160 research outputs found

    On the expressiveness and trade-offs of large scale tuple stores

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    Proceedings of On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems (OTM)Massive-scale distributed computing is a challenge at our doorstep. The current exponential growth of data calls for massive-scale capabilities of storage and processing. This is being acknowledged by several major Internet players embracing the cloud computing model and offering first generation distributed tuple stores. Having all started from similar requirements, these systems ended up providing a similar service: A simple tuple store interface, that allows applications to insert, query, and remove individual elements. Further- more, while availability is commonly assumed to be sustained by the massive scale itself, data consistency and freshness is usually severely hindered. By doing so, these services focus on a specific narrow trade-off between consistency, availability, performance, scale, and migration cost, that is much less attractive to common business needs. In this paper we introduce DataDroplets, a novel tuple store that shifts the current trade-off towards the needs of common business users, pro- viding additional consistency guarantees and higher level data process- ing primitives smoothing the migration path for existing applications. We present a detailed comparison between DataDroplets and existing systems regarding their data model, architecture and trade-offs. Prelim- inary results of the system's performance under a realistic workload are also presented

    Scalable and accurate causality tracking for eventually consistent stores

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    Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8460, 2014In cloud computing environments, data storage systems often rely on optimistic replication to provide good performance and availability even in the presence of failures or network partitions. In this scenario, it is important to be able to accurately and efficiently identify updates executed concurrently. Current approaches to causality tracking in optimistic replication have problems with concurrent updates: they either (1) do not scale, as they require replicas to maintain information that grows linearly with the number of writes or unique clients; (2) lose information about causality, either by removing entries from client-id based version vectors or using server-id based version vectors, which cause false conflicts. We propose a new logical clock mechanism and a logical clock framework that together support a traditional key-value store API, while capturing causality in an accurate and scalable way, avoiding false conflicts. It maintains concise information per data replica, only linear on the number of replica servers, and allows data replicas to be compared and merged linear with the number of replica servers and versions.(undefined

    Popular attitudes to memory, the body, and social identity : the rise of external commemoration in Britain, Ireland, and New England

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    A comparative analysis of samples of external memorials from burial grounds in Britain, Ireland and New England reveals a widespread pattern of change in monument style and content, and exponential growth in the number of permanent memorials from the 18th century onwards. Although manifested in regionally distinctive styles on which most academic attention has so far been directed, the expansion reflects global changes in social relationships and concepts of memory and the body. An archaeological perspective reveals the importance of external memorials in articulating these changing attitudes in a world of increasing material consumption

    Scalable transactions in the cloud: partitioning revisited

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    Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6427Cloud computing is becoming one of the most used paradigms to deploy highly available and scalable systems. These systems usually demand the management of huge amounts of data, which cannot be solved with traditional nor replicated database systems as we know them. Recent solutions store data in special key-value structures, in an approach that commonly lacks the consistency provided by transactional guarantees, as it is traded for high scalability and availability. In order to ensure consistent access to the information, the use of transactions is required. However, it is well-known that traditional replication protocols do not scale well for a cloud environment. Here we take a look at current proposals to deploy transactional systems in the cloud and we propose a new system aiming at being a step forward in achieving this goal. We proceed to focus on data partitioning and describe the key role it plays in achieving high scalability.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Government under grant TIN2009-14460-C03-02 and by the Spanish MEC under grant BES-2007-17362 and by project ReD Resilient Database Clusters (PDTC/EIA-EIA/109044/2008)

    Atributos micromorfológicos de solos do Projeto Jaíba, norte de Minas Gerais

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    Amostras indeformadas de horizontes representativos de solos do Projeto Jaíba, norte de Minas Gerais, e camadas compactadas e não compactadas de solos sob uso intensivo foram coletadas e analisadas micromorfologicamente, com vistas em obter maiores informações relativas ao seu grau de evolução e avaliar as alterações causadas nos solos pelo uso agrícola. Foram estudados quatro solos derivados de calcário (P1, P2, P3 e P4) e um originado a partir de sedimentos detríticos (P5), além das camadas com e sem indícios de compactação. A micromorfologia revelou que os solos apresentam características bastante distintas e variáveis, dependendo da classe e do material de origem. O Cambissolo originado de calcário tem como característica marcante o fluxo vertical de sílica e argila, sem, no entanto, caracterizar horizonte B textural, além de maior desenvolvimento de estrutura em blocos. O Cambissolo originado de sedimentos detríticos apresenta fluxo lateral de argila, presença marcante de cutãs de difusão de ferro e estrutura menos desenvolvida tendendo a granular. O Podzólico Vermelho-Escuro apresentou estrutura em blocos e presença de cutãs de deposição, muitos destes incorporados pela matriz, o que pode indicar transição para Latossolo. Os Latossolos apresentam-se com estrutura granular, mas esta é muito menos desenvolvida que a observada para os Latossolos gibbsíticos já analisados no País, o que pode indicar um menor grau de evolução destes solos. A atividade da fauna parece ser o principal agente responsável pelo desenvolvimento da microestrutura do Podzólico e dos Latossolos. Quanto à compactação, a micromorfologia relevou diferenças na organização do plasma e na forma dos poros, quando se compararam camadas compactadas com não compactadas. De maneira geral, o plasma das camadas compactadas é mais denso e os poros se apresentam alterados em razão do esforço físico impingido aos solos

    The TESS-Keck Survey. II. An Ultra-Short-Period Rocky Planet And Its Siblings Transiting The Galactic Thick-Disk Star TOI-561

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    We report the discovery of TOI-561, a multiplanet system in the galactic thick disk that contains a rocky, ultra-short-period planet. This bright (V = 10.2) star hosts three small transiting planets identified in photometry from the NASA TESS mission: TOI-561 b (TOI-561.02, P = 0.44 days, Rp = 1.45 ± 0.11 R⊕), c (TOI-561.01, P = 10.8 days, Rp = 2.90 ± 0.13 R⊕), and d (TOI-561.03, P = 16.3 days, Rp = 2.32 ± 0.16 R⊕). The star is chemically ([Fe/H] = −0.41 ± 0.05, [α/Fe] = +0.23 ± 0.05) and kinematically consistent with the galactic thick-disk population, making TOI-561 one of the oldest (10 ± 3 Gyr) and most metal-poor planetary systems discovered yet. We dynamically confirm planets b and c with radial velocities from the W. M. Keck Observatory High Resolution Echelle Spectrometer. Planet b has a mass and density of 3.2 ± 0.8 M⊕ and 5.51.6+2.0{5.5}_{-1.6}^{+2.0}g cm−3, consistent with a rocky composition. Its lower-than-average density is consistent with an iron-poor composition, although an Earth-like iron-to-silicates ratio is not ruled out. Planet c is 7.0 ± 2.3 M⊕ and 1.6 ± 0.6 g cm−3, consistent with an interior rocky core overlaid with a low-mass volatile envelope. Several attributes of the photometry for planet d (which we did not detect dynamically) complicate the analysis, but we vet the planet with high-contrast imaging, ground-based photometric follow-up, and radial velocities. TOI-561 b is the first rocky world around a galactic thick-disk star confirmed with radial velocities and one of the best rocky planets for thermal emission studies

    Comprehensive analysis of epigenetic clocks reveals associations between disproportionate biological ageing and hippocampal volume

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    The concept of age acceleration, the difference between biological age and chronological age, is of growing interest, particularly with respect to age-related disorders, such as Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). Whilst studies have reported associations with AD risk and related phenotypes, there remains a lack of consensus on these associations. Here we aimed to comprehensively investigate the relationship between five recognised measures of age acceleration, based on DNA methylation patterns (DNAm age), and cross-sectional and longitudinal cognition and AD-related neuroimaging phenotypes (volumetric MRI and Amyloid-β PET) in the Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle (AIBL) and the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). Significant associations were observed between age acceleration using the Hannum epigenetic clock and cross-sectional hippocampal volume in AIBL and replicated in ADNI. In AIBL, several other findings were observed cross-sectionally, including a significant association between hippocampal volume and the Hannum and Phenoage epigenetic clocks. Further, significant associations were also observed between hippocampal volume and the Zhang and Phenoage epigenetic clocks within Amyloid-β positive individuals. However, these were not validated within the ADNI cohort. No associations between age acceleration and other Alzheimer’s disease-related phenotypes, including measures of cognition or brain Amyloid-β burden, were observed, and there was no association with longitudinal change in any phenotype. This study presents a link between age acceleration, as determined using DNA methylation, and hippocampal volume that was statistically significant across two highly characterised cohorts. The results presented in this study contribute to a growing literature that supports the role of epigenetic modifications in ageing and AD-related phenotypes

    New insights into the genetic etiology of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias

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    Characterization of the genetic landscape of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and related dementias (ADD) provides a unique opportunity for a better understanding of the associated pathophysiological processes. We performed a two-stage genome-wide association study totaling 111,326 clinically diagnosed/'proxy' AD cases and 677,663 controls. We found 75 risk loci, of which 42 were new at the time of analysis. Pathway enrichment analyses confirmed the involvement of amyloid/tau pathways and highlighted microglia implication. Gene prioritization in the new loci identified 31 genes that were suggestive of new genetically associated processes, including the tumor necrosis factor alpha pathway through the linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex. We also built a new genetic risk score associated with the risk of future AD/dementia or progression from mild cognitive impairment to AD/dementia. The improvement in prediction led to a 1.6- to 1.9-fold increase in AD risk from the lowest to the highest decile, in addition to effects of age and the APOE ε4 allele