286 research outputs found

    A Giant Outburst at Millimeter Wavelengths in the Orion Nebula

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    BIMA observations of the Orion nebula discovered a giant flare from a young star previously undetected at millimeter wavelengths. The star briefly became the brightest compact object in the nebula at 86 GHz. Its flux density increased by more than a factor of 5 on a timescale of hours, to a peak of 160 mJy. This is one of the most luminous stellar radio flares ever observed. Remarkably, the Chandra X-ray observatory was in the midst of a deep integration of the Orion nebula at the time of the BIMA discovery; the source's X-ray flux increased by a factor of 10 approximately 2 days before the radio detection. Follow-up radio observations with the VLA and BIMA showed that the source decayed on a timescale of days, then flared again several times over the next 70 days, although never as brightly as during the discovery. Circular polarization was detected at 15, 22, and 43 GHz, indicating that the emission mechanism was cyclotron. VLBA observations 9 days after the initial flare yield a brightness temperature Tb > 5 x 10^7 K at 15 GHz. Infrared spectroscopy indicates the source is a K5V star with faint Br gamma emission, suggesting that it is a weak-line T Tauri object. Zeeman splitting measurements in the infrared spectrum find B ~ 2.6 +/- 1.0 kG. The flare is an extreme example of magnetic activity associated with a young stellar object. These data suggest that short observations obtained with ALMA will uncover hundreds of flaring young stellar objects in the Orion region.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The mass-to-light ratio of rich star clusters

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    We point out a strong time-evolution of the mass-to-light conversion factor eta commonly used to estimate masses of unresolved star clusters from observed cluster spectro-photometric measures. We present a series of gas-dynamical models coupled with the Cambridge stellar evolution tracks to compute line-of-sight velocity dispersions and half-light radii weighted by the luminosity. We explore a range of initial conditions, varying in turn the cluster mass and/or density, and the stellar population's IMF. We find that eta, and hence the estimated cluster mass, may increase by factors as large as 3 over time-scales of 50 million years. We apply these results to an hypothetic cluster mass distribution function (d.f.) and show that the d.f. shape may be strongly affected at the low-mass end by this effect. Fitting truncated isothermal (Michie-King) models to the projected light profile leads to over-estimates of the concentration parameter c of delta c ~ 0.3 compared to the same functional fit applied to the projected mass density.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the "Young massive star clusters", Granada, Spain, September 200

    From 10 Kelvin to 10 TeraKelvin: Insights on the Interaction Between Cosmic Rays and Gas in Starbursts

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    Recent work has both illuminated and mystified our attempts to understand cosmic rays (CRs) in starburst galaxies. I discuss my new research exploring how CRs interact with the ISM in starbursts. Molecular clouds provide targets for CR protons to produce pionic gamma rays and ionization, but those same losses may shield the cloud interiors. In the densest molecular clouds, gamma rays and Al-26 decay can provide ionization, at rates up to those in Milky Way molecular clouds. I then consider the free-free absorption of low frequency radio emission from starbursts, which I argue arises from many small, discrete H II regions rather than from a "uniform slab" of ionized gas, whereas synchrotron emission arises outside them. Finally, noting that the hot superwind gas phase fills most of the volume of starbursts, I suggest that it has turbulent-driven magnetic fields powered by supernovae, and that this phase is where most synchrotron emission arises. I show how such a scenario could explain the far-infrared radio correlation, in context of my previous work. A big issue is that radio and gamma-ray observations imply CRs also must interact with dense gas. Understanding how this happens requires a more advanced understanding of turbulence and CR propagation.Comment: Conference proceedings for "Cosmic-ray induced phenomenology in star-forming environments: Proceedings of the 2nd Session of the Sant Cugat Forum of Astrophysics" (April 16-19, 2012). 16 pages, 5 figure

    KELT-20b: A Giant Planet With A Period Of P ~ 3.5 Days Transiting The V ~ 7.6 Early A Star HD 185603

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    We report the discovery of KELT-20b, a hot Jupiter transiting a early A star, HD 185603, with an orbital period of days. Archival and follow-up photometry, Gaia parallax, radial velocities, Doppler tomography, and AO imaging were used to confirm the planetary nature of KELT-20b and characterize the system. From global modeling we infer that KELT-20 is a rapidly rotating ( ) A2V star with an effective temperature of K, mass of , radius of , surface gravity of , and age of . The planetary companion has a radius of , a semimajor axis of au, and a linear ephemeris of . We place a upper limit of on the mass of the planet. Doppler tomographic measurements indicate that the planetary orbit normal is well aligned with the projected spin axis of the star ( ). The inclination of the star is constrained to , implying a three-dimensional spin–orbit alignment of . KELT-20b receives an insolation flux of , implying an equilibrium temperature of of ∼2250 K, assuming zero albedo and complete heat redistribution. Due to the high stellar , KELT-20b also receives an ultraviolet (wavelength nm) insolation flux of , possibly indicating significant atmospheric ablation. Together with WASP-33, Kepler-13 A, HAT-P-57, KELT-17, and KELT-9, KELT-20 is the sixth A star host of a transiting giant planet, and the third-brightest host (in V ) of a transiting planet

    Use of alcoholic beverages in VA medical centers

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    BACKGROUND: Benzodiazepines are the first-line choice for the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. However, several hospitals continue to provide alcoholic beverages through their formulary for the treatment of alcohol withdrawal. While there are data on the prevalence of this practice in academic medical centers, there are no data on the availability of alcoholic beverages at the formularies of the hospitals operated by the department of Veteran's Affairs. METHODS: In this study, we surveyed the Pharmacy managers at 112 Veterans' Affairs Medical Centers (VAMCs) to ascertain the availability of alcohol on the VAMC formularies, and presence or lack of a policy on the use of alcoholic beverages in their VA Medical Center. RESULTS: Of the pharmacy directors contacted, 81 responded. 8 did not allow their use, while 20 allowed their use. There was a lack of a consistent policy across the VA medical centers on availability and use of alcoholic beverages for the treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome. CONCLUSION: There is lack of uniform policy on the availability of alcoholic beverages across the VAMCs, which may create potential problems with difference in the standards of care

    How does a low-mass cut-off in the stellar IMF affect the evolution of young star clusters?

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    We investigate how different stellar initial mass functions (IMFs) can affect the mass-loss and survival of star clusters. We find that IMFs with radically different low-mass cut-offs (between 0.1 and 2 M⊙) do not change cluster destruction time-scales as much as might be expected. Unsurprisingly, we find that clusters with more high-mass stars lose relatively more mass through stellar evolution, but the response to this mass-loss is to expand and hence significantly slow their dynamical evolution. We also argue that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to have clusters with different IMFs that are initially ‘the same’, since the mass, radius and relaxation times depend on each other and on the IMF in a complex way. We conclude that changing the IMF to be biased towards more massive stars does speed up mass-loss and dissolution, but that it is not as dramatic as might be thought

    On the association of ULXs with young superclusters: M82 X-1 and a new candidate in NGC 7479

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    We investigate the spatial coincidence of ultra-luminous X-ray sources (ULXs) with young massive stellar clusters. In particular we perform astrometry on Chandra and HST data of two ULXs that are possibly associated with such clusters. To date M82 X-1 is the only ULX claimed to be coincident with a young massive stellar cluster. We remeasure the position of this source with a high accuracy and find that the position of the X-ray source is 0.65 arcsec away from the stellar cluster, corresponding to an offset significance of 3 sigma. We also report the discovery of a new candidate, based on observations of NGC 7479. One of the ULXs observed in three X-ray observations is found to be spatially coincident (within 1 sigma of the position error) with a young super-cluster observed in the HST images. In the brightest state, the absorbed luminosity of the ULX is a few times 104010^{40} erg s−1^{-1}, and in the faintest state below the detection limit of ∼4\sim4 times 103910^{39} erg s−1^{-1}. The luminosity in the brightest state requires an accreting black hole mass of at least 100 M⊙_{\odot} assuming isotropic emission. However it is possible that the source is contaminated by X-ray emission from the nearby supernova SN2009jf. In this case the luminosity of the ULX is in a range where it is strongly debated whether it is a super-Eddington stellar mass black hole or an intermediate mass black hole. The colours of the host cluster indicate a young stellar population, with an age between 10 and 100 Myr. The total stellar mass of the cluster is ∼5⋅105\sim5\cdot10^{5}M⊙_{\odot}.Comment: To appear in MNRAS letter
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