99 research outputs found

    Restoration of Videos Degraded by Local Isoplanatism Effects in the Near-Infrared Domain

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    When observing a scene horizontally at a long distance in the near-infrared domain, degradations due to atmospheric turbulence often occur. In our previous work, we presented two hybrid methods to restore videos degraded by such local perturbations. These restoration algorithms take advantages of a space-time Wiener filter and a space-time regularization by the Laplacian operator. Wiener and Laplacian regularization results are mixed differently depending on the distance between the current pixel and the nearest edge point. It was shown that a gradation between Wiener and Laplacian areas improves results quality, so that only the algorithm using a gradation will be used in this article. In spite of a significant improvement in the obtained images quality, our restoration results greatly depend on the segmentation image used in the video processing. We then propose a method to select automatically the best segmentation image

    Profiling the landscape of transcription, chromatin accessibility and chromosome conformation of cattle, pig, chicken and goat genomes [FAANG pilot project]

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    Functional annotation of livestock genomes is a critical and obvious next step to derive maximum benefit for agriculture, animal science, animal welfare and human health. The aim of the Fr-AgENCODE project is to generate multi-species functional genome annotations by applying high-throughput molecular assays on three target tissues/cells relevant to the study of immune and metabolic traits. An extensive collection of stored samples from other tissues is available for further use (FAANG Biosamples ‘FR-AGENCODE’). From each of two males and two females per species (pig, cattle, goat, chicken), strand-oriented RNA-seq and chromatin accessibility ATAC-seq assays were performed on liver tissue and on two T-cell types (CD3+CD4+&CD3+CD8+) sorted from blood (mammals) or spleen (chicken). Chromosome Conformation Capture (in situ Hi-C) was also carried out on liver. Sequencing reads from the 3 assays were processed using standard processing pipelines. While most (50–70%) RNA-seq reads mapped to annotated exons, thousands of novel transcripts and genes were found, including extensions of annotated protein-coding genes and new lncRNAs (see abstract #69857). Consistency of ATAC-seq results was confirmed by the significant proportion of called peaks in promoter regions (36–66%) and by the specific accumulation pattern of peaks around gene starts (TSS) v. gene ends (TTS). Principal Component Analyses for RNA-seq (based on quantified gene expression) and ATAC-seq (based on quantified chromatin accessibility) highlighted clusters characterised by cell type and sex in all species. From Hi-C data, we generated 40kb-resolution interaction maps, profiled a genome-wide Directionality Index and identified from 4,100 (chicken) to 12,100 (pig) topologically-associating do- mains (TADs). Correlations were reported between RNA-seq and ATAC-seq results (see abstract #71581). In summary, we present here an overview of the first multi-species and -tissue annotations of chromatin accessibility and genome architecture related to gene expression for farm animals

    New clinical and biological insights from the international TARGIT-A randomised trial of targeted intraoperative radiotherapy during lumpectomy for breast cancer

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    BACKGROUND: The TARGIT-A trial reported risk-adapted targeted intraoperative radiotherapy (TARGIT-IORT) during lumpectomy for breast cancer to be as effective as whole-breast external beam radiotherapy (EBRT). Here, we present further detailed analyses. METHODS: In total, 2298 women (≄45 years, invasive ductal carcinoma ≀3.5 cm, cN0-N1) were randomised. We investigated the impact of tumour size, grade, ER, PgR, HER2 and lymph node status on local recurrence-free survival, and of local recurrence on distant relapse and mortality. We analysed the predictive factors for recommending supplemental EBRT after TARGIT-IORT as part of the risk-adapted approach, using regression modelling. Non-breast cancer mortality was compared between TARGIT-IORT plus EBRT vs. EBRT. RESULTS: Local recurrence-free survival was no different between TARGIT-IORT and EBRT, in every tumour subgroup. Unlike in the EBRT arm, local recurrence in the TARGIT-IORT arm was not a predictor of a higher risk of distant relapse or death. Our new predictive tool for recommending supplemental EBRT after TARGIT-IORT is at https://targit.org.uk/addrt . Non-breast cancer mortality was significantly lower in the TARGIT-IORT arm, even when patients received supplemental EBRT, HR 0.38 (95% CI 0.17-0.88) P = 0.0091. CONCLUSION: TARGIT-IORT is as effective as EBRT in all subgroups. Local recurrence after TARGIT-IORT, unlike after EBRT, has a good prognosis. TARGIT-IORT might have a beneficial abscopal effect. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN34086741 (21/7/2004), NCT00983684 (24/9/2009)

    Insights into the Musa genome: Syntenic relationships to rice and between Musa species

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Musa </it>species (Zingiberaceae, Zingiberales) including bananas and plantains are collectively the fourth most important crop in developing countries. Knowledge concerning <it>Musa </it>genome structure and the origin of distinct cultivars has greatly increased over the last few years. Until now, however, no large-scale analyses of <it>Musa </it>genomic sequence have been conducted. This study compares genomic sequence in two <it>Musa </it>species with orthologous regions in the rice genome.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We produced 1.4 Mb of <it>Musa </it>sequence from 13 BAC clones, annotated and analyzed them along with 4 previously sequenced BACs. The 443 predicted genes revealed that Zingiberales genes share GC content and distribution characteristics with eudicot and Poaceae genomes. Comparison with rice revealed microsynteny regions that have persisted since the divergence of the Commelinid orders Poales and Zingiberales at least 117 Mya. The previously hypothesized large-scale duplication event in the common ancestor of major cereal lineages within the Poaceae was verified. The divergence time distributions for <it>Musa</it>-Zingiber (Zingiberaceae, Zingiberales) orthologs and paralogs provide strong evidence for a large-scale duplication event in the <it>Musa </it>lineage after its divergence from the Zingiberaceae approximately 61 Mya. Comparisons of genomic regions from <it>M. acuminata </it>and <it>M. balbisiana </it>revealed highly conserved genome structure, and indicated that these genomes diverged circa 4.6 Mya.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results point to the utility of comparative analyses between distantly-related monocot species such as rice and <it>Musa </it>for improving our understanding of monocot genome evolution. Sequencing the genome of <it>M. acuminata </it>would provide a strong foundation for comparative genomics in the monocots. In addition a genome sequence would aid genomic and genetic analyses of cultivated <it>Musa </it>polyploid genotypes in research aimed at localizing and cloning genes controlling important agronomic traits for breeding purposes.</p

    Justice and Corporate Governance: New Insights from Rawlsian Social Contract and Sen’s Capabilities Approach

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    By considering what we identify as a problem inherent in the ‘nature of the firm’—the risk of abuse of authority—we propound the conception of a social contract theory of the firm which is truly Rawlsian in its inspiration. Hence, we link the social contract theory of the firm (justice at firm’s level) with the general theory of justice (justice at society’s level). Through this path, we enter the debate about whether firms can be part of Rawlsian theory of justice showing that corporate governance principles enter the “basic structure.” Finally, we concur with Sen’s aim to broaden the realm of social justice beyond what he calls the ‘transcendental institutional perfectionism’ of Rawls’ theory. We maintain the contractarian approach to justice but introduce Sen’s capability concept as an element of the constitutional and post-constitutional contract model of institutions with special reference to corporate governance. Accordingly, rights over primary goods and capabilities are (constitutionally) granted by the basic institutions of society, but many capabilities have to be turned into the functionings of many stakeholders through the operation of firms understood as post-constitutional institutional domains. The constitutional contract on the distribution of primary goods and capabilities should then shape the principles of corporate governance so that at post-constitutional level anyone may achieve her/his functionings in the corporate domain by exercising such capabilities. In the absence of such a condition, post-constitutional contracts would distort the process that descends from constitutional rights and capabilities toward social outcomes

    The Genome of Borrelia recurrentis, the Agent of Deadly Louse-Borne Relapsing Fever, Is a Degraded Subset of Tick-Borne Borrelia duttonii

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    In an effort to understand how a tick-borne pathogen adapts to the body louse, we sequenced and compared the genomes of the recurrent fever agents Borrelia recurrentis and B. duttonii. The 1,242,163–1,574,910-bp fragmented genomes of B. recurrentis and B. duttonii contain a unique 23-kb linear plasmid. This linear plasmid exhibits a large polyT track within the promoter region of an intact variable large protein gene and a telomere resolvase that is unique to Borrelia. The genome content is characterized by several repeat families, including antigenic lipoproteins. B. recurrentis exhibited a 20.4% genome size reduction and appeared to be a strain of B. duttonii, with a decaying genome, possibly due to the accumulation of genomic errors induced by the loss of recA and mutS. Accompanying this were increases in the number of impaired genes and a reduction in coding capacity, including surface-exposed lipoproteins and putative virulence factors. Analysis of the reconstructed ancestral sequence compared to B. duttonii and B. recurrentis was consistent with the accelerated evolution observed in B. recurrentis. Vector specialization of louse-borne pathogens responsible for major epidemics was associated with rapid genome reduction. The correlation between gene loss and increased virulence of B. recurrentis parallels that of Rickettsia prowazekii, with both species being genomic subsets of less-virulent strains

    Comment survivre sans la figure paternelle ?

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    Cette Ă©tude se propose d’analyser comment les personnages principaux des romans d’Yves ThĂ©riault et de GaĂ©tan Soucy Ă©voluent sans la prĂ©sence de leur pĂšre respectif. Le jour du suicide de son pĂšre, Alice (La petite fille qui aimait trop les allumettes) se voit endosser un rĂŽle qui jusqu’à prĂ©sent lui Ă©tait inconnu : celui de la responsabilitĂ© et de la survie de sa famille. Elle qui toute sa vie a Ă©tĂ© considĂ©rĂ©e comme un garçon va trĂšs vite devenir une femme et puis une mĂšre. La mort de son pĂšre sera l’élĂ©ment dĂ©clencheur de son dĂ©veloppement personnel et de sa prise de conscience identitaire. AprĂšs avoir atteint l’ñge de la maturitĂ©, Agaguk dĂ©cide de quitter sa tribu et de partir vivre avec sa femme dans la toundra. Par ce geste, il rompt avec les traditions autochtones et ainsi avec le chef de la tribu, son pĂšre. Ce dernier ne reprĂ©sentait plus les valeurs des Inuits selon Agaguk. Sans son pĂšre et sans la tribu, Agaguk devra relever des dĂ©fis consĂ©quents : notamment qu’est-ce qu’ĂȘtre un bon mari ? Un bon Inuit ? Et enfin un bon pĂšre ? La mort symbolique du pĂšre d’Agaguk le projettera vers des questionnements auxquels il sera le seul Ă  devoir trouver les rĂ©ponses. Nos deux personnages vont devoir apprendre rapidement Ă  Ă©voluer et grandir sans leur pĂšre (que ce soit par choix ou par dĂ©pit), mais qui plus est, ils devront apprendre Ă  ĂȘtre parents

    The construction of the self without the parental figure : Martine Delvaux, Annie Ernaux, and Georges Perec

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    This dissertation focuses on writers who embark on an adventure of self-writing through narratives mixing reality and fiction. The research was carried out within the field of autofiction, but also that of narratology. I seek to demonstrate the complexities of the subject who reclaims their identity through the exploration of a past marked by the absence of the parental figure. In the novels selected: Blanc dehors by Martine Delvaux (2015), Les AnnĂ©es by Annie Ernaux (2008) and W ou le souvenir d’enfance by Georges Perec (1975), the characters face an identity crisis, because they question their family, genetic or even social and historical heritage. These three novels belong to the genre of filiation stories as studied by Dominique Viart and Laurent Demanze at the beginning of the 21st century. I paid particular attention to the things left unsaid, memory lapses and gaps as they sometimes reveal much more than words. In each novel, the absences are part of a historical or family trauma and are transposed into the very fabric of self-writing. The questions underpinning all of the novels of the corpus are the following: How to write about oneself when part of one’s heritage is missing? What is the extent of parental reference regarding the identity of the subject? This so-called reference is the answer to the resolution of their lack of identity or does it reside elsewhere? In short, this dissertation demonstrates how absence (and everything linked to it) is the keystone of a complete identity.Arts, Faculty ofFrench, Hispanic, and Italian Studies, Department ofGraduat
