91 research outputs found

    A geometrical approach for fuzzy DEA frontiers.

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    Interval DEA frontiers are here used in situation where one input or output is subject to uncertainty in its measurement and is presented as an interval data. We built an efficient frontier without any assumption about the probability distribution function of the imprecise variable. We take into account only the minimum and the maximum values of each imprecise variable. Two frontiers are constructed: the optimistic and the pessimistic ones. We use fuzszy relationships to introduce a new efficiency index based on a set of some Fuzzy T Norms. We will explore only the case where only on single variable presents a certain degree of uncertainty

    Avaliação multicritério das opções de ligação aérea Rio-São Paulo.

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    O artigo apresenta uma análise das opções existentes na ligação aérea Rio-São Paulo. As opções existentes no mercado são descritas e avaliadas. A abordagem de avaliação escolhida é o Apoio Multicritério à Decisão. No caso investigado os critérios de decisão são preço, rota, frequência de voos, serviço de bordo, modelo de aeronave e características do programa de milhagem, avaliados segundo duas óticas, a do turista e a do executivo. Os critérios são agregados em um único critério síntese, com o uso de uma soma ponderada. Os critérios subjetivos e os pesos da soma ponderada são quantificados com o auxílio do método MACBETH

    Fronteiras DEA nebulosas para dados intervalares.

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    A fronteira DEA nebulosa surge em situações nas quais algumas variáveis (inputs ou outputs) apresentam um certo grau de incerteza na medição, sem que se assuma que os valores obedecem a alguma distribuição de probabilidade. A fronteira eficiente é construída considerando-se os limites de incerteza, isto é, os menores e maiores valores possíveis de serem assumidos pela variável afetada pela incerteza de medição. Dessa forma, constrói-se uma região em relação à qual as DMUs possuem um certo grau de pertinência. Para calcular o grau de pertinência são construídas fronteiras otimistas e pessimistas. Como o grau de pertinência não é uma medida de eficiência, é introduzido o conceito de fronteira invertida que permite calcular um índice de eficiência difuso. É mostrado o caso em que apenas uma variável apresenta incerteza e é generalizado para o caso em que algumas ou todas as variáveis apresentam incertezas

    FSDA - Free Software for Decision Analysis (SLAD - Software Livre de Apoio a Decisão): A Software Package for Data Envelopment Analysis Models.

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    Data Envelopment Analysis models are based on linear programming problems (LPP) to determine the efficiency of Decision-Making Units (DMUs). This process can be computationally intense, as a LPP has to be run for each unit. Besides, a typical DEA LPP has a large number of redundant constraints concerning the inefficient DMUs. That results in degenerate LPPs and in some cases multiple efficient solutions. The developed work intends to fill out a gap in current DEA software packages, i.e., the lack of a software capable of producing full results in classic DEA models, as well as the capability of using more advanced DEA models. Basic and advanced DEA models are allowed in the package. The developed software was named as ISYDS – Integrated System for Decision Support – and has been useful in several theoretical and applied papers. Further developments would include multicriteria models, which justifies the package name

    Simulating data envelopment analysis using neural networks: a new paradigm of efficiency measurement.

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    This article studies the creation of efficiency measurement structures of Decision-Making Units (DMUs) by using high-speed optimisation modules, inspired in the idea of an unconventional Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and numerical methods. In addition, the Linear Programming Problem (LPP) inherent in the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodology is transformed into an optimisation problem without constraints, by using a pseudo-cost function, including a penalty term, causing high cost every time one of the constraints is violated. The LPP is converted into a differential equations system. A non-standard ANN implements a numerical solution based on the gradient method

    Alguns paradoxos em modelos DEA-BCC: eficiências negativas e inexistência de retorno de escala.

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    O modelo DEA-BCC é usado em situações onde as unidades avaliadas são de tamanhos bem diferentes e é necessário levar em conta efeitos de escala. No entanto as propriedades deste modelo são, muitas vezes, mal compreendidas. Além das conheciddas distorções devido à existência de DMUs eficientes à partida mostra-se neste artigo a existência de duas outras propriedades problemáticas: a existência de eficiências negativas e os nunca crescentes retornos de escala. As primeiras surgem em situações tipo avaliação cruzada, devido à existência de um termo independente. Já a inexistência de retornos crescentes de escala advém da convexidade da fronteira

    Comparação entre Agregações Aritméticas e Geométricas de Índices de Pertinência a Fronteiras de Eficiência Difusas.

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    Neste trabalho estudam-se as conseqüências do uso de duas dessas medidas: a média aritmética e a média geométrica. A primeira tende a distribuir de forma mais uniforme as eficiências no intervalo [0,1], enquanto a segunda tende a ser mais extremada

    Annual dune plant communities in the Southwest coast of Europe

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    This study presents an updated sintaxonomic review of the annual communities from coastal dunes in the Southwest coast of Europe, specifically in the Iberian Peninsula, including both types: directly influenced by the sea salt spray and not affected by this influence. The floristic segregation of the different plant associations was obtained by statistical agglomerative processes (UPGMA, Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean) plus principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) and discussed based on the interpretation of phytosociological tables. Three new communities in central western Portugal were found and are described: Pseudorlayo minusculae-Polycarpietum alsinifoli, Cerastio diffusae-Vulpietum fontqueranae and Omphalodo kunzinskyanae-Evacietum ramosissimae

    Towards the design of 3D multiscale instructive tissue engineering constructs: Current approaches and trends

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    The design of 3D constructs with adequate properties to instruct and guide cells both in vitro and in vivo is one of the major focuses of tissue engineering. Successful tissue regeneration depends on the favorable crosstalk between the supporting structure, the cells and the host tissue so that a balanced matrix production and degradation is achieved. Herein, the major occurring events and players in normal and regenerative tissue are overviewed. These have been inspiring the selection or synthesis of instructive cues to include into the 3D constructs. We further highlight the importance of a multiscale perception of the range of features that can be included on the biomimetic structures. Lastly, we focus on the current and developing tissue-engineering approaches for the preparation of such 3D constructs: top-down, bottom-up and integrative. Bottom-up and integrative approaches present a higher potential for the design of tissue engineering devices with multiscale features and higher biochemichal control than top-down strategies, and are the main focus of this review.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council grant agreement ERC-2012-ADG-20120216-321266 for the project ComplexiTE. Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology is gratefully acknowledged for the fellowship of Sara M. Oliveira (SFRH/BD/70107/2010)