373 research outputs found

    La chronologie biblique d’Adam à la mort de Moïse : Essai d'interprétation

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    Positron emission tomography neuroimaging in neurodegenerative diseases: Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    Neurodegenerative diseases are a growing problem of ageing societies. Their insidious onset, and the lack of reliable biomarkers, result in significant diagnosis delays. This article summarises the results of studies on the use of positron emission tomography (PET) in the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. It focuses on clinical-pathogenetic aspects of individual diseases, as well as disease-specific patterns relevant in differential diagnosis and in assessing the risk of disease development and prognosis

    Dissociative multi-photon ionization of isolated uracil and uracil-adenine complexes

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    Recent multi-photon ionization (MPI) experiments on uracil revealed a fragment ion at m/z 84 that was proposed as a potential marker for ring opening in the electronically excited neutral molecule. The present MPI measurements on deuterated uracil identify the fragment as C3H4N2O+ (uracil+ less CO), a plausible dissociative ionization product from the theoretically predicted open-ring isomer. Equivalent measurements on thymine do not reveal an analogous CO loss channel, suggesting greater stability of the excited DNA base. MPI and electron impact ionization experiments have been carried out on uracil-adenine clusters in order to better understand the radiation response of uracil within RNA. Evidence for C3H4N2O+ production from multi-photon-ionized uracil-adenine clusters is tentatively attributed to a significant population of π-stacked configurations in the neutral beam

    S.O.S. OPACs : les aides à l\u27écran : fonctions et usages/projet de recherche

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    Przymusowy urlop wypoczynkowy jako subsydiarny mechanizm organizacji i porządku pracy w dobie pandemii

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    This article is about the subject matter of the granting of outstanding leave and themodifications which have been introduced of the laws intended to prevent the negative effects ofthe COVID-19 pandemic. The authors have compared a functioning model for the granting ofoutstanding leave with a modification that allows the employer to arbitrarily grant the worker on theoverdue leave. The authors create the argument that the standard introduced by the special law issubject to a quality of subsidiarity in relation to the general rule contained in the Labour Code. Inaddition, the authors predict the form and structure of the annual leave institution after a pandemicperiod.Niniejszy artykuł podejmuje tematykę udzielenia zaległego urlopu oraz modyfikacji, które zostały wprowadzone w tym zakresie w ramach ustaw mających zapobiegać negatywnym skutkom pandemii COVID-19. Autorzy zestawiają dotychczas funkcjonujący model udzielenia zaległego urlopu z modyfikacją, która pozwala pracodawcy na arbitralne skierowanie pracownika na zaległy urlop. Piszący kreują tezę, wedle której norma wprowadzona na podstawie ustawy specjalnej posiada przymiot subsydiarności w stosunku do ogólnej normy zawartej w Kodeksie pracy. Nadto autorzy prognozują formę i strukturę instytucji urlopu wypoczynkowego po okresie pandemii

    Multi-photon ionization and fragmentation of uracil: neutral excited-state ring opening and hydration effects

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    Multi-photon ionization (MPI) of the RNA base uracil has been studied in the wavelength range 220–270 nm, coinciding with excitation to the S2(ππ*) state. A fragment ion at m/z = 84 was produced by 2-photon absorption at wavelengths ≤232 nm and assigned to C3H4N2O+ following CO abstraction. This ion has not been observed in alternative dissociative ionization processes (notably electron impact) and its threshold is close to recent calculations of the minimum activation energy for a ring opening conical intersection to a σ(n-π)π* closed shell state. Moreover, the predicted ring opening transition leaves a CO group at one end of the isomer, apparently vulnerable to abstraction. An MPI mass spectrum of uracil-water clusters is presented for the first time and compared with an equivalent dry measurement. Hydration enhances certain fragment ion pathways (particularly C3H3NO+) but represses C3H4N2O+ production. This indicates that hydrogen bonding to water stabilizes uracil with respect to neutral excited-state ring opening

    Stabilities of nanohydrated thymine radical cations: insights from multiphoton ionization experiments and ab initio calculations

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    Multi-photon ionization experiments have been carried out on thymine-water clusters in the gas phase. Metastable H2O loss from T+(H2O)n was observed at n ≥ 3 only. Ab initio quantum-chemical calculations of a large range of optimized T+(H2O)n conformers have been performed up to n = 4, enabling binding energies of water to be derived. These decrease smoothly with n, consistent with the general trend of increasing metastable H2O loss in the experimental data. The lowest-energy conformers of T+(H2O)3 and T+(H2O)4 feature intermolecular bonding via charge-dipole interactions, in contrast with the purely hydrogen-bonded neutrals. We found no evidence for a closed hydration shell at n = 4, also contrasting with studies of neutral clusters