430 research outputs found

    A new flaring high energy gamma-ray source

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    We report the detection of a new gamma-ray source in the Fermi-LAT sky using a source detection tool based on the Minimal Spanning Tree algorithm. The source, not reported in previous LAT catalogues but very recently observed in the X-rays and optical bands, is characterized by an increasing gamma-ray activity in 2012 June-September, reaching a weekly peak flux of (3.3+-0.6)*10^-7 photons cm^-2 s^-1. A search for a possible counterpart provides indication that it can be associated with the radio source NVSS J141828+354250 whose optical SDSS colours are typical of a blazar.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Douleurs et travail : aider le patient à garder un emploi

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    Introduction.— A significant part of the workers suffer from musculoskeletal pain (back pain,upper limb). Some of them are at risk to ose their job due to their health condition. Objective. — The aim of the article is to describe synthetically what actors and measure can be used in order to help a patient keep his/her job in spite of the pain. Results.— First place measures include a visit with the occupational physician before work resumption, part-time return to work and workplace accommodation.Second place measures require that a professional project is built by the patient supported by a knowledgeable person. These measures depend on the funding agency.They are devoted to compensate the work disability situation, and/or to provide the training required by the patient’s project. Discussion and conclusion. — Work disability prevention faces many challenges due to barriers between the stakeholders, scattering of the knowledge and the complexity of legislative issues.However, it remains possible provided the patient is committed and supported by a case manager in charge of coordinating the information and the stakeholders. Confidence and collaboration are key issues in the process.

    Pessoas com deficiência visual: esporte e lazer como fator de inclusão

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    El desafío de este proyecto es vivenciar prácticas de actividades físicas y de ocio en el ambiente de la Universidad, involucrando a personas con discapacidad visual de la APACE / Passo Fundo, en el sentido de repensar nuestras prácticas con miras a contribuir en el proceso de inclusión social. Elementos de lectura de realidad/diagnóstico: El deporte y el ocio en las diversas modalidades posibilitan espacios para diferentes edades, intereses y condiciones. La actuación con portadores de deficiencia visual es un desafío en virtud de las pocas vivencias, informaciones, materiales, desconocimiento en adaptar actividades y la poca motivación de las personas hacia las prácticas, teniendo en cuenta que muchos todavía permanecen en la oscuridad de la sociedad, sea por falta de divulgación o la resistencia a las experimentaciones. Aparentemente existe interés y anhelo e incluso insistencia para involucrarse, pero acaban chocando con el sentimiento de inferioridad, olvidándose de sus capacidades y potencialidades. La sede de APACE es el punto de encuentro de los asociados, todos portadores de alguna deficiencia visual, que revelan anhelos, voluntades y deseos, unidos en un solo propósito, la búsqueda de hacer su vida lo más integrada posible. El espacio no es adecuado para las actividades prácticas, por lo que todas son realizadas en la Universidad. Se percibe que la discapacidad no los hace menos capaces de usufructuar y conducir sus vidas, en el área del deporte y del ocio, no retirando la capacidad de construir su autonomía y su historia. Pero todavía está muy presente signos de inseguridad para enfrentar las situaciones de lo cotidiano. El proyecto viene sirve de oportunidad para la convivencia con videntes mediante las actividades, reafirmando la posibilidad de transformación en el modo de pensar, actuar y sentir, en un proceso que se construye en las relaciones e interrelaciones.The challenge of this project is to experience practices of physical and leisure activities in the University environment, involving people with visual disabilities of the APACE / Passo Fundo, in the sense of rethinking our practices with a view to contributing to the social inclusion process. Elements of reality/diagnosis reading: Sport and leisure in the different modalities allow spaces for different ages, interests and conditions. The performance with carriers of visual impairment is a challenge because of the few experiences, information, materials, ignorance in adapting activities and the low motivation of people towards the practices, taking into account that many still remain in the darkness of society, either for lack of disclosure or resistance to experimentation. Apparently there is interest and longing and even insistence to get involved, but they end up colliding with the feeling of inferiority, forgetting their capabilities and potential. The headquarters of APACE is the meeting point of the associates, all bearers of some visual deficiency, which reveal longings, wills and desires, united in a single purpose, the search to make their life as integrated as possible. The space is not suitable for practical activities, so all are done at the University. It is perceived that disability does not make them less able to enjoy and lead their lives, in the area of sports and leisure, not removing the ability to build their autonomy and their history. But signs of insecurity are still very present to face situations of everyday life. The project is an opportunity for coexistence with seers through activities, reaffirming the possibility of transformation in the way of thinking, acting and feeling, in a process that is built on relationships and interrelationships.O desafio deste Projeto é vivenciar práticas de atividades físicas e de lazer no ambiente da Universidade envolvendo pessoas com deficiência visual da APACE / Passo Fundo no sentido de repensar nossas práticas numa perspectiva de contribuir no processo de inclusão social. Elementos de leitura de realidade/diagnóstico: O esporte e o lazer nas variadas modalidades possibilitam espaços para diferentes idades, interesses e condições. Atuar com portadores de deficiência visual é desafiador em virtude de poucas vivências, informações, materiais, desconhecimento em adaptar atividades e a pouca motivação das pessoas para as práticas, tendo em vista, que muitos ainda permanecem na escuridão da sociedade, seja por falta de divulgação ou ainda a resistência às experimentações. Aparentemente existe interesse e anseio e até insistência para se envolver, mas acabam esbarrando no sentimento de inferioridade, esquecendo-se de suas capacidades e potencialidades. A sede da APACE é o ponto de encontro dos associados, todos portadores de alguma deficiência visual, que revelam anseios, vontades e desejos, unidos em um só propósito, a busca de tornar sua vida a mais integrada possível. O espaço não é adequado para as atividades práticas, por este motivo todas são realizadas na Universidade. Percebe-se que a deficiência não os torna menos capazes de usufruir e conduzir suas vidas, na área do esporte e do Lazer, não retirando a capacidade de construir sua autonomia e sua história. Porém ainda está muito presente sinais de insegurança para enfrentar as situações do cotidiano. O projeto vem para oportunizar o convívio com videntes pelas atividades reafirmando a possibilidade de transformação no modo de pensar, agir e sentir, num processo que se constrói nas relações e inter-relações.peerReviewe

    Polos regionais de desenvolvimento do esporte e do lazer: a descentralização da gestão de uma Política de Estado

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    La implementación del Polo en la UPF es de extrema importancia para el desarrollo regional, permitiendo las políticas públicas de una forma descentralizada y articulada. Se compone de 151 municipios distribuidos en seis micro-regiones correspondientes a las Coordinadoras Regionales de Educación: 7ª, 9ª, 15ª, 20ª, 25ª y 39ª CRE. El polo actúa en sintonía con FUNDERGS como facilitador de acciones, estimulando el desarrollo deportivo en la región e incentivando nuevas alternativas y propuestas volcadas en el deporte y el ocio. En el caso de los municipios de su región, se cuenta con la infraestructura existente en sus dependencias en los diversos eventos propuestos por FUNDERGS y municipios de su región, recibiendo, interpretando, diagnosticando y ayudando a los gestores municipales en sus demandas, siendo el principal interlocutor del Estado. En los dos años de instalación, varias fueron las acciones propuestas por FUNDERGS y desarrolladas por el polo, teniendo públicos y variados objetivos.The implementation of the Pole at UPF is extremely important for regional development, allowing public policies in a decentralized and articulated way. It consists of 151 municipalities distributed in six micro-regions corresponding to the Regional Coordinators of Education: 7th, 9th, 15th, 20th, 25th and 39th CRE. The polo acts in sync with FUNDERGS as a facilitator of actions, stimulating sports development in the region and encouraging new alternatives and proposals focused on sports and leisure. In the case of the municipalities of its region, existing infrastructure in its dependencies is available in the various events proposed by FUNDERGS and municipalities in its region, receiving, interpreting, diagnosing and assisting municipal managers in their demands, the main one being interlocutor of the State. In the two years of installation, several were the actions proposed by FUNDERGS and developed by the pole, having public and varied objectives.A implementação do Polo na UPF é de extrema importância para o desenvolvimento regional, visando as políticas públicas de forma descentralizada e articulada. É composto por 151 municípios distribuídos em 6 micro-regiões correspondente as Coordenadorias Regionais de Educação: 7ª, 9ª, 15ª, 20ª, 25ª e 39ª CRE. O polo atua junto em sintonia com a FUNDERGS como facilitador de ações, estimulando o desenvolvimento esportivo na região e incentivando novas alternativas e propostas voltadas ao esporte e lazer. Disponibiliza a infraestrutura existente nas suas dependências nos diversos eventos propostos pela FUNDERGS, e municípios da sua região, recebendo, interpretando, diagnosticando e auxiliando os gestores municipais em suas demandas, sendo, o principal interlocutor do Estado. Nos dois anos de instalação, várias foram as ações propostas pela FUNDERGS e desenvolvidas pelo polo, tendo público e objetivos variados.peerReviewe

    Advances in Human-Robot Handshaking

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    The use of social, anthropomorphic robots to support humans in various industries has been on the rise. During Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), physically interactive non-verbal behaviour is key for more natural interactions. Handshaking is one such natural interaction used commonly in many social contexts. It is one of the first non-verbal interactions which takes place and should, therefore, be part of the repertoire of a social robot. In this paper, we explore the existing state of Human-Robot Handshaking and discuss possible ways forward for such physically interactive behaviours.Comment: Accepted at The 12th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR 2020) 12 Pages, 1 Figur

    Examining evidence for behavioural mimicry of parental eating by adolescent females.:An observational study

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    Behavioural mimicry is a potential mechanism explaining why adolescents appear to be influenced by their parents' eating behaviour. In the current study we examined whether there is evidence that adolescent females mimic their parents when eating. Videos of thirty-eight parent and female adolescent dyads eating a lunchtime meal together were examined. We tested whether a parent placing a food item into their mouth was associated with an increased likelihood that their adolescent child would place any food item (non-specific mimicry) or the same item (specific mimicry) in their mouth at three different time frames, namely, during the same second or within the next fifteen seconds (+15), five seconds (+5) or two second (+2) period. Parents and adolescents' overall food intake was positively correlated, whereby a parent eating a larger amount of food was associated with the adolescent eating a larger meal. Across all of the three time frames adolescents were more likely to place a food item in their mouth if their parent had recently placed that same food item in their mouth (specific food item mimicry); however, there was no evidence of non-specific mimicry. This observational study suggests that when eating in a social context there is evidence that adolescent females may mimic their parental eating behaviour, selecting and eating more of a food item if their parent has just started to eat that food

    Measurement of the integrated luminosity of the Phase 2 data of the Belle II experiment

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    © 2019 Chinese Physical Society and the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Modern Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and IOP Publishing Ltd. From April to July 2018, a data sample at the peak energy of the γ(4S) resonance was collected with the Belle II detector at the SuperKEKB electron-positron collider. This is the first data sample of the Belle II experiment. Using Bhabha and digamma events, we measure the integrated luminosity of the data sample to be (496.3 ± 0.3 ± 3.0) pb-1, where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. This work provides a basis for future luminosity measurements at Belle II

    An ecological method for the sampling of nonverbal signalling behaviours of young children with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD)

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    - Background: Profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD) are a complex range of disabilities that affect the general health and wellbeing of the individual and their capacity to interact and learn. - Method: We developed a new methodology to capture the nonsymbolic signalling behaviours of children with PMLD within the context of a face-to-face interaction with a caregiver to provide analysis at a micro-level of descriptive detail incorporating the use of the ELAN digital video software. - Conclusion: The signalling behaviours of participants in a natural, everyday interaction can be better understood with the use of this innovation in methodology, which is predicated on the ecology of communication. Recognition of the developmental ability of the participants is an integral factor within that ecology. The method presented establishes an advanced account of the modalities through which a child affected by PMLD is able to communicate
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