808 research outputs found

    Defect-induced condensation and central peak at elastic phase transitions

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    Static and dynamical properties of elastic phase transitions under the influence of short--range defects, which locally increase the transition temperature, are investigated. Our approach is based on a Ginzburg--Landau theory for three--dimensional crystals with one--, two-- or three--dimensional soft sectors, respectively. Systems with a finite concentration nDn_{\rm D} of quenched, randomly placed defects display a phase transition at a temperature Tc(nD)T_c(n_{\rm D}), which can be considerably above the transition temperature Tc0T_c^0 of the pure system. The phonon correlation function is calculated in single--site approximation. For T>Tc(nD)T>T_c(n_{\rm D}) a dynamical central peak appears; upon approaching Tc(nD)T_c(n_{\rm D}), its height diverges and its width vanishes. Using an appropriate self--consistent method, we calculate the spatially inhomogeneous order parameter, the free energy and the specific heat, as well as the dynamical correlation function in the ordered phase. The dynamical central peak disappears again as the temperatur is lowered below Tc(nD)T_c(n_{\rm D}). The inhomogeneous order parameter causes a static central peak in the scattering cross section, with a finite kk width depending on the orientation of the external wave vector k{\bf k} relative to the soft sector. The jump in the specific heat at the transition temperatur of the pure system is smeared out by the influence of the defects, leading to a distinct maximum instead. In addition, there emerges a tiny discontinuity of the specific heat at Tc(nD)T_c(n_{\rm D}). We also discuss the range of validity of the mean--field approach, and provide a more realistic estimate for the transition temperature.Comment: 11 pages, 11 ps-figures, to appear in PR

    Comparison of H-mode plasmas in JET-ILW and JET-C with and without nitrogen seeding

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    In high confinement mode, highly shaped plasmas with edge localized modes in JET, and for heating power of 15-17 MW, the edge fluid code EDGE2D-EIRENE predicts transition to detachment assisted by nitrogen at the low field side (LFS) target when more than 50% of the power crossing the separatrix between ELMs is radiated in the divertor chamber, i.e. ∼4 MW. This is observed both in the ITER-like wall (JET-ILW) and in the carbon wall (JET-C) configurations and is consistent with experimental observations within their uncertainty. In these conditions, peak heat fluxes below 1 MW m-2 are measured at the LFS target and predicted for both wall configurations. When the JET-C configuration is replaced with the JET-ILW, a factor of two reduction in the divertor radiated power and 25-50% increase in the peak and total power deposited to the LFS divertor plate is predicted by EDGE2D-EIRENE for unseeded plasmas similar to experimental observations. At the detachment threshold, EDGE2D-EIRENE shows that nitrogen radiates more than 80% of the total divertor radiation in JET-ILW with beryllium contributing less than a few %. With JET-C, nitrogen radiates more than 70% with carbon providing less than 20% of the total radiation. Therefore, the lower intrinsic divertor radiation with JET-ILW is compensated by stronger nitrogen radiation contribution in simulations leading to detachment at similar total divertor radiation fractions. 20-100% higher deuterium molecular fraction in the divertor recycling fluxes is predicted with light JET-C materials when compared to heavy tungsten. EDGE2D-EIRENE simulations indicate that the stronger molecular contribution can reduce the divertor peak power deposition in high recycling conditions by 10-20% due to enhanced power dissipation by molecular interaction

    Regulation of mammary gland branching morphogenesis by the extracellular matrix and its remodeling enzymes.

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    A considerable body of research indicates that mammary gland branching morphogenesis is dependent, in part, on the extracellular matrix (ECM), ECM-receptors, such as integrins and other ECM receptors, and ECM-degrading enzymes, including matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their inhibitors, tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs). There is some evidence that these ECM cues affect one or more of the following processes: cell survival, polarity, proliferation, differentiation, adhesion, and migration. Both three-dimensional culture models and genetic manipulations of the mouse mammary gland have been used to study the signaling pathways that affect these processes. However, the precise mechanisms of ECM-directed mammary morphogenesis are not well understood. Mammary morphogenesis involves epithelial 'invasion' of adipose tissue, a process akin to invasion by breast cancer cells, although the former is a highly regulated developmental process. How these morphogenic pathways are integrated in the normal gland and how they become dysregulated and subverted in the progression of breast cancer also remain largely unanswered questions

    Key stages in mammary gland development: The mammary end bud as a motile organ

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    In the rodent, epithelial end buds define the tips of elongating mammary ducts. These highly motile structures undergo repeated dichotomous branching as they aggressively advance through fatty stroma and, turning to avoid other ducts, they finally cease growth leaving behind the open, tree-like framework on which secretory alveoli develop during pregnancy. This review identifies the motility of end buds as a unique developmental marker that represents the successful integration of systemic and local mammotrophic influences, and covers relevant advances in ductal growth regulation, extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling, and cell adhesion in the inner end bud. An unexpected growth-promoting synergy between insulin-like growth factor-1 and progesterone, in which ducts elongate without forming new end buds, is described as well as evidence strongly supporting self-inhibition of ductal elongation by end-bud-secreted transforming growth factor-β acting on stromal targets. The influence of the matrix metalloproteinase ECM-remodeling enzymes, notably matrix metalloproteinase-2, on end bud growth is discussed in the broader context of enzymes that regulate the polysaccharide-rich glycosaminoglycan elements of the ECM. Finally, a critical, motility-enabling role for the cellular architecture of the end bud is identified and the contribution of cadherins, the netrin/neogenin system, and ErbB2 to the structure and motility of end buds is discussed

    EUROfusion-theory and advanced simulation coordination (E-TASC): programme and the role of high performance computing

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    The paper is a written summary of an overview oral presentation given at the 1st Spanish Fusion HPC Workshop that took place on the 27th November 2020 as an online event. Given that over the next few years ITER will move to its operation phase and the European-DEMO design will be significantly advanced, the EUROfusion consortium has initiated a coordination effort in theory and advanced simulation to address some of the challenges of the fusion research in Horizon EUROPE (2021-2027), i.e. the next EU Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. This initiative has been called E-TASC that stands for EUROfusion-Theory and Advanced Simulation Coordination. The general and guiding principles of E-TASC are summarized in the paper. In addition, an overview of the scientific results obtained in a pilot phase (2019-2020) of E-TASC are provided while highlighting the importance of the required progress in computational methods and HPC techniques. In the initial phase, five pilot theory and simulation tasks were initiated: 1. Towards a validated predictive capability of the L-H transition and pedestal physics; 2. Electron runaway in tokamak disruptions in the presence of massive material injection; 3. Fast code for the calculation of neoclassical toroidal viscosity in stellarators and tokamaks; 4. Development of a neutral gas kinetics modular code; 5. European edge and boundary code for reactor-relevant devices. In this paper we report on recent progress made by each of these projects.</p

    EUROfusion-theory and advanced simulation coordination (E-TASC) : programme and the role of high performance computing

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    This paper is a written summary of an overview oral presentation given at the 1st Spanish Fusion High Performance Computer (HPC) Workshop that took place on the 27 November 2020 as an online event. Given that over the next few years ITER24 will move to its operation phase and the European-DEMO design will be significantly advanced, the EUROfusion consortium has initiated a coordination effort in theory and advanced simulation to address some of the challenges of the fusion research in Horizon EUROPE (2021-2027), i.e. the next EU Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. This initiative has been called E-TASC, which stands for EUROfusion-Theory and Advanced Simulation Coordination. The general and guiding principles of E-TASC are summarized in this paper. In addition, an overview of the scientific results obtained in the pilot phase (2019-2020) of E-TASC are provided while highlighting the importance of the required progress in computational methods and HPC techniques. In the initial phase, five pilot theory and simulation tasks were initiated: towards a validated predictive capability of the low to high transition and pedestal physics; runaway electrons in tokamak disruptions in the presence of massive material injection; fast code for the calculation of neoclassical toroidal viscosity in stellarators and tokamaks; development of a neutral gas kinetics modular code; European edge and boundary code for reactor-relevant devices. In this paper, we report on recent progress made by each of these projects.Peer reviewe

    First divertor physics studies in Wendelstein 7-X

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    The Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X) optimized stellarator fusion experiment, which went into operation in 2015, has been operating since 2017 with an un-cooled modular graphite divertor. This allowed first divertor physics studies to be performed at pulse energies up to 80 MJ, as opposed to 4 MJ in the first operation phase, where five inboard limiters were installed instead of a divertor. This, and a number of other upgrades to the device capabilities, allowed extension into regimes of higher plasma density, heating power, and performance overall, e.g. setting a new stellarator world record triple product. The paper focuses on the first physics studies of how the island divertor works. The plasma heat loads arrive to a very high degree on the divertor plates, with only minor heat loads seen on other components, in particular baffle structures built in to aid neutral compression. The strike line shapes and locations change significantly from one magnetic configuration to another, in very much the same way that codes had predicted they would. Strike-line widths are as large as 10 cm, and the wetted areas also large, up to about 1.5 m(2), which bodes well for future operation phases. Peak local heat loads onto the divertor were in general benign and project below the 10 MW m(-2) limit of the future water-cooled divertor when operated with 10 MW of heating power, with the exception of low-density attached operation in the high-iota configuration. The most notable result was the complete (in all 10 divertor units) heat-flux detachment obtained at high-density operation in hydrogen