30 research outputs found

    La esencia de los seres vivos

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    La Biología es la ciencia que trata de los seres vivos. De esta definición se deriva que la persona que profesa la Biología, como parte de unos mínimos principios deontológicos profesionales, tiene la obligación de entender qué es un ser vivo. La comprensión del "ser", esencia o naturaleza, de los seres vivos es un tema de enorme complejidad. No obstante, para el lego en la materia esta cuestión puede parecer trivial, pues todos creemos que no tiene mayor dificultad reconocer un ser vivo de un objeto inanimado

    Desarrollo infantil y adolescente: trastornos mentales más frecuentes en función de la edad y el género

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    A pesar del incremento en las tasas de incidencia y prevalencia de los trastornos en la infancia y adolescencia, son pocos los trabajos con muestras amplias y representativas de niños y adolescentes con síntomas psicopatológicos. El presente trabajo analiza 588 sujetos derivados por los pediatras de Atención Primaria a una unidad especializada de Salud Mental de Infancia y Adolescencia. Como resultados se observan relaciones signifi cativas entre edad y diagnóstico, de modo que de 0-5 años la mayor incidencia se da en trastornos de conducta, comunicación, eliminación, control de impulsos y trastornos generalizados del desarrollo; entre 6-11 aparecen también los trastornos de conducta seguidos del trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad (TDAH); entre 12-15 años, trastornos de conducta y de ansiedad; y de 16 hasta 18 años, trastornos de conducta. Respecto al género, existe relación significativa con el diagnóstico, con mayor incidencia en los chicos de los trastornos de la conducta, y de ansiedad en las chicas. Como conclusiones, se indica la existencia de relación entre trastornos y adquisiciones evolutivas en el grupo de menor edad, y mayor incidencia de trastornos externalizantes en chicos e internalizantes en chicas en todos los grupos de edad

    ¿Es España el país europeo mejor reciclador de vehículos?

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    Ponencia presentada en el XIII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos celebrado en Badajoz , 8-10 de julio de 2009The amount of waste generated at the End of Life (EOL) of vehicles is an issue that concern to the European Commission. According to the End of Life Directive 2000/53/CE, from January 2006 the 80% of the weight of the vehicle must be recyclable and reusable and the 85% recoverable. By 2015, according the same directive, these targets should be 85% for recycle and reuse and 95% for recovery. The aim of this communication is to know the status of Spain to the rest of European countries towards achieving the targets set by the ELV Directive. Also, identify the best EOL strategies.La cantidad de residuos que se generan en el Fin de Vida (EOL) de los vehículos es un aspecto que preocupa a los distintos estados Europeos. Según la Directiva VFU 2000/53/CE desde enero de 2006 el 80% del peso del vehículo debe ser reciclable y reutilizable y el 85% debe ser valorizable. En el año 2015, según la misma directiva, estos porcentajes deben ser de un 85% en el caso del reciclaje y la reutilización y de un 95% en el caso de la valorización. El Objetivo de esta comunicación es conocer el estado de España respecto del resto de países Europeos de cara a la consecución de los objetivos marcados por la Directiva VFU. Asimismo, se identificarán las mejores estrategias EOL

    Uncovering a new group of T Tauri stars in the Taurus-Auriga molecular complex from Gaia and GALEX data

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    In this work, we examine the list of 63 candidates to T Tauri star (TTS) in the TAMC identified by their ultraviolet (UV) and infrared colours (IR) measured from data obtained by the Galaxy Evolution Explorer all sky survey (GALEX-AIS) and the Two Microns All Sky Survey (2MASS), respectively. The objective of this work is twofold: evaluate whether they are pre-main sequence (PMS) stars and evaluate the goodness of the UV-IR colour-colour diagram to detect PMS stars in wide-fields. The astrometric properties of these sources have been retrieved from the Gaia DR3 catalogue and used to evaluate their membership probability. Several classification algorithms have been tested to search for the kinematical groups but the final classification has been made with k-means++ algorithms. Membership probability has been evaluated by applying Logistic Regression. In addition, spectroscopic information available in the archive of the Large Sky Area Multi Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope has been used to ascertain their PMS nature when available. About 20% of the candidates share the kinematics of the TAMC members. Among them, HD 281691 is a G8-type field star located in front of the cloud and HO Aur is likely a halo star given the very low metallicity provided by Gaia. The rest are three known PMS stars (HD 30171, V600 Aur and J04590305+3003004), two previously unknown accreting M-type stars (J04510713+1708468 and J05240794+2542438) and, five additional sources, which are very likely PMS stars. Most of these new sources are concentrated at low galactic latitudes over the Auriga-Perseus region.Comment: accepted by A&

    Gas phase Elemental abundances in Molecular cloudS (GEMS) VIII. Unlocking the CS chemistry: the CH + S\rightarrow CS + H and C2_2 + S\rightarrow CS + C reactions

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    We revise the rates of reactions CH + S -> CS + H and C_2 + S -> CS + C, important CS formation routes in dark and diffuse warm gas. We performed ab initio calculations to characterize the main features of all the electronic states correlating to the open shell reactants. For CH+S we have calculated the full potential energy surfaces for the lowest doublet states and the reaction rate constant with a quasi-classical method. For C_2+S, the reaction can only take place through the three lower triplet states, which all present deep insertion wells. A detailed study of the long-range interactions for these triplet states allowed to apply a statistic adiabatic method to determine the rate constants. This study of the CH + S reaction shows that its rate is nearly independent on the temperature in a range of 10-500 K with an almost constant value of 5.5 10^{-11} cm^3/s at temperatures above 100~K. This is a factor \sim 2-3 lower than the value obtained with the capture model. The rate of the reaction C_2 + S depends on the temperature taking values close to 2.0 10^{-10} cm^3/s at low temperatures and increasing to 5. 10^{-10} cm^3/s for temperatures higher than 200~K. Our modeling provides a rate higher than the one currently used by factor of \sim 2. These reactions were selected for involving open-shell species with many degenerate electronic states, and the results obtained in the present detailed calculations provide values which differ a factor of \sim 2-3 from the simpler classical capture method. We have updated the sulphur network with these new rates and compare our results in the prototypical case of TMC1 (CP). We find a reasonable agreement between model predictions and observations with a sulphur depletion factor of 20 relative to the sulphur cosmic abundance, but it is not possible to fit all sulphur-bearing molecules better than a factor of 10 at the same chemical time.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Estudio de las primeras consultas en un Centro de Salud Mental (II). Características clínicas, sucesos vitales, ajuste y apoyo social, motivación y expectativas.

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    Proyecto de evaluación de 749 consultas consecutivas durante año y medio en un Centro de Salud Mental Comunitario. Se presentan las características y diferencias por sexos en relación con la sintomatología diagnóstico, valoración global de la gravedad del caso, ajuste social, autoestima y apoyo social percibido. Además se describe el número y tipo de sucesos vitales referidos en los 6 meses anteriores, así como motivación y expectativas que traen al servicio

    Estudio de las primeras consultas en un Centro de Salud Mental (II). Características clínicas, sucesos vitales, ajuste y apoyo social, motivación y expectativas.

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    Proyecto de evaluación de 749 consultas consecutivas durante año y medio en un Centro de Salud Mental Comunitario. Se presentan las características y diferencias por sexos en relación con la sintomatología diagnóstico, valoración global de la gravedad del caso, ajuste social, autoestima y apoyo social percibido. Además se describe el número y tipo de sucesos vitales referidos en los 6 meses anteriores, así como motivación y expectativas que traen al servicio

    Effects of Platelet-Rich Plasma on Cellular Populations of the Central Nervous System: The Influence of Donor Age

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    first_page settings Open AccessArticle Effects of Platelet-Rich Plasma on Cellular Populations of the Central Nervous System: The Influence of Donor Age by Diego Delgado 1, Ane Miren Bilbao 2, Maider Beitia 1, Ane Garate 1, Pello Sánchez 1, Imanol González-Burguera 3,4, Amaia Isasti 4,5, Maider López De Jesús 4,5,6, Jone Zuazo-Ibarra 7, Alejandro Montilla 7 [OrcID] , María Domercq 7 [OrcID] , Estibaliz Capetillo-Zarate 7,8, Gontzal García del Caño 3,4 [OrcID] , Joan Sallés 4,5,6, Carlos Matute 7 and Mikel Sánchez 1,2,* 1 Advanced Biological Therapy Unit, Hospital Vithas Vitoria, 01008 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain 2 Arthroscopic Surgery Unit, Hospital Vithas Vitoria, 01008 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain 3 Department of Neurosciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), 01008 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain 4 Bioaraba, Neurofarmacología Celular y Molecular, 01008 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain 5 Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), 01008 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain 6 Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Salud Mental (CIBERSAM), 28029 Madrid, Spain 7 Achucarro Basque Center for Neuroscience, CIBERNED and Departamento de Neurociencias, Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), 48940 Leioa, Spain 8 IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science, 48009 Bilbao, Spain * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Academic Editor: Francesca Santilli Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22(4), 1725; https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms22041725 Received: 24 November 2020 / Revised: 12 January 2021 / Accepted: 3 February 2021 / Published: 9 February 2021 (This article belongs to the Section Molecular Endocrinology and Metabolism) Download PDF Browse Figures Citation Export Abstract Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a biologic therapy that promotes healing responses across multiple medical fields, including the central nervous system (CNS). The efficacy of this therapy depends on several factors such as the donor’s health status and age. This work aims to prove the effect of PRP on cellular models of the CNS, considering the differences between PRP from young and elderly donors. Two different PRP pools were prepared from donors 65–85 and 20–25 years old. The cellular and molecular composition of both PRPs were analyzed. Subsequently, the cellular response was evaluated in CNS in vitro models, studying proliferation, neurogenesis, synaptogenesis, and inflammation. While no differences in the cellular composition of PRPs were found, the molecular composition of the Young PRP showed lower levels of inflammatory molecules such as CCL-11, as well as the presence of other factors not found in Aged PRP (GDF-11). Although both PRPs had effects in terms of reducing neural progenitor cell apoptosis, stabilizing neuronal synapses, and decreasing inflammation in the microglia, the effect of the Young PRP was more pronounced. In conclusion, the molecular composition of the PRP, conditioned by the age of the donors, affects the magnitude of the biological response.This work was funded by the Provincial Council of Alava through the AlavaInnova Program, Basque Government through the GAITEK Program, Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (CTQ2017-85686-R), Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (PID2019-109724RB-I00), Basque Government (IT1203-19, IT1230-19, and KK-2020/00034) and Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red en Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas (CIBERNED)