Prof. Maria P. Kotyurova ideas was confirmed by numerous works of her followers both in Russia and abroad.The article covers the broad problems of the scientific works of Maria P. Kotyurova – professor of Perm State University, the leader of Perm Scientific School of Functional stylistics. The bibliography of Maria P. Kotyurova includes 7 monographs, 15 textbooks, more than 300 articles, in which the main questions of stylistics of scientific speech, semantic structure of scientific text, legal linguistics and many others are put forward and solved. Special attention in the article is given to the analysis of the key notions of Prof. Kotyurova’s stylistic theory, which are now generally recognised and fundamentally important in functional stylistics. Among these notions are scientific text extra-linguistic factors, epistemic situation, reference scientific text, scientific speech culture, principles of scientific text editing, scientist speech individual style, etc. As the most important achievements of Prof. Kotyurova the author of the article considers: the model of scientific text semantic structure developed by Prof. Kotyurova (the model includes three components of scientific knowledge – ontological, methodological and axiological); description of the basic scientific text categories – coherence, integrity, wholeness, accuracy, density, etc.; justification of a multidisciplinary (complex) approach to scientific text study; and studying of stereotypes and creativity in scientist communicative activity. It is noted that M. Kotyurova is distinguished by the ability to see the non-obvious but fundamentally important properties in a scientific text. The dynamics of the research interest of Prof. Kotyrova, from classical functional stylistics to anthropocentric and discursive linguistics, are analyzed. The author of the article underlines that, while retaining a commitment to the ideas of her teacher – Prof. Margarita N. Kozhina, Maria P. Kotyrova at the same time is an innovator in the development of modern functional stylistics and the application of new approaches to research text. The fruitfulness of Prof. Maria P. Kotyurova ideas was confirmed by numerous works of her followers both in Russia and abroad

    Diskursivno-stilističeskij analiz teksta

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    The article reviews the correlation between the discourse theory and the theory of functional stylistics. Recognizing the signifícant contribution of discursive analysis in the study o f such a complex phenomenon as text, the author notes that many of the pro-visions of the discourse theory were successfully implemented in the functional stylis­ tics earlier. In 60th years of XX century professor from Perm-city (Russia) Margarita N. Kozhina developed the methodological basis of functional stylistics, which distin- guishes it from “resources stylistics”: speech is determined by extralinguistic factors which influence on the stylistic and language side of the text. The author considers that defacto subject of study in the functional stylistics was and remains discourse, discourse activity, which is carried out in the main spheres of human life (science, arts, politics, law and others) and expressed in a particular speech organization of the text. Based on the similarity of the most important methodological principles of these Iinguistic directions, the author suggests these directions should be integrated in the discourse and stylistic approach. This approach is applied to scientific texts. The discourse component of this approach allows idenlifying extralinguistic factors of scientific communication; the stylistic component allows discovering the linguistic devices that repre- sent the standard contenl of a scientific páper. The author develops the concept of epistemic situation and considers the latter to be discourse model of scientific texts, which determines its stylistic peculiarity. The struc- ture of epistemic situation is described witli regard to the four interconnected aspects of cognitive activity: ontological, methodological, reflective, communicative-pragmatic. The author reveals the conlent of each aspect and analyses their influence on the sense structure of a scientific text. The author considers the subtext to be a structural element of the text and describes the primary subtexts: the subtext oťa new and old knowledge, the subtext of evaluation, the subtext of recipient and the author, etc. Thus, the discourse and stylistic approach to the text, based on the complementary principles of discourse analysis and functional stylistics, allows identifying pattems of text crealion in each communicative sphere, as well as explaining the stylistic diversity of texts

    Diskursivno-stilističeskij analiz teksta

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    The article reviews the correlation between the discourse theory and the theory of functional stylistics. Recognizing the signifícant contribution of discursive analysis in the study o f such a complex phenomenon as text, the author notes that many of the pro- visions o f the discourse theory were successfully implemented in the functional stylis­ tics earlier. In 60th years o f XX century professor from Perm-city (Russia) Margarita N. Kozhina developed the methodological basis of functional stylistics, which distin- guishes it from “resources stylistics”: speech is determined by extralinguistic factors which influence on the stylistic and language side of the text. The author considers that defacto subject of study in the functional stylistics was and remains discourse, discourse activity, which is carried out in the main spheres o f human life (science, arts, politics, law and others) and expressed in a particular speech organi- zation of the text. Based on the similarity of the most important methodological principles of these Iinguistic directions, the author suggests these directions should be integrated in the dis- course and stylistic approach. This approach is applied to scientific texts. The discourse component of this approach allows idenlifying extralinguistic factors of scientific com- munication; the stylistic component allows discovering the linguistic devices that repre- sent the standard contenl of a scientific páper. The author develops the concept of epistemic situation and considers the latter to be discourse model of scientific texts, which determines its stylistic peculiarity. The struc- ture of epistemic situation is described witli regard to the four interconnected aspects of cognitive activity: ontological, methodological, reflective, communicative-pragmatic. The author reveals the conlent of each aspect and analyses their influence on the sense structure of a scientific text. The author considers the subtext to be a structural element of the text and describes the primary subtexts: the subtext oťa new and old knowledge, the subtext of evaluation, the subtext of recipient and the author, etc. Thus, the discourse and stylistic approach to the text, based on the complementary principles of discourse analysis and functional stylistics, allows identifying pattems of text crealion in each communicative sphere, as well as explaining the stylistic diversity of texts

    An Historiographical Guide to Subcarpathian Rus'

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